111 Sports Itt Sectiott 2 An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper A rocky Montana and a National Pacemaker Snoop Doggy Dog high for Hens in barks out a big playoff shocker time gangsta hit oage B4 page Bl FREE TUESDAY UD operating budget KINGS OF THE MOUNTAIN rises over four percent facilities . Administration officials point to According to the report, the stagnant growth in state appropriations .The university university's annual operating budget is as the reason for this increase. $351,749,579 for the 1993-94 fiscal "The magnitude of tuition and fee devotes year. increases has been dictated in large This is an increase of approximately measure by the fact that state 4.2 percent over last year's budget of appropriations have been flat," said 43 percent $337,408,382. Michael F . Middaugh, director of Because inflation is currently institutional research and planning. running at 2.8 percent, this growth is State appropriation s amounted to to departmental not seen as significant. $68,893,918 , 19 .6 percent of revenues, Students, however, have seen their this fiscal year. This is virtually tuition and fees rise 6.1 percent for unchanged from last year, when the research. Delaware residents and 7 .1 percent for university receive d 20 percent of BY MARIA C CENTENERA non-residents. revenues from the state. Sralf Reporrer Currently, full-time tuition and fees Tuition and state appropriations are The university office of for residents is $3,948 a year and only two out of a number of different institutional research and planning $10,048 for nonresidents. sources of revenue for the university. released its annual Facts and Figures The university received For example , this year the report Nov. 24 $129,069,451, or 36.7 percent, of its university rece ived $ 10,553,957 in For the average person within the revenues from tuition and fees this unrestricted gifts, which can be used university community, this document year. for any purpose, $21,444,864 in provides a convenient look at how the Last year, the university received endowments and a combined total of university manages its money, as well $121,692,723, or 36 percent, of its $45,679,939 in contracts and grams as statistics on students, personnel and revenues directly from students. see BUDGET page A7 Tower incident under investigation who was charged in connection with the release of the CS Nicholas Griffin is charged gas. Griffin was charged with rec kl ess endangering in the with reckless endangering second degree and one felony count of criminal mischief, University Police said. The case is still under investigation, said Capt. Jim Flatley and criminal mischief. of University Police. BY TRACY LARGA Y Flatley said police are still con sidering the possibility that Copy Ediror the suspect acquired the gas from the Aberdeen Proving The fifth floor of the Christiana West Tower was reopened Ground in Maryland, which tes ts new dev ices and weapons , to all residents Wednesday at4 p.m. while working there last summer. The entire building was closed Nov . 19 at 2 a.m . after CS Timothy F. Brooks, dean of stuocnts, said the uni versity is gas- a fine powder used by the military- was released on taking disciplinary action against the individual in questi on, the fifth floor and contaminated the building. who was charged with disruptive conduct by th e university. No hearing date was set for Nicholas R. Griffin (EG SR), Most residents of the building, except the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors, were allowed back in at 8 p.m. Nov. 20. Fourth­ and sixth-floor residents were able to return to their rooms Nov . 22 at 5 p.m. Cleanup continued on the fi fth fl oor until it was safe for students to return, said David Bu tler, director of Housing and Residence Life. "We wanted to make sure it was safe," Butler said. "If the THE REVIEW /Maximillia n Grelsch gas was there, you would know it." Delaware senior receiver Keita Malloy does the Blue Hen strut on his way to the end Larry Thornton, associate director for Public Safety, said zone after scoring in his team's 49-48 win over Montana in the 1-AA playoffs the incident began when a student brought th e canister of CS Saturday. See story, page 84. gas into the West Tower. The substance was then put in th e hallway of the fifth floor, kicked over and "accidentally discharged," Thornron said. Mike Collier (AS JR), the suspect's roommate, gave a slightly different account of the incident. Rapping in search Collier said his roommate had th e gas in