The 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-30) Pre-Conference Workshops: Data Collection & Corpora NACCL-30 Conference (https://u.osu.edu/naccl30/) Date: 8 March 2018, 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. Dates: 9-11 March 2018 Venue: Mershon Center Venue: The Blackwell Inn and Pfahl Conference Center 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201 2110 Tuttle Park Place, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Friday, 9 March 2018 8:00-8:30 Coffee/Tea & Refreshments (Ballroom Lobby) On-Site Registration & Pre-Registration Packet Pick-Up: 8:00-9:30 8:30-8:45 Welcoming Remarks (Ballroom BC) NACCL-30 Organizing Committee Faculty Co-Chairs Professor Valarie Williams, Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement, College of Arts and Sciences 8:45-9:45 Plenary Session A: Keynote Speaker (Ballroom BC) Chair: Professor Brian Joseph (Dept. of Linguistics, OSU) Professor Emeritus Mary E. Beckman, The Ohio State University The Sociophonetics of Gender in Three Chinese Varieties 9:45-10:00 Coffee/Tea Break (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 9:45-11:30 On-Site Registration & Pre-Registration Packet Pick-Up (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) Fri. 03/09/2018 Session 1. 10:00-11:30 Session 1-A (Pfahl 302) Session 1-B (Pfahl 330) Session 1-C (Pfahl 340) Session 1-D (Pfahl 102) Language Acquisition I Phonetics & Phonology I Tense & Aspect Syntax of Questions Chair: Wu, Sue-mei Chair: Li, Aijun Chair: Tang, Sze-Wing Chair: Liu, Hongyong 10:00-10:30 Xiang, Jingting & Yuan, Lin, Yen-Hwei (Michigan State U) Grano, Thomas (Indiana U) Wei, Ting-Chi (National Kao- Boping (U of Cambridge) Yanggu diminutive er affixa- Getting the progressive under hsiung Normal U) The L3 acquisition of tion Revisited control: Mandarin vs. English Split questions in Chinese: A definiteness and specificity biclausal analysis in Mandarin by English- Cantonese bilinguals 10:30-11:00 Zhao, Shuyan & Zhou, Peng Li, Guo & Shi, Xinyuan Wang, Jixin (U of Tübingen) Cheng, Hsu-Te (Emory U) (Tsinghua U) (Chinese U of Hong Kong) A unified semantic account of Opaque domains in A-not-A Logical mind of smaller The effect of boundary on particle -le in Mandarin questions people: children’s under- syllable duration in Mandarin: Chinese: A type-driven standing of implicatures a preliminary study compositional approach 11:00-11:30 Kuo, Chien-Min (National Fung, Roxana S. Y. & Lee, Shang, Xin (Shanghai Maritime U) Chen, Zhuo (U of California, Los Taiwan Normal U) Chris (Hong Kong Polytechnic U) & Xie, Zhiguo (Ohio State U) Angeles) Mandarin-speaking Voice quality and identity: A dynamic perspective of Le1- Revisiting the surface position children’s mechanisms for The case of Hong Kong marked event sentences in of Mandarin A-not-A con- simplifying CVC syllables Cantonese Chinese: Temporal semantics, structions in Mandarin syntax and their interface 11:30-1:00 Free Time Bistro 2110 at The Blackwell has buffet lunch ($12.95/person) and menu items. In addition, there are restaurants and other eateries within walking distance. 1:00-6:00 On-Site Registration & Pre-Registration Packet Pick-Up (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 2 Fri. 03/09/2018 Session 2. 