Nationalist Armies in Retreat South from Pierced Line
1 >r , -,fi- PACE i^anr^r^atpr 1Eoifttin0 If^raUit •FRIDAY, DECESIBER 17, 194K '' ’ ' J Until 9 O*clock For Christmas Shoppen i.iucii quieter engine, and lower Dixie Wqfflee Add to flour mixture, add abortan- Manchester Stores Will Be service coats for the owner.” 1 9 4 9 “Futuramic” Series Oldsmobile Four>Door SMim ing, then mix only until smooth. '"49 fututainic Oldsmobile Mr. Wolfram said that the cyl ‘Two cups sifted flour, 2 ^ tea- Stir In pecans. Bake In hot wafflo inder block for the new Oldsmobile ^tooems combination baking pow- Iron. "Rocket” eight-cylinder engine is Uw, S-4 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, well ' The Weather cast from a special high-alloy iron Avenfe Doily Net Press Rtn Fernr-snt of L. S. Uestbe* To Be Displayed Tomorrow beaten,. 1 ^ cups milk, 5 table Advertisement— that is extremely close-grained. spoons melted shortening, 1 cup Wm the Moeth ef Mewmher, 1948 FarRy eleMty tMe Rib-type construction is used in chopped pecans. The welcome gift . for every ••revci- befort Uai tha Oldamo*^ Speaking apeclflcally of the new the block to gain additional rigidity Sift, flour once, measure, add ecaltereS s m e w W o s 1, 1. fv n -- been offered .o much 1 OltUmobiie -Rocket" engine of an occasion. .Gorgeous baskets of 9,635 l).le c\.n.. Deal oiierea «o ^ew design, Oldsmoblle’s and strength, not only to withstand baking powder and salt, and sift luscious fruits from Pinehnrst eeMer tesigkt; .Soadsy clead|>', the present 7.25 to 1 compression iimooUi, quiet, flashing power un- , engineer pointed out that It agdin.
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