New Books from Israel • Spring 2018 THE INStitUTE FOR THE TRANSLAtiON Of HEBREW LitERATURE THE INSTITUTE FOR THE TRANSLATION OF HEBREW LITERATURE NEW BOOKS FROM ISRAEL Spring 2018 CONTENTS Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, The Liar and the City ...........................................2 Yoram Kaniuk, Soap ..................................................................................3 Sami Berdugo, Parce Que Guy ....................................................................4 Aya Kaniuk, The Kingdom of Want .............................................................5 Gali Mir-Tibon, The List of the Mothers ....................................................6 Shimon Adaf, One Mile and Two Days before Sunset ..................................7 Shimon Adaf, A Detective’s Complaint ........................................................8 Shimon Adaf, Tolle Lege .............................................................................8 Mira Magen, Michaella ..............................................................................9 Nissim Aloni, The Gecko .......................................................................... 10 Mearav Nakar-Sadi, Smaadar ................................................................. 11 Shoham Smith and Eitan Eloa, The Bride’s Dresses .................................. 12 Esti Halperin-Maymon, Lying Fallow ..................................................... 13 Eran Bar-Gil, Iron (Saving Neta) ............................................................. 14 Miron Izakson, The Candidate ................................................................. 15 POETRY Dori Manor, The Center of the Flesh ......................................................... 16 Israel Pincas, Antennas and Sensors + Do You Still See Me? ...................... 17 For a complete list of publications for each author, see our website: www.ithl.org.il P.O.B. 10051, Ramat Gan 5200101, Israel. Tel: 972 3 579 6830 Fax: 972 3 579 6832 E-mail: [email protected] Offices: 23 Baruch Hirsch Street, Bnei Brak All contracts and negotiations through the Institute GO TO ITHL WEBSitE Ayelet Gundar-Goshen The Liar and the City a novel Tel Aviv, Achuzat Bayit, 2018. 278 pp. he narrative follows Noy, an ordinary girl who works in an ice-cream Tparlor during the summer. Dozens of customers come in every day, but no one gives Noy a second look - she is not one of those girls that the eye lingers on. But everything changes when Avishai Milner comes into the ice-cream parlor. An embittered reality-show runaway, he insults and humiliates her. Deeply offended, Noy rushes out to the backyard, and Avishai—who is still waiting for his change—chases after her. “Leave me alone!” she cries with all her 17 mediocre years’ worth of hurt and frustration. Her screams alert the townsfolk, and to her surprise everyone is convinced that Avishai tried to sexually assault her. Now, for the first time in her life, Noy finds herself the center of attention. The support that she receives from the community turns her into a kind of Cinderella and the ice-cream salesgirl becomes a Media Princess. But the magic of this Cinderella story comes from her lies about an attack that did not actually happen. Ayelet Gundar-Goshen was born in Israel in 1982. After completing an MA in psychology at Tel Aviv University, she English rights sold to Pushkin Press, London; German rights sold to studied film and screenwriting at the Kein & Aber, Zurich; Italian rights were sold to Giuntina, Florence; Sam Spiegel Film School in Jerusalem. Dutch rights sold to Atlas (Amsterdam); French rights sold to Presses Gundar-Goshen has written a number of de la Cité (Paris); Korean rights sold to Open Books (Seoul). screenplays, and has produced short films which were screened at film festivals in Israel and abroad. She has also written and co-written a number of TV series. Gundar-Goshen has been awarded 2nd prize at the IEMed European Short Story Competition (Barcelona, 2010), The writing is brilliant. the Gottlieb Screenplay Prize (2010), the WDR Berlin Today Award for the screenplay A great book with psychological of the short film Batman at the Checkpoint depth. (Berlin, 2012), the Sapir Prize for Debut Die Zeit Fiction (2012) and the Adei-Wizo Prize (Italy, 2016) for One Night, Markovitch. It’s a pleasure to read how Ayelet Her second novel, Waking Lions, is being Gundar-Goshen exposes her adapted for a TV series by NBC. Her protagonists with psychological mercilessness. books have been published in 12 languages. Literatur Spiegel Ayelet Gundar-Goshen has a trained, keen sense of iga observation. Her narrative N S is characterized by a deep O knowledge of human CLICK HERE FOR A COMPLETE vulnerability. LIStiNG ON THE ITHL WEBSitE. Deutschlandfunk Kultur PHOTO © AL new Books from IsrAeL • sprIng 2018 © ITHL • All ConTracts And negotiations THrougH the InstituTe 2 BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE GO TO ITHL WEBSitE Yoram Kaniuk Soap בארגז קרטון שמצאה פרופ' עדיה מנדלסון־מעוז בביתו של קניוק המת נתגלו דפים שמרכיבים את הרומן סבון, אשר נושאים כמו זיכרון ושיכחה, a novel שואה וצבריות, אהבה בלתי ממומשת וכמיהות סודיות, המוכרים לנו