THE PRESII)DJT'• S APPOIITM.EMTS StnmAl', MARCii l, 19$'.J The President and Mrs. Eisenhower attend the Re1d Memorial. Preeby­ \erian Chueh at A~sta, Georgia. The Pr•sl.«lttnt, Mr''8. Ji;i._senhQwer and mem.ben •f the Preeident• s party arrived at tbe Washington National Airport at. 6,55 }'>:.m. astd. motored dircu:~l.1' to ~b.e \\'hite Bouse. PRESIDEft'S APPOIN'l'KENTS MONDA?, CH 2, 1953 8c.30 aa The Presi ent et with the gi l tive Leaders: The Vice Presid t Senator Robert A. Ta.ft, Ohio Senator Styles Bridges, Ne Hamp hire Senator William F. Knowland, California Senator en D. Milllkin, Colorado S ator Leverett Saltonstall, s chusetts Senator Hugh tler, Nebras Hon. Jo ph w. Martin, The Speaker Congresnan Charles A. Halleck, India Congres Leslie C. Arends, Illinois Gongres Ch unce;rw. Red, Illinois Honorable Sh rman Ad Maj. Gen. Wilton B. Persons (This is the us group, plus S nator tler ot ebraaka, and Congressman Reed, of Illinois, whose name wer dded b7 General Pereorus) 11:00 (Start M ting) 11130 onorable Robert Cutler, Adnd.nist.r t1v Assistant to th Pre ident Honorable J es s. Lay, Executive Secretary, National Securit7 Council (They will btle!' the Pr sident on the ational Sec it7 Council eeting s t. for Wedn - halt hour) 12:00 Honorabl Lewi L. Strauss (Former Member of Atomic En rgy Co ssion: Mr. Cutler arrang this ppoint ent.) 12:.30 pa H.R.H. Prine Fai , of Saudi Ar bi H.E. Sheikh A ad Al-F qih, The bas ador ot Saudi Ar bi Sheikh Ibrahia Suleiaan, Principal Assistant to the Prine•J also a M er ot the UN Delegation Sheikh Ali Ali s , InterpreterJ al.so H er of th ml Delegation Honorable John • Sinmon , Chief, Division of Protocol, Department of st te A. I/avid Fritzlan, Foreign S r'f'ice Officer in Charg of Saudi Arabian D in th State Depart ent (came in as; interpreter) (The Secretary ot state advised the President bt memorandum dat d January 29th, th t he had r ceiv a formal request from the Saudi Ar bian bassy that Prince Faisal be given an opportunity to :r bis respect to the President whil in this country. Secretary Dulle r co ended that the President se Prine Faisal.) MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 P ge 2 1:00 Th President g ve a luncheon at t.he White Hou for a group of Congressio M hers. The following wer sent: Cong. Harold D. Cooley, North Carolin Cong . c el J. Kirwan, Ohio Cong. • R. Po e, Texas Cong. Han7 R. Sheppard, California Cong. H ris, rkan a Cong. F. ard Hebert, Loui ia.na Cong. • P re7 Priest, Tenn ee Cong. amie L. Whitten, Ki sis ip Cong . Th $ J. Lane, s ch setts Cong. C cil R. King, California Cong. Charl s B. Hoeven, Iowa Cong. Hal Holmes, ahington Cong. alt ran, Washingt >n Cong. Lero7 Johnson, Calltornia Cong. falter H. Judd, Minneaot Cong. Bernard W. Kearney, ew York Cong. Chester E. Merrow, ew Hampshire Cong. Alvin E. 0 11Consk1, Wisconsin Cong. Dean P. Taylor, ew York Cong. Errett P. Scriwer, Kansas Cong. ar J. Chenoweth, Colorado Honor ble Sh&n1&n Adams Major Gener 1 filton B. Persona (Thi Luncheon s arr by General Persona) 3:00 The Pr sident rec ived t e Supr•e Lodge Officer ot the Order of Ahepa Peter L. B 11, Supr President, Worcest r, Massachusetts Stephen s. Seopas, Suprame Vie• President., N York, New York Constantine P. Verinis, Supr • Secretary, New Haven, Conn. Stephen L. Ber alls, Supr•e be surer, San Francisco; Calif. Louis J. Dukas, Supr e Coun ellor, ew York, New York Speros A. Versia, Supr•e Governor, W shington, D. c. P ter Kourmoul.es, Supr Governor, Canton, Ohio Speros J. Zepatos,, Supr e Governor, emphia, Tennes ee Chris D. Tsipura , Supr e Governor of Can da, Hontr , ebec, Canada (Mr. Arthur Lalos, ecutive Secretary of th Order of Ahepa - .American Hellenic ucational Progressive ssoci tion - wrot to Mr. stephen , FebruarJ' 6th, stating that it was an estab­ lished tradition for maey year tor the pr e Lodge Officer ot th Order or Ahepa, to ~ their r a peets to the President during the time of their eeting in aahington, D. c., in th mo th ot March. They also wish to b photographed. with the President.) 3:15 i:a { onorable George M. Humphrey, The secretary or the Treasury) (Honorable Sincl.&ir Weeks, The Seer tary of C rce) (OFF THE RECORD) MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 Page 3 4: 20 pa (Honorable John F. Silmnona, Chief, Division of Protocol, Department of State) OFF THE BEX:ORD . 4•30 JR Honorable Harr.y Darby, Republican National Conmdtt.~ troa Kaneae. 