AGENDA Planning Commission City Council Chambers- Municipal Services Facility 3100 Belmont Blvd., West Richland Thursday, January 14, 2021 – 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Chad Utecht, Chair Members: Nancy Aldrich, Vice Chair Michael Peterson Marv Bohling Jerry Surdyk Colton Brady Zach Byrnes Staff: Eric Mendenhall, Community Development Director Elisha Ransom, Associate Planner Tobie Webb, Staff Recorder Notice to the public: This meeting will be a remote Zoom meeting per Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay Home – Stay Healthy Directive. We encourage you to provide public comments on agenda items and public hearings in writing. If you want to provide public comments on any of the agenda items, please submit them in writing to [email protected] by 3:00pm Thursday, Janurary 14, 2021 to be read during the meeting. The Zoom meeting information is available on the City’s website or can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. 1. Call to order / attendance: 2. Approval of the agenda: (Approved by Motion) 3. Approval of minutes: (Approved by Motion) A. November 12, 2020 Regular Meeting 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: A. Public Hearing to consider Conditional Use Permit (USE-0002-2020) BREA Substation 6. Announcements, Reports and Comments: 7. Adjourn: Upcoming Meetings and Events: January 28, 2021 WEST RICHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA ACTION ITEMS AGENDA 5b TYPE OF ACTION NEEDED ITEM: MEETING January 5, 2021 Open Record X DATE: Hearing SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider File Recommend to Final Decision X No. USE-0002-2020 Council Pass Motion Prepared by: Elisha Ransom, Associate 1st Discussion Planner Eric Mendenhall, Community Reviewed by: 2nd Discussion Development Director The Mission of the Community Development Department is to proactively manage and facilitate enhanced vitality of the city’s neighborhoods, business districts, and parks. We are committed to attracting and incentivizing high‐quality development, creation of new jobs, diversity of housing opportunities, city financial growth to support quality services, and to the prevention of decay & degradation of neighborhoods, business districts, and parks. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ARE SUBJECT TO THE CITY’S TYPE III REVIEW AND PERMITTING PROCESS (QUASI-JUDICIAL ACTION). THE DECISION MADE BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS THE FINAL DECISION. THE DECISION MAY BE APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL PER WRMC TITLE 14. PLEASE NO EX-PARTE COMMUNICATION REGARDING THIS ITEM. Staff Report Hearing before the City of West Richland Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit Application No. USE-0002-2020 BREA Substation ATTACHMENTS: 1. Application Materials 2. SEPA Checklist and DNS 3. Vicinity Map 4. Public Notice and Public Comments APPLICANT: Benton Rural Electric Association PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Benton REA has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an electric substation. The electric substation facility is proposed to be built at 8550 Ruppert Road (Parcel ID 135073000001000). The site is zoned Medium Density Residential (RM-6) and major utility facilities are a conditional use. The proposed substation is necessary to meet increased growth of residential and commercial services along the Van Giesen corridor and Lewis and Clark Ranch. Currently, the site is surrounded by farmland and a few residential lots. The proposed site is a 3 acre parcel adjacent to BPA’s 115kV transmission line. The substation will be a fenced 255’ by 250’ rectangle, with the tallest steel structures being 39’ above grade. There are no buildings proposed. An 8’ security fence with access gates will create a secure barrier to unwanted entry. The proposed site is relatively flat and suitable for the proposed use. Benton REA anticipates that the substation will have little to no impact on traffic—one to two employee trips per month for inspections. The only infrastructure needed will be an access driveway off of Ruppert Road. Benton REA also included a Storm Water Control Plan with their application materials (see attachment 1). Rather than being detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, granting the conditional use permit will provide Benton REA improved ability to provide electric service to the community with higher reliability and capacity. CUP 2020-04 Animal Control Page 3 PROJECT SITE PUBLIC NOTICE: Community Development staff mailed notices to property owners within 600 feet of the subject property on December 7, 2020. A Public Notice was posted on the city website and three official posting locations on December 7, 2020. A Pending Land Use sign was posted at the subject property on December 23, 2020. SEPA: The proposal is subject to environmental review. The West Richland Community Development Department is the lead agency for the proposal under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and reviewed the proposed action for probable adverse environmental impacts and issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) for this proposal on December 30, 2020. The comment period for the DNS concluded on December 21, 2020. COMMENTS RECEIVED: The City received no comments about the SEPA DNS nor about the conditional use permit. