FRiDAT, rrcrvEMBBii i, f64i ' Eontitig Averagp Daily Ctreubthm . For iko aiwith a< Oetaber. 184$ Tha Weather • i Milton Levitt, haa returned to In yesterday’s report, of officers Foweaot ft t. M. WoattMV Newport after apending a week’a elected by Manchester Orange, 7,696 B|U>oatTowii furiough with hla parenta, Mr, and them waa a transposition o f the Mm. /r e d A. Levitt, of 14 Munro p o tio n s held by Mrs. Wilbur Lit­ It a« «ha AadH OoMer MhlgM atraet. Ha la In the Navy. tle, wife of the Master of the e« Obenletfcme Jk. e« M Grange, and Mrs. Grace Lathrop. 1 ' r _ _________jiMrt tlm# HImo Oavello, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Little Was reelected as lec­ Manehester^A City of VTHofto Charm «■ Mra. Frank Oavello of 78 Biaaell turer and Mrs. Grace Lathrop, _r«Brt«d U tb» jfmrr, overseer. Grange members are re­ ttiM OrMt LahM Naval trainlnf atreet, who waa recently trana- (OlaaMM AtvarlWag aa Faga U) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS] L -. Chicago RcIatlvM and ferred from the Coaat Guards at minded of the .meet at the Little" VOL. LXIL NO. 38 Farm, Sunday at 1 o’clock to sort I I * gava kirn a partr Batur- Manhattan Beach to Alexandria, II ■ad avMCoted nim with a Va.. haa been promoted to the steel scrap collected in the recent a ar motiay. Tha affair waa rank of First Claaa Seaman. drive conducted under Mr. Little's at tha home af Ma paranta, direction by Grangers and their Mia. Joaeph A. Monaeg- Alfred Paul Werbner, aon of Mr. friends. In The attaaded Manchaater and Mra. David Werbner of 29 AlUgh achSdMpr two yaara and tha Stephen atreet, a junior in the Mrs. Lillian Kanehl, of Wells Ltacal Stata iMdaLKhool for a year. School of Journalism, University street, this week received a letter ‘ SafoM anllatlng » waa employed ot Mlaaouri, haa returned to hia from her aon Private Clifford O. Kanehl. It was the first letter re­ Fashion News 100,000 Axis Troops Seized or Hm Piooaar Panofaata com* hoipe to await a call to the colors aa an aviation cadet in the Army ce iv e from him in 11 weeks and Air Corps. indicated that he is now overseas and is located with the Marines In Major K. Jf. Curt»a of the Sal- the Pacific. He says that he is atlon Army haa made arrange- First Aiders Avho are to be fin­ ger-printed, . should report at the well but would like to hear from nenta with Lieutenant Norman S. his friends. His address is. The U. hall of New York to conduct Manchester Foljce Station be­ tween seven and eight o’clock this S. Marines, Corp Unit 605, ejo ^ meetinga here thia month in Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal. >:tha iBtareat o f young people. In evening. Genoa Showered with Fire, osives ^ addlUen to thla field work he le vice prealdent of the War Cry PuMlahing company. Fur Trimmed Center Church Women’s Federa­ tion Is planning a Pot Luck supper Annlversiwsr Hero of Egyptian Front Reviews Heroes and Christmas party for Wednes- ‘Reds’ Oust Nazis I;* day,-December 2, at 6:30. British Chase Legion DRESS From Two Posts m I’ALL CEDARS Hale’ s Past Matruh TONIGHT B COATS In Factory Area 8:08 O’a o ck BINGO 1 0 0 % W OO L Orange Hall Dul-Tone Naw and wonderful. Coata you will wear I day and night for the duration. Warmly Hold Firmly from Are* Ration - Plan Admit Much Da 20 Reff. Games At interlined and gracefully trimmed with fine LEGION HOME furs. Fabric colors include black, beaver tic to Deep Cauca* $3 a Game for 25c High and blue. 8U8 Against German For Liquor Leonard Street • Home-Based Bombers' Headlong Flight of Axis 2 Free Game«!l o • Efforts to Crack De*| Convoy Now Fur Trimmings Revisit Italy for Fifth. Africa Corps G>ntinaes 7 Specials! These Popular Bingo Parties fense Lines; Dead Con* | Buying Set Tim e Since Late Octo*^ At Rapid Clip; 20,000 Twist Include: * Going Easty Sweepstake! tinue to Pile Up. | ber; Italians Report i Germans and Italians Will Be Resumed Tomorrow • B E A V E R • State o f Wa$hington lit' $5 Door Prize! Moscow, Nov. 7.— — ^Notable Damage’ on | Taken Prisoners; 350 o • PERSIAN LAMB Nazi Report Evening At' 7:30 P o fe ct The Red Army threw the traduces Program To- Most Important Sup* Tanks Seized; 400, ---------- ------------------- • SILVER FOX Germans from two fortifled day; Limit Quart Per ply Port for Axis Arm* | Guns and Thousands.. positions in a factory area of Strong Escort of War- Admission . • . 50 cents • M IN K W eek on Each Permit. a Fitting Stalingrad today and held ies in North Africa.' craft Accompanying O f Vehicles Captv 1939 Dc Soto firmly from the Arctic to the • DYED FITCH SeatUe, Nov. 7—<dV-The state Allied Vessels on Mys­ 4>Door Sedan deep Caucasus against Nazi London, Nov. 7.