4:40 JB (Dr. Gabriel Hauge) OFF THE RECORD THE PRESIDENT' s APPOmTMmrs TUESDAY, CH 3, 1953 9:00 am Admiral Iqnde D. McCormick, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (CoJlll&D.Cler Beach, Naval Aid to the President, advised Mr. Stephens th t Admiral McCormick had asked it he might call on the President to pay his resp eta) 'nle President received th dviaory Commission on Independence Historical Park, and otheTs. The following were presents Judge Edwin 0. Lewis, Chair.man, dvisory Commission on Independence Historical Park Hrs. F.d1dn O. Lewis Hon. Michael J. Bradley, Member of the Commission Hon. Thomas Buckley, Member ot the Connisaion Mr. Albert M. Greenfield, Member ot the Commission Mr. John P. Hallahan, Member of the Commission Mr. Arthur C. Kautmann, Member of the Comniaaion Hon. Fredric R. Mann, Member of the Commission Mr . Sydnq E. Martin, Member of the Commission Mr. Isaac W. Roberts, Member of th Collllission Senator James H. Dutt, Pennsylvania Cong. Ivor D. Fenton, Pennsylvania Cong. John P. Saylor, Pennsylnnia Cong. Hugh D. Scott, Pennsylvania, and Mr • Scott Cong. James A. Byrne, Pennsylvania Cong. Francis E. Walter, Pennsylvania ~ ..... Hon. Douglas McKay, Secretary ot the Interior Hon. Conrad L. Wirth, Director ot National Park Service Hon. Ronald F. Lee, Associate Director, tional Park Service Hon. 'nlomas C. Vint, Chief of Division ot Design & Con- struction, tional Park Service Mr. Medford O. Anderson, Superintendent of tu Independence National Historical Park Project Mr. Joseph M. O'Brien, Manager ot the Project Mr. Grand M. Simon, Architect !or Independenoe Park Mr. J. M. Urgahart, Secretary of the Project Hon. John s. Fm, Governor of Pennsylvania (Congres n Hugh Scott, or Pennsyl.vania, asked Mr. Stephens to arrange tor this group to call on the President, to invit him to make an address at Inde ndence Hall, Philadelphi , on July 4th, next.) 9:4S am Honorable Daniel Bell, cting Chairman of the Public Adviso17 Boar (Honorable Harold E. stass ) (Honorable abr1el Ha~•) OJ!l THE RECORD (Governor Stass n asked Mr. Stephen to arrange for Mr. Bell t,o present the report on Trade Study made by this Public Advisory Board set up by President Truman) 10:00 am Honorable Joseph S. Clark, Jr., Mayor or Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. Harold E. Stassen, Director for Mutual Security {Mayor Clark was supposed to be present at the 9:30 am meeting but his plane was late and he did not arrive at the White House until 10:00 am. Governor Staseen took Mqor Clark in to meet the President) TUESDAY, MARCH 31 1953 Page 2 10:10 am Major Willi G. Draper, USAF, Air Aide to the President 12:05 pn Mr. William Archer of Houston, Texa (Mr. Archer came in at the request or Hon. Sinclair Weeks) 12:15 General Jam a A. Van Fleet 12:45 The President awarded General James A. Van Fl et his third Oak !.eat Cluster. The ceremony was witne ed by the .following eople and these peopl also went ov r to the White Hous for Luncheon with the President and General Van Fleet: Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense Sen. Richard B. Russell, Georgia Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, Massachusetts Sen. Spessard t . Holland, Florida Sen. George A. &nathers, Florida Hon. Sherman Adams Cong . C rl Vinson; Georgia Cong . Dewey Short, Missouri Cong. Robert L. F. 3i~es, Florida Bon. Roger M. KTes, Deputy- S$Cretary- ot De.tens• The Secr.etary- of the Army (Stevens) The Secretary of the Navy (Anderson) 'Gener al N. Bradley, Chairman or the Joint Chiefs of Statt General Ho;yt S. Vandenber General J. Lawton Collins Admiral William M. F chteler General of the Army George C. Marshall General John E. Hull Lt. General Manton s. Eddy Lt. G neral Gerald C. Thomas 1 USMC lsOO pn The President gave a luncheon at the Whit House in honor o.f General James A. Van FlMt. The people that witnessed the 12:45 pm. eer ny were present at this luncheon. 2:50 J'.8 The President r eceived the Ottieere ot the tional Association of State Directors of Vet rans Affairs. The following were present: Melvin Dixon, Florida,, President. ot the As ciation Clarence Horton, Past President, Alabama Patriek McGovern, Past President, West Virginia Alexander Smith, Vermont, President Judge Advocate Colonel W. E. Leonard, Director of Veterans Affair for District of Columbia. (Colonel Leonard phoned Mr. Stephens to request the appointment) TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1953 Page 3 ,3:00 pm H. E. Halvard Lange, the Foreign Minister of Norway H. E. Wilhelm de Morgenstierne, the ·Amba.ssa.dor of Norwq Hono:ra.ble John Foster Dulles., the Secretary of State (?his 45 minute appointment was arranged by the Secretary of State) Honorable Charles E. Wilson, The Secretary of Defense (This is Mr.
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