THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL llONTllLl' DEVOTED TO TIlE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORGANISTS Sixly-third rt"ar. Nrl. 10 - WI/cle No. i54 SEPTEMHER. 19;2 S"llScript;ollS $4.00 n )'t'ar - 40 cellI! tJ copy University of Iowa Dedicates New Facilities N~chthorn .. fl. The 5Ccond studio organ \\'~5 built Prinzillal 2 h. hf the Moller Organ Company in 1971. "oll£.lole 2 h. The 2i-SIOp. 3-manual instrumcnt has Sc:squiahera II 2% h . Kleinmhtur III I (t. electro· pneumatic key and stop action. Zimhel III y. re. al!d the manual compa5S is 61 noles. Duq ian l ti h. It ill Mollcr'!! opus 10500. Oboe 8 ft. The new Caso\'onl organ in Clapp R,citol Ha:l. KI:.rine -I It. GREAT T U:mui;Ult Ilrill1ipal 8 h. PEDAL Rnhrflnle 8 h. Prinzillal 16 ft. Ocla\·c" h. Subbass 16 It. Dnllblelle 2: h . The School or Music of the Unh'crsity The llIain case contains the Hauptwcrk Okla,· 8 ft . Fourniturc III I ft. of IOW3, Iowa Cit)'. has IlImcd into a and Sthwellwcrk, the Pedal didsion be· Rohrpomlllrr B ft. Sordlln 16 ft. (POIili\') multi-million dollar cOlllpl c: x consisting ing dh'idcd in two cases at each side Cllnralbus .. ft. SWELL of a new Music Building. CIOlPP Recilal o£ the main case £om'ard on the org:tn Rnhr"lrife -I ft. Unurdon 8 fl. Hall, ami Hancher Auditorium. plat£orm. The manual compass is 56 Nachlhorn 2 ft. Sal:cinnal 8 ft. The organ department, which "rof. notes_ Mililur V 2 h . Weit Prinzipal -I It. Ilosaune 16 h . 8Iocknolc ~ It. IIAUI'TWERK Gerhard Krapf staned In 1961 with a F' gnu 16 It. Cymbcl II ~ £t. Quillt;u.len 16 ft. S-rank, uuified Hoh"amp practice organ Tmmpelc B h. Tmmllrlc 8 £t . aud five students, totla), has au enroll­ "rillziJl;&1 8 ft. ",ollrllOlc 8 le . Schalmci "' (1. Trichtcr RrKal .. h. Trcmnto mcnt of 40 students. Two (ull' lime Oktav", h. teachers. Prof. Krapf amI Dr. llclhcrt Two studio organs also double as re­ I'OSITIV S"iLlnole 4 ft. N:uon Gl:'dackt 8 It. Dissclhotst. :md four assistants comprise Nasat 2Y; h . cilal instruments (or the organ llepart. the facult),. Dt'gn."Cs offered include the Superoktal' 2 It. ment. The rirsl is a Schlicker organ of Koppelflole" h. PhD. OMA. MFA, Mt\, and BA, In U1ocknotc 2 h . IIrillzil1"11 2 It. 19i1 with mechanical key action anll Langol I~ (t. addition to organ instruction, course of. Ten IYs ft. electro-pncumatic stop action. The 2- Sesquia!lcra II 2% It. (TC) Mixtur IV 1!.ol It. fetings include organ literaturc, history manual encasell organ contains 22 stops; ~ nrdun 8 It. (73 "ipes) o£ organ building and design,organ ped­ Scharr til y, ft. the manual compass is 56 notes. Tnlllolo agog}', church sen'icc playing, church Kornclt V 8 ft. lTC, IIEDAL Fagott 16 h. mU$ic, improvisation, and thorough­ GREAT UnunJon 16 ft. TrOlllllele 8 h . SpillJlnnciJlal 8 It. bass. Klarinc" fl. Principal 8 h . Hobgcdt1:k' 8 11 . Gcd«k, II h. The ne"" Casa, ant organ in Clapp ROCKPOSITIV Chor Ib:us 4 Ie. RccitOil Hall is behlg tledicatctl this Gcd.ukl 8 It. Oct::l,\·c" h . Rohrnoele of h . R:au!chllfdle II 2% It. month in :10 opening recital by Dr. Dis­ QUlIIl ldrlla 8 h . 