Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49132-7 — Neanderthal Language Rudolf Botha Index More Information Index Adler, D. S., 174 evolutionary pathway, 177 Aiello, L., 33, 109 frontal and temporal poles, 115, 150 Alcock, K. J., 177 left-lateralised/lateralisation, 12, 15, 19–24, Appenzeller, T., 35, 77, 78, 168 148, 149, 159 Aranguren, B., 171 occipital lobes, 116 Aristotle, 170 olfactory bulbs, 115 Atkinson, E. G., 145, 147, 148 ontogenetic growth and development, 177 Aubert, M., 78 orbito-frontal cortex, 115, 150 parietal lobes, 115 Balari, S., 104, 159 shape, 177 Balter, M., 78 size/volume, 155, 177 Barceló-Coblijn, L., 98, 170, 177 Britton, K., 128 Barham, L., 168 Brooks, A. S., 168 Barnard, A., 57, 99 Brown, S., 8 Barthes, R., 170 Brumm, A., 78, 79, 167 Bar-Yosef, O., 36, 37, 162, 163 Bruner, E., 111, 115, 177, 178 Bastir, M., 115, 177 burials, Neanderthal Baynes, K., 22, 24 deliberate, 92, 93 Behr, O., 130 grave goods, 92, 95, 96 Belfer-Cohen, A., 96, 158, 169, 170 vs funerals, 95 Benítez-Burraco, A., 5, 14, 21–24, 98, 149, 177 see also inferences about Neanderthal Berlant, T., 81, 82, 167, 168 language: the deliberate-burial Berwick, R. C., 5, 118–20, 127, 143, 144, 152, inference 159, 161, 170, 176, 177 Byrne, R. W., 22, 160 Bicho, N., 75 Bickerton, D., 8 Callaway, E., 35, 40, 69, 74, 166 Binford, S. R., 78, 169 Cann, R. L., 177 Bishop, D. V., 22 Cârciumaru, M., 109 Blackwell, l., 48–51, 163 Carlyle, T., 171 Bolhuis, J., 6 Caron, F., 29, 36, 37, 38, 40, 162 Bordes, J. -G., 26, 35, 45, 162, 163 Cataldo, D. M.122, 125–27, 173, 174 Botha, R., 7, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 25, 159, 160, Cave, A. J. E., 158 166, 172, 175, 177, 178 Cave art, Neanderthal, 9, 31, 69, 70, 71, 81, Boule, M., 4, 158 82 see non-symbolic behaviours, Neanderthal, hashtag engraving, 29, 69–74, 77, 80, 102 see symbolic behaviours, Neanderthal red disks, 29, 69, 70, 75, 76, 80, 102 Boussiac, P., 67, 165 red hand stencils, 29, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, Bouyssonie, A., 95, 169 80, 102 Brains, Neanderthal, 4, 12, 23, 24, 115, 116, red painted speleothems/mineral deposits, 142, 147–57 69, 70, 76 Broca’s area, 24, 147–57, 177, 178 scalariform/ladder-shaped sign, 30, 69, 70, Cerebellum, 115, 116, 149, 150, 155 71, 77 204 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49132-7 — Neanderthal Language Rudolf Botha Index More Information Index 205 Caves, rock shelters and sites, Neanderthal Chomsky, N., 118–20, 127, 143, 144, 152, Abric Romaní, 130 160, 161, 170, 176, 177 Ardales Cave/Doña Trinidad Cave, 69, 76, Churchill, S. E., 128, 174 78, 80 Clark, G. A., 92 bouffia Bonneval, 89, 93, 169 Cochet, H., 160, 172 Cauna de Belvis Cave, 168 Clothing and footwear, Neanderthal, 109 Combe-Grenal, 41, 52, 53 Collins, M., 36 Cueva de los Aviones, 40, 41, 51, 53 Communication, Neanderthal, 100, 131, 132, 136 Dederiyeh, 91 and cooperation, 133 El Castillo Cave, 29, 70, 74–76, 80, 102 form of, 99, 100 El Sidrón Cave, 