UNITED NATIONS GEJITET\AL E/CN. 2/71/ Add. L ECONOMIC 30 Janu'lry 19~0 I~J'~GLL8H ORIGilJAL: 2NGT,ISTI AND and FRi:l':CH SOCIAL COUNCIL Ji'c;u.rth c:esclon lltke s·ucceos, l'Je-vr York .:tem 10 (n) of the provisional agend'3. :f.EPGP.T SU:I•II':TED BY TITE INTTI:RN.'\TIONAI.. UNION OF O::i'll~ICJ:AL TRAYEL ORGANIZATIOr!S r:'a"b1.a of Contents Not2 by thB Secretai"J-Gene:r.al TIE.PORT Slf~HI'.;:>IJ.'ED :BY THE II'fr::-ffil'l.\IJ1IONP.:L UTiON OF OFFICIAL TRAVEL ORGAN:ZATIONS I. Ir.Ltr-odtlct~on II. Passports III. \~l sus IV. Frontier Formalities V. SJ!eeial Formalities Imposed on Ir.ter:natione.l Tourist Traffic by Aj.r A~1ex I. An:r~f,x II • Ar'.I":OX III. A:mex rr. E CN. 2;I 71/I Add.l %age 2 l\;ote by the SecrPtary--General Tlw rG_pol't cf the Study Cot::mlssion of the Interne.t.~o;::al Union of Official Travel Or:s2:r.:i.zat7o:Qs (JUOTO) on Passports, Visas ::1nd Frontier FormaLties, is circul~.~te:~ 2.J an aU.de:acJ.J..m t·.) d0c.U~aent E/CH, 2/71 on "Pass:;,:orts and Front::.er Formal~. ti0s". '1:he report 1-ras transmitted to the Uni tecl Nations Secretariat "!:ly Ghe Secrcter;'{-General of the IUOTO on 20 January 1950, :'Ln accordance with the request ·J:i:' the Transport end Cotlmur:jcations Cor~,m:LJSi'Jn at its third. session that the IUO'l'O :provide :'or thl3 fCiurth aesa:Lon of the Commiss:i on a report on passports, visas end front::.er formaJ.i t:'.es similar to that contatned in An.n.ex V of the Secreter;_;c--Ge!~e:.:al' s :c-erort on t:avel questtons ( d,Jcuwent E/CN .2/62) submitted to the t~1:-ri S3,JS~;.on of the Commission. TLe l'erort wao prepared by J...1r. A. Ha.ul0t, Be lgia.n Commissioner General of Tourj_sm, Cha'rmcn of the IUOTO StJ..dy Commissi:>n on Pass:ports, Visas and Frontier FormaL' Les. Jt we.s submitted to the fourth con:erence of the IUOTO, held in Luxer'·cJu:::·c, ~~0-21+ Geptenber 19i~9, v:hich t:a.o:pted a resolution on "Passports, Visas and Fro:nt:~er JTo:cmali ties11 ir:!e:r a::..12_ e:pi:)rov:l.ng Mr. Haulot' s report and asking the Study CotLJ.r:'ssion to COI::.t:inue ita vork 7l:C.til the next IUOTO Conference. (See _, / ..,-T r' 1 - ) document J',i vl'J • c:.; 7 0, Ar.nex .l I. The inforr.1at~.on contained in the report has been brought up -to date by Mr. He.ulot as of 15 Junuary 19~0. Sec:t::.ons II. ~:md III and Annexes I and IT of the IUOTO report contain some inforr.::atLon concerning the present s:.tuntion i-rith res:p0ct to passports and visas eup:plemenhl"Y to tbat cont.a~ned in document E/CN. 2/71. Section r:" and Ar..nex III of the ro:;;o::.'t contains information received in reply to a questionnaire circulated ·co its mem1)o:ra by the IUC-TO concerni.ng existing customs regulations for tourists. J<~/CN, 2/71/Add.l Page 3 IN'TI~NATIONl\L UNION OF O:B'FICL'\L TRAV'.t<~L ORGANIZATIONS STUDY COII]}U3SION ON PASSPORTS, VISAS AN:O Fil.Ol'fi'IER FORMALITIES Annual Conference held at Luxembourg from ?0 to ?4 September 1949 Report hy Mr. HAULOT I. INTRODUCTION Th<ring our Con:eronce at Oslo, in June last year, our General Assemoly adopted the report I subm)tted and laid do~m the work which \·ras to be done in a number of axpl:\ cj_t ar..d amb:i tious resolutions. I reJ-11 ze that in subc.itting to you this further re:~ort a year later, I have no concluG:>ve results to offer you. Much rema5ns to be done; many difficulties '-"ema:1.n to be overcome. Nevertheless, I believe it is t;ruo to say the t, in ':1Ccordance w:~ th the pr:1 no :i plos 1-re ado:pted, we have been able to come nearer to 1ur :ideal 1·rithout losing touch with realities. I should l:i.l~e to th8.nk all those of my colleagues who, by their tireless and :merget::.c work in their own countr::..es, have been able to secure concrete <ii'IJlication of the :princlples adopted by the Union. I believe, too, that they :vill a(;ree w:~ th me jn expressing aprreciation of the 'l:Tay in which their own work has bee::1 hel:ped by the existence and strength of the Union. At the same time, in the same frank and friendly spj_ri t, I rm:tst express my ~·egret that some of our member organizations have not