DÁIL ÉIREANN Dé Máirt, 13 Iúil, 2021 Tuesday, 13th July, 2021 RIAR NA hOIBRE ORDER PAPER 54 DÁIL ÉIREANN 1397 Dé Máirt, 13 Iúil, 2021 Tuesday, 13th July, 2021 An Lárionad Coinbhinsiúin, Baile Átha Cliath Convention Centre Dublin 2 p.m. ORD GNÓ ORDER OF BUSINESS 5. Tairiscint maidir leis an togra go gceadaíonn Dáil Éireann an Stát d’fheidhmiú an roghnaithe nó na rogha faoi Phrótacal Uimh. 21 maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh a tharchur chuig Comhchoiste Motion re Referral to Joint Committee of proposal that Dáil Éireann approves the exercise by the State of the option or discretion under Protocol No. 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. 6. Tairiscint maidir le Ceadú beartaithe ag Dáil Éireann i ndáil leis an Ordú um Fhaoiseamh ó Chánachas Dúbailte (Cánacha ar Ioncam agus ar Ghnóchain Chaipitiúla) (Poblacht na Cosaive), 2021, agus leis an Ordú um Fhaoiseamh ó Chánachas Dúbailte (Cánacha ar Ioncam agus ar Ghnóchain Chaipitiúla) (Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine), 2021, a tharchur chuig Roghchoiste. Motion re Referral to Select Committee of proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income and Capital Gains) (Republic of Kosovo) Order 2021, and Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income and Capital Gains) (Federal Republic of Germany) Order 2021. 7. Tairiscint maidir le Comhaontú do Chomhalta a Cheapadh ar an Údarás Rialála Seirbhísí Dlí. Motion re Approval of Appointment of a Member of the Legal Services Regulatory Authority. 8. Tairiscint maidir le hOrduithe Tagartha an Choiste um Shaincheisteanna Ríthábhachtacha a théann i gcion ar an Lucht Siúil a leasú. Motion re Amendment of Orders of Reference of the Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community. 3. An Bille Airgeadais (Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil) (Leasú), 2021 — Ordú don Dara Céim. Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2021 — Order for Second Stage. P.T.O. 1398 GNÓ COMHALTAÍ PRÍOBHÁIDEACHA PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS 172. Tairiscint maidir le Cúram cónaithe fadtéarmach. Motion re Long-term residential care. 1399 I dTOSACH GNÓ PHOIBLÍ AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS Billí ón Seanad: Bills from the Seanad 1. An Bille um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide agus um Fhorbairt Ísealcharbóin (Leasú), 2021 — Leasuithe ón Seanad. Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 — Amendments from the Seanad. 2. An Bille um Neamhord Speictream an Uathachais, 2017 [Seanad] — An Dara Céim. Autism Spectrum Disorder Bill 2017 [Seanad] — Second Stage. Billí a thionscnamh: Initiation of Bills Tíolactha: Presented: 3. An Bille Airgeadais (Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil) (Leasú), 2021 — Ordú don Dara Céim. Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2021 — Order for Second Stage. Bille dá ngairtear Acht do leasú an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the Finance Airgeadais (Cáin Mhaoine Áitiúil), 2012; do (Local Property Tax) Act 2012; to amend the leasú an Achta Comhdhlúite Cánacha, 1997; Taxes Consolidation Act 1997; to amend the do leasú an Achta um Chaighdeáin in Oifigí Standards in Public Office Act 2001; to Poiblí, 2001; do leasú an Achta Airí agus amend the Ministers and Secretaries Rúnaithe (Leasú), 2011; do leasú Acht na (Amendment) Act 2011; to amend the dTithe (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 2014; Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act agus do dhéanamh socrú i dtaobh nithe 2014; and to provide for related matters. gaolmhara. —An tAire Airgeadais. 4. An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Toghcháin Uachtaráin), 2019 — Ordú don Dara Céim. Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Presidential Elections) Bill 2019 — Order for Second Stage. Bille dá ngairtear Acht chun an Bill entitled an Act to amend the Bunreacht a leasú. Constitution. —An tAire Gnóthaí Eachtracha. Fógraí Tairisceana: Notices of Motions P.T.O. 1400 5. “Go ndéanfar an togra go gceadaíonn Dáil That the proposal that Dáil Éireann approves Éireann an Stát d’fheidhmiú an roghnaithe nó the exercise by the State of the option or na rogha faoi Phrótacal Uimh. 21 maidir le discretion under Protocol No. 21 on the seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na position of the United Kingdom and Ireland hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, in respect of the area of freedom, security and slándála agus ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an justice annexed to the Treaty on European gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh, the European Union, to accept the following glacadh leis an mbeart seo a leanas: measure: Rialachán (AE) 2021/693 ó Pharlaimint Regulation (EU) 2021/693 