109, 110, 145, 177 gestural, 137, 138 Foradada Cave, 165 Hmmmmm, 176 Gorham’s Cave, 29, 69–74, 77, 80, 102 hunters’, 131, 141, 142 Goyet Cave, 176 social, 85 Grotta di Fumane/Fumane Cave, 40, 43, 44, system, 6, 10, 154, 155 52, 53 verbal, 99, 100, 106 Grotte du Renne, 35–40, 51, 65, 83, 144, vocal, 100 162, 163 vs language and speech, 100 Kebara Cave, 91, 95, 109 Conard, N. J., 6, 29, 100, 101, 109 La Chapelle-aux-Saintes, 4, 5, 89, 91–95, Conceptual frameworks for studying 109, 169 Neanderthal symbolism La Cotte de St. Brelade, 175 The Basic Framework, 59, 62–65, 68, 103 La Ferassie Cave, 89, 90, 95, 109 The Extended Framework, 63, 64, 103 La Garma Cave, 167 The Received Framework, 64, 65, 67 La Pasiega Cave, 30, 69, 76, 80 see also symbols, symbolism, symbolicity La Roche-à-Pierrot, 90 Coolidge, F. L., 6, 30, 37, 56–59, 62, 92, 95, La Roche Cotard Cave, 70, 166 99, 109, 128, 131–35, 138, 147–49, Le Regourdou, 91, 95 155, 163 Les Fieux, 41, 52 164, 166, 174, 175, 177, 178 Maastricht-Belvedere site, 168 Craighero, L., 151 Maltravieso Cave, 30, 69, 79, 80 Crow, T. J., 21 Mandrin Cave, 42, 52 Pech de l’Aze, 29, 83 Dating of artefacts Pešturina Cave, 165 radiocarbon dating, 38–40, 73 Pogetti Vecchi site, 171 U-Th/U-series dating, 74, 162, 167 Quinçay, 51, 163 Davidson, I., 8, 9, 33, 70, 73, 74, 88, 111, 163, Rio Secco Cave, 42, 52 171, 172 Roc de Marsal, 89, 92, 93, 169 Deacon, T., 33, 59, 68, 164 Roche au Loup, 168 Dediu, D., 5, 98, 99, 146, 159, 175, 177, 175, Saint Césaire, 62 176 Schöningen, 109, 174 de la Costa-Laremondie, M. C., 21 Scladina site, 176 De Mortillet, G., 4, 7 Shanidar Cave, 30, 91, 95 Denisovan(s), 79, 146, 147, 166, 170 Sima de los Huesos, 16, 17, 29, 30 d’Errico, F., 6, 29, 30, 33–37, 45, 48–51, 60, Spy site, 176 61, 64, 66, 68–70, 83–86, 88–92, 104, Tabun, 91 162–65, 168 Trilobite Cave, 162 DeSalle, R., 177 Vindija Cave, 16 de Saussure, F., 170 Caves and rock shelters, southern Africa see also linguistic signs, Saussurean Blombos Cave, 49, 53–55, 60 Dibble, H. L., 74, 75, 92–96, 164, 166, 168, Border Cave, 49–51 169 Diepkloof Rock Shelter, 10, 164, 168 Diet, Neanderthal, 137, 158, 176 Chaminade, T., 113, 116–19, 172, 176 Diller, K., 177 Chance, S. A., 21 Dubreuil, B., 49, 54–59, 164 Chase, P. G., 95, 96, 105–7, 162, 164, 165, 172 Duday, H., 169 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49132-7 — Neanderthal Language Rudolf Botha Index More Information 206 Index Egeland, C. P., 92 Holloway, R. L., 21, 117, 171, 178 Enard, W., 145–48 Hovers, E., 96, 158, 169 Evidence Hunting, Neanderthal data vs facts vs evidence, 26, 27, 164 ambush hunting, 129, 130 direct vs indirect evidence, 6, 7, 19, 30, 65, communal, cooperative, social hunting, 9, 68, 154, 159 10, 30, 110, 128, 188 communication, 131, 138, 141, 155 Fadiga, I., 151 kill/near-kill sites, 141 Falk, D., 8 prey, 109, 128, 137 Finlayson, C., 6, 42, 79 spears, 128, 174, 175 Fisher, S. E., 145, 176, 177 strategy/tactics/method, 129, 131 Fitch, T., 8 Huntley, J., 78 