Gardner, Henie, £ »*#<«*•*••««* Ava Sonja Girt* THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. Club Seeks Cast New Group Starts ger Rogers, Gene Tierney, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEE 6, 1954 j * Joah ** June The Arts Club of Washington The Geneslans, a recently or- Crawford, Barbara Stanwypk, A-30 has announced that tryouts for group of non-prof es- Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis, ence Halop, who plays the 50- A ALLYSON ganized Blondell, its next Production, the comedy Shelley Winters, Joan year-old mama in “Meet Millie,” - sional, , actorsctor and*nQ technicianstecnnicians, isis RHR keeps * “Goodbye My Fancy,” will be Jane Powell and Betty Hutton the wolf , posed for some glamor stills at \ Preparing an in-the-round pio- are a few movie stars who can from open all persons at 7:30 p.m. Sullivan surprised \ the door Mag- ! CBS, and quite the . ... _.. today and Friday in Arts duction of ‘‘An Ideal Husband.” EcJ understand the Monroe-Di j the oy letting mm gio They are sending . Club. 2 0i7 I street N.W. Produc- Tryouts' will be held at 8 p.m. IN fadeout. | photographers. y J an 'in the back tion dates have been set for today through Friday In the It takes exceptional girl—- some of the more sexy shots to ** November 18-20. parish house of the Church of one with an amazingly deep ca- door—in a pacity for love—to defeat the 11 % mm « - St. Stephen and the Incarnation, I Little Old New York Hollywood pressures that oper- j • nth “d New “" streets Woman s t national | now | N.^ ate against a successful marriage.! Ozzie Nelson proudly informed Lucille Ball is one ,of those me . that son Ricky played his wE FIRST TBKATRE" Jn WBtkAmß rare characters. Jane Russell is I first football game for Hollywood WOrld” another. So is Lauren Bacall. ** 1 ¦ NEW YORK. j factorily, even In those cases High—“He his is Irene Dunne. Claudette . was so proud of Behind the Scenes: ¦ where the husband himself is a So r# ® 5 Colbert,, who had her share of suit—it looks like USC’s. he The bust-up of the Marilyn performer and therefore more luntheon ond * * early unhappiness, has found a let it get I Print by technicolor Monroe-Joe Di Maggio idyll fol- understanding of the glamor wouldn’t dirty.” asked M fine life with her husband,- ,n ,h* I Imfl WEBB lows the general pattern that girl's problem. In that case, the Dr. I| how he did. and he said. “Oh, it M husband’s often not, is Joel Pressman. Mary Benny, i emerges when glamor girls pledge ego, as was just a warm up.” I hate to Starts Palace to love, honor and obey. For more easily bruised because of Grade Allen, Portland Hoffa, rnlnnial 000 Mrs. Haley, Mi’s. add that Ricky’s team lost. $125 them, trying to adjust their ca- wife’s loftier position. He Jack. Robert H his Young egos the dies thousand deaths each time are other brilliant ex- (Released by nana.) dining reers and to wedded a Rosemary ap- w rn status is a particularly difficult they appear in public as the amples. Clooney for fans clamor for her autograph. parently has achieved the perfect away in problem. Just as it is their relationship with Jose Ferrer. room V husbands. So it is easy to understand the " % EVENINGS 8:30 ¦ R Ann Blyth and Dr. McNulty are »? air cenditionad J JP. y to be successful, inability of Joe Di Maggio and ,t** , Marriage, ideal: & job Marilyn Monroe to work out Louran w dtlidaui feed ¦ Stationery ft SAT. 2:30 IN V* OHIQ It S must be a full-time on the But before of us sneer at Office Supplies part of the wife. A femme movie their marriage. jany ¦P*\ A «.-!tonights grand M H | thfbreakup of Di mar- luncheon from IJ< Come To PROGRAM: Im Sylph- m star has full-time job with her In the first place, Di Maggio Maggio’s VJ BACALL ft ¦ a riage Marilyn Monroe, cemplel# frem $1 Morrison fdes, Twhoikowsky: Pat da W WnrHVV VI 111 I to let’s dinner M ¦ T E1 Morrison Clattic, Tk. Mikado, r career. She must be at the stu- himself had been spoiled by pub- ' finds out Ims\ B il Deux A 20,h For PPrcture, „ try to understand the ferocious 1 Paper Company, Raymonda. GAU MATINEE Centu y dio, when a picture is shooting, when he was (Novak, lie attention a pressures to which any such the last \ 1009 Penno. TODAY: Swan lako ?:.> and she’s ; ¦ no later, than 7 a m. Yankee star. On his first trip' marriage is subjected. Are. N.W. | lap is the « - . , . \k SS&V&• CINEMASCOPE lucky to get home by 8 p.m. She to Japan with Lefty O’Doul’s The tragedy is that these two Et:. ¦ _ _ . f \ Schohoroiada (Rorawtki, ». % by , A Print Technicolor has wardrobe tests, makeup tests, ; team, the rabid Japanese base- toughest— ri ¦ - jOm Home of Empaco Product» X Mor.no). * ,}, „«. >.