INDEX Aardvark, 172 “American Sexual Revolution, The” ABC, 278–279, 291, 333 (radio broadcasts), 176 abortion, 179–180, 344 Amis, Martin, 349 “A-Card Blues, The” (Hefner), 31 Anderson, Pamela, 411 Accused, 47 Anthony, Ray, 441 ACLU, 275, 376 Antioch College, 415 Adams, Don, 145, 157 Antioch Review, 178 advertising, 102, 114, 127–128, 154, anti-Semitism, 37, 50 189, 423 Ara, Reverend Charles D., 399 Hefner in, 442 Arnstein, Bobbie, 212, 254, 256 Playboy changes and, 305–306, 414 arrest of, 258–267 Playboy Jazz Festival (1959) and, 95, suicide of, 267–270 135–136 Arnstein, Eddie, 260 “Playboy Reader,” 309 Associated Press, 154 Advertising Age, 75 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 241 “After the Masquerade” (Hefner), 59 Atlantic City, 340–342, 350 Against Our Will (Brownmiller), 370 Avener, Robin, 354 aging, Friedan on, 419 AIDS, 347, 357 Baber, Asa, 355–356, 413 Ali, Muhammad, 278, 306 Babs and Shirley (Playboy), 131, alimony, Playboy on, 72, 78, 119, 233 146, 231 Allen, Steve, 172COPYRIGHTEDBaby Face, MATERIAL 441 Allen, Woody, 210 Bachman, Curtis, 14 Allred, Gloria, 344, 386 Bachman, Jimmy, 14 All the President’s Men (Bernstein, backgammon, 286–288 Woodward), 309 Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Alpert, Hollis, 189 American Women (Faludi), 418 American Booksellers Association, 375 Bakker, Jim, 361 American Chronicles, 405–406 Baldwin, James, 197 American National Exhibition, 137 Bann, Richard, 441 American Nazi Party, 196 Barnum, P. T., 172 515 bbindex.inddindex.indd 551515 88/12/08/12/08 22:34:55:34:55 PPMM 516 INDEX “Basic Bar” (Playboy), 125 Browning, Sheila, 146 Basie, Count, 95, 135 Brownmiller, Susan, 236, 370 Baumgarth, John, 64 Brubeck, Dave, 79, 135 Beach Book, The (Steinem), 238 Bruce, Lenny, 141, 156, 190, 200, 261 Bealls, Sally, 204 Bryant, Jean, 315 Beats, 74, 133–134 Buchanan, Pat, 416 Beatty, Linda, 315 Buchwald, Art, 171, 298 Beatty, Warren, 212, 280 Buckley, William F., 3, 194, 209, 326, 379 Beaumont, Charles, 80, 97, 131 Burns, Kevin, 441, 444, 447 Becker, Judith, 368, 378 Business Week, 439 Bentley, Mandy, 432–433 Bentley, Sandy, 432–433 Caan, James, 277, 278, 279, 280, 286, 442 Benton, Barbi, 224–227, 251–258, 262, Calderone, Mary, 215 280, 283 Caniff, Milton, 27 Conrad-Hefner marriage and, 398, Cantor, Mark, 441 399–402 Captain’s Paradise, The, 252 Playboy Mansion West found by, Carey, Drew, 435 273–274 Carmichael, Carrie Lee. See Leigh, Carrie Berliner, Joel, 432 Carnegie, Dale, 108 Bernstein, Carl, 309 Carpenter, Teresa, 335–336 Bierce, Ambrose, 72 Carson Pirie Scott, 50–51, 52, 97 “Big Boobs” (New Republic), 379 Carter, Jimmy, 312–313, 328, 351 “Big Bunny” (airplane), 209–210 Carter, Richard, 194 “Bill Dodgely and Troop 31” (Hefner), 17 cartoons Billings, Robert, 326 Carter interview parodies, 312–313 Biowski, Edith, 31 early creations by Hefner, 15, 17, 30, birth control, 214, 215, 230 32, 36, 38, 52 Bishop’s Study, The (radio show), 94 featuring Hefner, 402 Bi-Weekly News (Hefner), 16 parodying Playboy, 348 Black, Hugo, 177 Playboy features, 72, 97–98, 111, Blackmun, Harry, 379 130–131, 201 Black Widow, 366 Reisman on, 369–370 Blossom (NBC), 404 Casablanca, 441, 448–449 Bogart, Humphrey, 204, 448–449 Casilli, Mario, 332 Bogdanovich, Peter, 334–336, Castro, Fidel, 211 381–388, 393 Catholic World, 183–184 Bonner, Gillian, 412 Cavett, Dick, 236 Boorstin, Daniel, 8, 144 CBS, 224–225, 359 Borson, Janie, 29, 32, 