E1018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 4, 1998 The championship game was won 2 to 1 by Ridgewood, New Jersey, on receiving the U.S. one of the top 10 schools in New Jersey and the Commandos under the leadership of Head Department of Education's prestigious Blue was recognized for its reality-based curricu- Coach Russ Plummer and Assistant Coach Ribbon Schools Award. lum. In the past four years, the school has re- Darren Frank. Goals were made by seniors This award recognizes that Benjamin Frank- ceived nine Best Practices Awards from the Jeff Cundiff and Dylan Brown. Other team lin Middle School is one of the finest schools state Department of Education, recognizing its members include seniors Ryan Brody, David in our entire nation. This proves that public courses in citizenship (twice), career edu- Kopko, Ryan McComas, Leif Sherry, Clark education works and that our young people in cation, English (twice), art, special education, Hastings, Ian Cummings, and Ben Meyer; jun- Bergen County are among the best and bright- foreign language and physical education. No iors Danny O'Keefe, Doug Ziegler, and Mi- est. This accomplishment is the result of hard other school in New Jersey has received that chael Rose; and sophomores Joe Carmack, work on the part of students, their parents, many awards during the four-year history of Ryan Alexander, Travis Pulley, Jeremy Willis, teachers and the Board of Education. Special the Best Practices program. Hank Stanfill, Andy Duensing, Corey DeGuira, congratulations go to Principal Paul Folkemer, Benjamin Franklin students are well pre- and Zach Glaser. I congratulate these players and Superintendent of Schools Frederick J. pared by their teachers, parents and role mod- and others who have made significant con- Stokley. As a former teacher and school board els in the community. They can rest assured tributions to their success, including Hender- member, I am proud of everyone associated they will be able to handle whatever chal- sonville High School Principal Paul Decker, with this accomplishment. lenges they choose in life. Once again, con- Athletic Trainer Robb Williams, Athletic Direc- Of the thousands of middle schools and gratulations to everyone involved in this im- tor Charlie Lewis, and Team Managers Kathy high schools across the United States, only pressive achievement. Calderala and Megan McMullen. 166 this year were found to be outstanding However, the greatest honor goes to the enough to receive this high honor. Recipients f parents who, I am sure, are very proud of their of the Blue Ribbon Schools Award have been sons' accomplishments. I give my highest con- judged particularly effective at meeting local, SPEAKER GINGRICH ADDRESSES gratulations to these young men on their great state and national goals. The award is pre- ISRAEL'S PARLIAMENT achievement. I am certain the Hendersonville sented to schools that have shown strong community is very proud of these young men leadership, a clear vision and sense of mis- HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN sion, high quality teaching, challenging curricu- for their hard work and dedication. OF NEW YORK f lum, a safe environment for learning, solid evi- dence of family involvement, evidence that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF COLONEL DAVID school helps all students achieve high stand- Thursday, June 4, 1998 (MICKEY) MARKUS ards, and a commitment to share best prac- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to take tices with other schools. These schools clearly this opportunity to share with our colleagues HON. CHARLES E. SCHUMER display the quality of excellence necessary to the address the Speaker delivered at Israel's OF NEW YORK prepare our young people for the challenges parliament during our visit last week in com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the next century. memoration of Israel's jubilee anniversary. The With 600 students, Benjamin Franklin has Speaker's appearance at the Knesset podium Thursday, June 4, 1998 served students in the sixth, seventh and was the first by any Speaker of the House of Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. Speaker, I stand here eighth grades as a middle school since 1985, Representatives. Such a historic event reaf- today to honor the memory of a truly excep- when it reorganized from a junior high serving firms and underscores the bonds of friendship tional citizen on the 50th anniversary of his seventh, eighth and ninth grades. The mission and cooperation between the United States tragic death. of the school is to ``help children grow up''Ð and Israel, and especially between Israel and Colonel David (Mickey) Markus was a hero. intellectually, emotionally, socially and phys- the Congress of the United States. Accord- Brooklyn born and bred, Colonel Marcus grad- icallyÐand its organization, instructional pro- ingly, while many of our colleagues were privi- uated from West Point in 1924 before return- gram and support system are focused on that leged to hear the Speaker deliver these mov- ing to Brooklyn to attend