* attractive young people, who J &g, # m rigid schedules with press inter- ball fans mobbed him. On his or Call NA S-294S *Evas.: 2.00, 3 00, 3.J0 & 4.00. v : were very much in love, no in a IyiERATON- M Mot,, 51.30,2.00,3.00 30 views and rigid recent trip to Japan, the Jap- (}--¦ . Starts FRIDAY—Loews Palace photographers, i I longer are in love. II J . schedules for out-of-town ap- ! anese mobbed Marilyn Monroe. pearances, sessions with her !No matter how well organized p«.s I teachers and coaches, parties i Joe Di Maggio may be, this ‘fo- r | that she must attend, previews, , kyo demonstration must have Graham World (Continued Page OoTrt I radio and TV dates and, at re- gotten under his skin. | From ,A-28.) Ah* gular intervals, trips to Europe More recently, when two I i the Haver are building a new swim- • *- Maggio Cinemascope I for specific location scenes. were In New York, Di ming pool for their home, which ; Somewhere in between, she i again was overshadowed by his : will completely in ;S; PnM by Technicolor ss Films of More Than Routine Merit for him, be* furnished CONNICTICUT AVI AT Neighborhood must perform the duties of a i wife. To make it worse | a few weeks. #*46**4»*««»*» version of the 9 Theaters overshadowing was N.W “DIAL M FOR MURDER”—Suspenseful screen Arlington-Falls Church. V». wife to a husband who under- part of the Twenty-nine-year-old F 1 o r- Start, FRl— L.ew-, Palace WOODLIY BP.. stage thriller. JA. 7-4266 standably is nettled, irked, an- accomplished while she was “FROM HERE TO ETERNITY”—The eight-way Academy- BYRD CINEMA noyed, offended or downright , standing over a subway grating award-winner. tot S. WAYNE ST. burned up at his minor role in i with her skirts blowing over her fondly- JA. 7-1733 “GLENN MILLER STORY”—James Stewart as the Mystery Drama. *‘.'l9 STEPS.” Robert ; her life. head. recalled bandleader. Donat. Madeleine Carroll. * •* * * Rita Hayworth, Hedy Lamarr, “GONE WITH THE WIND”—The screen’s authentic classic, WATT Fall, Church, Vo It doesn’t often work out satis- • Ingrid Bergman, Susan Hayward, • JE. 2-1555 king-size. Robert Taylor. Eleanor Parker. In “ROMAN HOLlDAY”—Fetching Audrey Hepburn as a frolic- ‘•VALLEY OF THE KINGS." .Color. princess. ,730 Wi vd ’“"•©fySriAri some WILSON jA jT4Bo “SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS”—The year’s most Robert Taylor. Eleanor Parker. In joyous musical. "VALLEY OF THE KINGS." Color. “STUDENT PRINCE”—FuIIy revived, Vith lavish production BUCKINGHAM g1» m and Ann Blyth. Ronald Reagan, “PRISONER OP “SUSAN SLEPT Reynolds captivates in a WAR." HERE”—Debbie * Rd bright little comedy. GLEBE 2130 No ' Gleb ' Clark GABLE j Jane Wyman. Rock Hudson. “MAO- NIFICENT OBSESSION." Technicolor. regrTgflgS DISTRICT Stanley Warner Theaters Lana TURNER THEATERS JEFFERSON Annondal* Rd. NO. 7 3000 Starting Time Ip Time Given In Ads Is JE. 2-8040 of Victor HI)WARD 7,h & T N W Feature Attraction. Rav Mllland. Grace Kelley, "DIAL M ISfii! MATURE MURDER.” Color. nurrnnu Doors open , 2 Noon FOR On Stage. ORIOLES. PAUL WIL- AMBASSADOR Co LIAMS' ORCH.. LEONARD REEDi Near Parking. "Private Hell. 36,’” ARLINGTON tb^* ANNISTEEN ALLEN. Giant Revue. Ida Lupino. Steve Cochran. Howard Clark Gable. Vivien Leigh, "GONE Duff. 1:35. 3:33. 5:35. 7.35. 9:35. WIND,” V INrni II 1215 You St. N W ,r WITH THE Technicolor. unbULn Ooorj op, p ,2-30 pm. WO. 6-2600. The Stu- Shows at 4:15. 8:15. ” nTALURaval DM • BETRAYED with CLARK GABLE, | dent Prince.” Ann Blyth, present LANA TURNER. VICTOR MATURE. ] l Edmund Purdom. 6:55. 9:25. .iJoM-G-M RrDITRT IP 1340 You St. n!w! j RFlfrai V LI- 3-3300. Free Park- nc.ruDi.iif Doors ooen ,2:30 p.m. j lng. “Valleyof Kings," In Cinemascope. "TfE EGYPTIAN” Robert Taylor. Eleanor Parker, 6:15, DRIVE-IN THEATERS in Color Starring GENE TIERNEY, \ 8:03 9:45. VICTOR MATURE. JEAN SIMMONS. j i rai VrnT WO. 6-2345. Free Park- AR ING lng. "Valley Kings,” ! 6REER of AIRPORT 0 4 r 1 Sneak Preview Tonight! Robert Tavlor. Eleanor Parker. 6:15. “EGG AND I." PERCY KILBRIDE. 8:00. 9:45, . MARJORIE MAIN at 8:45: Plus .JO uw rou st n w 8-2841. "PRISONER OP WAR.” RONALD nnnvra t rmiTßai ME. Near Park- at WEEK! Duunc.it i Ooots oo#n , 2;30 P M «<UllUHL ing “The Lost Patrol.” REAGAN 7:05 and 10:40.
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