Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74568-0 — 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi David Moore , Geoffrey D. Robson , Anthony P. J. Trinci Index More Information INDEX 2-octen-1-ol , 455 area on Earth , 3 pheromone , 43 5-l uorocytosine , 475 biota , 4 Alternaria combinatorial therapy , 478 agricultural waste , 249 , 290 HC-toxin , 420 bioconversion , 533 leaf spot , 424 Absidia, 46 , 455 fuel alcohol , 345 , 532 potato early blight , 485 Acaulospora, 51 , 51 , 463 , 554 hazardous , 352 sick building syndrome , 455 Acaulosporaceae , 51 agriculture alternative splicing , 104 , 148 , 328 acervulus , 238 , 239 , 573 ants , 389 , 393 Amanita, 365 acetyl-CoA , 42 , 43 , 265 , 267 , 269 , 271 , 316 , applied genetics , 159 branching strategies , 89 513 beetles , 395 CNS poison , 349 acetylenes , 274 climate change , 346 colony simulation , 88 , 89 achlorophyllous , 356 , 357 , 360 , 361 , 363 fungi , 159 metal accumulation , 347 Achlya, 26 , 71 , 124 , 175 , 212 , 562 fungicides , 481 mycorrhizas , 357 Acrasiales , 72 , 94 in insects , 388 nonspecii c mycorrhiza , 73 Acrasiomycota , 72 loss of production , 250 poisoning , 456 Acrasis, 72 , 561 origins , 11 psychotropic , 349 Acremonium, 464 plant pathogens , 413 toxins , 273 , 273 , 274 Acromyrmex, 389 , 392 waste production , 290 young mycelium , 81 actin , 33 , 80 , 114 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 130 , 133 , yield , 408 amanitin , 274 133 , 176 , 181 , 234 , 234 , 244 , 244 Agrobacterium, 412 amatoxin , 456 associated myosins , 115 Agrobacterium tumefaciens amber binding proteins (ABPs) , 114 transformation (AMT) , 162 fossils , 29 , 395 , 402, 465 polymerisation , 114 agroclavine , 49 AmBisome , 478 , 478 actinomycete , 392 , 489 AIDS patients ambrosia beetle activator–inhibitor model , 304 cryptococcosis , 452 fungus farming origin , 394 active transport , 120 , 261 , 358 fungal infections , 453 galleries , 395 actomyosin ring , 131 ketoconazole , 480 larvae , 395 adhesins , 172 , 184 , 366 Ajellomyces, 452 non-native , 396 al atoxicosis , 349 , 458 Albugo, 70 , 420 , 562 species , 395 al atoxins , 52 , 272 , 349 , 458 , 459 alcohol , 511 , 512 Ambrosiella AFTOL study , 41 , 49 , 58 , 554 Aleuria, 56 , 57 , 243 beetle cultivars , 395 Agaricaceae , 60 , 301 , 389 alkaloids origin , 396 Agaricales , 59 , 60 , 61 , 258 , 389 , 392 , 560 endophyte , 376 Amoebidiales , 45 , 72 , 438 Agaricomycotina , 58 , 59 , 60 , 67 , 220 , 559 ergot , 273 , 458 amorphous cellulose , 251 , 252 Agaricus bisporus, 213 , 257 , 260 , 266 , phytoalexins , 426 amphibians 268 , 273 , 288 , 305 , 319 , 320 , 331 , allergic chytrid parasites , 397 465 aspergillosis , 453 chytridiomycosis , 445 Agaricus bitorquis, 206 reactions , 456 EID (emerging infectious disease) , 435 Agaricus brunnescens, 206 reactions (ODTS) , 456 loss of biodiversity , 435 agaritine , 273 , 273 response to spores , 446 amphipathic , 186 agglutinins , 172 , 184 Allomyces, 554 amphotericin , 475 , 476 , 476 , 476 agonomycetes , 193 gametes , 43 combinatorial therapy , 478 , 486 , 488 agricultural mycocides , 482 life cycle , 42 ef ects , 477 agricultural soil , 4 , 250 parasitised by Rozella, 40 liposomes , 478 