mCTICUT VOL. XXX Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, November 10, 1943 Z 88 No. 7 Slip-Stick Shuffle Senate Appropriates Over $5085 To Be Held Friday To 16 Student Organizations 5 Nutmeg Photographs Pvt. Ted Ma kyes' Co-eds flepresenf Photographs for the 1944 Nut- meg, will be taken this week in Economy Move Cuts Majority A J n j T ni University At UVM the Community house by Sargent And Band To Play Conference of Boston. All juniors should bring For IRC three dollars with them at the lime of their sitting for a deposit Of Budgets; Nutmeg Highest At Semi-Formal j 90 Delegate~sTake Part their orders. All pictures sched- In Post-War Problems Talk d to be taken on November 8. Appropriations amounting to $5,085.22 were granted to sixteen 9, and 10 will be taken at the same organizations by the Student Senate at a meeting held last Thursday Protons To Decide A University of Connecticut de, times on November 15, 16, and 17. night. In addition, the Senate is underwriting the Engineers' Club Additional Charge Igation, comprised of Barbara Those scheduled for Thursday and dance for $246.25 which will be returned to the treasury from dance merman, Geraldine Ealahan," and Friday of this week will be taken returns. This semester's grant falls short of last semester's total of — .„• _ . ., , , Helen Baron, was present for the ex- as planned. $5,788.11 by $702.89. ffl Pulling some of the latest scien- , ' IT.. , . .... ,, , . ,ercises of the twelfth annual Inter- All budgets have been cut from tific tricks from their now almost- ReJations c,ub Conference the amount appropriated, with filled bag of knowledge, the in- University of Vermont on the exception of the philosophy gen.ous senior engineers wil hold November 5 and 6 ERIKA MANN TO SPEAK club and the sociology club. Of the Third Annual Engineers' Ball Twenty.eight schooIs with 90 del. the 16 organizations submitting on Friday November 12, from 9 egates were representcd. Members of budgets, seven did not receive the p. m. to 1 a m. in the Hawley the i40o.strong ASTP unit on the IN ARMORY TONIGHT amount requested. The Senate is Armory. Pvt. Ted Makyes and UVM campus also attended the open following a policy of economy be- his twelve piece ASTP swing or- ^- cause the Senate treasury is made chestra plus a girl trio from off- "From Where I Sat" * Convocation Speaker up of activities' fees paid by stu- campus and Jimmy Lee as vocal- Dr. Pitman Potter of Oberlin. Ohio, College and Professor W. Leon dents, and with the decreased en- ists will provide music. Is Title of Talk; rollment, the amount collected by Novel Entrance Godshall of Lehigh University were the principal speakers. The Carne- the Senate has decreased in pro- In keeping with the tradition of gie Endowment for International Was War Reporter portion. a novel entrance for couples, a Peace was represented by Miss Amy Largest Grant To Nutmeg booth for measuring the number H jones Erika Mann, distinguished writer of protons emitted by each co-ed and news commentator, will speak to | The Nutmeg received the larg- During the round table discussions the student body at Convocation in est grant this year, being award- has been arranged. Escorts will be the students discussed political, eco- required to pay from 25c to 50c the Hawley Armory this evening at ed $2,184, which is a decrease of | nomic, and social post-war problems. 8 with "From Where I Sat" as the $307 compared to last semester's extra depending on the amount of Special Issue of Cynic photons, as the light frequencies title of her talk centering about the budget of $2,491. By going on a of various colors of gowns will The Vermont Cynic. UVM student Tunisian campaign where she was, (Continued On Page Three) determine the price range, ,j.n I newspaper, in its last Friday's edition the only allied woman war corre-1 booth was devised by the electri- gave its whole paper over to the spondent. Mediator Announces cal engineers and will be operated welcoming of the IRC convention on An authority on things pertaining by them at the dance. the Burlington campus. to the rise of Naziism, Miss Mann has Fraternity Pledge Engineering Fetes During the two-day conference, written millions of words in her the Vermont campus played host to pursuance of the destruction of the And Silence Days Several examples of engineer- the New England delegations. East- ing prowess wil be on display in' Canadian colleges were unable Nazi State. Her works include "The ern Lights Go Down," "School For Bar- exhibits sponsored by the mech- to aMend because 0f transportation Eligibility To Be Based anical, electrical and civil engi- difficulties. barians," and