On top ofAndover Th PILIF 'Volume CXXI, Number 21 Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts January 15, 1999 SIZER ~~~~~ACCEPT ADEYS HGET AWVARD; TRNOUS TEES ARRIVE UNEILUDO ASUI PANAGOPOULOS SUES UNI~TD STATES DISTRICT COURT PA's Twelfth Headmaster Receives Fuess ~ ~:f~Awad a Toay' M-School Meeting Dismissed Senior AsksCIIcTONQ9lO4-F U.S. Court in Boston 'By WENDY HUANG to Reinstate Him NAC XLO n IHLSRenowned educational reformer , AXELROD PANAGOPOULOS, and Phillips Academy's 12th headmas- This article was~~~reportedPlaintiffsby THAYER ~ter, Theodore Sizer, returns to campus , This article was reportedI'laintiffs, by THAYER ' today to receive the 1999 Claude CHRISTODOULO, CHARLES Moore Fuess Award for Distinguished LANDOW, DAN SCHWERIN, GREG V. Contributions to Society. As headmnas- SHERMAN, and MICHAEL TAT; and ter of the Academy from 1972-181 written by CHRISTODOULO, LANDOW, .Dr. Sizer coordinated the merger of and SCHWERIN PHELLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER. Phillips and Abbot Academy into a At 2:30 this afternoon in Boston's ~~~~~~~~~~~~unitedcoeducational school. The pre- Ataternon 230 tis i Boson'sDefendant. sentation of the award at the All- Federal Court House, Judge Harring- School meeting today and the follow- '' ton will hear the case Panagopoulos v. ....... I.............. ing reception to honor Dr. Sizer, have Phillips Academy, Andover, CIVIL DEFNDSO POSITON TO COPAN O become part of the Academy's year- ACTION NO. 99-10054-EFH. The TNQ RYADREI AY NTNn long commemoration of 25 years of case stems from the Academy's dis- ceuaina A iniissal of Nicholas Axelrod Defendan Phillips Acaderny ndover (thec"Academy") oppose the rquest for a TeFesAad rae nte~ Panagopoulos,of the a former member ~~~~~~memory of PA's 10th Headmaster by a'- I Panaopoulo,a frmer mmber o the empoar restraining order and preliminary injunction. Mold by Plaintiff Nancy Axelrod an committee of his friends, was estab- class of 1999 who suffers from Atten- lished in 1964. The committee intend- V don Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Plaintiff Nicholas Axelrod Panagopoulos (collectively, the "'Axelrods"). That request seeks the ed it to be presented annually to an - '' (A.D.H.D.). He and his mother, Nancy alumnus chosen for their "dis tin- Axelrodf Sudbry,both Masachu- issuance of an order mandating the readmisslon of Nicholas Paniagopoulos ('Nick") to the guished contnibution to the public e-~' setts, seek a temporary vice, broadly defined, or to the restraining Academy pending the resolution fthe underlying litigation, Submitted herewith is a rcord strengthening of the civic conscience." - order or preliminary injunction under Though Dr. Sizer never raduated the Americans with Disabilities Act volume of supporting adavits from the Academy's teachers and administrators to which ar from the Academy, he was made an PanDaop w oulost drtrtlow hilip attached relevant exhibits. Citations to the affidavits and exhibits will be to the nmbers on eacbh onrr ebro h ls f18 Panagopoulosto return to Phillips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~onthe year of his departure, and, there- ;." Academy in time to graduate with his pager of the record as awhole (eg., R. fore, is eligible for this alumni award. class. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Eachyear, the Head of School, in ' o-ol The Phillipian obtained several The front page of a brief fled in U.S. District Court in Boston on Fonde adconstation theBr of 1heodore R Sizer, PA's twelfth Headmaster, pictured in the 1981 Pot- documents filed by both sdswih batonyfrmFlyHog&EiaBsonimtatrepresents Trustees, select the winner of the Fuess Pourri, as he was preparing to retire. aie now public record. In a letter dated Phillips Academy. The brief is the defendant's response to the complaint Award. Rebecca Sykes, Assistant Head ing 25 years of coeducation and [Dr. acknowledae him." December Q21, 1998, Linda Carter- filed by Nicholas A. Panagopoulos and his mother, Nancy Axelrod, seek- of School, commented on this year's Sizer] is somebody who has been on Past recipients of the Fuess Award Continudon Pae 12, Clumn I ing Mr. Panagopoulos's reinstatement at Andover following his dismissal decision, saying, Ths is also coinci- people's minds for a long time, but this include then vice-president-elect of the Continuedon PaongDecembrC21,u1998.dentally the year that we are celebrat- just seems to be the night moment to United States George Bush '42, artist on December21, 1998. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FrankStella '54, and founder of AmeriCares Robert Conover Macauley y jtions ~~~~~~~~~increating this award ina letter to Headmaster John Kemper: "It is our DiscussionCelebrationand Ad mitted to 24 Colleges in Dece ber hope that in thusths comemoratingecommmoratng thetinth Discussion..and CelebrationAdmitted to 24 Colleg~~~~~~~~~es in LJUC~~~mber i life and selferandesrvicelofClaudeoMoreFFues __________________________________________________ the Fund will help too stimulateFud stiulateininl thepth By ROSSPERUIN By ~~~~~~~~~~~CHAELTAI ~~~~EARLY ACTION / EARLY DECISION RESULTS students of Phillips Academy greater ByROSS PERLIN By MICHAEL TAI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~interestin careers in public service and On Monday, Phillips Academy conununity service. Thus, nine differ- Twenty-five percent of the Class of CLHgeASSie OFite 1999dDeidCntne n ae6 Clm wil ceebrteheaccmplshmntsof ent projects, will manned by more than one 1999 received letters of acceptance CleeApid A mte eerdDne otne nPg ,Clm celebrateof the accomplishments Amherst 2 '' 0 ' 2 0 ______________________rst______2_ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with its hundred and thirty students and some from colleges during the winter vaca- Bates 1 0 annual day of community discussion faculty, will be launched on the 18th, tion. Close to forty-eight Percent of the Boston College '3 1 2 0PA H T RI N and celebration. Though some. some starting around 10:15 a.m. in the class applied early to twenty-six cl- Bowdom 1O10M0 Andover students- will participate in morning and others not ending until 4 le-es throughout the country, and of Brown 19 91 community service projects, the major- inthe afternoon. those seniors, fifty-two percent were Cal. Tech. 1 I 0 0 ~A fJP A P ity of the student body will participate The projects are as follows: two admitted. Director of College Counsel- U. Chicago 2 WA2TC0H4.1L SEA TELLI.A in a number of activities around amn- groups of volunteers will visit nursing ing Carl Bewig commented, "With Colgate '1 ' 0 10 pus, including a prayer breakfast, a homes - one will go to the Andover over half of the early candidates gain- Columbia 1 2 2 forumraceon relations, and a ~~~~Academy Manor and the other to Mary ing admission to their first choice col- Connecticut College 1,10 ' 0 Gospelfest. Immaculate Restorative in Lawrence - leges, I'd say the Class of 1999 is off Conl ' 2 . - This year marks the seventieth where they will have a chance to to a very good admission star." DaIot ' ~ 12 nstructors Bring Trial anniversary of Dr. King's birth and the brighten the lives of the residents. Two After a three year increase in eal3uk '~' 5 i tenth anniversary of Andover's corn- other groups will visit, respectively, the applicants, the number of the seniors 3 5~o' 1- into Classroom in memoration of the holiday. Mr. Robert Boys' and Girls' clubs of Lawrence, who applied early fell five percent to Georgetown 853 Edwards, the Dean f Multicultural where they will discuss MLK Day. 164 students this year. The number f Havrard 38 15 ' 212DvreW y and Community Development, is the The Greenery, a facility for adults with schools seniors applied early to also M.I.T. 9' 3 6 0 day's chief coordinator, and he is also head injuries, will also welcome PA decreased from forty to twenty six, but N.Y.U.2 101 By SILLA BRUSH & responsible for this year's theme, students, who will spend some time the number of applicants to the two U.N.C. 3 0 0DASCWRI "Building Bridges." He hopes that peo- with the patients. A group of student most popular schools, Harvard and U. Penn.732' - 2 ple will hold onto this theme through- volunteers will continue their commit- Yale, increased from last year. Har- Princeton9 3 6 0 As the United States Senate pro- out the day, a concept of building ment to Habitat for Humanity by help- yard gained seven more applicants, but Stanford ~7 3 3 I' ceeds in the impeachment trial of Pres- ~bridges between people and between ing with the construction of a house admitted one less student for atotal of Tufts 1 1 0 0 idetWlimJfesnCitn comthesmuiy. evcPorm paroec. w commumties. ialath Masscahussetts i ftcetdewhl aeswfu U.l Viginia 'I' 0' 0 Phillips Academy's History and Social Lawrence. A final off-campus serv ~~ie cetewieYaeswf u 'Science Department is watching care- TheComuniyrogamprjecSrvce wil b atth Masacusets more students apply and accepted five Yale'20 . 128 0 fully. While all the American History in particular, is mounting a number of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty mr o oa ftev.Hradhstahr r noprtn h projects which they hope will strength- to Animals (M.S.P.C.A.). A Pillcia SpciaeReort en Adover's ties to the surrounding At PA, two community servc ena nraeo ite plctos APilpa pca eot by Taye Crstodof custeachers are diverse in their community and reflect Dr. King's val- projects will be held toughou th Onutthe elstoneashfominPA.ar peroa pnosadpeitoso ues of brotherhood and activism. Since day. First, there will be a Kids' Fair in Ohrepcalstron shwig .IearS OfL ANDOVER 73 the trial But although somewhat split the King Holiday and Service Act, the Cage for all faculty children and include nine out of nineteen students &yg on the political questions of the day, sigied by President Clinton in 1994, children from the area. Second, a cloth- accepted to Brow, fiveeout ot fie 7 SteDprmnisutdintskn there has been a "long-standing tradi- ing chive has been scheduled by the acetd oDke n eightouto rJA interest in current events and the tion" intheo doinggood con- dedsCommnity Srvice rogram and ~ twelve to Columbia.
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