Index to Volume 53 Author Index ABURTO-OROPEZA, OCTAVIo-see Sala et al. EWING, CURTIS ALLEN, MELINDA S., and GAIL M. MURAKAMI The Endemic Hawaiian Sap Beetles (Coleoptera: Liina'i Island's Arid Lowland Vegetation in Late Nitidulidae): Distribution, Ecological Shifts, and Prehistory, 88-112 Adaptation (abstract), 114-115 ARREOLA-RoBLES, JosE L.-see Sala et al. ASQUITH, ADAM-see Kido et al. ATAN, HUGO-see Osorio et al. FILARDI, CHRISTOPHER E., CATHERINE E. SMITH, ATKINSON, MARLIN J.-see Tarrant et al. ANDREW W. KRATTER, DAVID W. STEADMAN, and ATKINSON, SHANNON-See Tarrant et al. H. PRICE WEBB New Behavioral, Ecological, and Biogeographic Data BAILEy-BROCK, JULIE H. on the Avifauna of Rennell, Solomon Islands, 319­ NeriIlidae of Hawai'i: Two New Records of 340 Interstitial Polychaetes, 299-304 FLETCHER, CHARLES H., III-see Harney et al. see also Brock et al. FOALE, SIMON BAILEy-BROCK, JULIE H., VERNON R. BROCK, and Local Ecological Knowledge and Biology of the Land RiCHARD E. BROCK Crab Cardisoma hirtipes (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) Intrusion of Anchialine Species in the Marine at West Nggela, Solomon Islands, 37-49 Environment: The Appearance of an Endemic FOSTER, JAMIE S. Hawaiian Shrimp, Halocaridina rubra, on the South Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Apoptosis in the Shore ofO'ahu (Hawaiian Islands), 367-369 Symbiotic Light Organ of the Sepiolid Squid BIRKELAND, C. E.-see Green et al. Euprymna scolopes (abstract), liS BROCK, RICHARD E.-see Bailey-Brock et al. BROCK, RiCHARD, JULIE H. BAILEy-BROCK, and JOHN GARB, JESSICA E. GOODY Origins ofthe Hawaiian Crab Spider Fauna (abstract), A Case Study of Efficacy of Freshwater Immersion in 115-116 Controlling Introduction of Alien Marine Fouling GARRISON, JENNIFER Communities: The USS Missouri, 223-231 Role of Alien Tree Plantations in Native Forest BROCK, VERNON R.-see Bailey-Brock et al. Restoration in Hawai'i (abstract), 116 BROWN, DONALD-See Osorio et al. GERRISH, GRANT, and DIETER MUELLER-DoMBOIS Measuring Stem Growth Rates for Determining Age CARLSON, BRUCE A.-see Randall and Carlson and Cohort Analysis of a Tropical Evergreen Tree, CARR, GERALD D. 418-429 A Reassessment of Dubautia (Asteraceae: GIAMBELLUCA, T. W.-see Woodcock et al. Heliantheae-Madiinae) on Kaua'i, 144--158 GLYNN, PETER W. CARRICART-GANIVET, JUAN P., and HECfOR REYES­ Pocillopora inflata, A New Species of Scleractinian BONILLA Coral (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Tropical New and Previous Records of Scleractinian Corals Eastern Pacific, 168-180 from Clipperton Atoll, Eastern Pacific, 370-375 GOODY, JOHN-see Brock et al. Cox, EVELYN F.-see Rodgers and Cox GREEN, A. L., C. E. BIRKELAND, and R. H. RANDALL Twenty Years of Disturbance and Change in Fagatele DAVIS, JOSEPH B. Bay National Marine Sanctuary, American Samoa, Comparison ofAnimal Decomposition in an Intertidal 376-400 Zone and in a Terrestrial Habitat on Coconut GUTIERREZ, LUCIA MURIEL Island, Hawai'i (abstract), 113 Solar Orientation and Visual Capabilities of Nerita DELEON, VALERIE BURKE-see Steadman and DeLeon picea during Summer 1998 at Sandy Beach, O'ahu, DONOSO, LIGIA-See Osorio et al. Hawai'i (abstract), 117 DORSETT, DEBORAH K.-see Jones et al. DOYLE, MICHAEL F. Book Review: Vegetation ofthe Tropical Pacific HADFIELD, MICHAEL G.