• «a XOA II AA Mlswllanootfs .dtJtMtf Ing tbe ritual over the third candidate for tbs ' wffir Hr riftf MM-ir* v t: bapiiiun when Uie crush came, lie threw iilllil off Ufa coat and fa fate, and hr prrsufieut !i;uiiiTi,fnTrii and courageous effort# ittccwdcain saving sit liras. The man is totally crashed with s weight of sorrow, fie wanders about UlM tlx* wn< k in melancholy sadness, and to U**ny in UaSntf »»» 1 « seems constantly in orient prayer. lie has H, Uk -ui , nf MMM( wZn*mW •oum injuries and suffered much from ex- • « MblM podN. TWy iMAke ib«____ Ami ***** *M Mr • I wk« 1(1 Miss Keith, of Dixon, stood on the outer M ««r »«*rld wWD Ku^lUh rsw * *lge of Uie bridge, and when the crash kuftoWM by that draft i*~d»; 1 .•Ik u ) r • — «l— cstne *he start***! fa leap into tbe water, but was caught by Mr. George Anderson It totaa*ito. __ _i ihowkii ib*i fSI bom iklB|» T«» flostor fort wtora Mto»» mM;M * I • t m and held till !»oth were rescued from their It »Un w wttb • mm of wt«n I** rilous position. A Mrs Keener, from TW strive to Uft tbe rarthit* mmL * % - * !«•¥) M II# kua |kh| voL. vii .—no . :m ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1873. WHOLE NO. 313. Chicago, who is visiting Uiis place, had a Ix» *r «m firw. Il4 Hfr M nwl, very narrow «wra|>e, os slso did Mrs. Dus- ImI ftl thr c.n h* Wt Ilf «(M rtjon. who clung fa * Jutting stone in Uie tprasg futtoismrrd u» the foot,* • — ■ 1 pier for some minute*, hhe was painffiliy ‘•{joua Tiu u > tbe touch tlivUM'. predictor. Time waa when she Wy <»r »i«M lorul seixiug tbe police station bouaes while tbe Met bovriwe Ingeraotl, of ConnectIcut, waa fa- aixl wife, and BU-venaon, John Harness and wounded. The town is full with rumors .thy. tfrar. / * fn« #tl * i • *• tho«£fct ahunfutr tuititTM of Um in i til. aid r«ifw>litan Fotkw are abaent, aud bad held a augurat*4 || Hartford, uu the 71b, with im wife, aixl Thoiua* Tyke, wife and daughter, of other marvelous escapes. Home of the npai/h mo m word M A Plimr has the following lunar wvaUtar OMil_ _ _ _ _ meeting, Indorsing the conduct of the peoyde I>*»sing ceremonfas. had Ih *vu arrested. A. M. King, a traveling dis ­ prominent citizen*, among them Mr. htick* «> /bon t# /A< CSS# If. wiaaoni; 4 Fine wratber, wind, of min, TIIE m ad'^H am of Ui. Martin.vilk. An official call baa l*e«-n Isanrd for tlie went trict preacher, bad been arrested at Parsous, ney, editor of the Nun, were Just approach* (Ad you. / toi/J « 4/ ihrtmi’f* ** uiajr bo lo*»ke«i for according as the moon Fiil-l«*r Hi. klcii f v • ^wir. the glittering prize; it thr By tbe exploaion of a lard retirkring tank in Ing of tbe Main** Republican State Convention and a n*»fariuu* murderer, once pardotx*d from ing Uie bridge when it gave way. llad Wf rrad ontfl th* vMnn iHm* risen w ith a pun* white, rod. or awtuthk me‘inbera of thv A merit an legation, on thv 3d, they been two minutes sooner they would kin reach, so, seizing hold of hia rake, he < hieagoou tlie afternoon of the fftb* three men at Bangor, on tlie 19tb of Juue. the FeniU-ntlary, ixumxi Major Muuford, and And drown; hot. m Mr |»snff hr |«m. light. If at fall moon, half the dike L begau to rake the water, and |ieraevercd, formally prtwvtitvd to Prraith iit Elguvrtu the have gone fa eternity wiUi the rest. The A tUle of Miinph OTffM»« ‘i. Ik.,1. .L I i«* >T|1 aud a tiny were almost Instantly killed, arid Hou. Oakea Awu*s, M. C.t died at Koston, a soman with him, were arrest*d at Fort And btvzk* with tight from hrarra at tael -until a party of Somersetshire mowers )iiIqI rcwoiution of tin* Nvtiair and House of work of rescuing the livinir and recovering several (tillers seriously»u^> iigurtd. ,. Maas., cm tbe Mb. aged sixty-nine years. BeuU. wind; if black, rain. If at the rising of came along, and Jeered him ax a “moon Kefirewentatitrca of tlie United Slate*, entigratu the dead was carried on an Sabbath after­ Thro* all thr bl ark imho of that nlzkt A loiwreme (Kau. i ivlegrani «»f tlie fttb *Av> There was a general adjournment of the the D< v* ........ the l,«»rn is '-t> raker.