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74568-0 — 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi David Moore , Geoffrey D. Robson , Anthony P. J. Trinci Index More Information 580 Index amphotericin (cont.) history, 514 Arthrinium, 482, 573 resistance, 454 horizontal gene transfer, 518 Arthrobotrys, 401, 401 selective toxicity, 478 in ant agriculture, 392 pathogen of three kingdoms, 461 sterol pore, 477 penicillin, 274 traps, 401 therapy, 487 polyene, 475 arthropod amylase, 253, 255, 510, 511 antifeedants ectoparasites, 56 amylopectin, 253, 254 toxin function, 349 endosymbionts, 47 amylose, 253 antifungal agents grazing mycelium, 283 anaerobic chytrids, 2, 41, 396, 397 azoles and polyenes, 486 arthropod pests metabolism, 41 combinatorial therapy, 488 biological control, 443 Anaeromyces, 397 echinocandins, 482 pathogens of, 444 anamorph, 38, 58, 59, 69, 193, 226 in common use, 487 pesticides, 443 Histoplasma, 452 membrane targeting, 474 arthrospores, 48, 223, 234, 439 Ophiostoma, 451 microtubule targeting, 483 Artiodactyla Scytalidium, 466 modifying resistance, 488 and chytrids, 398 anamorphic fungi, 568 steroids, 522 evolution, 399 anastomosis, 90, 127, 128, 128, 129, 194 strobilurins, 484 ruminants, 398 autotropism, 194 wall targetting, 481 ascochlorins, 272 compatibility, 197, 198 antigens ascolichens, 375 hazards, 197 animal pathogens, 100 ascoma morphologies, 55 in strands, 240 fungal, 456 ascomata, 56, 57, 242, 242, 555 interspeciic antagonism, 463 PCD, 330 ascomycetes, 18, 24, 31, 51, 55, 324 mycelium maturation, 223 antiport, 261, 262 Ascomycota, 24, 29, 30, 38, 51, 52, 555 pheromone signalling, 225 Antrodia animal and plant pathogens compared, 460 plasmogamy, 211 wet rot, 351 Arthrobotrys, 461 prion transmission, 200 Aphelenchoides ascomata, 242, 242 syngamy, 220 mycophagous nematode, 282 ascus deinition, 574 ang-kak, 287, 346, 540 apical growth, 117, 177 ascus formation, 219 anidulafungin, 487 hyphal, 93 blastomycosis, 451 echinocandin, 482 in morphogenesis, 325 classiication, 555 in combinatorial therapy, 488 transport, 181, 181 clock genes, 231 animal pathogens water low, 263 croziers, 128 antigens, 100 Apodachlyella, 70, 562 echinocandins, 482 biotrophs, 347 apoptosis, 198, 330, 425, 504 endophytes, 376 compared with plant pathogens, 459, 460 apothecia, 55, 56, 57, 57, 243, 375, 555 entomogenous fungi, 441 damage response framework, 460 apple blotch, 411 fermentation-derived chymosin, 536 dimorphic, 135 appressorium, 412, 420, 421, 421, 422, 422, fermented rice, 540 Eurotiomycetes, 460 423, 424, 424, 442 fusariosis, 455 haustoria, 47 Apterostigma, 393 genome structure, 149 lipophilic yeasts, 58 attine ant, 389, 392 glucans, 173 thigmotropism, 420 arabanases, 252 heterokaryosis, 194 Anisolpidiales, 70, 562 arabans, 252 histoplasmosis, 452 Anisolpidium, 70, 562 Arabidopsis, 424 hydrophobins, 186 annotating the genome, 153 alternative splicing, 148 hyphal growth units, 83 ant agriculture, 389 arachidonic acid, 48, 510, 511, 519, 519 insect pathogen, 441, 442, 442 origin, 391 arbuscular mycorrhiza, 28, 50, 72, 205, 345, invasive mycoses, 454 types, 392 346, 357, 358, 358, 359, 368, 369, 372 Laboulbeniales, 439 antheridiol, 71, 212 glomalin, 