.--- --- - .-..-0 0- ~ - '.- I. Q) .D Q) E Q) ...Q. Q) tit ~ CIJf).- Q) ~ :-filii I. : Q) ' I· t! :::) ~ c .- , .- -t-a Q) E :::) Q) -0 > .a" E ~ 3 -- , The ·Rathskeller . ·is· at Hillcrest . Featuring: .PIZZA, SCHLITZ, SCHLITZ MALT, & PREMIUM NATIONAL SODA, CHIPS SOFT PRETZELS PEANUTS We have. carry-out whole pizzas Mon-Thur. · 12-2 Fri. 11-4 - Open: MOD &. Thor. 9pm to midnight Fri. &. Sot. 9pm-2om r-age 2, Retriever, September 13, 1976 Comment was a deliberate move which cost us all dearly. Of Too bad those people responsible for this loss never course, many of the new people are not aware of what was walked through woods: it was perhaps the only pla~e on Progress Fells Trees here before, and it is quite obvious they will never un­ campus to get away for a while, whether it be for a relief derstand what was robbed from our school-just so we in the tensions of academia, to be alone and just think In retrospect: Just about a year and a half ago, UMBC's could have a bit more conveiuence. Why now, not even a , about anything and not have the cold straight look of brick campus was a much quiter place as compared to our solitary branch lies along the road to remind those of us of red buildings looming at you in your mind, or even to be those vanquished woods. Perhaps if a little more planning with someone vou loved. changing campus of today. It is not change that is to be Sentimental? Perhaps. But this campus coUlO start to condemmed and criticized, but rather, the consequences and thought had gone into this, both road and woods could have co-existed. Quite obviously this did not happen. give a damn about how it looks, and appreciate life as of what that change offers. Some deem it vitally im­ we have it, not to rush off some ruthless design which portant that UMBC "move 'ahead" and "get on the ball" One day the bulldozers came and tortured the entire slowly strangles the more attractive parts of our campus. by constantly adding more buildings, roads, and even landscape. The question to ask is whether or not it was The woods were beautiful, and frankly, the road is ugly: it parking lots. It is time now that UMBC got its directions worth it to lose our decreasing number of trees for this is horrible. right; obviously some new things are needed on this road, or whether or not it would have been possible to There were some though, before we conclude, who campus, but the price we are paying is much to high to build it differently. As things turn out, we come to learn, wished to keep the woods, and one was our last chancellor, consider in just terms of money. After witnessing the that yes, there were other alternatives to cutting down Dr. Lee. He made suggestions for an alternate design: no malicous butchering of over an acre of precious trees and hundreds of trees, and creating a more "rustic" type Olle listened. Jiow much 'will we continue to pay for ­ woods, nothing put in their place could ever possible be setting instead of the resultant dead and cold appearance "Convenience?" Now we have trees bein~ planted by the justified. we now must share. Iibrary .. .it shouldn't be long though before we lose those, It was a lack of appreciation for thin~s Iivin~. other tnan and who can guess what other natural resources for the The loss of these woods was no accident, nor was it done ourselves, which built that road; and more of a Sake of constructing a parkinlZ lot. It's no convenience. with the intention of sparing any of the trees: but rather, it thoughtle~s ~ttitude which helped designed it. There ought to be a special place in Hell for those ... Letters suggestions please send their names, addresses, and telephone numbers to Mr. CIA On Campus Roger Bone, SGA Director of University Affairs at the SGA office, Hillcrest. (455- 2220) To the Editor, THE RETRIEVER: I want to thank'you for your cooperation Students, faculty, and staff were in this matter and if I may be of further ,JJelcomed back to UMBC last week with assistance to you, please do not hesitate to lris astounding item, which I quote from contact me. rhe back pages of your September 1 issue: Tun Kernan "This Office of Human Resources has SGA President recently added Clarence H. Hampton to its staff.... '. Hampton, a graduate of the University Vol kswago n of Michigan and p-esently a law student at the University of Baltimore, comes to UMBC from the Central Intelligence To The Editor: Agency. At that agency he had respon- ~ We at Maryland Volkswagen, Inc. are sibility for enforcement and monitoring of happy to extend as a service to students ' equal employment oWOrtunity. In ad­ and staff of local colleges and universities dition, to his EEO experience, Mr. Hamp­ a discount on parts and labor in our service ton has experience as a political analyst. department. The duties assigned Mr. Hampton at This will be applicable when an ID card ! .