3,840,566 United States Patent 0 ’ ICC Patented Oct. 8, 1974 1 2 tained by ?ltration and evaporation of the solvent used 3,840,566 in the reaction. Inert solvents are normally hydrocar OXIDATION OF PRIMARY ALCOHOLS Jean Marc Lalancette, Shcrbrooke, Quebec, Canada, bons such as petroleum ether, hexane, heptane, benzene, assignor to Ventron Corporation, Beverly, Mass. toluene, xylene which are inert to oxidation by this mild No Drawing. Filed June 15, 1972, Ser. No. 263,188 oxidizing agent. There is no problem with chromium Int. Cl. C07c 45/00; C07d 5/22 salts or solvents dif?cult to eliminate, such as pyridine. U.S. Cl. 260—347.9 6 Claims The results are shown in Table I. TAB LE I _ ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE Oxidation of alcohols with (lrOa-graphite 10 Crystalline graphite, which has the normal X-ray dif Contact Yield of time aldehyde fraction pattern, and which has been intercalated with 55 Alcohol (hn) (percent) Analysis 65 percent by weight of chromic oxide based on the weight l-hexadecanol ............. .. 24 95 VPC, 2,4-d, of the graphite, is a new reagent for the selective oxidation titratioml of primary alcohols to aldehydes. The method involves Benzyl alcohoL... __ 24 98 VPC, 2,4-d. 15 Cinnamyl alcohol ......... __ 96 100 VPO, 2,4-d, re?uxing a mixture of the intercalated graphites, the pri titration. mary alcohol and a solvent for the produced aldehyde Furfuryl alcohol .......... __ 48 72 VPC, titration. Citronellol 2 ____ __ _ 24 90 Do. and recovery of the aldehyde by ?ltration and evaporation 1,6-hexanediol @ ...... -- - 24 60 VPO, 2,4-11, of the solvent. The method is characterized by its specif titration. Phenylethanediol 4 _______ __ 24. 80 Do. icity, high yields and simple procedure. 20 Cyclohexylmethanol __-__ 48 52 Do. 1 By Smith-Mitchell method. 2 This yield of aldehyde was observed where a trace of pyridine was This invention relates to the oxidation of primary added to the system, in order to prevent cyclizatiou. alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes by the use of 3 The reaction product was the monohydroxy aldehyde. graphite which has ‘been intercalated with 55—65 percent 4 The aldehyde observed was benzaldehyde. by weight of chromic oxide based on the weight of the In addition to those primary alcohols shown in Table graphite. I which are oxidized to aldehydes in good yield the fol It is well known that CrO3 is a powerful oxidizing agent lowing primary alcohols were found to be oxidized also for organic materials. Oxidization may occur violently to the corresponding aldehydes methanol, ethanol, n with the oxidation product being carbon dioxide, carbon propanol, n-‘butanol, 2-methyl propanol, the mixed pri monoxide, and water, etc. It was very surprising to ?nd 3.0 mary amyl alcohols, mixed primary hexanols, n-octyl that when graphite is intercalated with 55-65 percent of alcohol, n-decyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, CrO3, the product is extremely stable. No attack of the cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, linolenic alcohol, propargyl graphite occurs at temperatures up to 400° C. in the ab alcohol and phenyl ethyl alcohol. sence of oxygen. Nor is the product shock sensitive. When From the results it can be noted that the graphite inter~ ignited by an open ?ame the material burns quietly and calated with chromic anhydride is a very speci?c oxidiz— without a “?ash.” ing agent for the conversion of primary alcohols to the Chromic acid can be intercalated in graphite. Several corresponding aldehydes. The yields of the reaction are methods have previously been described to achieve the always good, even with sensitive structures like terpenes insertion, calling for the use of acetic acid as solvent [N. 40 or allylic systems. With 1,2-diols, there is a rupture of Platzer and B. dela Martiniere, Bull. Soc. Chim., France, the carbon chain, giving the corresponding aldehydes. The 177 (1961)], or the diffusion of the vapors of CrOs in following secondary and tretiary alcohols were not oxi the lattice of graphite at reduced pressure and high tem dized and demonstrate the unusual selectivity of this re perature [R. C. Croft, Australian J. Chem., 9, 201 agent: 4-t-butyl cyclohexanol, Z-methyl cyclohexanol, 2 (1956)]. octanol, isopropanol, secondary and tertiary butanol, the I have found that by heating a mixture of chromic an mixed secondary and tertiary amyl and hexyl alcohols, hydride and graphite under reduced pressure, the inter cholesterol, and isopulegol. calation was easy, the end product being of relatively While I do not wish to be limited by any theory, I constant composition and without any contaminant. believe that the good selectivity of the reagent for primary Crystalline graphite suitable for this invention may be 50 alcohols and the