California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 7-5-1989 July 5th 1989 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "July 5th 1989" (1989). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 40. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/40 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Welcome: American G.I. Forum -W INLAND EMPIRE T Wednesday A Publication of the Hispanic Communication & Julys, 1989 Deveiopment Corporation HISPANIC NEWS Volume 2, Number 18 SAN BERNARDINO CHAPTER HOSTS: American G.I. Forum State Convention morning session will simultaneously nardino Chapter, welcome our com­ have a women and youth workshop. rades and may we have a most success­ The luncheon will have Jesse Ugalde, ful state convention," stated Henry Director, California Department of Martinez, local chapter chairperson. Veterans Affairs as speaker. The eve­ The local chapter was charted in 1960 ning event will be a dinner and pro­ with 12 members and Anthony Bo- gram. The speaker is Tony Gallegos, canegra as its first chairperson. The commissioner. United States Equal Em­ first local G.l. Fomm Queen was Anita ployment Opportunity Commission and Roaro. former national and state G.l. Forum Since that time, the local chapter has chairperson. been recognized as one of the most On Saturday, July 8th, there wdl be a active organizations in the community. morning and afternoon business ses­ Chapter members are known for their sion. The morning session will include participation with other community a women and youth workshop. The organizations in fundraisers, youth women's luncheon speaker will be Dr. programs, education, civil rights, vet­ Barbara Flores, Coordinator, Bilingual erans and political affairs. Hiram Diaz Henry Martinez Education, Cal-State, San Bemardino. One of the better known activities for Convention Chairperson Local Chapter Chairperson The evening event will be the queen which the local chapter is recognized is pageant, the unveiling of Dr. Hector the annual queen coronation and re- The American G.I. Forum has sched­ the initial event which is scheduled at Garcia portrait and a dance with the eendy the local chapter was involved in uled its state convention in San Bemar- the Waterman Public Golf Club, fol­ Latin Society Band. its 29th coronation. dino at the Maruko Hotel from July 6th lowed by an awards function at the On Sunday, July 9th, the morning to July 9th. Plans for this event have V.F.W. Post 8787. Thereafter, a wel­ business session wiU conclude the offi­ Another well-known activity has been been ongoing for approximately a year coming reception for members and their cial convention. The San Bemardino its scholarship program. Numerous according to Hiram Diaz, local con­ families wiU be held sponsored by area chapter will host a barbecue at the college-bound youth have been the vention chairperson. "Our committee elected officials, including Mayor V.F.W. Post 8787, located at 2018 W. recipients of the scholarships and in- • has worked very diligently in planning Holcorab (at his residence). Supervisor Foothill, San Bemardino. A half-beef centive awards. this event and we anticipate that this Riordan , Supervisor Hammock, As­ will be raffled as a fundraiser for the The active involvement of many of its will be one of the best G.l. Forum semblyman Eaves, Senator Ayala and Margaret Martinez Scholarship. members have been an inspiration and conventions to date," stated Hiram Diaz. Congressman Brown. "The opportunity for the San Bemar­ served as a role model for our youth for The last Forum Convention held in San On Friday, July 7th, the convention dino Chapter and City of San Bemar­ approximately three decades. Bemardino was in 1977. will convene with a business session, dino to host the state convention occurs Our community is proud of our local On July 6, a golf tournament wiU be continuing into the afternoon. The very infrequently. We, of the San Ber­ chapter. Chavez, United Farm Workers Picket Riverside Press-Enterprise Newspaper Inside: for "Union Bashing" news reporting More than 200 farm workers led by Press-Enterprise tried to exploit deceit­ Cesar Chavez picketed the Riverside ful irmuendo to accomplish what a G.I. Forum Press-Enterprise today to protest al­ straight presentation of the facts would leged "union-bashing" disguised as not produce," the UFW president said. Page 5 objective journalism. "Union bashing disguised as objective Chavez said demonstrating "is the only joumalism may sell newspapers, but it MALDEF way farm workers can have their voices is dishonest and immoral." heard by the Press-Enterprise. It is our Chavez said if the newspaper had "gone Defeat of AB933 sole recourse against newspaper sto­ to the trouble of finding and printing Page 2 ries riddled with shoddy investigation, the facts objectively," it would have innuendo, half-truths and