Our Lady of Good Counsel, Pray for Us St. Raphael's Council of Catholic Women Volume Issue http://st-raphaels.com/ccw.htm Newsletter September 2004 Our Holy Father Speaks Sacrament, they will train themselves General Intention: That old people in the art of prayer (cf. n. 32) and may be considered an asset for the undertake that high standard of spiritual and human growth of Christian living (cf. n. 31), an society. indispensable condition for effectively developing the new evangelization. Missionary Intention: That in Africa St. Raphael Church a true brotherly cooperation may The Eucharist is the center of the develop among all those who work Church's life. In it Christ offers for the growth and development of himself to the Father for our ecclesial communities. sake, making us sharers in Current Officers his own sacrifice, and John Paul II - Angelus Address gives himself to us as the President: June 13. 2004 bread of life for our Louise Barrett journey on the highways 821-2561 2. Last Thursday, precisely when I was celebrating Corpus Christi with of the world. 1st Vice President: the Diocese of Rome, I announced 3. From this moment I entrust to the Dolores Smith that to coincide with the International Eucharistic Congress Virgin Mary, "Woman of the 2nd Vice President: in Guadalajara, Mexico, a special Eucharist" (cf. Encyclical Ecclesia de Maggie Moren "Year of the Eucharist" will begin Eucharistia, nn. 53-58), this new this October, which will end in initiative. May the one who in the Year Recording Secretary: October 2005 with the Ordinary of the Rosary helped us to contemplate Winnie Young Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Christ with her eyes and her heart (cf. Its theme will be: "The Eucharist, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, nn. 10-17), Corresponding Secretary: source and summit of the life and enable every community in the Year of Mary Montecki mission of the Church". the Eucharist to grow in faith and love for the mystery of the Body and Blood Treasurer: of the Lord." Sheila Barry The "Year of the Eucharist" fits into the context of the pastoral project that I pointed out in the Apostolic Please pray for our Holy Father, Pope Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte, in John Paul II. Thank You which I invited the faithful to "start Thank you, F.r Kovanis for afresh from Christ" (n. 29ff.). By your introduction to us and contemplating with greater speaking on the topic "Catholics and Political perseverance the Face of the Life". Thanks to our Incarnate Word, truly present in the breakfast angels, Ann Ko- vach, Ruth Mattick and Mary Carlomagno. The Programs For Our CCW Meetings tables were nicely decorat- Wednesday, September 8 - Marian Festival 6-8 PM ed and we loved our Saturday, October 2 - General Meeting/Respect Life Blessed Mother book- Saturday, October 30 - Card Party marks. Sat. November 6 - General Meeting/ St Raphael School, Mr. Lynn, Principal. Wed. Nov. 10 - Lower Pinellas Deanery Fall Conference @ St John’s Church Saturday, December 4 - Christmas Party ST.RAPHAEL'SCOUNCILOFCATHOLICWOMEN PAGE 2 at St. Jude’s Church, 9-noon. Joyce was diagnosed CCW NEWS with breast cancer last Sept. She will share her wit- Membership Report ness to the power of God’s love and community. Thank you to all who renewed your membership to Tickets are on sale until Sept 13. Send a stamped, St. Raphael’s Council of Catholic Women. Looking self-addressed envelope and $7 check payable to over the names in our directory, you are an AWE- Magnificat to Jane Lonergan 6915 11th Av N. St SOME group of women. We are still working hard to Pete FL 33710. recruit new members. If you have not yet joined, please jump on board with this wonderful organiza- Card Party tion. Mark your calendars now for the BEST CARD PARTY EVER. (Even better than last year’s card Here’s the count: 170 names in the 2003-2004 Direc- party, and that was REALLY FUN!) Saturday, Oc- tory. 9 died, 5 left, 13 life members, 7 honorary tober 30th , noon luncheon followed by cards and members, 2 now 5 nursing home members, 29 new games until 3 PM. