MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY VOLUME 4 - DECEMBER 1984 C NUMBER 12 Aaron J. Shatkin, Editor in Chief(1985) Louis Siminovitch, Editor (1985) Roche Institute of Molecular Biology Hospital for Sick Children Nutley, N.J. Toronto, Canada Harvey F. Lodish, Editor (1986) Paul S. Sypherd, Editor (1985) Whitehead Institute for Biomedical University of California Research Irvine, Calif. Cambridge, Mass. Harold E. Varmus, Editor (1989) David J. L. Luck, Editor (1987) University of California Rockefeller University San Francisco New York, N.Y. EDITORIAL BOARD Renato Baserga (1985) Ari Helenius (1984) Steven McKnight (1986) Milton J. Schlesinger (1986) Alan Bernstein (1984) Susan A. Henry (1985) Robert L. Metzenberg (1985) Phillip A. Sharp (1985) J. Michael Bishop (1984) Ira Herskowitz (1984) Robert K. Mortimer (1985) Fred Sherman (1985) Joan Brugge (1985) James B. Hicks (1986) Paul Neiman (1986) Anna Marie Skalka (1986) Breck Byers (1985) John A. Carbon (1984) Tony Hunter (1986) Harvey L. Ozer (1985) Pamela Stanley (1985) Lawrence A. Chasin (1985) Larry Kedes (1985) Mary Lou Pardue (1985) Joan A. Steitz (1985) Nam-Hai Chua (1985) Barbara Knowles (1986) Mark Pearson (1985) James L. Van Etten (1985) Terrance G. Cooper (1984) Marilyn Kozak (1985) Jeremy Pickett-Heaps (1985) Jonathan R. Warner (1984) James E. Darnell, Jr. (1985) Monty Krieger (1986) Robert E. Pollack (1985) Robert A. Weinberg (1984) Gary Felsenfeld (1985) Elias Lazarides (1985) Keith R. Porter (1985) I. Bernard Weinstein (1985) Norton B. Gilula (1985) John B. Little (1985) John R. Pringle (1985) Harold Weintraub (1985) James E. Haber (1984) William F. Loomis, Jr. (1985) Daniel B. Rifkin (1985) Reed B. Wickner (1985) Benjamin Hall (1985) Paul T. Magee (1985) Robert G. Roeder (1985) Leslie Wilson (1985) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1986) James Manley (1986) James E. Rothman (1984) Edward Ziff (1985) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director of Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Linda M. Illig, Production Editor Molecular and Cellular Biology (ISSN 0270-7306) is devoted to the advancement and dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells, of both microbial and higher organisms. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $92 per year; single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $27 (foreign $35 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because offailure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Molecular and Cellular Biology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright © 1984, American Society for Microbiology. Ea* rfr{U4, (III All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the arti- cle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Adzuma, Kenji, 2735 DePinho, Ronald, 2905 Kruger, Kelly, 2905 Salzman, Norman P., 2911 Ahlquist, Paul, 2876 Diggelmann, Heidi, 2929 Krzywicki, Karen A., 2837 Sanders, Marilyn M., 2676 Alt, Frederick W., 2905 Drummond, Robert J., 2745 Sarokin, Laura, 2750 Andrews, Nancy, 2905 Lai, Bai-Tang, 2802 Schaack, Jerome, 2714 El-Sherbeini, Mohamed, 2818 Lanks, Karl W., 2802 Schloss, Jeffery A., 2686 Baltimore, David, 2905 Evan, G. I., 2587 Lewis, George K., 2843 Sefton, Bartholomew M., 2697, Basi, Guriqbal S., 2828 Evan, Gerard I., 2843 Leys, Eugene J., 2921 2705 Basilico, Claudio, 2925 Liang, T. Jake, 2774 Seidman, Michael, 2610, 2622 Belfort, Marlene, 2858 Farrell-Towt, James, 2676 Liboi, Elio, 2925 Shulman, Marc J., 2565 Benjamin, Thomas L., 2774 Firtel, Richard A., 2890 Longmire, Jonathan L., 2932 Silan, Colleen, 2890 Bishop, J. M., 2587 Forbes, Douglass J., 2580 Lund, Elsebet, 2580 Silflow, Carolyn D., 2686 Bishop, J. Michael, 2843 Frayne, Elizabeth G., 2921 Lutzker, Stuart, 2905 Sive, Hazel L., 2723 Blochlinger, Karen, 2929 SoIl, Dieter, 2714 Blose, Stephen H., 2865 Gorman, Cornelia M., 2622 Macklin, Michael D., 2643 Stallings, Raymond L., 2932 Boardman, Mark, 2828 Gottesman, Michael M., 2639 Magasanik, Boris, 2758, 2767 Stanek, Albert E., 2802 Bostian, Keith A., 2818 Greenwood, Michael T., 2858 Mes-Masson, Anne-Marie, 2594 Stark, Benjamin C., 2643 Bouvier, Montserrat, 2594 Mirdamadi, Behzad, 2858 Stein, Roland, 2792 Brady, John N., 2911 Haguenauer-Tsapis, Rosine, 2668 Mishoe, Helena, 2911 Stillman, Bruce W., 2865 Brandriss, Marjorie C., 2837 Hamada, Hiroshi, 2610, 2622 Mitchell, Aaron P., 2758, 2767 Stollar, B. David, 2610 