187 lichens, 373, 374 antibiotic resistance, 473 arbutoid mycorrhizas, 360 mating types, 213 plasmids, 100 Archaea, 19, 20, 21, 23 morphogenesis, 331 selective pressure, 483 Archaeosporales, 47, 50, 554 mycoherbicidal, 528 site-directed mutagenesis, 161 archiascomycetes, 52 mycoparasites, 465, 466 antibiotics, 452 Armillaria, 412 mycoses, 450 annual value, 511 largest organism, 412 necrotrophs, 424, 462 combinatorial therapy, 486 rhizomorphs, 413, 413 pheromones, 212 echinocandins, 482 tree pathogens, 466, 528 Pneumocystis, 454 global market, 519 Arthoniomycetes, 56, 556 predatory fungi, 400 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74568-0 — 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi David Moore , Geoffrey D. Robson , Anthony P. J. Trinci Index More Information Index 581 salami, 537 bioilm matrix, 185 Aspergillus terreus sclerotia, 242 cadmium tolerance, 353 gene clusters, 541 secondary metabolites, 271 chitin synthase, 123 invasive aspergillosis, 454 septal pore, 130 combinatorial therapy, 489 statins, 272, 510 sick building syndrome, 455 fumigatin tetraketide, 271 Asterodon strands and cords, 240 galactomannans, 178 hydnoid sporophore, 310 teleomorph, 193 glucan synthase, 178 asthmatic reactions transformation, 163 glucans, 173 allergic aspergillosis, 453 trules, 291 hydrophobin, 186 astral microtubules, 106, 107, 117, 118, 119, Woronin bodies, 92 invasive aspergillosis, 481 127, 131, 132, 181 ascospores, 51, 54, 55 opportunistic pathogen, 237 Atheliales, 60, 67, 560 ascoma, 242 programmed cell death, 504 atmospheric pollutant dehiscence, 56 Aspergillus nidulans chlorohydrocarbon release, 341 dormancy, 80 alternative splicing, 148 chloromethane, 258 endogenous, 555 autotropism, 91 atmospheric pollution free cell formation, 44 brlA locus, 236 lichen sensitivity, 376 homothallism, 218 colony growth, 80 attine ants, 389 Laboulbeniales, 439 conidiophore development, 236 dominant herbivores, 394 Mendelian segregation, 143 conidiophores, 235, 235 evolution, 392 of pathogens, 460 diploids in nature, 192 gardening, 291 yeast, 214 duplication cycle, 85, 85 loss of arginine synthesis, 390 ascostromata, 56, 464, 465, 556, 558 Emericella teleomorph, 38 phylogeny, 393 ascus, 51, 55, 243, 574 genome size, 144 Auricularia, 67, 560 apex components, 574 growth of pellets, 505 trade, 285 deinition, 574 growth phases, 84 Auriculariales, 64 endogenous spores, 555 het loci, 198 autotropism, 81, 82, 89, 91, 91, 128, 129, 129, formation, 219 heterokaryon breakdown, 196 296, 302 free cell formation, 44 homokaryosis and heterokaryosis, 194 auxotroph, 194, 195, 195, 201 walls, 56 hyphal growth unit, 83 arbuscular mycorrhizas, 5 yeast, 53, 54 light regulation, 327 transformation, 161 Asellariales, 47, 48, 438, 439 mitosis, 106 avirulence, 428 asexual fungi, 52 mitotic segregation, 203, 204 alleles, 428 aspergillosis, 446 mitotic synchrony, 107 gene, 460 azoles, 481 mycelial pellets, 500 proteins, 427 combinatorial therapy, 488 mycelium growth, 82 azoles, 479 diagnosis, 454 nuclear distribution mutants, 107 agricultural use, 481, 483 disease incidence, 449 nuclear division, 132 combinatorial therapy, 473 disseminated,
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