1:00-2:30 Session 2-A (Pfahl 302) Session 2-B (Pfahl 330) Session 2-C (Pfahl 340) Session 2-D (Pfahl 102) Grammaticalization Historical Linguistics I Language Acquisition II Dialectology I Chair: Kuo, Pei-Jung Chair: Eom, Ik-sang Chair: Yuan, Boping Chair: Chin, Andy 1:00-1:30 Tao, Liang (Ohio U) Zhang, Zheng-sheng (San Diego Yang, Jenny Yuan-Chen 惠红军 (Xi, Hongjun) (陕西师范 Grammaticalization in the State U) (Rutgers U) 大学) making: From production to A multi-dimensional perspec- 汉语方言名词重叠式的极性 tive on Classical Chinese comprehension in Chinese The semantics and pragmatics 指称功能 elements of Mandarin Chinese for L2 learners 1:30-2:00 Dong, Hongyuan (George Hu, Hai (Indiana U) Xia, Alice (Carleton U) 王苗 (Wang, Miao) (广州大学) Washington U) English acronyms in Chinese Effect of proficiency on 论汉语方言中复数标记的有 A semantic analysis of –ne texts: Diachronic change and Chinese character processing 定性及其语法化 as a topic marker: A gram- synchronic prediction strategy in foreign language maticalization perspective learners 2:00-2:30 葛平平 (Ge, Pingping) (南京大 Bowman, Frederick (Ohio State Li, You (U of Illinois at Urbana- 汤丽 (Tang, Li)、许又尹 (Hsu, 学) U) Champaign) Yu-Yin) (香港理工大学) “x 加”类程度标记的词汇 A study of medieval verna- Directionality effects on L2 重庆方言句末语气词句法结 cular Sinitic fēi shì and wú yǒu sentence build-up drills in 化轨迹、动因与机制 构分析 Mandarin 2:30-2:45 Coffee/Tea Break (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 3 Fri. 03/09/2018 Session 3. 2:45-4:15 Session 3-A (Pfahl 302) Session 3-B (Pfahl 330) Session 3-C (Pfahl 340) Session 3-D (Pfahl 102) Syntax I Morphophonology Sociolinguistics & Socio- Dialectology II pragmatics Chair: Grano, Thomas Chair: Lin, Yen-hwei Chair: Tao, Hongyin Chair: Zhang, Zheng-sheng 2:45-:3:15 Tang, Sze-Wing (Chinese U of Li, Qian; Luo, Yingyi & Li, Lau, Helena Yan Ping & Lee, Chin, Andy (Education U of Hong Hong Kong) Aijun (Chinese Academy of Social Sophia Yat Mei (Hong Kong Kong) Cartographic syntax of Sciences) Polytechnic U) Discourse markers in speech act: Evidence from Revisiting the perception of T3 Information-seeking ques- Cantonese Cantonese sandhi in Standard Chinese— tions and rhetorical questions Evidence from eye movements in social media 3:15-3:45 Hsu, Yu-Yin (Hong Kong Poly- Wang, Xiaopei (Guangdong U of Su, Yunwen (Case Western 劉擇明 (Lau, Chaak-ming) (香港 technic U) Foreign Studies) Reserve U) 中文大學) A survey on exhaustivity Locality and the spell-out of Yes or no: Responding to 粵語句末助詞「aa3」的三種 and focus reduplicated words in Pingyao invitations and offers in 長度變體 dialect Chinese 3:45-4:15 Wu, Hongchen & Larson, Zhou, Yihan (U of Illinois at Chou, Ying-Hsiu (U of Zhu, Yuhong (Ohio State U) Richard (Stony Brook U) Urbana-Champaign) Washington) Diachrony of coda /ŋ/ in Topicality and quantifier What decides the morphemic The innovative uses of Suzhou, Wu Chinese: Genera- scope in Mandarin sequence in Chinese disyllabic symbols on PTT tional change and differing coordinated compounds: A readings corpus study of words of reversed morphemes 4:15-4:30 Coffee/Tea Break (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 4 Fri. 03/09/2018 Session 4. 