UDC: 572. 02X22) Title: Insula: internat'ional journal of isl. cat. no: 2il&37 Date: 27 Feb 201i Subscription no l Note: 1l' IZ^Q^Q International Journal of Island Affairs DO ^ ^ lî i International Journal of island Affairs ISSN1021-0814 Year 16 No l f:/^ October 2007 ^ Editorial Board Editer: Fier Giovanni d'Ayala Native Caper - Island ofSalina (Sicily). Editorial Assistant: Photo by Francesco lanneiïo Mohamed-Nizar LARABI 11 for i l "d An Scientifîc Advisory Committee: Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, Canada to sup Prof. Salvino Busutil, Malta Prof. Hiroshi Kakazu, Japon Prof. Nicolas Margaris, Greece Prof. Patrick Nunn, Fidji Dr. Henrique Pinto da Costa, Sao Tome e Principe Bibliothèque Publishedby 1NSULA,thé International Scientif'icCouncil for Island Development, with thé support of UNESCO. Articles publishedin thisjournal do not necessarilyreïïect thé opinions of INSULA or of UNESCO. Material appearing in this journal cannot be reproduced Thousand years-old olive tree - without thé prior permission of thé Editer. Archeological site of Gortys - Island of by GaëlleMirronet Library Crète. Photo 1NSULA, thé International Journal of Island Affairs, is distributed free to INSULA's individual and institutional E-mail : library@unesco. org members. For subscriptions and information, please write to: Tel. :+33 (0)1 45 68 03 56/60 7,'Place deFontenoy 75007 Paris, France INSULA C/0 UNESCO l, rue Miollis 75732 Pzris cedex, France Tel:+33 145. 68. 49. 01. Fax: +33 l 45. 68. 58. 04. E-mail: insula@unesco. org 1,' 1r irî^'î ÏJ^ For More information our website and our forum are Lfr'l available: Bibliothèque/Library www. insula. org http://insula.aceboard.com FUTU -EO ES ANDS 7 place de Fontenoy 75352 PARiS07 SP - FRANCE Contente EDITOMAL By Pier Giovanni d'Ayala Secretary Général DOSSIER:Islands Genetic Resources Collecting agro-biodiversity onisland of Crète byG. Laghetti, D. Pignone.S. Cifarelli, K.Hammer, andM. Skoula 19 Genetic Resources in théIsland ofCorsica stiïl présent in thé Mediterranean islands. ïyB^S. 'BuWtta. S.'CifarelU, Th. Gladys, K.Hammer andG. Laghetti . sland's natural resources hâve obviously Mediterranean countries such as France, represented a récurrent thèmefor ourjournal. Let's Italy and Greece hâve contributed to create Safeguardingagro-biodiversity ofthree lonian Greekislands: 24 Lefkada, Ithaca, and Kefalonia recaU thé September 2001 issue exploring among germoplasm banks, where to maintain alive thèse w most valuable resources. a- ÏyK. 'Hammer, G. Laghetti. D. Pignone, E. PsarraandS. Samaras othersthé peculiar features of thé island of Socotra in théIndian Océan. Thé double February/September Crète, thé Greek lonian Islands, Sardinia l 37 and Corsica are thé Mediterranean shores addressed Genetic érosion on théPacifie Island ofMungiki (Solomon Islands) 2004 issue on "Island Biodiversities-Sustaining Life at first. ByThomas Walkenhorst and Karl Hammer in Vulnérable Ecosystems" edited in collaboration with thé UN secrétariat on thé Convention on Still concerning this geographical area, a PlantGenetic Resources for restoringfertUity ofheavy métal poUuted soils Biological Diversificaty, thé September 2005 issue paper concerning thé plant genetic resources for 40 in thé Sardinian Geominerary Park on "Biotechnologies, Biodiversity and Culture". restoring fertility of heavy métal polluted soUs in Thé point of vîew adopted by thé Authors of Sardinia seems us to indicate new directions for ByVera Safronova. Andrei Belimov, SimonaVzrdis, Filippo Wis, MarioDeroma andSimonetta BuWtta thèse issues was doubtless influenced by a général furtherisland debates,where mining and industrial pessimistic feeling suggested by avaiïable data on activities take place. Genetic Erosion, conservation and utilization ofwild tomatoes from thé 42 théstatus andtrends ofisland'sbiological diversity, Genetic érosion will be also shortly Galapagos Islands in particular on altération of islands habitat, of addressed in South Pacifie, thé Solomon Islands, By Jaime Prohens, JoséM. Blanca and Fernando Nuez world importance. A richness counterbalanced by and Galapagos with its wild tomatoes. its fragility. Finally good old coconuts are not forgotten ISLANDERSATWORK Natural living resources are nevertheless at and an innovativeproposai is put forward.Isolated théorigm ofgoods and services that support économie islets canbecome crop gènebanks, allowing selecting "Isletssave Coconuts" from an old polynesian practke to thé new concept of a crop development. Threats to island environment hâve varieties andimproving quality andcharacteristics 47 of coconut plantations. gènebank located on smaUislands direct and indirect conséquences on their entire social and économie fabric. You hâve certainly noticed, dear readers, By RolandBourdeix, T. Bambridge andS. Larme We suggest hère