Споделяне Сигнал за злоупотреба Сигнал за злоупотреба Следващ блог» Създаване на блог Once I was a clever boy learning the arts of Oxford... is a quotation from the verses written by Bishop Richard Fleming (c.1385-1431) for his tomb in Lincoln Cathedral. Fleming, the founder of Lincoln College in Oxford, is the subject of my research for a D. Phil., and, like me, a son of the West Riding. I have remarked in the past that I have a deeply meaningful on-going relationship with a dead fifteenth century bishop... It was Fleming who, in effect, enabled me to come to Oxford and to learn its arts, and for that I am immensely grateful. T HURSDA Y , 2 6 MA Y 2 0 1 1 Thinking of visiting Oxford? New Papal tiara A llow m e to be y ou r The New Liturgical Movement has this piece about the presentation gu ide... a n d discov er th e to the Pope of a new tiara: h istor y of Ox for d w ith a n Ox for d h istor ia n . Just a quick note as some of our readers may be interested in this story published by John Sonnen about a papal tiara that was gifted to I offer a w ide r a n ge of gu ided w a lks a r ou n d th e Pope Benedict XVI , commissioned by Dieter Philippi and crafted by a city a n d u n iv er sity . Bulgarian Orthodox liturgical firm. Th ese ca n be a gen er a l in tr odu ction to th e h istor y a n d a r ch itectu r e The tiara was presented to the pontiff today by Dieter Philippi and a or lookin g a t specific small delegation of Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. th em es a n d su bjects. Mor e in for m a tion . About Me ON CE I WA S A CLE V E R B OY I a m a Ca th olic a n d a h istor ia n ba sed in Ox for d, w h er e I a m a m em ber of Or iel College. My r esea r ch , for a lon g dela y ed D.Ph il., is a stu dy of Rich a r d Flem in g, Bish op of Lin coln in th e secon d deca de of th e fifteen th cen tu r y . I a lso w or k a s a fr eela n ce tu tor in Histor y a n d a s a n in depen den t tou r gu ide. I w a s r eceiv ed in to th e Ch u r ch in 2 005 a n d a m a Br oth er of th e Ex ter n a l Or a tor y of St Ph ilip Ner i a t th e Ox for d Or a tor y . V iew m y com plete pr ofile Other Blogs and Websites I Read A ctu osa Pa r ticipa tio A n Hon ou r a n d a Respon sibility A n cien t Rich bor ou gh A r t in Mediev a l Hu n ga r y A r th u r Cr u m ly blog Posted Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Comments (33) A u dio Sa n cto A u n tie Joa n n a w r ites Fr Blake has also commented about it here. A u str a lia In cogn ita Ba d V estm en ts Both posts have attracted anumber of comments - including one from Belgia n Mon a r ch y Belm on t A bbey myself. Bir m in gh a m LMS Bir m in gh a m Or a tor y I cannot understand why anyone would not want the Pope to be Bish op of Ebbsfleet crowned with the tiara and wear it on appropriate occasions. Br a zilia n Mon a r ch y Br itish Mon a r ch y The origins of the tiara are complex, and may once have represented Br oth er s of th e Sa n Diego temporal authority under the Byzantine Emperor. By the time it Or a tor y became the tiara we recognise it had been spiritualised as a symbol of Bu ckfa st A bbey the Papal monarchy governing the Church. As in medieval Ca n on s Regu la r of th e representions God the Father is often represented wearing the tiara, it New Jer u sa lem is a reminder that the Papal power is delegated from God, and, as with Ca r din a l New m a n ca u se the decree on Papal Infallibility, refers to that power inherent in the Ca r ita s in V er ita te Church itself. The Pope wears the tiara on behalf of the whole Church, Ca th olic Ch u r ch and exercises authority on behalf of the whole Church over the Con ser v a tion Church, as God's vicar. Coronation points out the limitations and Ca th olic