35, 39, 42, 45 censorship, 376 Borst, Ron, 441 Comstock Act (1873), 108 Bouras, Arlene, 91, 92, 99, 100, 101, 146 Hefner on, 78, 139 Boyd, Malcolm, 214 “Reagan Revolution” and, 325 Bradbury, Ray, 80, 131 U.S. Post Office lawsuit, 82–83 Bradley, Tom, 279 See also Meese Commission; Bradshaw, Joan, 146 pornography Braudy, Susan, 241–243 Chamberlain, Bev, 146 Britt, May, 153, 195 Champlin, Charles, 385 Brooks, Richard, 362, 363, 397 Chancellor, Connie, 146 Brophy, Jim, 28–30, 32, 35, 61 Chancellor, John, 146 Brown, Helen Gurley, 192 Chaplin, Charlie, 102, 139 Brown, Jerry, 279 Chatelaine, 402 Brown, Jim, 286 Chiat/Day/Mojo, 423 bbindex.inddindex.indd 551616 88/12/08/12/08 22:34:55:34:55 PPMM INDEX 517 Chicago, 82 promoted by Playboy, 73, 123–132, Chicago American, 154 450–453 Chicago Art Institute, 39 Consumer Magazine Report, 132 Chicago Carton Company, 50 “Contaminators, The” (Playboy), 101 Chicago Daily News, 57 contraception. See birth control Chicago Daily Tribune, 52 Cooper, Arthur, 352 Chicago Herald-American, 52 Coppola, Francis Ford, 306 Chicago Historical Society, 53 Corliss, Richard, 436 “Chicago Mansion, The” (Playboy), Cornfeld, Bernie, 286, 301 199–200 Cosby, Bill, 224, 226, 279, 399 Chicago Strike Force, 265, 266, 269 Cosmopolitan, 192, 239, 253 Chicago Sun-Times, 178, 258, 290, 292, 322 Cowie, Colin, 399 Chicago’s Urban League, 136 Cox, Harvey, 3, 5, 180, 185, 209, 216, 220 Chicago Tribune, 160, 258, 286, 405 Crawford, Allan, 265 Children’s Activities, 51 Crawford, Johnny, 441 Childs, Marquis, 190, 194 Critics Choice, 424 Child Training Association, 51 Crothers, Diane, 236 Christianity. See religion Crowe, Cameron, 351 Christianity and Crisis, 180 Culp, Robert, 441 Christianity Today, 435 Curtin, Jane, 291 Christian Science Monitor, 293 Curtis, Patrick, 386 Christy, Karen, 253–257, 262, 264 Curtis, Tony, 160, 163–165, 190, 277, 399 “Classic Kimberly” (Playboy), 407 Cyber Club, 424 “clean sex,” 113, 173 Clinton, Bill, 408, 415, 422 Daily Illini (University of Illinois at Clouston, Bob, 29 Urbana), 40, 45, 46–47 cocaine, 259–260, 266–267, 310, 359 Daily Northwestern (Northwestern Cockburn, Alexander, 266, 329–330 University), 83 “Coed of the Month” (Shaft), 46 Dale Harrison’s Chicago, 52 Coffin, William Sloane, 216, 217 Daley, Richard, 145 Cohen, Lizabeth, 124 Daniels, Derick, 318–322, 337–340, 343 Cohen, Richard, 322 Daniels, M. J. Taylor, 320 Cohen, Steve, 423 Daniel Starch & Staff, 132 Cold War, 137 Dante, John, 145, 212, 224, 254, 264, Cole, Jack, 111, 130 341, 431 Cole, Marilyn, 253, 302 Conrad and, 395, 399, 403 Coleman, Cy, 155 in “Rabbit Pack,” 286 “College Issue” (Playboy), 79 views on Leigh, 363, 365 Columbia Journalism Review, 182–183 Davis, Sammy, Jr., 153, 157, 160, 195, 277 Columbia Pictures, 163 Dawson, Richard, 279 Columbia Records, 321 “Death of a Playmate” (Carpenter), communism, 74, 75–76, 137–142, 210 335–336 Comstock Act (1873), 108 “Death of Painting, The” (Playboy), 79 Conklin, Betty, 29, 31 DeCarlo, Joe, 286, 341 Connery, Sean, 152 Deep Throat, 303, 371–372 Conrad, Kimberly. See Hefner, Kimberly Delancey, Shirley, 146 Conrad (wife) Delgado, Linda, 354 Conservative Digest, 347 Democratic National Convention (1968), consumerism, 108 212–213, 326 Hefner’s political views and, 137 DeMott, Benjamin, 173 1970s economy and, 297–298, Dempsey, John, 111 308–309 Derek, Bo, 350 bbindex.inddindex.indd 551717 88/12/08/12/08 22:34:56:34:56 PPMM 518 