CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 www.crc-journal.com 1 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH CENTER – J o u r n a l International Journal of Social and Human science s E d i t o r - in- C h i e f : Metodi Shamo v , P h D E d i t o r s : , Ibish Mazreku , P h D Elitza Kumanova , Qashif Bakiu, PhD Publisher: Contemporary Research Cente r International Editorial Board: Francis Balle, prof. dr., ’Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, R. France, Stanford University USA Dimitar Bechev, Visiting Senior Fellow, European Institute (LSEE – Research of South Eastern Europe), London School of Economics; Oxford University, Great Britain, Lachezar Dachev, prof. dr., Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, R. Bulgaria, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, R. Bulgaria Michael Schulz, Ph.D. SCHOOL OF GLOBAL STUDIES, Associate Professor in Peace and Development Research, University of Gothenburg Mehmet Can, prof. dr. International University of Saraevo, R. Bosnia and Hercegovina, Ibish Mazreku, PhD, University Haxhi Zeka, R. Kosovo Orhan Çeku, PhD, Universiteti “Pjeter Budi”, R. Kosovo Sibel Kibar, Phd, Kastamonu University, R. Turkey Jorida Frakulli, PhD, Albanian University, R. Albania Genta Skurra, PhD, Tirana University, R. Albania Halit Shabani, PhD, University Haxhi Zeka, R. Kosovo Dragana Ranđelović, International University of Novi Pazar, R. Serbia Bajram Çupi, PhD, University of Tetova, R. Macedonia Ylber Sela, PhD, University of Tetova, R. Macedonia Qashif Bakiu, PhD, University of Tetova, R. Macedonia Metodi Shamov, PhD, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, R. Bulgaria, Editor-in-Chief www.crc-journal.com 2 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 Editorial Council: Reviewers Bord: Salajdin Saliu (Macedonia) Lachezad Dachev Aqif Mulliqi, (Kosova) Orhan Çeku Lemane Mustafa (Serbia) Metodi Shamov Ismail Mehmeti (Kosova) Alqi Naqellari Arjan Gjini (Albani) Dimitar Bechev Fatmir Halili, (Kosovo) Hasim Deari Valmira Rada, (Albania) Elitsa Kumanova Adrijana Velija (Macedonia) Bajram Çupi Emira Limani (Kosovo) Ibish Mazreku Arsim Aziri (Macedonia) Qashif Bakiu Adelina Yankova (Bulgaria) Arsim Aziri Svetla Marinova (Bulgaria) Genta Skura Semija Saliju (Macedonia) Ismail Mehmeti Fekri Iseni (Macedonia) Aqif Mulliqi Liridona Vejseli (Macedonia) Afrim Halili Alberta Tahiri (Kosova) Rametulla Ferati Selam Isejni (Macedonia) Enisa Murseli Gjokaj (Montenegro) Proofreading: T e c h n i c a l Editing/Layout : (English, Albanian, German ) Rexhep Rexhepi, Drilon Musai, Rilinda Hoda Visar Bakiu, Abdulla Mehmeti, Agron Kurtishi Printing House: Office assistant: S. Saliju IRIS Editorial Office: Contemporary Research ISSN 1857- 9744 (Print) Center, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia Published twice a year A. Mustafa C/2-14, 6000, Ohrid Qendra për Hulumtime Bashkëkohore Phone: +389 76 404 662 Account No. 210069974570114 e-mail: [email protected] Deponent: NLB TUTUNSKA BANKA URL: www.crc-journal.com Account in EURO: IBAN MK07210722000045560 SWIFT: TUTNMK22 A.D. NLB TUTUNSKA BANKA www.crc-journal.com 3 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 Project coordinators: Besian Istrefi – Europe and USA Alban Nadzaku - Switzerland Arjan Gjini – R. Albania Fatmir Halili –R. Kosova Semija Saliju – R. Macedonia Zornitsa Yordanova – R. Bulgaria, Enisa Murseli Gjokaj – R. Montenegro All research articles are reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers appointed by the Editor ISSN1857-7474 online www.crc-journal.com www.crc-journal.com 4 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS (PËRMBAJTJA): THE ROLE OF FAMILY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN ENCOURAGING THE POSITIVE GROWTH OF THE EMPLOYMENT RATE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ............................................................ 6 Zendeli Mislim, Assoc. Prof. .............................................................................................................. 6 Zhvilli i Turizmit Malor ne Republikën e Kosovës ................................................................................. 25 Bekë Kuqi ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Kualiteti në ofrimin e shërbimeve në hotelet e Prishtinës ................................................................... 37 Petrit Hasanaj .................................................................................................................................... 37 Kënga polifonike shqiptare, vlerë unikale botërore ............................................................................ 61 Selami Kolonja.................................................................................................................................. 