Her a ld Ca th olic Ox for d responsibilities of the monarchical office, spiritual or secular - it was Cer em on ia y r u br ica de absolutist monarchies that tended to dispense with or downgrade la Iglesia espa n ola coronations. Pope Paul VI may have set aside his tiara, but in respect Ch r istu s V in ch it of the liturgy at least he acted in an absolutist manner. CIEL UK Com m u n ion in th e Ha n d I think this is a very handsome gift, and we must hope the Pope, or, at Cor pu s Ch r isti Ma iden some distant date in the future, his successor, takes the hint. Whether La n e they will is, of course, an unknowable matterat the moment. Cr oss of La eken Da n ish Mon a r ch y This story reminds me of a plan I had a while ago, which was to De Cu r a A n im a r u m publish some posts about the history of the tiara and the examples Div in u m Officiu m which exist in the Vatican and elsewhere. Once I can find some more Dom Don a ld time I will do so. Dom in ica n Litu r gy Em per or Ch a r les Lea gu e of Pr a y er Em pr ess Zita ca u se En glish Dom in ica n s Posted by Once I Was A Clever Boy at 22:53 Eu r opea n Her a ldr y Labels: Papal coronation , Papal tiara , Pope Benedict XVI Ex Fide Fr Hu n w icke's Litu r gica l 1 comments: Notes Fr Ra y Bla ke Fr ien ds a n d Follow er s of davidforster said... St Ph ilip Ner i My two thoughts when I saw this picture were: Fr ien ds of Rea din g A bbey FSSP En gla n d Ger ia tr ics for a 1. Speaking as a schoolmaster, I would beware the grins on Ch a n gelin g Ch u r ch those faces. I've seen those expressions on the faces of Godzdogz naughty schoolboys. Those presenting the tiara are saying, Gr eek Mon a r ch y Gy r on n y Her a ld "Go on, I dare you." That on the face of His Holiness is Ha bsbu r g Mon a r ch y saying, "I'd rather like to; can I get away with it?" Ha n ov er ia n Mon a r ch y Hea v en ga te 2. It's interesting that this tiara was presented by a mixed Her m en eu tic of Con tin u ity Catholic and Orthodox group. This seems to be a very Hiber n o Ca th olic strong message from the Orthodox involved. "We may well Holy Na m e, Ma n ch ester be ready to accept your primacy, and heal the Great Holy Sm oke Idle Specu la tion s schism. But you've got to behave like a pope. That means Il blog degla l'a m ici di defending the faith. And it means preserving and Pa pa Ra tzin ger respecting your own Western traditions because, if you In stitu te of Ch r ist th e can't defend your own, we can't trust you with ours." Kin g In stitu te of Ch r ist th e 28 May 2011 11:19 Kin g Sov er eign High Pr iest In ter v estibu lu m et a lta r e Post a Comment Ita lia n ell' A r te Mediev a le Enter your comment... Ite a d Th om a m Jon Ca n n on 's Ch u r ch es Ju v en tu tem Ox for d La cr im a r u m V a lle La tin Ma ss Society La u dem Glor ia e Le Fleu r de Ly s too Let Noth in g You Dism a y Lew es Pr ior y Liber a m e Com m ent as: Google Account Lin coln sh ir e Ch u r ch es Lin en on th e Hedger ow Publish Preview Litu r gia La tin a LMS Ch a ir m a n Lon don Or a tor y Ma d Mon a r ch ist Ma r y Tu dor - Ren a issa n ce Qu een Mediev a l ca len da r ca lcu la tor Mediev a l Hu n ga r y Mex ica n Mon a r ch y Missa Tr iden ta n a em Por tu ga l Mon ks a n d Mer m a ids Motu s Septen tr ion a lis Mu lier For tis My sta gogy Newer Post Home Older Post New Litu r gica l Mov em en t New m a n r ea der Noblesse et Roy a u te Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Nor ber tin e V oca tion s Nor w egia n Mon a r ch y Offer im u s tibi Dom in e Officiu m Div in u m On lin e Goth a Or bis Ca th olicu s Or der of Ma lta Or din a r ia te Por ta l Or iel College Ou r La dy of Ca v er sh a m.
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