Bibliographies 36 3 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES 2773. ARNHEIM, J. Swaziland: a bibliography. Cape Town: the University, School of Librarianship, 1950. 20p. Includes a small section on missions. 2774. BIRD, J. The annals of Natal, 1495-1845. Pietermaritzburg: Davis, 1888. 2v. A compilation of documents which includes material by and about early missionaries in Natal. 2775. BROWNLEE, M. The lives and work of South African mis­ sionaries: bibliography. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, School of Librarianship, 1952. 33p. Mimeographed. 2776. COLLINS, R. & DUIGNAN , P. Americans in Africa: a pre­ liminary guide to American missionary archives and library manuscript collections on Africa. Stanford, Cal.: The Hoover Institution on war, revolution, and peace, Stanford University, 1963. 96p. (Hoover Institution Bibliographical series; 12) 2777. FROST, P.J. A bibliography of missions and missionaries in Natal. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Libraries, 1969. 29p. 2778. GOWER, R .L. An index to missionary correspondence on South Africa in the major periodicals of the London Mis­ sionary Society and Wesleyan Missionary Society 1800-1880. M.A. thesis, London University, 1976. 2779. HINCHLIFF, P.B. Calendar of Cape missionary corres­ pondence, 1800-1850; compiled from the archives of the English missionary societies. [Pretoria] : National Council for Social Research, 1967. 255p. (Publication series; n o.27) Contents: London Missionary Society.- United States Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.- Methodist Mis­ sionary Society. 364 Missions: General 2780. KEEN, R. A survey of the archives of selected missionary societies. London: Historical Manuscripts Commission , 1968. 144 leaves. Survey undertaken at the request of the Conference of British Missionary Societies. 2781. MIDDLETON, C. Bechuanaland: a bibliography. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, School of Librarianship, 1965. 37p. Section on missions and missionaries. 2782. MUSIKER, R. ed. & MUSIKER, N. Guide to Cape of Good Hope official publications: 1854-1910. Boston: Hall, 1976. 466p. Missions, p.306-307. 2783. R1TSON , J.H. Christian literature in the mission field: a survey of the present situation made under the direction of the Continuation Committee of the World Missionary Con­ ference, 1910. Edinburgh: Continuation Committee of the World Missionary Conference 1910, fl915j. 152p. South Africa (b rief survey of the mission presses and the publication of Christian literature in South A frica), p.119-124. 2784. SCHUTTE, P.J. Sen ding drukperse in Suid-Afrika, 1800-1875. D. Phil. (Bibl.) thesis, PU, 1969. 2785. STEVENS, P.E. Bechuanaland: a bibliography. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Libraries, 1969. 27p. Includes a small section on missions. 3.1.2 BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, DIARIES, LETTERS, MISSIONARY TRAVELS Collected 2786. ARNDT, J. Die Duitse sendelinge in die Unie. Bloemfontein: Nationale Pers, [ 1919?]. 7p. 2787. BRAIN, B.M. Love stories of great missionaries. New York: Revell, 1913. 75p. Robert and Mary Moffat, p.21-30. - David and Mary Living­ stone, p.31-39. - Francois and Christina Coillard, p.51-61. Biographies 36 5 2788. BRIGHTWELL, C.L. So great love! Sketches of missionary life and labour. London: Snow, 1874. 318p. Dr. Vanderkemp, p.185-221.- Robert Moffat, p.293-318. 2789. CARNE, J. Lives of eminent missionaries. London: Fisher & Jackson, 1832-35. 3v. "VanderKemp and Kicherer", v.2, p.88-123. - "Mission to Madagascar", v.2, p.124-133. - "South Africa", v.2. p.133- 136. 2790. C HRISTIAN portrait gallery, containing over one hundred life­ like illustrations: with biographic sketches. London: Morgan and Scott, [1889]. 407p. Rev. John Mackenzie, p.198-201. - Robert and Mary Moffat, p . 238-241. 2791. DAWSON, E.C. Heroines of missionary adventure: true stories of the intrepid bravery and patient endurance of mis­ sionaries in their encounters with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature in all parts of the world. London: Seeley, Service, 1925. 339p. Alexander Duff, p.18-19. - Madame Coillard, p.205-218. - Harriet Maria Green, p.235-241. - Mother Cecile, p.263-269. 2792. GALTON , F. Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. London: Murray, 1853. 314p. Account of an expedition to Damaraland and Ovamboland, 1850-1852, which included contact with missionaries. 2793. GARDNER, J. Ministering men; or, Heroes of missionary enterprise; with an essay on the extension of the mis­ sionary spirit. London: Blackwood, [1880]. 320p. Rev. Henry Martyn, p.1-32. - Rev. John Campbell, p.129- 160. 2794. GOOD, J.I. Famous missionaries of the Reformed Church. /"Baltimore?,/: Sunday School Board of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1903. 