found the time or have felt • t unnacesca::.."'Y to :furnish the:ir collaboration. L:L ttle or noth:l.ng has been done during the past year to implement the .)llowJ.ng poir.ts laid down in our Oslo programme: standardization and co-ordination of health regulations in force for travellers; extension of the period of validity of passports to five years; extension of the period of validity of visas, where still required, to at least ttvelve months; extension of the validity of visas to cover an unlimited number of ' journeys; extension of the valldity of visas to all bridges and roads normally open to foreign traffic and to all means of transport; /establishment of e:Ttr:,bl~.shment of maYi.rmm C<J-ope:!.·at:' on 1::etweon r...at~ onal travel 0~'-'c;e.n:: ut ~;:; ')ns and otller of'::j clal nat:i o:J.el a'.<thorit.iea concerned \·ri th travel In th'E cc.:;:mex.onJ as Cl1a::.:~man of your Cc·::nmissjon, I must give a word of I l:.a•ro tllO'J.[;ht jt necessary to tackle the various questions :in logical sequence and to concentrate, during the time aveilaole, on makJ.ng a thorough excu.n~nation of certain as:rects nf the :problem as a whole. I believe that the resul tG I am ao0ut to lay oefore you justify th: s r;rocedure. If the Conference RCCe}Jts m~r vi6i-r, it w5ll no doubt -...rjsh to entrust me with the task of dealing ri th the o1:tstanclinG :points during the coming ;;rear, though naturally vrork on the :prouletus :vhich 1re have beg'J.n to solve will oe contlnued. II. PASS.POR'I'8 s~nco the resolutions adopted "by the OsJ.o Conference, all our efforts have been C-"))::cr;ntratecl on obtaininc conc:.A~rte ::.•,·::nl +,.:; not only as rege;.rds ;paso,Po:ots The Osl.) c~)nfore:1ce consj_del"ecl that tl:J.e recu:lsito conditions for the nbclit~con ol :~:.ass:porta elre'ldy e:ziat0d betueen certain countries and warmly rocor::mer.d·3C'c tllat they should ·oe eoboUohe:l Wh.3r:.:.ver possible, on the basis of' rec:L~ ::.~,)cal b.:_ lateral o:-:- mnl t'later:--.1 a{sTeement3. In :i<;·i.ro=Je, or..ly t1ro cn.Jes of t2,3 aboli t:· on of :pecoporta can be reported to date, nanv..lly oehreen Bolg~.u:-:1 Dnd Frcnce ard -oet1;een :3,-,lg~.um and the Grand Ducey of LuxomorY<.lrc;, 1rhere only ider~ti ty cards ere n-Jw requi.:-ed to cress the frontier. TaJks a:::-o in .tJl~og:!.'es3 w~ th a vievr to achieving the same result for travel "bet,,;reen I'o1.G.i1'tl and t~1e Netherlands. The nse of e:::;_:>ired :passporte, :",ssl1ed after 1 October 1()45, in porm:'.tted for traVE;l bob.; a en Bels:i.um, Fc..oance, th0 NethorlancLJ and 3ui tzcc!::.nd. In :pract::..ce this mee·1.s t!.1nt the valid~ ty of pass_pol't8 1s e:cte::::ded jndei~:J.i tely, which J.ndoubtedl;:,- i'ac.Llitates ;relations ·rehroen the countries COll'.)en1ed. In A:..1erica, an excellent im:./y.rect:~cn rogercL:ng internat'.. onal travel was introducod by tho Inter-Auerican Tc,ur::. st Co:lCl'efJS held a,t :3ar~ Carlos de Bariloche last Ferru2cy. 'Ihe C0ngress rccorJmended that the American countries si10uld adopt an Inter­ American Tourist Card to be used in place of :pacs_ports and valid for si:;: months. A further 5llustration of the marked readiness of' the cour... tries of the HAstern /Hemisphere to E/ CN. 2/71/Add .l Page 5 Hemisphere to encourage tourist traffic is provi.ded by the fact, vrhic~ I learned last June, that the Re_publ:i.c of Ecuador, where the entry of tourists t:sed to 1)·J a very comrJL~cated business, had int~oduced the tourist card system as from Decon.ter 1943. Henceforward all American su'b,jects will be enti tlod to ontor EeuadOJ-1 on rroduction of identity papers and tourist card. The latter, whjch costs only one dollar, js vaUd for three months and may be renewed for a similar period. It j_s all that is re~uired to enter and leave the country. Further, at tho next Pan Amer:i.can Conference, the Govel'IlLlont of Ecuador vrill stress the need to establ~sh a Pan American ident~ty ccrtifjcate enabl1ng citizens of the American countries to travel freely throughout the continent.
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