to explore further thé thé importance attributed by thé authors of thé CULTURE AND TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE interaction factors linking together bio-resources, présentissue to culture andtraditional knowledge. traditional héritage, with thé opening of potential An interesting blend indeed of good scientific 58 observation and timeless know how. Culture as thé 4th PiUar of Sustainable Development development and market opportunities. Thé authors who contribute to this Thé éditer feels therefore justified to conclude thé By Keith Nurse issue are addressing specifically this sensitive présentissue with an enlighteningpaper: "Culture 71 thème conformity natural biodiversity with agro- as thé 4th pillar of Sustainable Development". BOOK REVIEW biodiversity.A sortof specular interface among frwo A reminder of thé conclusions of thé Mauritius equally important élémentsofisland development. International Meeting for thé Small Island Developing States (January 2005). 72 In doing so, they focus on évidences or danger of INSULA'S PAGE genetic érosion especially for autochthonous crops 73 UNESCO 'S PAGE Aknowledgements l wish to express hère insula's gratitude to Dr. Simonetta Bullitta and Dr. Gaetano Laghetti for their collaboration in preparin^ that issue. INTERNATIONALJOURNAL 0F ISLANDÂFFAIRS which increases productivity. Farmers seek to increase their control over thé labour process in order to compensate for loss 7 ^ ofcontrol over thémarketing of products. In thé peasant family / r^, farm, most labouris providedby . f A"-^' familymembers. Thépafaiarchal structure of society sets thé context for an increasingly discriminatorygender division of labourin farming. Men dominate appraisal, évaluation and two airports with numerous mechanizedproduction and thé safeguardofautochthonous crop international flights during thé management of thé marketing genetic resources still présent in tourist season, in addition to coopératives. Women are By G. Laghetti, D. Pignone, S. Cifarelli thé Mediterranean islands and an effective System of sea liiiks increasingly burdened with K. Hammer and M. Skoula represents thé extension of a with thé Greek mainland and agriculturaland domestic manual l î/1 similar joint activity regarding thé major islands. Exporters work and remain excluded C/3 thé collection of crop genetic of agricultural products use from thé coopératives and l resources from thé small Italian air freight with an increasing other community institutions, islands of agricultural interest frequency; therefore, Cretan despite new laws prescribing (Hammer and Laghetti 2006). résidents hâve found ways to equality (Stratigaki 1988). l t» Summary Crète (560, 000 considerably overcome distance Thé flora of Crète is inhabitantsin 1997)is thélargest from thé mainland, and to extraordinarily rich and unique l n initial collecting mission large areas. Thé main changes (Solanum nigmm L.). island in thé Greek archipelago improveaccess to major domestic because of its early isolation Due to thégenetic érosion l in Crète (Greece) was carried in thé landscape hâve involved a (8, 340 km2, 44% of which are and international markets. from thé other Aegean areas, risk, more économie resources out in September 2005 within gréâtexpansion of thé area under of agricultural land), and thé Rural-urban migration producing a more markedly l should be targeted to thé local thé Framework of a joint olives, and an increase in natural soufhemmost région ofEurope. It has become a worldwide feature differentiated biosphère (Strid trees and bushes. genebanks;this scientific choice project befrween thé 'Istituto di contains diversifiedterrains with of thé twentieth century; détails 1972). Thé geological and is Genetica Végétale' (IGV) of During this preliminary might certainly help to maintam high mountains and deep gorges, aboutfhe mral population change climatic history of this rugged alive thé local agricultural CNR, Bari, Italy, thé University expédition 90 valuable landraces along with valleys and coastal in Crète were reported by Shay island has résultée in a gréât traditions and germplasm. of Kassel, Germany, and thé were collected belonging to plains. In total, mountains cover and Beattie (1993) while Kousis range of différent plant habitats Key words: agricultural participation of thé 'Park for 39 taxa of puises, vegetables, 49% of thé land area and another and Apostolopoulos (1996) and remarkable plant diversity, thé Préservation of Flora & cereals, forages, industrial, biodiversity, collecting, crop 28% is semi-mountainous. Thé analysed more specifîcally thé witha highdegree ofendemism, Fauna', Technical University spice and condiment plants. In genetic érosion, Mediterranean main city, Irakleio, is thé fourth transformation
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