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. members, 12 delinquent dues. There are 187 names Roseanna Costa has agreed to chair the event. Call of gracious women in the new 2004- 2005 directory her at 520-0286. which is a net gain of 17. October- Respect Life Welcome to our new members: Beverly Abentroth Sunday, Oct. 3 is Respect Life Sunday. Amy Alagood, Peggy Bach, Carol Ann Bates, Eileen Fr. Kovanis will hold a class at 10:30 Brady, Gail Brazzell, Paula Brunelle, Dorothy Char- AM on Respect Life issues. Watch the leton, Bonnie Condon, Marlene D’Abramo, Mary bulletin for details. Our speaker at our General Domal, Theresa Fitzgerald, Jean Flynn, Marty Fore- Meeting Sat., Oct 2 will be Dr Maura, on end of life man, Kay Greenman, Mary Hanlon, Susan Keller, issues. Carol Kettlestrings, Jeanne Larrison, Josephine McFarlane, Lynette McSorley, Thelma Neely, Susan Lower Pinellas Deanery Fall Conference Neitz, Virginia Paladino, Bernadine Quartetti, Rosa Mark your calendars- Wednesday, November 10 at Rodriquez, Addis Sasserath, Jane Scarpino, Juliette St John Vianney Church. Details next month. Schiavi, Adela Vidal, June Williams and Jane Win- stead. Monsignor Caverly St.Vincent DePaul Food Collection "Please express my deepest gratitude to all members by Dottie Santacaterina for your generous $3000 check toward our new On the third Sunday of every month there are con- church. Please extend my heartfelt thanks to all of tainers left at the entrances to our church to collect the members for their support of all parish and canned food and paper goods, cereal, shampoo, pas- school activities throughout the year. May God’s ta, soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, etc. These dona- blessings be with you all for a restful and enjoyable tions are delivered to the St. Vincent DePaul Food summer! Gratefully yours in the Lord, Center on 5th Av and 15th St. N. where they serve Msgr. J. Bernard Caverly" three meals a day to about 500 people. They also dis- tribute the non perishable items we send and bread Monsignor came back from his annual trip to Ire- donated by the bakeries in the area to the needy who land on Aug. 23. He is grateful we were spared present a voucher. Thank you for your generosity in damage from Hurricane Charley. He asks us to pray supporting this monthly drive. for the success of the building project. If anyone is interested in a memorial for the new church, please SaveYour Medicine Bottles contact the office. Call Charlotte Overbey 898-7882 to donate your empty medicine bottles for the Free Clinic. Please remove the label or the bottles cannot be used. Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Our own parishioner, Joyce Kubala, will be the guest speaker at the next Magnificat breakfast, Sat. Sept 18 ST.RAPHAEL'SCOUNCILOFCATHOLICWOMEN PAGE 3 Marian Rosary Festival and 94 other Americans to receive the French Le- Dear Friends, A few weeks ago, our Holy Father, gion of Honor, an award given on the 60th Anni- Pope John Paul II visited Lourdes, France on the versary of D-Day in France. Mr. Priest, a member occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclama- of Parachute Troop 101st Airborne Division landed tion of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception by parachute on Utah Beach in France the night by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1854. The dogma of the before D- Day to help prepare for the Allies' inva- Immaculate Conception holds that the Blessed Vir- sion. He has been recognized by Gov. Bush and gin Mary was kept free from the stain of original sin the Cabinet. from the first moment of her conception by the sin- ∗ Too bad Angela Soucy and Alice Harris didn’t see gular grace of Almighty God. In 1858, Mary ap- each other when they vacationed in New England peared to a young French girl, Bernadette Soubir- this summer. There on different days, they both ous, in the grotto of Massabille on the outskirts of loved the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Lourdes and reveled herself as the Immaculate Con- MA. Alice attended a family reunion with over 60 ception. In modern times, over 6 million pilgrims adults and plenty of children. Angela also traveled visit Lourdes each year to pray through to Montana. Mary Driscoll made it all the way to Mary's intercession for healing and good CA for a son’s 50 year old party. Please pray for health. Lourdes is not only a place of her grandson, Michael, 15, who is battling melano- healing, but most importantly a place where ma. Bette Hyslip is recuperating from a stroke she people demonstrate their faith in a loving and suffered while visiting her daughter in NJ. Lois Da- compassionate God. On Wednesday, vy, now living in Missouri, sent us her love via a September 8, the feast of the Nativity of the card. Lucy Donegan sounded bright and cheerful Blessed Virgin Mary, our parish via phone. She has moved to an assisted living fa- family will have the op- portunity cility 5 miles from her son in GA. Her new address to demonstrate our faith in God's is in the directory. goodness by honoring Mary. 6:00 p.m. adora- tion of the Blessed Sacrament accompanied by the ∗ Peggy McKeaud, friend of Kay Smith sent the recitation of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary CCW this "Please thank all the ladies who attended will precede the 7:00 p.m. evening Mass. Following (Kay’s funeral).
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