Russian Entomol. J. 22(3): 205210 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2013 New records of Elasmus Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) species from Southeast Asia Íîâûå íàõîäêè âèäîâ ðîäà Elasmus Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) èç Þãî-âîñòî÷íîé Àçèè I.S. Strakhova1, Z.A. Yefremova1, 2 È.Ñ. Ñòðàõîâà1, Ç.À. Åôðåìîâà1, 2 1 Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, 4 pl. 100-letya, Ulyanovsk 432700, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Óëüÿíîâñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò, ïë. 100-ëåòèÿ, 4, Óëüÿíîâñê 432700, Ðîññèÿ. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè, ôàêóëüòåò íàóê î æèçíè èìåíè Æîðæà Âàéçà, Òåëü-Àâèâñêèé óíèâåðñòèòåò, Èçðàèëü. KEY WORDS: Elasmus, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, Southeast Asia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Elasmus, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, Þãî-Âîñòî÷íàÿ Àçèÿ. ABSTRACT: Nine species of the genus Elasmus the present study, Elasmus species were not reported are newly recorded from continental Southeast Asia from Thailand. Elasmus brevicornis and E. johnstoni with diagnoses, distributions and remarks. E. philippi- Ferrière, 1929 are known from Myanmar (Burma) [Hert- nensis Ashmead, 1904 is re-described. A key to species ing, 1975, 1977]. Elasmus species were not found in of the genus Elasmus known from Thailand is presented. Cambodia and Laos. Seven species (Elasmus anticles Walker, 1846, E. brevicornis, E. cameroni Verma et ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Äåâÿòü âèäîâ ðîäà Elasmus âïåðâûå Hayat, 1986, E. corbetti Ferrière, 1930, E. hyblaeae óêàçûâàþòñÿ äëÿ êîíòèíåíòàëüíîé ÷àñòè Þãî-Âîñ- Ferrière, 1929, E. nephantidis, E. philippinensis Ash- òî÷íîé Àçèè ñ äèàãíîçîì, ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèåì è êîì- mead, 1904) are known from Malaysia [Ferrière, 1930; ìåíòàðèÿìè. Äàíî ïåðåîïèñàíèå âèäà E. philippi- Baltazar, 1966; Bhattacherjee, 1976; Verma & Hayat, nensis Ashmead, 1904. Ïðåäëîæåí êëþ÷ äëÿ âèäîâ 1986; Fry, 1989; Verma et al., 2002]. ðîäà Elasmus ôàóíû Òàèëàíäà. Among the countries neighbouring to Southeast Asia, 62 species were reported from India [Cameron, Introduction 1913; Mahdihassan, 1934; Walker, 1846; Parshad & Subba Rao, 1965; Mani & Saraswat, 1972; Husain & Kudeshia, 1984; Verma & Hayat, 1986; Verma et al., The genus Elasmus Westwood, 1833 is cosmopoli- 2002; Narendran et al., 2008], three species were found tan. In the Oriental region, it has a wide range and in Indonesia (Elasmus brevicornis, E. cameroni, E. occurs eastwards from Himalayan India and Sri Lanka zehntneri Ferrière, 1929), 17 species were reported to Southeast Asia, northern Vietnam, Thailand, Malay- from Sri Lanka [Thompson, 1954; Mani & Saraswat, sia and the Philippines. A total of 25 species is current- 1972; Bhattacherjee, 1976; Verma & Hayat, 1986; Ver- ly known from Southeast Asia. ma et al., 2002;. Hedqvist, 2004; Narendran et al., Nineteen species are known from Vietnam: Elas- 2008], and three species were found in China (Elas- mus anamalaianus Mani et Saraswat, 1972, E. belo- mus albopictus Crawford, 1910, E. cnaphalocrocis kobilskij Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. brevicor- Liao, 1987 and E. philippinensis) [Baltazar, 1966; Hert- nis Gahan, 1922, E. flavescens Verma et Hayat, 2002, ing, 1975; Liao et al., 1987]. E. giraulti Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. hanoicus In this paper, we provide additional descriptions of Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. indicus Rohwer, certain characters of a few Elasmus species. Nine spe- 1921, E. longicornis Verma et Hayat, 2002, E. longi- cies of Elasmus were found in Thailand, two species fustis Yefremova et Strakhova,2009, E. longiventris were reported from Malaysia, and one species was Verma et Hayat, 2002, E. nephantidis Rohwer, 1921, found in Indonesia. This paper is dedicated to the fa- E. nudus (Nees, 1834), E. schmitti Rushka, 1920, mous Russian chalcidologist, Dr. V.A. Trjapitzin, who E. singularis Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. spo- celebrates his 85th birthday in 2013. dopteri Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. subobscurus Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. sugonyaevi Yefre- Material and Methods mova et Strakhova, 2009, E. vietnami Yefremova et Strakhova, 2009, E. viridifemoralis Yefremova et Stra- All specimens used in this study were obtained on khova, 2009 [Yefremova & Strakhova, 2009]. Prior to loan from the Entomology Research Museum of the 206 I.S. Strakhova, Z.A. Yefremova University of California, Riverside, California, USA Hind tibia with bristles arranged in diamond-shaped loz- (UCRC). Specimens were studied using stereomicro- enges.............................................................................. 