50rdun 16 It. (Pouli,') Pnllzipal .. h . Waldfloele 2 h. sclhorSl and l'ro£c.."Ssor KlOIp£ on Sept. Mixtur IV ~ordun 8 ft. (Pmi':\') 6, two prognlOls on Sept. 2'J and OCI. I. KOl'"l:Inoll: .. h . Trolllpric B It. Somlln 4 h. (PO'I:Ih-) Nalat 2~ and a Sacred Music Workshop on ~m ' . h . Okla\' 2 ft. SWELL I and 2 which will £cature Anton Hcil­ Waldflote 2 h . Rohrfloete 8 ft. It''r in recital and l« tllres. The 3·man­ Trrz ft. Salicional 8 fl. lYs SJlildloelro .. It. ual org:lIl has mechanical key action Quintflolc 1 ~ ft. Princi,Iat 2 h. with electric stop action aud comprises Sifflole I £to In addition to the two studio organs, Srsquiahera II 2 ~ It. eTC) 53 stops. 11 is loc:ated on a plat£onn Seharr IV o/s It. Seharf III y, ft. thcre are £h'e practice organs in thc abo\'c the rear o£ the stage, and the Rankru 16 fl. new huilding: a Ca,a,'ant 2·manual or Krummitorn 8 ft. Dulzbn 16 h. RUd:.posith' division i5 lIIon'1l slightlr Schalmei B It. T relllulant 7 SIO(>:, wilh mechanical key and stop to the right of the console to enable Tremolo :lelion: a Schlicker 2'm,lI1ual unit organ u:ot .. lists to he Sl'C1l by the audience. SCIIWELLWERK rEDAL or 9 stops and 2 ranJ..s with electro­ GrdacktnOlr 8 ft. Suhha55 16 II . Salizional 8 h . pneumatic action: a Holtkamp 2·mall­ IIrinci"al 8 It. nat unil organ o£ 12 SlOpS and 5 ranks VO"I: Cod eJli ~ 8 h. (Tel Melalgedackl 8 It. Gromthnrn .. it. Choralbass 4 h. with c1(.'Clro-pneumatic action: and two Rauschpfdle II 2 It. Mollet· unil organs o( 2·nt:1I1uals , II Datum 16 r'. stoP!!, and 2Jf.r ranks with electro­ Srhalmci .. It. pJIt'U1natic actions. Clapp Recital Hall, .hawing room, . toge, and organ. Uni,."nity of Iowa argon faculty: Prof. Ger­ haAl ",apf. chairman (abo,..), Dr. D.lbert Di ...lhont (rightl. Further Thoughts Towards An THE DIAPASON Interpretation of Reger's Organ Music EoUrbIIM ... In 11109 ( TrGd't'mork rt'I"'end al U. S. Palen' Office) or S. E. CRI1ENSTE/~', P.ww.., (11109-1857 ) SEPTEMBER, 1972 IOIER' SCHUNEMAN "Youn, man, let', not ptal my things 100 faR; play e'rrl'}'thing quile drli~r.:Ul!ly, frlltor enn though it'. notattd fa.trr."1 FEAT1II\ES DOROTHY ROSIER by James W)'I)', Grinol"11 College, Grinnrll, Iowa Unl.erslty of Iowa Dedicate. lu"" ••• Ma""ge, He,.. FacWU.. WESLEY VOS It is good to sec Raymond Mabr)"s something other than thc identification Further Thou9bts TowarU All ANI.,,,n' Uk., translations of Manfrt'd Hoffman's and o( Kioll wilh HoffUlann's "noncom­ IalerpretatloD 01 Bever'. Mule Hans Klotz's noles on (llt: pcrfonnancc mittal and o\'ercaU(iolls soberness" by Jam.. Wyly 2 of Max Reger's otg:ln works in the which is all too cas)' to read into th~ir August DlArASON. They raise issues juxtaposed