410p. 2795. GRANDS missionnaires: John Eliot. - David Brainerd. - Christian David.. - John Smith. - Van der Kemp. - Kissling. - John Williams. - John Hunt. - Frederic Riedel. - Robert Morrison. - Adoniram Judson. - Christian Schwartz. - Henri Martyn. - Alphonse Lacroix. - David Stoddard. Paris: Bon- houre, 1875. 305p. 366 Missions: General 2796. GRIFFITH, G.P. Hanes bywgraffiadol o genadon Cymreig i wledydd paganaidd, yn nghyd a rhestr o'r rhai sydd eto yn fyw. Caerdydd: Argraffwyd yn Ngwaith argraffu Deheudir Cymru, 1897. 190p. Biographical sketches of missionaries arranged by denomina­ tion, with lists of deceased and living missionaries. Various references to missionaries in South Africa. 2797. JAPP, A.H. Master missionaries: chapters in pioneer effort throughout the world. London: M. Japp, 1880. 398p. Includes Robert Moffat and James Stewart. 2798. JENKINS, D. & STEBBING, D. They led the way: Christian pioneers of central Africa. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1966. 80p. 2799. JOHNSTON, Sir H.H. Pioneers in South Africa. London: Blackie, 1914. 316p. (Pioneers of Empire). Includes Paterson, Moffat and Livingstone. 2800. JONSSON, J. comp. The story of "Bethany”. Johannesburg: the Author, 1968. 28p. A family history which includes information about Norwegian and Swedish missionaries in Natal. 2801. KLING, H. Onder die Kindere van Cham; 'n versameling artiekels oor volkekunde en sendingbaanbrekers uit Suidwes- Afrika en elders, vermeerder met ander sketse en verhale. Kaapstad: Nasionale Pers, 1932. 350p. 2802. KUMM, H.K.W. African missionary heroes and heroines. New York: Macmillan, 1917. 215p. Francois Coillard, p.59-84. - Robert Moffat, p.159-169. - David Livingstone, p.171-192. - List of Christian missionary societies working in Africa, p.195-201. 2803. LAING, R .A . comp. Epistolae Thomsonii: a miscellany of correspondence relating to the Thomson family. Johannes­ burg: Printed for private circulation, 1973. 22p. The letters cover the years 1871 to 1891. Personalities appearing in the letters include ministers and missionaries. Biographies 367 2804. LAMBERT, J.C. Missionary heroes in Africa: true stories of the intrepid bravery and stirring adventures of mission­ aries with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature. London: Seeley, 1909. 155p. This work corresponds to chapters 7-12 of Lambert's The romance of missionary heroism. fq.v.J. The account of Francois Coillard's mission in Barotseland (p.97-112) includes references to South Africa, Basutoland, "Khama's cou ntry", etc. 2805. LAMBERT, J.C. Missionary knights of the cross: stories of the indomitable courage and stirring adventures of mission aries with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature in many parts of the world. London: Seeley, Service, 1916. 213p. The contents of this volume have been taken from Lambert's The romance of missionary heroism [q.v.J. 2806. LAMBERT, J.C. The romance of missionary heroism: true stories of the intrepid bravery and stirring adventures of missionaries with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature in all parts of the world. London: Seeley, 1907. 34 5p. 2807. MAREE, W.L. Helde van die kruis: twaalf beroemde sende- linge. Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 1968. 175p. 2808. MASON, C. Wonders of missions. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1922. 352p. Robert Moffat, Livingstone, p.131-143. - Francois and Christina Coillard, p.165-184. - Lovedale, p.270-271. 2809. MORRISON, J.H. The missionary heroes of Africa. New York: Doran, 1922. 267p. Includes Moffat, Livingstone, Mackenzie, Stewart and Coillard. 2810. MUELLER, J.T. Great missionaries to Africa. Grand Rapids Zondervan, 1941. 176p. Includes Moffat, Livingstone, Coillard, Mackenzie and Stewart. 368 Missions: General 2811. NORTHCOTT, W.C. & REASON, J. Six missionaries in Africa. London: Oxford University Press, 1947. 69p. (Living names) Includes Robert Moffat, David Livingstone and James Stewart. 2812. PADWICK, C.E. White heroines in Africa: a book for leaders amongst working girls. London: United Council for Mis­ sionary Education, 1914. 63p. Includes Mary Moffat and Christina Coillard. 2813. PICTORIAL Africa, its heroes, missionaries and martyrs: stirring narratives of their perils, adventures, and achieve­ ments, together with a full and descriptive account of the peoples, deserts, forests, rivers, lakes, and mountains of the "Dark Continent". London: Sangster, /” 18897. 396p. Early missionaries in South Africa (Dr. Moffat in particular), p.84-92. - David Livingstone, p.93-375. 2814. ROWLING, M.A. Builders of the African church. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1937. 84p. Includes Moffat, Livingstone, Khama and Bishop Gray. 2815. SAMUELSON, R .C .A . Long, long ago. Durban: Knox Printing and Publishing Co. , 1929. 419p. Includes information about early Norwegian and Anglican missions and missionaries in Natal.
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