יורם .pp 317 מיצירתו הענפה .2018 והאהובה של קניוק מגולמים ,Ahronoth בעלילתו. קניוק החל Yedioth לכתוב ,Tel Aviv את הרומן בשפה האנגלית בניו יורק של 1959. זמן ההתרחשות של הרומן קניוק הוא 1949 ומקומו באוניברסיטה העברית. הרומן מגולל את סיפור אהבתם המשולש של שני סטודנטים חברים סבון ואלמנה צעירה אחת על רקע ירושלים של סוף שנות הארבעים וראשית Soap in 1959, the novel was only שנות החמישים. writingקניוק מתאר בצבעים started עזים את האווירה Kaniuk ששררה בעיר lthough יורם קניוק אחרי המלחמה, ובייחוד את הבלבול שעטף את הצעירים מדור תש"ח, אשר .box in the late author’s study בנערותם התגייסו cardboard למאמץ a הלאומיin ואז מצאו עצמם אבודים. A recently discovered במרכז הסיפור יוסף, אבי ואיה. יוסף הוא יליד תל אביב שעלה לירושלים סבון Independence is over, and soldiers אחרי of המלחמה כדי War ללמוד כימיה. במהלךIsrael’s המלחמה עסק :1940s במילוי lateרימונים, The בניקוי רובים ובשיפור פצצות, ולא השתתף בקרבות. אבי )אבינועם( .University and realize their dreams ציטרוננבאום, חברו Hebrew הטוב, מרגישthe חסר at ערך עם תום to study המלחמה, on ובינתיים have gone fellow, his friends think. He registersמממן את אורח naïveחייו הנהנתני ,quietבזכות a מכירת שיני זהב ,Yosef של is ערבים שאסף Among them במהלך המלחמה. הוא משקיע את עצמו דווקא במקום שבו אין לו הכישרון on the roof of a building that המתאים – apartment בלימודי an ציור בבצלאל. rents מתל אביב and הגיעה לירושלים גם איה, to study chemistry צברית יפהפייה וערמומית, כשהיא יתומה מאם, אלמנה מבעלה הלוחם friend Avi, a daring fighter in the ושכולה מןHis הבן המת .war שילדה. כל the אדם הרואה אותה before אינו יכול שלא לעקוב was a monastery אחריה במבטו, ושני חבריה, יוסף ואבי, חושבים שהם מאוהבים בה. war widow and femme fatale who סבון a הוא אוצר ,Ayaגנוז. הוא to מאפשר לנו להכיר attachedפנים אחרות very ביצירתו is של ,Palmach קניוק, כמו גם תמונה היסטורית וביוגראפית מרתקת. זוהי מתנה של ממש Avi wants to be an artist, but in the לספרות העברית ,type בכלל ולקהל קוראיו הנאמן של tempestuous קניוק A בפרט..toys with men meantime he makes a living selling gold fillings and rings he took from Arabs during the war. A circle of friends takes shape and meets on the roof of them is Ruthie who, unlike the others, came המחיר: 98 ש"חof Yosef’s building. One עיצוב הכריכה: סטודיו דנה ציביאק from the camps in Europe. She goes to art school; her neighbors call her הציור שעל הכריכה: טלי יאלונצקי, על פי צילום של ראובן מילון “the refugee” and suspect she isn’t Jewish. Ruthie soon accepts to marry Yosef, hoping to free herself from the Yoram Kaniuk (1930-2013), one of nightmares of her past. But the marriage is short and ends in tragedy: Israel’s leading writers, was born in Ruthie, the subject of Nazi medical experiments, dies in childbirth. In a Tel Aviv. Wounded in Israel’s 1948 War letter she leaves behind, she asks Yosef to find her father Joszef. He was of Independence, he moved to New a violinist and had studied philosophy but later became the most popular York for 10 years. A novelist, painter and clown-comedian in Germany before the war. And his popularity saved his journalist,Kaniuk published over 20 novels and novellas as well as stories, non-fiction life: at the death camp, he had the job of playing music and making jokes and books for children and youth. Among on the way to the gas chambers. He even played and joked when he saw his many prizes: the Prix des Droits de his wife and younger daughter go to their death. In 1950, Joszef comes l’Homme (France, 1997), the Bialik Prize to Israel to look for Ruthie, but the strange, unfriendly country—where (1999), the prestigious Prix Mediterranée Holocaust survivors are sneeringly called “soaps”—drives him to the edge. Étranger (2000), the Newman Prize He feels he will never be able to leave, even when he wants to. (2006), the France-Israel Foundation Award (2010), the Sapir Prize (2011) and An ambitious novel, profound and gripping—vintage Kaniuk! the Italian WIZO Prize (2013). In 2012, Kaniuk received the prestigious French decoration of Officier de l’Ordre des Arts Kaniuk must be considered one et des Lettres. of the great writers of our time. Kaniuk’s books have been published Le Monde abroad in 22 languages, among which: Of the novelists I have discovered English (Harper & Row; Grove/ in translation… the three Atlantic; NYRB Lit; Dalkey Archive), for whom I have the greatest French (Stock; Fayard), German (Paul admiration are Gabriel Garcia List; Hanser; Aufbau), Italian (Einaudi; Marquez, Peter Handke, and ger Giuntina), Dutch (Meulenhoff), N Yoram Kaniuk. Norwegian (Cappelens), Danish bi Susan Sontag RU (Gyldendal), Swedish (Forum), Arabic id V Clearly a writer of remarkable A (Canaan, Damascus). gifts CLICK HERE FOR A COMPLETE New York Review of Books LISTING ON THE ITHL WEBSITE PHOTOPHOTO © © D new Books from IsrAeL • sprIng 2018 © ITHL • All ConTracts And negotiations THrougH the InstituTe 3 BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE GO TO ITHL WEBSitE Sami Berdugo Parce que Guy a novel Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2017. 265 pages. he novel begins with a murder: Guy claims that his hands pushed Ta man called Brenner into a lime pit, and that, as he did it, he felt himself become a different person.
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