-UMBC-are (1) investigation of complaints is presented at the time the car is brought --;- of discrimination, (2) Liaison with the in for service. Chancellor's Commission on Minority The discount will be as follows: Student Education, (3) Liaison with the Question 4 is "AN ACT providing for the (rocess, I found that a screening process is 1. 10 percent on parts and labor done in Mfirmative Action Planning Committee, election of the members of the County the most important element in the cam­ our .service department. (4) Staff Liaison with the Black Caucus, Council of Howard County by coun· paign to insure appointment to the board. 2. 10 percent on parts and labor in our (5) Staff Liaison with the Women's Union, cilmanic districts, or by the voters of the Therefore, the Student Government body shop. and (6) the UMBC Job Bank.... " entire county, or by a combination of these Association has established a screening 3. Free AM-FM radio on any new car The Central Intelligence Agency! In methods of election." (rocess. However, UMBC's most im, purchased from stock. case there is anyone so out of touch with Please inform the voters of your portant priority is to find qualifie< 4. $50.00 discount on any used car pur­ the world that they don't know about the jurisdiction to vote for this amendment. students to serve on the board. chased from stock. slimy activities of this police agency, let "Vote FOR· Question 4." QUALIFICATIONS Please feel free to relay this information me list a few, courtesy of The Washington A student Regent must be able to for· to your students and staff or to call us if Post and other reputab~e sources: Four years ago, your county and every other county did this for Baltimore County. mulate a policy ijnd make policy decisions, you have any questions concerning this 1. Assassination plots against "un­ attend meetings with university officials p-ogram. friendly" leaders in other countries, in­ Your support is I\Ow needed for Howard County. and become a contribUting member of the Hoping to serve you in the future! cluding Patrice Lumumba in the Congo; Board of Regents. The student must also Yours truly, Fidel Castro in Cuba; Rafael Trujillo in Your cooperation will be greatly ap­ preciated. be able to maintain his academic studies J. Bryan Mears, Jr. the Dominican Republic; and Salvador at UMBC. General Manager Allende in Chile. Yours truly, Marie B. Zimmer, Treasurer SIGNIFICANCE 2. Operation Phoenix in South Vietnam, A student Regent appointment would in which thousands of Vietnamese citizens The Committee for Councilmanic Districts result in greater representation for UMBC allegedly sympathetic to the National in the University Government. The student Holiday; Complaint Liberation Front were murdered. regent would be primarily concerned with - 3. Behavior modification experiments P .S. The Committee for Councilmanic relating the interests of UMBC community and LSD experiments upon unsuspecting ' Districts is registered with the Howard To the Editor: to the Board. I believe that Governor I am complaining, as many others have, ' American citizens, including prisoners, County Board of Election Supervisors and Mandel may appoint a UMBC student to 4. Black market activities in Vietnam also, with the State Administrative Board the board this year. The student who about the closing of the dining hall on and Chile. of Election Laws. Comprised of members recieves this appointment, after par­ Labor Day, September 6th. This seemed S. Burglaries in the homes and offices of from the Bipartisan Study Commission's ticpating in the SGA's screening process, quite arbitrary since the dining hall was American living abroad. Majority Committee and from the will reflect this campus's future active open last Labor Day. The trouble of 6. Spying on political dissidents, in­ Council's Election Review Commission's participation in the University's govern­ walking into Arbutus was about as exciting cluding students, at Brown University, Minority Committee, this Tri-partisan ment. as eating there. Great way to spend a Boston University, and Utah State in 1970 committee acquired nearly 11,000 I am requesting suggestions concerning vacation. and 1971. , .. signatures (25 percent of registered possible candidates. If you have any Sincerely yours, It would be interesting to know why It IS voters) to petition the question of Jim Laurenzano that Mr. Hampton has been hired at districting to the ballot after the Howard UMBC.
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