— (JF)— Cairo, Nov, 7.— (A^-W ith Washington introduced a liquor Eadlo. Heater. Ooodtirea. Sold efforts to crack the defense Britain’s hig, home-based terious Mission Now. 100,000 of Rommel’s total o f; rationing program today. aa traded. lines. Grey-uniformed dead bombers revisited Italy last some 140,000 desert tr^ ^ Rationing cards, to be attached $ 4 4 5 continued to pUe up before Stnlln- night for the fifth time since Bulletin! captured or trapped and jg a d gunplto. The Ruaainns were to the present purchase permits, so others To Choose From! RAYON HOSIERY will be issued within a few days. rtff. .i.iiLi’ ... late October, showering New York, Nov. 7.—AJP)— tank strength grievously if to $1 reported to have handed out Each permit holder will be entitled Gen. Slr«<HaroId Alexander (left), British Middle East commander, inspects Fighting PYench in­ Genoa with fire and explo­ The German radio, perhaps on crippled, the British chase ot: 75 Denier Chirfon weight with cotton heavy punlahment to the invaders n fishing expedition, gnve cir­ BRUNNER’S on the mack aea and Nalchik- to purchase only one quart or two fantry that held out for days in the desert outpost at Blr Hacheim again-:t pounding by Marshal. Erwin sives which, by the Italians’ the broken and tattered A xis; REPAIRS pints, per week. The present limit culation todny to the idea thnt . SS Oaklaad St. TM. 5U1 reinforced foot for extra wear and fit. Plus Tax. Ordshonikidse fronts. Rommel’s Nazi forces. General Alexander band ::d out decorations to heroes of the battle. He haa own word, inflicted "notable forces swept on today past $1.00 is three quarts or five pints a day. been cited by King Geoige VI for the feat of routing Kommel s divisions. n convoy battle is in progress Infantry Company FaUs damage” on Italy’s most im­ to the eastern Meditenwnenn Matruh, Egyptian port id- 1 Pair Evro M. Beckett, Stats Uquor 8 new flattering Shades. About a company of German in­ Control board chairman, said a ,— t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-----------------------------------------. • I portant supply port for the Axis by quoting “foreign reports” most halfway to the Libyan hoiw' fantry fell before the counter-at- temporary ban had been placed on armies to North Africa. The Air to thnt effect. No each reports der from the starting point of the. ON ALL MAKES had been benrd from nhy other Ministry Called the attack "con­ Allied drive. The headlong flight Also Medium Service Weight taddng Red Army troopa at Sta- the Issuing o f new purchase per­ lingnuL the noon communique mits. Color Photos cen trate and effective’’ and the source. The broadcast dlspatcly. of the once-proud Axia Africa* aaid. Cotttng Down Dellvertes Japan’s Resistance Italian communique itself said by the Traasooean agency, anid corps continued at a rapid cb $ 1-00 ~On a aouthem sector of the He asld diatlUeriea had been cut­ that “particular damage was re­ that military quarters at Ber­ the British reported to a commu­ OF CAr S ! RAYON HOSIERY city's defenses a Red Army de­ ting down or witholding deliveries Of Stomachs ported to the center of the town, lin declined to any nnsrthlag nique which listed 20,000 GermaiMI ’ , With Lisle Stretch Top Pair CHILDREN’S tachment destroyed nine block­ becauas o f the uncertainty of the Stiffened Suddenly and to the eastern part notable nbont the “reports.”' and Itallaiu already captures Y m sir. we are equipped to do all kinds of houses -and kUled about ISO Ger­ liquor situation, and added: damage waa caused.” along with 350 tanka seized in ad­ man offioars and msa,” it waa an­ ’’Sines the amount of liquor we London, Nov. 7-^P>--Tho Ger­ dition to hundreda of &' Possible Now Raid Made to Bad Weather man radio reported today that nounced. will eventually be able to coimt knocked out, and 400 guna repair work satisfactorily and economically. The long haul to and fro over large Allied convoy, previously* uncounted thousands o f vehlcltotl| Further. Nasi fortlflcatlona on regularly la unknown quantity Enemy Troop. P«y*ng N o M anpO W CF virtually the length of continental were reported wrecked by Soviet at the preeent time, and since we sembled at Gibraltar, waa steam­ in the hands o f the Army of ! Vew Key-Hole Camera Heavily for Unsuccess-, * Europe and twice across the Alps ing eaatwjtrd through the Medi­ Nile. Let MS keep your car in good running order.
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