numerous newspaper On Mid-Semester Grades neering departments. The civils — and magazine articles. She is a reg- will erect a suspension bridge for . _. ular contributor to such periodicals as "The Nation," "The Atlantic The Mediator announced today the occasion. A show of electron- Armistice Day ERIKA MANN that the fraternity pledge day ics is planned by the "e's" while All University offices will be Monthly," "Vogue," and the news- paper PM. will be held Saturday, January the mechanics will demonstrate closed tomorrow, Thursday, No- 15, 1944. Open houses will be power by Mechanical means. vember 11, in observance of the le- Disguised As Peasant 7 Commissioned Since the Mann family left Ger- held on Sunday, January 9, from As an advancement from the gal holiday. They will reopen on (Continued on page 6) As 2nd Lieutenants 2-5 p. m.; January 10-13, from (Continued On Page Five) Friday at their usual hours. 7-9 p. m; and on January 14, At Fort Benning, Ga. from 2:30 p. m. to 7 p.m. The silence period begins at 7 Advanced ROTC Group Returns to U-Conn Word has been received by Alum- p. m. on Friday and lasts until ni Secretary George Pinckney that pledging. During the silence pe- seven men of the class of '43 were riod, communication is forbidden Arrived Lost Wednesday After Training commissioned second lieutenants in between fraternity men and Infantry on October 2 at Fort Ben- freshmen. Freshmen may go to any of the open houses without ning, Georgia. SEE, THEY'RE REALLY BACK Gentry Allowing invitation. The men were members of the ad- Lists are posted in Beach and Men To Elect 12 vanced R.O.T.C. After graduating Whitney for the organized rush- Academic Credits from the University, they were en- ing parties. Because the pledg- rolled in the Officer Candidate ing will take place in this semes- Arriving on the University School at Fort Benning. The course ter, eligibility will be based on campus a day before expected, midsemester grades. To pledge lasted four months, and at the end a fraternity, freshmen must have the first year Advanced ROTC of that time those who had satis- came back to Storrs last Wednes- 18 QP's or pass twelve credits. factorily completed all requirements The Mediator plans to contact day after having completed their became second lieutenants. 17-weeks basic training at Camp the National Interfraternity The seven Connecticut men who Council to see that their consti- Wheeler, Georgia. received their commissions are: tution does not violate any of the The 22 men who returned were Richard Aubrey, Norwich; G. Pierce regulations of the national houses Sydney Jaffe, Ralph Briggs, How- (Continued from page 4) on campus. ard Buchanan, Bruce Eaton, Hay- den Griswold, Benjamin Miska- vech, John Yeamans, Henry Bartley, John Dowd, David Shee-j han, Jack Bass, Allen Pike, Na- Greek Letter Dance than Franklin, Joseph Intravia,] Norman Clark, James Morgia, Spencer Campbell, William Drip- chak, Joseph Kagan, Richard To Feature J. Wald I Grant, Victor Galgowski, and John Greenwood. Jerry Wald and his band, one have put bids up for sale at the of the top-flight bands in the price of $3.85 per bid. The dance j Made ROTC Assistants country, has been contracted to will be attended only by frater- The soldiers have been per- play at the Annual Greek Let- nity men and women, and by sol- mitted to take several courses in ter Dance, will which be held in diers who are members of na- the fields in which they were Hawley Armory on December tional fraternities having houses majoring before they were in- 17, at 9 p. m. Wald will come to on campus. ducted, though all are required to the University from the Panther Wald's services were secured take physical education and mili- Room of the Hotel Sherman, New by the Mediator Committee, con- tary science. The men have also Haven, Conn., where he and his sisting of Al Rogers, Dick Blake been made ROTC assistants, in- band are now engaged. and Phil Gladstein. The Pan- structing the basic students, and The dance will be supported Hellenic Committee composed of aiding in the Monday drills of the by the Greek letter groups on Dorothy Edmunds, Marporie Sar- In spite of the fact that the men who returned have been so regiment. the campus as has been the cus- ratt, Happy Spring, and Lucille busy that many civilians have not yet seen them, Mr. Manter snapped Dean Charles B. Gentry tom in the past. Fraternity and Lubow, will decorate the Ar- this group picture for the Campus to prove that they're really here. (Continued On Page Six) sorority houses on the campus mory and manage other details.
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