-see Hadway and Hadfield Islands, by Dieter Mueller-Dombois and F. HADWAY, LISA J., and MICHAEL G. HADFIELD Raymond Fosberg, 123-124 Conservation Status ofTree Snail Species in the Genus DRAIZEN, TROY A. Partulina (Achatinellinae) on the Island of Hawai'i: Genes That Induce Apoptosis: Transcriptional A Modem and Historical Perspective, 1-14 Regulation in Doomed Neurons (abstract), 114 HALLOCK, PAMELA-see Harney et al. 431 432 Author Index HARNEY, JODI N., PAMELA HALLOCK, CHARLES H. NEMETH, ELIZABETA FLETCHER III, and BRUCE M. RICHMOND Differential Gene Expression Regulated by Distention Standing Crop and Sediment Production of Reef­ of Human Fetal Membranes (abstract), 118-119 Dwelling Foraminifera on O'ahu, Hawai'i, 61-73 NIEDER, JURGEN HAYS, WARREN S. T. Ecological Observations on Dialommus fuscus Annual Dispersal Cycle of the Small Indian Mongoose (Labrisomidae), the "Four-Eyed Blenny" of the (Herpestes auropunctatus) (Carnivora: Herpestidae) Galapagos Islands, 286-288 in Hawai'i, 252-256 NISlfl, EUlROH HEACOCK, DONALD E.-see Kido et al. Redescription of Mesochaetopterus selangolus HOCHBERG, RICK (Polychaeta: Chaetopteridae), Based on Type Spatiotemporal Size-Class Distribution of Turbanella Specimens and Recently Collected Material from mustela (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) on a Morib Beach, Malaysia, 24-36 Northern California Beach and Its Effect on Tidal Suspension, 50-60 OSORIO, CECILIA, DONALD BROWN, LIGIA DONOSO, and HOOGE, MATTHEW D. HUGOATAN Abundance and Horizontal Distribution of Meiofauna Aspects of the Reproductive Activity of Cypraea on a Northern California Beach, 305-315 caputdraconis from Easter Island (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeidae), 15-23 IVANCIC, ANTON, and VINCENT LEBOT Botany and Genetics of New Caledonian Wild Taro, PARRISH, FRANK A., and THERESA L. MARTINELLI­ Colocasia esculenta, 273-285 LIEDTKE Some Preliminary Findings on the Nutritional Status of the Hawaiian Spiny Lobster (Panulirus JONES, C. EUGENE, DEBORAH K. DORSETT, FAITH M. marginatus), 361-366 ROELOFS, and CmRAG V. SHAH PAWSON, DAVID L.-see Roux and Pawson Ultraviolet Floral Patterns in the Native Hawaiian PERRY, J. L.-see Woodcock et al. Flora: What Do They Mean for Island POWELL, J. H., and R. E. POWELL Biogeography?, 82-87 The Freshwater Ichthyofauna of Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, 346-356 KAM!lYSELLIS, MICHAEL P.-see Kaneshiro and POWELL, R. E.-see Powell and Powell Kambysellis KANESlflRO, KENNETH Y., and MICHAEL P. KAM!lYSELLIS RAJ, RisHI-see Terry and Raj Description of a New Allopatric Sibling Species of RANDALL, JOHN E. Hawaiian Picture-Winged Drosophila, 208-213 Review of the Dragonets (Pisces: Callionymidae) of KIDo, MICHAEL H., DONALD E. HEACOCK, and ADAM the Hawaiian Islands, with Descriptions of Two ASQUITH New Species, 185-207 Alien Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) RANDALL, JOHN E., and BRUCE A. CARLSON (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae) Diet in Hawaiian Caranx caballus, a New Immigrant Carangid Fish to Streams, 242-251 the Hawaiian Islands from the Tropical Eastern KRATTER, ANDREW W.-see Filardi et al. Pacific, 357-360 RANDALL, R. H.