of the na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 28 European Parliament and of the Council Aibreán 2021 lena mbunaítear an Clár of 28 April 2021 establishing the Justice um Cheartas agus lena n-aisghairtear Programme and repealing Regulation Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1382/2013, (EU) No. 1382/2013, ar leagadh cóip de faoi bhráid Dháil Éireann a copy of which was laid before Dáil Éireann an 17 Iúil 2021, a tharchur chuig an on 17th June, 2021, be referred to the Joint gComhchoiste um Dhlí agus Ceart, de réir Committee on Justice, in accordance with Bhuan-Ordú 95(5), agus go ndéanfaidh an Standing Order 95(5), which, not later than Coiste sin, tráth nach déanaí ná an 21 Meán 21st September, 2021, shall send a message to Fómhair 2021, teachtaireacht a chur chuig an the Dáil in the manner prescribed in Standing Dáil ar an modh a fhorordaítear i mBuan- Order 101, and Standing Order 100(2) shall Ordú 101, agus go mbeidh feidhm dá réir sin accordingly apply.” ag Buan-Ordú 100(2). —Seán Mac Ambróis, Aire Stáit ag Roinn an Taoisigh. 6. “Go ndéanfar an togra go gceadaíonn Dáil That the proposal that Dáil Éireann approves Éireann na hOrduithe seo a leanas ina the following Orders in draft: ndréacht: An tOrdú um Fhaoiseamh ó Chánachas Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Dúbailte (Cánacha ar Ioncam agus ar Income and Capital Gains) (Federal Ghnóchain Chaipitiúla) (Poblacht Republic of Germany) Order 2021, and Chónaidhme na Gearmáine), 2021, agus An tOrdú um Fhaoiseamh ó Chánachas Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Dúbailte (Cánacha ar Ioncam agus ar Income and Capital Gains) (Republic of Ghnóchain Chaipitiúla) (Poblacht na Kosovo) Order 2021, Cosaive), 2021, ar leagadh cóipeanna díobh faoi bhráid Dháil copies of which were laid before Dáil Éireann Éireann an 7 Iúil 2021, a tharchur chuig an on 7th July, 2021, be referred to the Select Roghchoiste um Airgeadas, Caiteachas Poiblí Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure agus Athchóiriú, agus an Taoiseach, de réir and Reform, and Taoiseach, in accordance Bhuan-Ordú 95(1)(a), agus go ndéanfaidh an with Standing Order 95(1)(a), which, not later Coiste sin, tráth nach déanaí ná an 14 Iúil than 14th July, 2021, shall send a message to 2021, teachtaireacht a chur chuig an Dáil ar the Dáil in the manner prescribed in Standing an modh a fhorordaítear i mBuan-Ordú 101, Order 101, and Standing Order 100(2) shall agus go mbeidh feidhm dá réir sin ag Buan- accordingly apply.” Ordú 100(2). —Seán Mac Ambróis, Aire Stáit ag Roinn an Taoisigh. 1401 7. “Go gceadaíonn Dáil Éireann, á thabhairt That Dáil Éireann, noting that the dá haire gur chomhaontaigh an Rialtas an 29 Government agreed on 29th June, 2021, to Meitheamh 2021, moladh a dhéanamh, a propose, for the approval of Dáil Éireann, bheidh le ceadú ag Dáil Éireann, go gceapfaí Shane Galligan to be a member of the Legal Shane Galligan ina chomhalta den Údarás Services Regulatory Authority on the Rialála Seirbhísí Dlí ar Ainmniúchán ó Nomination of the Institute of Legal Cost Institiúid na gCuntasóirí Costas Dlíthiúil, Accountants, and pursuant to section 9 of the agus de bhun alt 9 den Acht um Rialáil Legal Services Regulation Act 2015, Seirbhísí Dlí, 2015, an Rialtas do cheapadh approves the appointment by the Government Shane Galligan chun bheith ina chomhalta of Shane Galligan to be a member of the den Údarás Rialála Seirbhísí Dlí chun Legal Services Regulatory Authority to fill a corrfholúntas a líonadh de bhun alt 10(9) casual vacancy pursuant to section 10(9) of d’Acht 2015 mar a dúradh. the said Act of 2015.” —An tAire Dlí agus Cirt. 8. “Go ndéanfar Orduithe Tagartha an That the Orders of Reference of the Choiste um Shaincheisteanna Committee on Key Issues affecting the Ríthábhachtacha a théann i gcion ar an Lucht Traveller Community, as agreed by Order of Siúil, arna gcomhaontú le hOrdú na Dála an the Dáil of 22nd September, 2020 and 28th 22 Meán Fómhair 2020 agus an 28 Aibreán April, 2021, be amended by the substitution 2021, a leasú tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur of the following paragraph for paragraph 7: in ionad mhír (7): ‘7. go dtabharfaidh an Comhchoiste a ‘7. the Joint Committee shall make its thuarascáil deiridh do dhá Theach an final report to both Houses of the Oireachtais faoin 30 Samhain 2021, agus Oireachtas by 30th November, 2021, and go mbeidh sé air sin arna dhíscaoileadh.’ shall thereupon stand dissolved.’.” —Seán Mac Ambróis, Aire Stáit ag Roinn an Taoisigh. 9. “Go mbeartaíonn Dáil Éireann go mbeidh That Dáil Éireann resolves that the relevant an tréimhse iomchuí, de réir bhrí alt 9 den period, within the meaning of section 9 of the Acht Sláinte (Leasú), 2021 (Uimh. 1 de Health (Amendment) Act 2021 (No.
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