Brooklyn Law goal. The school is divided into two ``houses,'' ing remarks, I am certain that the remainder of School. After graduation, Colonel Marcus each with an administrator, guidance coun- our colleagues would appreciate having the served our country as an Assistant United selor, learning disabilities consultant and 12 opportunity to review these remarks as well. States Attorney and then as an officer in the teachers divided into three teams of four each. This congressional visit to IsraelÐto cele- Army during World War II. Each team meets daily to discuss curriculum, brate the miraculous rebirth of the modern In 1948, Colonel Markus travelled to the review individual student progress and coordi- State of IsraelÐwas the largest visit of Mem- Middle East to fight for the creation of a Jew- nate activities. ish state in the War of Independence. While The school's curriculum is comprehensive bers of the House and Senate to Israel in its serving as an officer in the Israeli army, Colo- and challenging. All sixth-grade students are fifty-year history. Under the Speaker's leader- nel Markus was killed in battle. required to take classes in English, math, ship, Members participated in valuable meet- Even though he was serving in a foreign science, social studies, a foreign language, ings with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and with army, Colonel Markus was buried at West physical education, art, technology, health and Speaker Dan Tichon, with colleagues of ours Point under special permission by President music. Seventh- and eighth-graders take in the Knesset. In what was a precedent-set- Truman. His contribution to the fight for an courses in the same categories plus a selec- ting meeting, it was agreed that a US-Israel independent Israel were recognized by Prime tion of electives. The focus of the curriculum parliamentary group would be established, Minister Ben Curion, who issued a special is on mastery of the language, problem solv- with the first bilateral focus to be on missile statement in his honor. Colonel Marcus's gave ing, creativity, critical thinking and basic skill defense systems. is honored with pebbles left by visitors in the development. We were also privileged to spend several Jewish tradition. Modern technology is a part of all courses. hours with Minister of National Infrastructure Colonel Marcus made our neighborhood The school has a three-room technology cen- Ariel Sharon, who took us to two settlements and our country proud. We recognize his ter, a television studio, an automated informa- across the green line in the West Bank. At achievements on this solemn day and honor tion retrieval system, and televisions, tele- one site, known as Paduel, we saw across the his memory. phones and computers in every classroom. entire coastal plain to Ben Gurion airport and f Students word process all English assign- the skyline of Tel Aviv. It was clear that ments. Israel's security concerns are deep and real. CONGRATULATING BENJAMIN Since 1990, Benjamin Franklin has empha- In his remarks to the Knesset, Speaker FRANKLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL sized a ``reality-based'' curriculum that links GINGRICH eloquently relayed the affection and academic topics to real-life situations. Stu- respect we have for the people and State of HON. MARGE ROUKEMA dents have explored how race relations played Israel. It was a memorable and historic day for OF NEW JERSEY a role in the Yankees' decision to stay in the the Knesset, the Congress of the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bronx, the arson of African-American churches States, and for the citizens our two great and the World War II Holocaust. democratic institutions represent. Thursday, June 4, 1998 The excellence of Benjamin Franklin's aca- Accordingly, I submit the Speaker's speech Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- demic program has been repeatedly recog- for the Knesset to be printed in the CONGRES- gratulate Benjamin Franklin Middle School in nized. In 1996, the school was selected as SIONAL RECORD. June 4, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1019 REMARKS BY U.S. HOUSE SPEAKER NEWT We remember the commitment of the early While the peace process is designed to pro- GINGRICH TO THE ISRAELI KNESSET, JERUSA- Zionists who convened the first Zionist Con- vide security within Israel and on her bor- LEM, ISRAEL, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1998 gress a century ago, lived through the horror ders, perhaps the greatest threat is beyond Speaker Dan Tichon and Mrs. Tichon; min- of the Holocaust, and finally, witnessed the the peace process. Israel and the United isters and deputy ministers of the govern- birth of a Jewish homeland in Eretz Yisrael. States now face a growing threat beyond the ment of Israel; members of the Knesset, We remember the story of the last 50 years, horizon: weapons of mass destruction in the former Knesset Speaker Shlomo Hillel; of a state that has survived wars and count- hands of outlaw dictatorships.
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