INDEX Detroit Free Press, 217–218 Esquire, 32, 51, 53, 62, 81, 103–104, 118 Dewhurst, Colleen, 376 editorial content of, 105 dexamethasone, 393 Petty Girls, 32, 116 Dexedrine, 198–199, 221, 259, 265, on Playboy, 179, 302–303 287, 341 EstÈs, Clarissa Pinkola, 413 Dick Cavett Show, 236 Exurbanites, The (Spectorsky), 91 Diephouse, Dorothy, 29 Dietz, Park, 368 “Fahrenheit 451” (Playboy), 80 Diners Club, 128 Falcon Crest (CBS), 359 Dirsmith, Ron, 274–275 Faludi, Susan, 418 Disenchanted, The (Schulberg), 56 Falwell, Reverend Jerry, 325, 326, 327, Disney, Walt, 452 367, 370, 378 divorce, Playboy on, 72, 119, 215, 233 Family Circle, 408 Dobson, James C., 368 Farber, David, 189 Donnerstein, Edward, 378 Farmer, James, 210 Doonesbury (Trudeau), 402 Farrell, Warren, 418 Douglas, William O., 6, 211, 216 fashion, Playboy on, 79, 126, 127–128, 216 Downs, Hugh, 53 “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” Doyle, Arthur Conan, 72 (Playboy), 351 Draper, Bruce, 228 Faulkner, William, 179 drugs FBI, 140 Arnstein and, 258–270 Feather, Leonard, 102 cocaine, 214, 259–260, 266–267, Feiffer, Jules, 130, 212 310, 359 Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 230, dexamethasone as stroke treatment, 393 246–247, 418 Dexedrine used by Hefner, 198–199, Feminist Anti-Censorship Task Force 221, 259, 265, 287, 341 (FACT), 376 marijuana, 259, 266, 279, 326 feminist movement, 228–229, 451 Playboy on, 194, 211, 216, 266 Christie Hefner and, 344 Viagra used by Hefner, 432, 434 Hefner on Playboy as feminist Dun’s Review, 271 publication, 348 duPont Registry, 424 Meese Commission and, 367, 368–372, Dworkin, Andrea, 367, 370–372, 372, 373–381 383, 418 Playboy on “equity feminism,” 247, 417–422, 453 E!, 443–446, 450 Playboy on gender roles and, 230–235 Edward Bennett Williams, 382–383 post–World War II roles of women Ehrenreich, Barbara, 246, 385 and, 229–230 Eisenberg, Billy, 286, 287, 288 protests against Playboy by, 236–243, Eisenhower, Dwight D., 75, 108, 140, 141 245–249 Eldridge, Burl, 386 on Stratten’s death, 335 Ellington, Duke, 129 “Femlin” (Playboy), 97 Ellis, Albert, 178 Fiolipachi, Daniel, 302 Elsinore Corporation, 340, 342 Fisher, Murray, 193, 197, 199–200, 299, Empire News, 69 307, 384 England Fitzgerald, Ella, 95, 129, 135, 156 PEI gaming operation in, 336–340, 345 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 56, 404, 431, 449 Playboy Club expansion in, 206–208 Flanagan, James, 341–342 Equal Rights Amendment, 279, Fleming, Ian, 152 325, 344 Flynt, Larry, 325, 326 “equity feminism,” 247, 417–422, 453 Focus on the Family (radio program), 268 Espy, Clark, 392 Fonda, Jane, 311, 326 bbindex.inddindex.indd 551818 88/12/08/12/08 22:34:56:34:56 PPMM INDEX 519 Ford, Gerald R., 269, 313 Great Gorge Resort Hotel, 270, 316 Ford, Henry, 452 Green, Robert L., 189 Fortune, 73, 343 Greenburg, Dan, 307 Fosse, Bob, 336 Greene, Bob, 266, 292, 348–349 Fountainhead, The (Rand), 54–55 Gregory, Dick, 195 Fountain of Age (Friedan), 419 Griffith, Melanie, 307, 355 Franklin, Benjamin, 7, 125, 200, 218 Grinnell College, 228 Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The (NBC), 404 Guardian, 322 Friedan, Betty, 230, 246–247, 376, 418–419 Guccione, Robert, 300–302 Froehlich, Lee, 439 Guerrilla Theater, 228 From the Back of the Bus (Gregory), Gutwillig, Robert, 271 195–196 Frost, Mark, 405–406 Haden-Guest, Anthony, 276 Fulbright, J.
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