PAGE FOUR MOORHEAD DAILY NEWS, Moorhead, Minn. Thursday, April 23, 1936 sei American League MILLERS SUFFER 4Í. 4» W. L. Pet. Browns Win 2nd In Row Over Tigers, 12-4 1 .800 FKST '36 DEFEAT Chicago 4 Boston 7 2 .778 2 .667 Cleveland 4 MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS CITY Washington 5 4 .556 UP TO OLD TRICKS, JAMESTOWN PILOT Two Bad Baers SWIMMING MEET New York 4 4 .500 AGAIN SHARE LEAD; MIL- 4 .333 Detroit 2 WAUKEE WINS. Suppressed As St. Louis 2 5 .266 St. LOUIS SPOILS 'ThE HAS ENTHUSIASTIC Frenchman Wins RESULTS GIVEN AT Philadelphia 1 6 .143 • By UNITED PRESS BY •f- Results Wednesday CHAMPIONS' START PUNS FOR SEASON Oakland, Cal., April 23 (UP) TEACHERS' HIGH Boston 4; Washington 3. Oster- The Minneapolis M.llers and —Andre Lenglet, claimant to mueller and R. Perrell; Newsom and Kansas City Blues were tied for the French heavyweight title, FORMER GRAND FORKS OUTFIT 50 BOYS TAKE PART IN TWO- Bolton. leadership of the American associa- li?35' PENNANT WINNERS IN WJIMOTILMP 1Í today held the distinction of re- St. Looxis 12; Detroit 4. Cain and The Unfair Side that universities and colleges with DAY COMPETITION AT COL- tion today, each team having won i SIXTH PLACE IN RESPEC- SHAPES UP FAVORABLY IN pressing both the irrepressible Hemsley; Crowder, Lawson, Sulli- There is one angle of college about the same entrance and class- Baer brothers in one boxing five games and lost one. NEW LOCATION. LEGE POOL. van, Wade and Hayworth. TIVE LEAGUES. football, brought up recently in the room requirements should play bout. Others postponed, cold. Louisville scored three runs in the among themselves. gossip concerning spring practice, Confusing his opponent with third and fourth innings to win that has been badly overlooked. Zuehlsdor£F, Nelson Share First from Minneapolis 3 to 0 yesterday, Anderson Recruits Four Men From a quick change of pace that al- Games Today Ciiants Beat Phillies For 7th Vic- This concerns the matter not only Don Budge and the Davis Cup ternated short left jabs to the Place In Advanced Class; Detroit at St. Louis. administering the first defeat of the of entrance requirements, but also It begins to look as if California St. Louis Cardinals' Spring Washington at New York. season to the Millers. Each team lory; Red Sox, Dodgers, Cin- face and hand, jolting rights to Nels ThyseU III. of schola.stic requirements after the has come to the rescue again in Chicago at Cleveland. made six hits. cinnati Win, Training Camp. the body, Lenglet decisively de- athlete has become a campus resi- the matter of regaining the Davis cisioned 248 pound Buddy Boston at Philadelphia. Milwaukee defeated Colum.bus 3 dent. It is the angle that shows the cup. Baer, Max's younger brother, Results of the swimming meet to 2 in the only other game yester- unfair side of football as a free- Sports Hold SpotLght day. The Brewers made seven hits Bv HENRY SUPER Young Don Budge has now pick- Following is another in the in a six-round main event at held Tuesday and Wednesday at for-all intercollegiate competition. Moorhead States Teachers college Northfield, Minn., April 23 (UP) to Columbus' six. Kew York, April 23 (UP)—The ed up where Maurice McLoughlin, series on Northern league teams. Oakland auditorium last night. —Sports held the limelight at For example, there are a flock of little Bill Johnson and Ellsworth Brother Max, at ringside as high school were announced today St; IiCJui.s Browns have stepped back universities that demand from 12 by Chet Gilpin, athletic supervisor Carleton and St. Olaf colleges here caras Holds Lead into character ayain. After losing Vines left off. Jamestown, N..D., April 23 (UP)— one of Buddy's handlers, plain- today as teams from the . schoo's Philadelphia, April 23 (UP) — to 15 Carnegie imits before one The most enthusiastic manager in ly registered consternation as of the school. live gaine.s in a row to start the can enter. There are many others, A year ago, the main tiling that tangled in three sports. The base- Jimmy Caras, world champion Budge needed was more experience. the Northern baseball loop today Lenglet trounced Buddy. Pifty boys took part in the two- ball teams of the two schools meet .