-see Green et al. RANDELL, REBECCA A., and CLIFFORD W. MORDEN LEBOT, VINCENT-See Ivancic and Lebot Hawaiian Plant DNA Library II: Endemic, Lu, XIAowu Indigenous, and Introduced Species, 401-417 Molecular Mapping ofQTLs Conferring Resistance to REYES-BONILLA, HECTOR-see Carricart-Ganivet and Maize Streak Virus (abstract), 117-118 Reyes-Bonilla RICHMOND, BRUCE-see Harney et al. MARTINELLI-LIEDTKE, THERESA L.-see Parrish and RIVERA, MALIA ANA J. Martinelli-Liedtke Morphological and Molecular Diversity in Hawaiian MARTiNEz, ENRIQUE A. Argyrodes (Theridiidae) (abstract), 119 Latitudinal Differences in Thermal Tolerimce among RODGERS, S. KU'ULEl, and EVELYN F. Cox Microscopic Sporophytes of the Kelp Lessonia Rate of Spread of Introduced Rhodophytes nigrescens (Phaeophyta: Laminariales), 74-81 Kappaphycus alvarezii, Kappaphycus striatum, and MICKELSEN, JILL-see Salden and Mickelsen Graci/aria salicornia and Their Current MORDEN, CLIFFORD W.-see Randell and Morden Distributions in Kane'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i, MOREfzSOHN, FABIO 232-241 The cribraria Conundrum: Untangling a Species ROELOFS, FAITH M.-see Jones et al. Complex in the Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Roux, MICHEL, and DAVID L. PAWSON (abstract), 118 Two New Pacific Ocean Species ofHyocrinid Crinoids MUELLER-DoMBOlS, DIETER-see Gerrish and Mueller­ (Echinodermata), with Comments on Presumed Dombois Giant-Dwarf Gradients Related to Seamounts and MURAKAMI, GAIL M.-see Allen and Murakami Abyssal Plains, 289-298 Author Index 433 SALA, ENRIc, OCTAVIO ABURTO-OROPEZA, and JOSE L. Seasonal Variability in Estradiol and Estrone ARREOLA-RoBLES Concentrations in Tissue of the Scleractinian Coral Observations of a Probable Hybrid Angelfish of the Montipora verrusosa (abstract), 121 Genus Holacanthus from the Sea ofCortez, Mexico, TERRY, JAMES P., and RISID RAJ 181-184 Island Environment and Landscape Responses to 1997 SALDEN, DAN R., and JILL MICKELSEN Tropical Cyclones in Fiji, 257-272 Rare Sighting ofa North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in Hawai'i, 341-345 VANDERGAST, AMY SHAH, CmRAG V.-see Jones et al. Changes in Tetragnatha Spider Diversity across a SHAPIRO, MARTIN Habitat Boundary (abstract), 121-122 Risk Sensitivity in Honeybees (abstract), 120 SMITH, CATHERINE E.-see Filardi et al. WEBB, H. PRICE-see Filardi et al. STEADMAN, DAVID W., and VALERIE BURKE DELEON WENG, KEVIN C. First HigWy Stratified Prehistoric Vertebrate Sequence Biology, Fisheries, and Management of Two Small from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, 129-143 Pelagic Carangids, Selar crumenopthalmus and STEADMAN, DAVID W.-see Filardi et al. Decapterus macarellus (abstract), 122 STRANG, DAVID A. WOODCOCK, D. W., J. L. PERRY, and T. W. Monogamy and Pair-Bonding in the Butterflyfish GIAMBELLUCA Chaetodon multicinctus (abstract), 120-121 Occurrence of Indigenous Plant Species in a Middle­ Elevation Melaleuca Plantation on O'ahu TARRANT, ANN M., SHANNON ATKrNSON, and MARLIN J. (Hawaiian Islands), 159-167 ATKINSON Subject Index Anchialine species, intrusion in the marine environment, Forests, native, role of alien tree plantations in 367-369 restoration, 116 Angelfish, probable hybrid, 181-184 Fosberg, F. Raymond, 123-124 Apoptosis, genes that induce, 114 Freshwater immersion,
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