5 scope Leica M20. Morphological terminology follows 4. Posterior pair of scutellar bristles long, reaching up to T2 that used by Graham [1995]. POL minimum dis- of gaster. Antennal funicle (Fig. 8) 1.41.6 times as long tance between posterior ocelli; OOL minimum dis- as broad. Body black with bluish metallic tint, gaster tance between eye margin and adjacent posterior ocel- reddish, T2T3 with orange band .................................. lus; OD longest diameter of ocellus, AOL mini- ............................................ E. nigritus Verma & Hayat Posterior pair of scutellar bristles short, not reaching to mum distance between posterior ocellus and anterior past middle of propodeum. Antennal funicle (Fig. 3) ocellus; F1 F4 length of first, second, third and 2.02.5 times as long as broad. Body black with green fourth segments of antennal funicle; SMV submar- metallic tint, gaster reddish with brown band at base of ginal, MV marginal, PMV postmarginal and SV T1 ..................................................... E. grimmi Girault stigmal vein. Absolute measurements in millimeters 5. Body mostly black, mesothorax black with green or blu- (mm) are used for body length and fore wing length of ish metallic tint, mesoscutum sometimes with yellow specimens. All other distances are given in ìm. spot near tegula on both sides ...................................... 6 Body mostly yellow, mesothorax yellow with brown spots Taxonomy on scutellum, gaster with brown spot at base of T1. Antenna as on Fig. 11 .......... E. queenslandicus Girault 6. Mesoscutum with yellow spot near tegula on both sides Genus Elasmus Westwood, 1833 ....................................................................................... 7 Mesoscutum completely black with metallic tint............ 8 DIAGNOSIS. Forewing densely setose and wedge- 7. F1F3 (Fig. 7) almost equal to each other, POL 1.51.8 shaped, with elongate MV, short PMV, and slightly OOL, fore wing hyaline. F1 almost equal to pedicel. reduced SV; female funicle 3-segmented, male funicle Body dark-brown ..................... E. nephantidis Rohwer 4-segmented with 3 dorsal branches; mesosoma dense- F1F3 (Fig. 1) not equal to each other, POL 2.33.5 OOL. ly setose, metasoma subsessile; gaster triangular in cross F2=F3, distal part of fore wing with brown spot. Body section. Metanotum projecting as flat, triangular, often dark brown, gaster with yellow band on T1 .................. translucent plate over propodeum. Dorsal metanotal ........................................................ E. alaris Narendran lamella protruding posteriorly over propodeum with 8. POL 1.32.9 OOL .......................................................... 9 partial and complete latero-ventral keels. Metacoxa POL 4.05.0 OOL. F1 (Fig. 4) 1.2 times as long as F2, greatly enlarged and flattened in a plate-like manner. F2=F3. Body black with bluish tint, metanotum yellow, gaster with yellow band on T1 .... E. homonae Ferrière Hind tibia with short bristles forming distinct diamond- 9. F2 (Fig. 6) 1.01.2 times as long as F1. Body black with shaped or undulating pattern. green metallic tint, legs and gaster brown ..................... BIOLOGY. Polyphagous genus, attacks several lep- ..................................................... E. johnstoni Ferrière idopteran genera: Coleophora sp., Tortrix sp., Phyl- F1 (Fig. 5) 1.11.5 times as long as F2. Body black with lonorycter sp., as well as members of the order Hy- green metallic tint, gaster with yellow band on T1T2 . menoptera (e.g. Apanteles sp.) [Graham, 1976, 1995]. ......................................................... E. indicus Rohwer IDENTIFICATION. Keys to European species were provided by Graham [1976, 1995] and Ferrière [1947], Elasmus alaris Narendran, 2008 those to Vietnamese species were prepared by Yefre- Fig. 1. mova & Strakhova [2009], and keys to species from Russia and neighboring countries were provided by Yefremova & Strakhova [2010]. Elasmus alaris Narendran, 2008: 8. Holotype: $, India, Kerala, Palghat Dt., Thoonakkadavu, 5.V.1989, T.S. Narendran, Party Elasmus philippinensis was recorded from penin- (DZUC, not examined). sular Malaysia [Baltazar, 1966], and we suggest that it DIAGNOSIS. Body black with blue reflections, could also be found in Thailand. Type material of this mesoscutum with yellow spot near tegula on either species was therefore examined, and the species was side, metanotum and legs mostly yellow, gaster black re-described and included in the key. with reddish band on T1. Fore wing with infumation on distal part. POL 2.32.7 times OOL. F1 longer than F2, K TO THAILAND SPECIES OF ELASMUS (FEMALES) EY F2 equal to F3. 1. Antenna with funicular segments 1.11.2 times as long as HOSTS. Unknown. broad or transverse ....................................................... 2 DISTRIBUTION. India [Narendran et al., 2008], Antenna with funicular segments 2.22.8 times as long as Japan [Yefremova & Strakhova,
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