writings, We can estabhsh which h:n'c long dcscncd morc aUen­ its nature more accurately. Hoffmann lion tJlOlO the}' ha\c gouen in the United seems to proceed on the 3ssumption that An ',,'«'mnlioNI" "'on,hl" Dcoo,e4 lei Stales. Rt'gcr 5 music can no longer be only two positions an: possible: either ,ht' Or,an and '0 Or,hilts .... The Mb.ae Bre" 01 J. So Bach taken Hghtly by AmcriCin organisLS. the player ohen Reger's instructions by Thoma. J. McGarr 4, 5. 17 ChalTh Midk and the approach of the Reger ccn­ 10 thc letter or' he doesn't; and if he tennial )'cOir. 1973. gi\"(~5 added impctus doesn't, then his only remaining allcrna· In the ~arch for rt."50lutions of the th'c is to pia}' Reger in a way HoH­ Arthur How" Feted Upoa aetheme.t 1'II.D/oIHUoIt problems which con(rolll those in· mann finds narrow. QlIs baroque, antI Irom habody COalierYatory 1.. 11 Edit• ...., ..d B"""... ott"'" tereslctl In playing lhis music in the doesn't like, This mOIl' h3\'e been the 434 South W.w.m AOInI.",. CJ.leqo, "'a), Reger cOl'isioned. situation Horfmann found around him m., 80605. T.Iep/ooft. 312·HA7-3148 in 1967, but a lillie reflection should As the Ho[fm::mn and Klotz articles REVIEWS S .. bacriptio" ,me8. '4.00 a lit' ... ,.. .d· make dear. opinions differ as to wheth­ indicate that iI falls short of encom­ eance. Si",r. cop;e. 40 en',. Bile. er Rl."gcr's music is 10 be interpreted in passing the enlire spectrum of pos­ More Re.lew. hom U.e Harpaichordlat.· World numbe,. mo,,, '''em 'IDO "Hr, old, 18 the "orchcstTaI" style which results from sibilities. by Larry Palmer 12 cen". Fore/,n aub.cripl'o", mud b. literal application of Reger's dynamic Careful comparison of the two ar­ paid in U,.II.d Sta'e, fund. 01' ,h. instructions upon a ca. 1900 German ticles gives a rather differcnt pcrspec­ HARPSICHORD HEWS 12-13 _,,,lea"'" thereof. organ or whether the instructions arc to th·e. I£ wc resist the temptation to LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 13 he t~l:.en more or less loosely. This identify Klotz with HoUmann's "bad HlRfC OIMITTIS 2D is a man},.sidccl question, and it is guys," wc sec that the main difference Adoerlu'nl rate. on applica"on. not likely to be pcrmanently resoh'ed betwccn them would seem to be (hat CALENDAR 22 in the immediate future. Howe\'er, the Hoffmann ad,'ocates strict adherence Routine lie .... fol' pabUcntion trlW' b. two articles tend 10 polarile the is­ 10 all the markings in Regcr's scores, ORGAH RECITAL PROGRAMS 23-25 r~ehed no' latn .han 'he lOt" of ,h_ sue, as the reductioll of any issue to a while Klotz produces evidence that Re­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTl8EMEl'fTS 21-27 WID"''' '0 .... ,e ,....,.,Ion I" ,,,_ iuu_ pair o[ contrasting slalemen1.5 neces­ ger himself did not always (a"or ad­ for '''e nm mon'''. For ,.cleol J'ff'O­ sarily must do;.
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