4:30-6:00 Session 4-A (Pfahl 302) Session 4-B (Pfahl 330) Session 4-C (Pfahl 340) Session 4-D (Pfahl 102) Syntax II Discourse Analysis & Tonal Phenomena Morphosyntax Pragmatics I Chair: Lin, C-J Charles Chair: Chiang, Mien-Hwa Chair: Dong, Hongyuan Chair: Liu, Chen-Sheng 4:30-5:00 Wei, Wei & Li, Audrey (U of Tao, Hongyin (U of California, Los Yang, Chunsheng (U of Connecti- 覃业位 (Qin, Yewei) (武汉大学) Southern California) Angeles) cut) 新兴多重重叠式 VVVO 的句 The internal and external Corpus evidence for frequency Categorical perception of 法语义结构 syntax of adverbial clauses effects on de-neutralized Mandarin tones by L1 and L2 in Chinese expressions: Toward a usage- speakers based perspective on meaning and meaning change 5:00-5:30 Kuo, Pei-Jung (National Chiayi Gao, Xuefeng & Lee, Sophia Zhang, Yubin (Hong Kong Poly- 李占 (Li, Zhan) (北京教育学院) U) Yat Mei (Hong Kong Polytechnic technic U) 基于语料库的动词重叠使用 Spatial Phrases in the VP U) Variation in Cantonese Tone 4 分析 and TP domains in Manda- How do discourse markers and Tone 6 perception rin Chinese indicate emotions? 5:30-6:00 Cong, Yan (Michigan State U) Lu, Xiaolong (U of Hawaii at Zhou, Yingyi (Hong Kong U of 申甜 (Shen, Tian) (上海交通大 The non-canonical argument Manoa) Science and Technology) 学) realization of Chinese On the case of zheyangzi in A phonation-induced tonal 现代汉语形名组合中反义形 Mandarin words of Taiwan evolution — A case study of alternations 容词偶的标记性与能产性研 and Mainland China entering tone in Zhajin Gan 究 6:00- Free Time Bistro 2110 at The Blackwell serves dinner from the menu. In addition, there are restaurants and other eateries within walking distance. 5 Saturday, 10 March 2018 8:15-8:45 Coffee/Tea & Refreshments (Ballroom Lobby) 8:45-9:45 Plenary Session B: Special Guest (Ballroom BC) Chair: Professor Mineharu Nakayama (Dept. of E. Asian L&L, OSU) Professor James H-Y. Tai (戴浩一), National Chung Cheng University Neural Plasticity and Learning Chinese as a Second Language 9:45-10:00 Coffee/Tea Break (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 9:45-12:00 On-Site Registration & Pre-Registration Packet Pick-Up (Pfahl Third Floor Foyer) 6 Sat. 03/10/2018 Session 5. 10:00-12:00 Session 5-A (Pfahl 302) Session 5-B (Pfahl 330) Session 5-C (Pfahl 340) Session 5-D (Pfahl 102) Semantics & Pragmatics Experimental Research I Dialects, Loan Words & Historical Linguistics II Ethnic Minority Languages Chair: Shang, Xin Chair: Duanmu, San Chair: Lee, Ok Joo Chair: Fung, Roxana Suk Yee 10:00-10:30 Tian, Yu & Liu, Feng-hsi (U Yan, Shanshan & Yuan, Boping Huang, Ho-Hsin & Lin, Yen- Eom, Ik-sang (Hanyang U) of Arizona) (U of Cambridge) hwei (Michigan State U) Chinese and Korean: Relation- The ba construction and NP English speakers’ L2 acqui- Variation of nasal gemination ship through typological interpretations sition of the Chinese aspectual in Standard Mandarin loan- comparisons sentence-final particle ne words: Corpus, Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives 10:30-11:00 Liu, Chen-Sheng Luther Zhu, Jingtao (Universitat Autò- Alves, Mark (Montgomery Wu, Sue-mei (Carnegie Mellon U) (National Chiao Tung U) noma de Barcelona / ClicAsia, Centre College) The special characteristics of The quantity adjective d´Estudis Orientals) & Gavarró, Chinese loanwords in the Classical Chinese and the Anna (Universitat Autònoma de LIHAI in Chinese Vietnamese system of color grammatical particles: Barcelona) terms The setting of the Null Topic Applications to ancient fables Parameter in Mandarin- speaking children
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