his possession since the beginning of the semester. He said Griffin brought the CS gas into the hallway Friday morning after being sprayed by invisible ink by one of hi s fri ends and jokingly of societal change threatened to open the canister of gas. He uncapped it, put it on the floor in the hallway, and then electric typewriter s he dug out from the it was accidentally kicked over, Collier said . Music influences basement and lugged upstai rs, and curses it THE REVIEW M'alter M. Eberz At least 29 students were treated at local emergency for not being a Macintosh (after about 10 The Christiana Commons housed many after the West centers after coming into contact with the gas. Most students the young. 'How?' minutes she opts for the trusty ballpoint Tower was evacuated. treated were ones with respiratory problems like asthma. over the ancient piece of machiner y) . Her mind is everywhere but on the third is the question. anicle of a seven-oart s e ri e~ that last week Some names have been changed actually felt like part of her being. Now she can't remember why she ever Burglars hit Newark over break BY ROBYN FURMAN started the whole thing. Managing fdiror 'Does it even matter? ' she wonders. between 12:30 a .m. and 8:50 a.m. A young writer sits, pen in hand with a 'Does anyone even read The Review?' During the holiday season, thieves Thursday, von Koch said. million thoughts racing through her mind. Tangent. The suspect entered the victim' s The house, in N.Y. suburbia, is pretty quiet. Concentrate. are thankful for empty homes. home by climbing to a second-story Her parents are in the city, her brother at She wishes she could go back to one balcony and re moved a wallet, a 19- the movies. level above frustration - this is too much. BY BRIAN HICKEY there was a connection between the inch television and a microwave. The Ciry News Ediror crimes themselves, but that their She throws the pen across th e kitchen stolen items a re value d at $500, and gets another cup of coffee. ' Wow, I Thanksgiving is a time to timing over Thanksgiving Break was police said. appreciate the fruits of life, and local not coincidental. fini shed the pot already?· A Wilbur Street home was Back at the cluttered table, stari ng at the burglars are giving thanks to many The first incident occurred on the burglarized of a Technics casse tte area residents who left their homes 100 block of W. Main St. sometime wall, she almos t wi shes she smoked. A player and a Sherwood s te reo c igar ett e wo uld b e perfect now . Her unoccupied over the holiday between 5 p.m. Wednesday and 9 receive r, tota ling $ 600, som etime weekend. p.m. Thursday, police said. th oughts drift furth er and fu rt her away. betwe en 2 p .m . and 7 p . m. AAHH! FOCUS ! According to Newark Police Lt. Police said the unknown suspect Saturday. Alexander von Koch, university entered the residence, owned by two Then s he hears s om eth in g ove r th e An unknown suspec t broke into a brewing of the seco nd pot of caffeine. students may have been the hardest female university students, through a residence on the unit block of W. hit by the weekend's rash of kitchen window and removed $2,300 Kenny Rogers is hos ting th e America n Delaware Ave . sometime between 6 It' s Saturday night on a holid a y Mu s ic Award s (she left the T V on in the burglaries. of property including a video cassette p.m. Wednesday and 7 p. m. Sunday, The five incidents were spread recorder, a Sony compact di sc player weekend, and she's sitting home tryin g to other room). He's narra1in g pas t cli ps. removin g $2, 100 in property, collect at leas t one coherent th ought. It gets louder. "We are th e wo rld . We are across town, but in each crime, the and receiver, an Apple Macintosh including an I BM c omputer, v ictim was a university student, computer, primer and a stereo. Frustration set in hours ago, and she's th e children. we are the ones wh o make a keyboard and monitor, police said. not sure Webster 's even has a word for bri ghter day .. " police said. Another incident occurred on .the The final stu dent's home Von Koch said he did not know if 200 block of Elkton Road someume what she 's f eel ing. She g lares at the see BURGLARIES page A7 sec M USIC page A3 CONTENTS INSIDE REVIEW On December1, Campus Flash.A2 Section 2 ...... .. B1 A campus law enforcement official 1988, jack Miles was Police Reports.A2 Music asked DUSC to poll students about appointed UD's letter from the Madness .........
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