61 ELECTIONS AND THE ELECTION SYSTEM IN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA (1990-2014) ......................... 70 Muaz Agushi ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Klima biznesore nuk rezultoi të jetë e ndikuar pozitivisht nga politikat ekonomike: rast i evidencës empirike ................................................................................................................................................ 81 Fluturim Saliu, Fakulteti Ekonomik-UT ........................................................................................... 81 Vendimi për llojin e mostrës ............................................................................................................. 82 Karroca intelegjente - komponentë e teknologjisë së avancuar në treg .............................................. 90 Fluturim SALIU ................................................................................................................................ 90 ETHNOCULTURAL IDENTITY ................................................................................................................ 100 The problem of differences (diversity - changes) ............................................................................... 100 QASHIF BAKIU ............................................................................................................................ 100 NDIKIMI I MEDIAVE NË MARRËDHËNIET NDËRETNIK NË MAQEDONI ............................................... 110 MR. ADRIJANA VEJSELI ............................................................................................................ 110 www.crc-journal.com 5 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 THE ROLE OF FAMILY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN ENCOURAGING THE POSITIVE GROWTH OF THE EMPLOYMENT RATE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Zendeli Mislim, UDC: 331.5.055.2]:334.722.24:640.4(497.7) Abstract The aim of this work is to analyze the current economic state and the possibilities for improvement of the same on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, considering the role of family hotel and restaurant industry. It is about a specific social situation, not enough empirically explored nor supported by direct literature correlated with the possibilities of objective scientific research methodology. However, science cannot be based solely on that kind of evidence. The aim of the theoretical and empirical research is to derive specific conclusions relevant to explanation of the essence regarding the cause and effect relations associated with the role of hotel and restaurant industry in encouraging the economic growth, higher employment rate and better standard of living. Therefore, considering the necessary time distance as well as the clarity of the causal link, the focus will be set on assessing the opinion of the population regarding the importance of the hotel and restaurant industry respectively, on the territory of Republic of Macedonia. The research made regarding the importance of family hotel and restaurant business for boosting the positive growth in the employment rate in RM inspires further positive modelling of this relation within the frames of multi ethnic Macedonia. Furthermore, the results will be obtained www.crc-journal.com 6 CRC-JOURNAL NO 8-9, APRIL – NOVEMBER, 2018 from the application of primary and secondary data gained through conducted closed type survey and analyzes of researches relevant to the topic. These will serve as a basis for setting an appropriate approach in creating essential strategic policies in the social-economic context within the society of the Republic of Macedonia. Key words: Catering, hotel industry, restaurant industry, economic development, employment rate, investments Introduction The main subject of the theoretical and empirical analysis of this paper is the current situation in the country, in terms of opportunities for employment rate improvement through hotel and restaurant industry. In that context, firstly, the opinions, beliefs, attitudes and discussions regarding the definition of the importance of small and medium enterprises will be given, that is the investment opportunities in private businesses in this country, in order to give a modest contribution to the issue: Do hotel and restaurant industries contribute to the increase in the employment level in the Republic of Macedonia? Moreover, a brief overview will be presented of tourism status in this country, i.e. the strategic framework on a state level for increasing the tourist attractiveness internationally. In the context of the issues raised in this paper work, the trend of the employment rate in Macedonia is explained also by the economic and legal analyses of positive legislation and strategies
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