Brazzell, Cheryl, 2573 Hassell, John A., 2594 Mitchell, Diane J., 2818 Storms, Reginald K., 2858 Burke, Deborah Johnson, 2714 Hawley, Robert G., 2565 Mueller, Christopher R., 2594 Storti, Robert V., 2828 Bums, Daniel K., 2643 Heintz, Nathaniel, 2723 Munk, A. Christine, 2932 Sugino, Akio, 2811 Buss, Janice E., 2697, 2705 Herrick, Glenn, 2661 Symonds, G., 2587 Hildebrand, Carl E., 2932 Nellen, Wolfgang, 2890 Carlson, Marian, 2750 Hinnen, Albert, 2668 Nitiss, John, 2811 Tarpley, W. Gary, 2653 Carmichael, Gordon G., 2774 Hoffman, Eric P., 2883 Tegtmeyer, Peter, 2631 Caruso, Maurizia, 2925 Hook, Amy G., 2921 Ogawa, Hideyuki, 2735 Temin, Howard M., 2653 Chin, Nena W., 2802 Howard, Bruce H., 2622 Ogawa, Tomoko, 2735 Thomas, Barbara, 2714 Chooi, W. Yean, 2643 Hozumi, Nobumichi, 2565 Ord, Robin W., 2858 Tipper, Donald J., 2818 Chow, Terry, 2811 Hunter, Tony, 2705 O'Rourke, Edward C., 2745 Chu, Frederick K., 2858 Hutchison, Keith W., 2899 Cooley, Lynn, 2714 Pastan, Ira, 2639 Vlahakis, George, 2639 Copeland, Neal G., 2899 Ingolia, Thomas D., 2573 Patschinsky, Tilo, 2705 Voronova, Anna F., 2705 Corces, Victor G., 2883 Petrino, Marianne G., 2610 Crawford, Brian D., 2932 Janda, Michael, 2876 Podgorski, Gregory, 2784 Creasey, Abla A., 2745 Jenkins, Nancy A., 2899 Pruitt, Steven C., 2851 White, Eileen, 2865 Crouse, Gray F., 2921 Wright, Peter J., 2631 Kakunaga, Takeo, 2610 Radonovich, Michael, 2911 Dahlberg, James E., 2580 Kamps, Mark P., 2697 Reeder, Ronald H., 2851 Dawson, Dean, 2661 Keh, William, 2802 Resnick, Michael A., 2811 Youngblom, James, 2686 Deering, Reginald A., 2784 Kellems, Rodney E., 2921 Roeder, Robert G., 2723 DeLucia, Angelo L., 2631 Klempnauer, K.-H., 2587 Roth, Charles, 2639 Ziff, Edward B., 2792 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following have served as invited special reviewers for the joumnal during 1984, and their help is greatly appreciated. Stuart Aaronson Nicholas Cowan Anita K. Hopper R. B. Needleman Art Skoultchi Bruce G. Adams Elizabeth Craig J. E. Hopper Joseph Nevins Clifford L. Slayman Eileen Adamson Thomas Curran Marshall Horwitz Carol Newlon James Smiley M. Aguet James Dahlberg David Housman Maynard Olson Martin Snider Vincent G. Allfrey Kathleen J. Danna Peter Howley Yasuji Oshima Dieter Soll Frederick Alt Channing Der Richard 0. Hynes Dale Oxender Barbara Sollner-Webb Irene Andrulis Randy Dimond James Ingles Brad Ozanne Patricia Spear Gilbert Ashwell Robert Dottin Gilbert Jay Richard Palmiter Dennis W. Stacey K. D. Atkinson Ian Dube Warren Jelinek Arthur Pardee Frank Stahl Corrado Baglioni Donald Dubin Gerald C. Johnston R. E. Pearlman E. Richard Stanley Andrew L. Ball Gregg Duester Nicholas Jones Thoru Pederson George Stark Amiya K. Banerjee Primal de Lanerolle Grace Ju Hugh R. B. Pelham J. E. Stefano A. Richard Bellamy William C. Earnshaw Robert Kamen D. Perlman Nat Sternberg Robert M. Benbow Robert Edgar Jack Keene P. S. Perlman Rolf Sternglanz Welcome Bender Melanie Ehrlich Rodney E. Kellems Robert Perry Bruce Stillman Thomas Benjamin Robert Elder Robert Kerbel Sidney Pestka Sidney Strickland Patricia E. Berg Sarah Elgin George Khoury Thomas D. Petes Kevin Struhl John Bergmann Ellis Englesberg Marc W. Kirschner Linda Pike Bill Sugden Arnold Berk Raymond Erickson David Knipe Gianni Piperno William C. Summers Kenneth Berns Michael S. Esposito Gunther Kohlhaw Rudi J. Planta Olaf Sundin Barbara Birshtein Steven Farmer Robert Kramer W. J. Pledger P. S. Sunkara Elizabeth Blackburn Ray Fenwick Michael Kuehl Louise Prakash Betsy Sutherland Gunter Blobel James Feramisco Elizabeth Lacy David M. Prescott Jack Szostak H. Boedtker John Fessler Karl G. Lark Carol Prives Widmar Tanner David Boettiger John R. S. Fincham Ronald A. Laskey Cary Queen Linda S. Thomashow Dan Bogenhagen Gerald R. Fink Robert Lazzarini Uttam RajBhandary Larry Thompson Lawrence Bogorad David B. Finkelstein I. R. Lehman Peter Ray Jeremy W. Thorner K. A. Bostian Donald A. Fischman Michael J. Leibowitz Charles Redding Shirley M. Tilghman Michael R. Botchan Richard B. Flavell Ihor Lemiska Steven Reed William E. Timberlake David Botstein Jane Flint Peter Lengyel Ronald H. Reeder Donald Tipper Martin Breitman Wayne Flintoff Robert L. Lester M. A. Resnick Robert Tjian B. R. Brinkley Victoria Foe Wallace Le Strougeon Alexander Rich William Topp J. R. Broach William A. Fonzi Arnold Levine Richard Rifkind Chris Town Leon W.
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