• cason, the Browns have suddenly high in the football swing, where day competition at the college pool. pocket billiard player, :oday held ani k ¡locked off the world champion He was on his way up. He had his was Pilot Johnny Anderson of the for the second time, the Oles having advantage of 152 to 80 over Edwin four or five units are all you need. newly-formed Jamestown team, for- Entries were divided into advanced, won from the Carls last Saturday, Detroit Tigers two in a row. There are many universities share of stuff in 1935, He has intermediate and beginners' classes Rudolph, his challenger, at the Last year the Browns were go- much more for 1936. merly the Grand Forks, N. D., club. 15-5. Other competing teams are close Of the first block of a five where classroom standards are stiff. according to their standings in in golf and tennis. block titular contest. ing no place, but at a critical time There are even more where class- "We should be near the top the CONCORDIA TRACK previous Red Cross swimming tests. ill the pennant race they came to room standards are extremely soft, Calling the Turn whole season," Anderson said. The meet was in direct charge of Now York and sounded a funeral not to say flabby. The Honorable M. Cochrane has Anderson and most of the Grand Milton Hollister, college senior. fiirge over the Yankees' pennant I could name you from fifty to already given another exhibition of Porks players came to Jamestown MEET DATES SET Nels Thysell, the high school's ])(JI>es-. The Browns may not go a hundred crack football players j calling the turn. Two weeks ago, this year with the pturchase of the stellar swimmer, who won the state any place again this year, hut in Augusta, Ga., he told us that junior championshii^ in the mile who were tossed out to certain Forks franchise last winter. LIST PROMISING PROSPECTS they'll help keep the American universities, only to find welcome Schoolboy Rowe was in the best and 100-yard events in Miruieapolis After a week of hard drill, An- last summer, is ill with scarlet fev- li-ajiUi- race lively. room in others. spring shape he had ever known derson reported that he considered FOR INTER-CLASS FIELD The Browas demonstrated real There are universities now which I and would be no more dangerous er and could not compete this week. Loans for Homes! the two weak spots that hampered COMPETITION. Results were: jjimcli yesterday when they pound- have from three to five men on | than a king cobra, him at Grand Porks, namely, at first .(1 out 18 hits off four Detroit probation who may not be allowed | "This time Rowe will get away Advanced—first, Merlynn Zuehls- base and behind the bat, well dorff and Leslie Nelson, 15 points We loan money to help purchase or build a jjiLchcr.s—Crowder, Lawson, SuUi- to play next fall. These men would right," Cochrane reported. You strengthened. Dates for the inter-class track \:ui and Wade— to beat the Tigers know the answer—two starts and each; second, Donald O'Day and home of your own .... have no trouble to face in a large meet at Concordia college have Maurice Zuehlsdorff, 7 each; third, lL'-4. Tvvo castoffs, Julian Solters number of institutions which get two shutouts under weather condi- Gets Boys From St. Louis "My visit to the St. Louis Card- been set tentatively for Friday and Irving Bly, 4; and fourth, Dick and Jim Bottomley, and two young- their share of football headlines. tions that were none too favorable Saturday, May 8 and 9, according Hoag, 3. lers, Beau Bell and Harland Clift, Beckwith, a star, barred two years for the pitching arm. inals' training camp in Springfield, Also to repair, improve or Mo., early this spring was for the to prank Cleve, athletic director. Intermediate—first, Philip Arch- ]( d thf Browns' attack with three at Yale, would have been eligible Cold weather has slowed practice er, 12 points; second, Dayton Bald- remodel your present home. lilt;; each. Clift drove in four runs at 90 per cent of America's colleg- Statistics so far also indicate that sole purpose of finding material down but a large number of candi- for the first base and catching po- win and Warren Schinn, 9 each; with three singles. es or universities. you can keep an eye on one Wes- dates are expected to turn out later third, Arthur Phillipp, 8; fourth, sitions, and the trip was worth this week for track and golf. # LOW COST! Tiffers Solidly In Sixth A year ago, Crisler of Princeton | ley Perrell, the Red Sox rifleman. while," Anderson said. Marvin Schramm, 6; fifth, jack advLsed one of his finest prospects j Ferrell won twenty-five games last Promising candidates for the high The defeat further entrenched Anderson brought back four men Brown and Ted Kittelson, 4 each; #PROMPT CLOSING! fh(> Tigers in .sixth place, the same to leave and go somewhere else | season and he is now away in a jump are Duane Piskum, Pelican sixth^ Carroll Christiansen, 3; and because he had no chance to make i hurry with two wins in two starts, including Dominick Castro, burly Rapids, and Arnold Tjomsland, seventh, Marvm Peterson, 2.
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