*' Anxious to remove the slur of luting Ibr Spanish tioveminent aud people mi noon, large gangs of workman employed A zlonr atrraio* from oul Ibr k’kwa; seuruL Jhcxn.w LiJ he a urt;v;Ueuce yt w et tbe dead Indy <*f William York, brother of courts thmugltoul the couutry, on tb«* fith, Tli«* Dixon Unlnmity —A Gmplilr Ik*- 11U slrailfast sutni hukl| Um Bgnt stupidity from his countryman, Mr. Aker- Ujr passage by the Assembly of the hill abol­ <■0 the North western and Illinois Central a t->1 wheirvfi? V^h» O^w ifie; 4f ili+l**r Huuatur York, wboar mysterious disappearance out of rr**pe* t to the memory of the late Hallways, under the charge of John C That shines yU might M orrre»nar hian ingenioualy accounts for the opprobt ishing slavery in the colouiea. Oil presenting M-riptioM. horn in obscured, there will be rain lie. o«« nickname in this way : “Hide zay as some week* ago caused so much excitement, t hief Justice Utiaac. Jacob*, offering timely assistance, and Tbr rra vrttl do t»S»**r#t. and Hf« the resolution* tbe (iencraleongratulated Spain fl»rc shf gttAiiis her full; if UHh lh»rns ap­ hew they gied t|i* neame o* w imh I rakers to bad tireti found burled on tbe claim of • man Fresident (irant left 4 bieagooti the nionting (Special dJspaich Ui ito (.hkago Inter-Ocean ] their labors were kept up during Uie Hr subbed oariii a hsbMtnr breath; oil tb« establishment of a Republic and the Bui flriuD \ni therbv coward airlif. pear obtune, a frightful teui|H>t is near; we Wiltshire vauk, bekaae a passel o’ named Bender, #is miles north of Uhcrryvale. of tlie Mb, for Washington. Dnox, III., May k greater pari of the night. A derrick was alioliahiiiciit of alavery. I’reaideut Fig There ••And- a man Who hath ■» Meath! if tho? are % harp 'Bui fTetl, hl«ti ddihls •tupid laslies one night tried to rake the Tlie remains Isiee mark* of viok >nee. Other A grand five day* Jubilee ia to take place iu Thi* is a dark day for Dixon. 4>ver erected and a seine stretched across the may Ik * exported. Darw in declares it i* a ueraa, in n*|*ljr, tliank* d tbe American Nation eOMu< shadow o’ th’ moon owl o' th’ bmk, and dead Uaiies w« re found under Bender*nbouse Chicago during tlie first week Iu June, on tbe the whole city then ’ ia a pail of sadness river to catch any bodies that might aUre aigu of coining raiu when the inoou'a am I i *111 ,'fi an utal 1*1 *•.• -idem I.rant, and said that the ino«t* disinterested cannot help to loosem’d from tlie watery prison and And hm«r* shove a -lakin* deck; to! During U»e mouth of April there were M, occasion uf the formal i»peuing of tin* new A hfldjr »mw >be iraptor *rmw; head U Itidden in hal«»es. A e«»rre.Hpoiid wroni end «in iA feel. The calamity strike** at nearly every float out, and several were recovered in A rainbow rising o'er the a rec k. 414 dead letters received at the Dead Letter pasaetiger de(M>t of the Michiguu .Southern and eat yf .Vrgca n/*1 [fueri* § says a large eirele doin ’V th' ** 11*. ,M.i * * "* (|Br:'i ity »,f household, and tlie rich aixl poor meet that way. Night settled like a mantle (Bfice. Of tills nund>er, ‘Jli,475 were held for round the nuaxi, w ith A north or north a-vi»l4ng keg** o’ K«H-k island Railroads aud the Inauguration of together in mourning. 8o closely hound over the scene, and made more ghastly eaat wind. ,prcdicatc» al4»riny weather; IT only herten nrake t»ut a" postage. tlie new Pacific Hotel. an* the citizens hy the tie* of Idood and the horrid and fantastic shapes which the And dying with a» pare aaaaa. p ,$ I w the win*l cornea from any (hiier <|uurt< r. A “local option ” 1*111, which docs tud except TIh * Iowa State Christian Conference will tltssaM su**l !ciu inti. 4Ul intcrroarrhi#*? there ia senrrely a family in broken bridge had assumed. Men con ­ lie tiad uo need to rave bb Ufc. Jiiere will be rain, but 1<hm of U- If, how- cider «»r lugvr Is-it, lias |m*•*#***! U h ; X** w Y’ork tinued to w'ork with torches until mid ­ had his grin at Tm, but they hail a goo* Victor Eniiiianuel bad revol H5ri^|danre meet at In-grand, June 4. the whole place but takes Bie aorrow to lard! boar they shame tbe life we Hv Sciute. ita home. The store** are clo*e«l aud the night, when a watch was stationed and - • r/ii laugh at lie, when 'em got wlioame the *»f tbe Ministry ’* rtwignalion, and rtsjuested A Dixon (III.) dispatch of the SLh *ay* three The*e aailor* of our sra-glrt i»h\ • (»et*rg*- Fr .UK *** Tiaiu has Item pronoun* * d housea darkened.
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