Foley. R., 67 Foundas, A. L., 21, 22 Inferences about language evolution FOXP2 gene, modern human and Neanderthal, the motherese inference, 8 144–48, 177 the music inference, 8 Franklin, B., 171 the pidgin inference, 7, 8 Frost, G. T., 21, 23, 186 Inferences about Neanderthal language Fuentes, A., 63, 107 the body-decoration inference, 84ff.: soundness, 86, 87, 102, 103; structure, 84 Gamble, C., 6, 30, 33, 93, 98, 147, 148, 168 the brain inference, 148ff.: soundness, 149ff.; García-Diez, M., 29, 74, 75 structure, 149 Gargett, R. H., 88, 104, 169 the cave-art inference, 70: soundness, 80ff. Garofoli, D., 29, 62 the deliberate-burial inference, 88ff.: Gatewood, J. B., 172 soundness, 96f., 103; structure, 90ff. Gaudzinsky-Windheuser, S., 128, 133, 174, see also burials, Neanderthal 175, 187 the FOXP2 inference, 145ff.: soundness, Gazzaniga, M. S., 24 147, 148; structure, 146 Gestures, natural the hashtag-engraving inference, 71 iconic gestures/pantomimes, 135–37 soundness, 73ff., 102; structure, 72 Neanderthal hunters’, 136, 137, 155, 157 the Iberian-caves inference, 76ff.: soundness, pointing gestures, 135–37 78ff., 103; structure, 78 see also teaching stone-tool making/knapping the jewellery-inference, 33ff.: soundness, Gil, D., 134 34ff.; structure, 33, 34 Gonzáles Morales, M. R., 71 see also the personal ornament inference, the Graves, P., 122, 172 symbol inference, the language inference Grodzinsky, Y., 150, 151 the knapping inference, 113ff.: soundness, Grünberg, J. M., 109 113ff.; structure, 113 Güntürkün, O., 24 the knapping-pedagogy inference, 124ff.: soundness, 124ff.; structure, 124 Hagoort, P., 177 the language inference, 34, 97: soundness, handaxes 100ff.; structure, 98 characterisation, 81, 167, 170 the no-language inference, 142–44 Neanderthal, 82 the personal-ornament inference, 34, 40: uses, 171 soundness, 40, 102 Handedness, Neanderthal, 12, 14, 16–25, 159, the red-disks-and hand-stencils inference: 160 soundness, 101, 102 Hardy, K., 110 the scratched-teeth inference, 11ff.: Harrold, F. B., 169 soundness, 14ff., 25; structure, 12, 13 Harvati, K, 30, 109 the symbol inference, 34: soundness, 63ff., 164 Henshilwood, C., 49, 54–61, 66, 86, 164, 165 Ingold, T., 122 Hewes, G. W., 171 Heyes, P. J., 84, 85 Jackendoff, R., 105, 135, 138, 170, 171, 178 Hoffecker, J. F., 171 Johann, K., 109 Hoffmann, D. L., 30, 40, 69, 77–79 Johansson, S., 98, 147, 148, 159, 170 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49132-7 — Neanderthal Language Rudolf Botha Index More Information Index 207 Kahn, R., 23 Linguistic signs Khreisheh, N., 114–16, 172 Saussurean, 10, 155, 170 Kissel, M., 63, 107 vs cultural symbols, 104–7, 141, 153 Knecht, S., 21 Lithic industries/technologies Kochiyama, T., 150, 177 Acheulean, 123, 124, 171 Koller, J., 109 Levallois, 38, 171, 173 Krantz, G., 122 Oldowan, 113, 171 Krause, J., 5, 98, 145 Lombao, D., 125 Kuhn, S., 128 Long, D. L., 22 Lorblanchet, M., 166 Lai, C.
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