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS AND BASIS FOR FINDINGS OF FACT: The Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hold an open record public hearing and approve, approve with conditions, or deny this conditional use permit application (WRMC 14.01.030). Review criteria is outlined in the West Richland Municipal code, and applicable standards/codes include: 1. West Richland Municipal Code: a. Chapter 17.51 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RM-6) b. Chapter 17.54 GENERAL REGULATIONS c. Chapter 17.66 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS CUP 2020-04 Animal Control Page 4 2. The West Richland Comprehensive Plan. The conditional use review process is intended to ensure compatibility between the proposed use and neighboring uses; ensure that the project will not discourage the appropriate development of adjacent land; and, ensure that adjacent land values are not adversely impacted. The planning commission shall consider and be directed by the following criteria as outlined in Section 17.66.030 of the WRMC (each criterion is listed separately and followed by staff’s comments): 1. The conditional use is designed in a manner which is compatible and in harmony with the existing development in the vicinity of the subject property; and the use will not allow conditions which will tend to generate nuisance conditions to adjoining properties. Applicant’s Response: The development of this substation will provide increased reliability and growth capability for the West Richland area by providing new capacity between the existing substations which are approaching their limits of both available power and voltage support. Once complete, the substation will be visited once a month for inspection purposes by Benton REA staff. Staff Comments: The proposed land use (electric substation) can be designed to be in harmony with surrounding land uses and potential nuisances to surrounding properties can be mitigated through compliance of the WRMC and other conditions of the permit. The site is zoned RM-6, and is surrounded by RM-6 and NC to the south and east. Low density residential (outside of City limits) is located across Ruppert Road to the southwest. The proposed facility will have a fenced area that will both create a buffer between surrounding uses and protect the substation from intruders. Land to the south is currently farmland, and the proposed substation will not impact the surrounding uses. 2. The location, size and height of buildings, structures, walls and fences, and screening vegetation for the conditional use shall not hinder or discourage the permitted development or use of properties in the immediate vicinity of the conditional use. Applicant’s Response: The parcel is 3 acres and sits adjacent to BPA’s 115kV transmission line. The substation will be a fenced 255’ by 250’ rectangle, with the tallest steel structures being 39 feet above grade. There are no buildings proposed. An eight foot security fence with access gates will create a secure barrier to unwanted entry. Staff Comments: The proposed major utility facility use will be consistent with the surrounding development and would not hinder or discourage further development in the area. The proposed facility will not discourage permitted development in the adjacent RM-6 zoned areas. The proposed substation will support future development by increasing the capacity needed for development. This type of facility is common in residential areas. 3. The conditional use is designed in a manner that is compatible with the physical characteristics of the subject property. Applicant’s Response: The subject property is relatively flat and adjacent to existing 115kV CUP 2020-04 Animal Control Page 5 transmission line which will be tapped to provide the source for Benton REA’s distribution power for the area. Staff Comments: The proposed substation use is designed to be to be compatible with the physical characteristics of the subject property. The proposed substation and surrounding area are located on relatively flat land of previously disturbed soil. 4. The conditional use is such that pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the use will not be hazardous or conflict with existing and anticipated traffic in the adjacent area. Applicant’s Response: Once completed, one to two employees will visit monthly for inspection. Typically using a pickup truck or one-ton service vehicle. No impact to existing traffic is anticipated. Staff Comments: The proposed substation use should not create any hazards or conflict with the existing and anticipated traffic in the adjacent area. The substation is not expected to generate significant traffic. The substation will require one access point on Ruppert Road—which they will construct. 5. The conditional use will be supported by adequate public facilities or services and will not adversely affect public services to the surrounding area or conditions can be established to mitigate adverse impacts on such facilities. Applicant’s Response: The only infrastructure needed will be an access driveway off of Ruppert Road. See attached Storm Water Control Plan.
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