high yields of aldehydes observed with either the naturally occurring material or synthetically fatty alcohols must be related to its particular structure, produced material. It is necessary that it give the normal the access to CrO3 being restricted by the planes of X-ray diffraction pattern for crystalline graphite where graphite or the structure of the graphite crystallite. After the distance between graphite planes is about 3.35 A. oxidation, the resulting aldehyde must be desorbed and be The so-called amorphous graphites which do not give 55 less prone to enter the crystal structure, thus explaining such an X-ray diffraction pattern are not suitable for use the high yield of aldehyde, without secondary product. in the practice of this invention. The insertion of 55 to 65 The residual chromium salts remain in the lattice of percent by weight of CrOa based upon the weight of the graphite under the experimental conditions used in the graphite by this method was veri?ed by X-ray di?raction absence of water, thus eliminating cumbersome puri?ca and the concentration of CrO3 in the lattice determined 60 tion steps and undesirable secondary reactions. by titration by the method of A. I. Vogel [Quantitative Consequently, chromic anhydride intercalated in Inorganic Analysis, 3rd E., Longmans, London, 1961, graphite has proved to be a unique reagent for speci?c pp. 286, 308]. oxidation of primary alcohols to the corresponding alde I have investigated the oxidizing capacity of this re hydes. The yields are comparable to those observed with agent toward various alcohols including primary, 65 dipyridine-chromium (VI) complex by I. C. Collins, secondary and tertiary alcohols and have discovered that W. W. Hess and F. J. Frank, Tetrahedron Letters, 30, the greatly moderated oxidizing power of chromic anhy 3363 (1968). However, the dipyridine-chromium (VI) dride when intercalated in graphite is speci?c to the oxida complex is not speci?c for the oxidation of primary alco tion of primary alcohols to aldehydes. Secondary and hols but will also oxidize secondary and tertiary alcohols tertiary alcohols are not oxidized. The oxidation is very 70 as well. simple. After contacting the alcohol with the chromic an The following is a typical example of the preparation hydride-graphite in an inert solvent, the aldehyde is ob of graphite intercalated with CrO3. 3,840,566 3 4 In a thick walled Pyrex tube 4 x 30 mm. a 20 gram alcohols, mixed primary hexanols, n-octyl alcohol, n~ portion of Acheson “Type 38” synthetic graphite was decyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, heated under reduced pressure at 200° C. for 24 hours in stearyl alcohol, linolenic alcohol, propargyl alcohol and order to remove any adsorbed gas. After cooling, 40 phenyl ethyl alcohol, the step which comprises re?uxing grams of CrO3 was added. The tube was then sealed a mixture of the primary alcohol, an inert solvent and under reduced pressure and heated at 200° C. for 48 graphite having chromic oxide intercalated therein until hours. After cooling, the tube was opened (carefully) the oxidation of said alcohol to aldehyde has ceased, said and the intercalated product Washed with one liter of dis graphite initially having the normal X-ray diffraction pat tilled water, 500 ml. of 10% hydrochloric acid and 500 tern of crystalline graphite. ml. of distilled water. After a last washing with one liter 10 2. The method as claimed by claim 1 wherein the reac of acetone, the product was dried at 100° C. to a constant tion mixture is ?ltered to obtain a ?ltrate which is a solu weight. By analysis by the A. I. Vogel method previously tion of said aldehyde, and said ?ltrate is evaporated to referred to, the content of CrOs in the graphite was 55 remove said solvent to isolate said aldehyde. percent in accordance with the value published by Croft 3. The method as claimed by claim 1 wherein said previously referred to. 15 alcohol is benzyl alcohol. The following describes the oxidation of a typical pri 4. The method as claimed by claim 1 where the pri mary alcohol. mary alcohol is l-hexadecanol. In a 125 ml. ?ask were added 25 ml. of toluene, 10 5. The method as claimed by claim 1 wherein the pri grams of CrO3-graphite prepared as described above, and mary alcohol is furfuryl alcohol. 0.67 grams (0.005 mole) of cinnamyl alcohol. After a 6. In the method for converting cinnamyl alcohol to re?ux of 24 hours, the cooled mixture was ?ltered on an cinnamyl aldehyde, the step which comprises re?uxing asbestos pad. Evaporation of the solvent gave a quantita a mixture of cinnamyl alcohol, an inert solvent and tive yield of cinnamaldehyde. The molar ratio of CrO3 graphite having chromic oxide intercalated therein until alcohol was 10 to 1 in this run.
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