outrightfalse- presented a very different picture of the Redlands hoods." UFW. He cited key information left out Three articles appearing in the news­ of the Press-Enterprise's coverage. Vote by District paper's June 25 and Jime 26 editions The UFW "Represents more workers Will go to Voters quoted largely unidentified sources to today than 10 years ago," Chavez claim Chavez's United Farm Workers Page 3 said.The union represents, and has been has built up revenues from business certified by the State of California as investments while its membership the sole Collective Bargaining Agent declined. Cesar Chavez leads pickets at "Using mostly unnamed sources, the Continued on page 4 Press-Enterprise. Political Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, July 5,1989 FROM THE GOVERNOR Carreon appointed Deputy MALDEF Blasts Defeat of Census Outreach Bill Director of California Trade (Los Angeles-June 28,1989) The phatically, "or they do understand the State in every sense of the word." and Investment Office. Mexican American Legal Defense and effects of their actions and won't set By defeating AB933, the legislature in Educational Fund (MALDEF) is blast­ aside partisan politics in the best inter­ effect has said it will continue to rely El dfa de hoy el Gobemador nombrd a ing the recent defeat of a census educa­ ests ofthe state andits residents." Vargas only on the census Bureau for a com­ Ama L. Carredn de la Ciudad de tional outreach bill in the California says the vote illustrated a lack of fore­ plete count. While recognizing the Mdxico al puesto de Directora Dele- legislature that would have ensured a sight by state officials because his bureau's efforts, Vargas says that gada de la Oficina de Comercio e In- more accurate count of the state's experience has shown that census out­ community organizations, city and state versiones de California en la Ciudad population in the 1990 census, calling reach programs of every kind are needed agencies, schools and other entities must de Mexico, ("Deputy Director of the the vote "a missed opportunity to en­ tremendously. be involved in outreach work to effec­ California Trade and Investment Of­ sure a stable future for the state for the MALDEF began a national census tively reach out to the traditionally fice, Mexico City"). rest of this century." educational outreach program in Sep­ undercounted population groups, and Actualmente, Carredn, de 37 alios de MALDEF Census Program Director tember of 1988, but Berta Saavedra, this take resources that are currently edad, es la directora de servicio de la Arturo Vargas is particularly critical of MALDEF California Census Coordi­ unavailable. ndmina de miembros para la Cdmara the vote against Assembly Bill 933, nator, says there is stiU much woik to Recognizing the need for additional de Comercio Americana de Mdxico. which was made along partisan lines - do to insure that everyone in the state outreach, the cities of Los Angeles and Ella ha desempeflado este puesto desde - all Democratic legislators in the as­ knows why participating in the census Santa Ana in southern California have 1988. sembly voted for the biU, one lone Re­ is important. Right now, she says, initiated city census informational Desde 1985-88, prestd servicio como publican voted in favor. AB 933, spon­ awareness of the importance of the programs, and the state of Maryland la directora delegada de comercio in- sored by Assembly member Peter census simply doesn't exist, particu­ began a statewide campaign this past temacional para la misma cdmara. Chacdn, would have declared the third larly in the Hispanic community. His­ spring. While some California cities Desempefid el puesto de instructora de weekofMarch 1990 as "Census Aware­ torically, Hispanics, other minorities, are taking positive steps to ensure an Economla en Relaciones Intemacion- ness Week," required state and local the poor and urban populations are accurate count of the state's population, ales para la Universidad Autdnoma de government agencies to include mail­ undercounted in every decennial cen­ Eric Vega, MALDEF State Policy Mdxico desde 1975-77. ings on the 1990 census and encour­ sus, and Saavedra says it behooves Analyst in Sacramento, remains con­ Recibid el tftulo de Bachiller en Rela­ aged cooperative efforts by the state, every elected official in the state to do cerned that state officials are shiridng ciones Intemacionales de la Universi­ the schools and community groups to all that he or she can to lower the their responsibility in the upcoming dad Autdnoma de Mdxico en 1972; un ensure maximum participation in the undercount. census. certificado en Estudios Latinoameri- census. The fiscal implications would "It's really very simple: the under­ "The defeat of this biU indicates that canos de la misa universidad en 1978; have been minimal.
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