ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS 28 EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC KILBOURN HALL Skinner Organ Company – Boston, Massachusetts Opus 325, 1922 PEDAL ORGAN (Expressive) GREAT ORGAN - II SWELL ORGAN - III ST 16´ Contra Viole 32´ Contra Bourdon 1 ENCLOSED SECTION 16´ First Diapason 16´ Double Diapason 16´ Bourdon 16´ Second Diapason (Gt.) 8´ First Diapason 8´ First Diapason 16´ First Bourdon (Ext.) 8´ Second Diapason 8´ Second Diapason 16´ Second Bourdon (Sw.) 4´ Octave 8´ Viole de Gamba 16´ Violone 8´ Salicional 16´ Viole (Sw.) ND 8´ Voix Celeste 16´ Quintaten (Gt.) 2 ENCLOSED SECTION 8´ Claribel Flute 16´ Dulciana (Ch.) 16´ Quintaten 8´ Gedeckt Flute 2 10 3 ´ Quint (Ext.) 8´ Third Diapason 8´ Flauto Dolce 8´ Octave Diapason (Ext.) 8´ Harmonic Flute 8´ Flute Celeste 8´ Octave Violone (Ext.) 8´ Bourdon 8´ Ethereal Celeste (II) 8’ Soft Viole (Sw.) 8´ Erzähler 4´ Octave 8’ Soft Flute (Sw.) 4´ Harmonic Flute 4´ Violina 2 3 8´ Octave Dulciana (Ch.) 2 ´ Twelfth † 4´ Traverse Flute 1 3 2´ Fifteenth † 5 ´ Octave Quint (Ext.) 3 4´ Unda Maris (II) 1 5 ´ Seventeenth 2 4´ Super Octave (Ext.) 1 2 3 ´ Harmonic Twelfth 2 1 3 ´ Larigot † 2 3 ´ Twelfth (Ext.) 1 2´ Harmonic Piccolo 7 3 2´ Piccolo (Ext.) 1 ´ Septième 1 5 ´ Seventeenth 32´ Contra Bombarde IV Mixture ° 1 1 3 ´ Nineteenth 16´ Trombone (Ext.) 16´ Double Trumpet 16´ Contra Fagotto 16´ Contra Fagotto (Sw.) 8´ Harmonic Trumpet 8´ Cornopean 16´ English Horn (Ch.) 4´ Harmonic Clarion 8´ Fagotto (Ext.) 8´ Tromba (Ext.) Tremulant 8´ Corno d’Amour 8´ Fagotto (Sw.) Orchestral Strings IV 8´ Vox Humana 4´ Clarion (Ext) 8´ Piano 4´ Clarion Orchestral Strings IV 4´ Piano Tremulant 16´ Piano Chimes (So.) Orchestral Strings IV 8´ Piano Harp (Ch.) Chimes (So.) Chimes (So.) Harp (Ch.) ND Tympani ° Draws † and independent 22 CHOIR ORGAN - I SOLO ORGAN - IV 16´ Contra Dulciana 2´ Flageolet 8´ Stentorphone 8´ Diapason 2´ Super Octave Dulciana (Ext.) 8´ Orchestral Flute 3 8´ Viole d’Amour 1 5 ´ Tierce 8´ Cello 8´ Viole Celeste III Dulciana Cornet 8´ Cello Celeste 8´ Concert Flute 16´ English Horn 4´ Forest Flute 8´ Chimney Flute 8´ Orchestral Trumpet 8´ French Horn 8´ Dulciana (Ext.) 8´ Orchestral Oboe 8´ Corno di Bassetto 8´ Unda Maris 8´ Clarinet 8´ Hecklephone 8´ Kleine Erzähler (II) 8´ Musette 8´ Orchestral Trumpet (Ch.) 4´ Flute d’Amour 8´ Vox Humana 8´ English Horn (Ch.) 4´ Octave Dulciana (Ext.) Tremulant 8´ Orchestral Oboe (Ch.) 2 2 3´ Nazard Orchestral Strings IV 8´ Clarinet (Ch.) Harp 8´ Musette (Ch.) 4´ Tuba Clarion Manual compass: 61 notes STRING ORGAN (Floating) Tremulant Pedal compass: 32 notes Consists of 4 ranks of strings, 8´ Tuba Mirabilis Electro-pneumatic action two unison, two celestes. Orchestral Strings IV 83 Stops Separately-enclosed and on high Chimes 91 Ranks wind pressure. Harp (Ch.) 6,030 Pipes booklet.pmd 28 10/10/2006, 11:30 AM 29 ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, KILBOURN HALL Skinner Organ Company – Boston, Massachusetts Opus 325, 1922 1922 Mechanical Appointments COMBINATION A CTION INTERMANUAL Solo to Swell Electro-pneumatic capture system entirely contained in COUPLERS Solo to Swell 16 console. All pistons visibly move stop-knobs unless Solo to Swell 4 otherwise noted By rocking tablets on nameboard Great to Solo Swell to Solo 8 Thumb pistons to Solo Great to Pedal Great to Solo 16 8 Thumb pistons to Swell Swell to Pedal Great to Solo 4 8 Thumb pistons to Great Choir to Pedal Swell to Solo 16 8 Thumb pistons to Choir Solo to Pedal Swell to Solo 4 8 Pistons to Pedal Great to Pedal 4 1-4 on thumb pistons Swell to Pedal 4 Reverse Great and Choir 1-8 on toe studs Choir to Pedal 4 Manuals* 6 General pistons Solo to Pedal 4 1-4 on thumb pistons Pedal to Pedal 4 INTRAMANUAL 1-6 on toe studs Choir to Pedal 5 COUPLERS 5 General thumb pistons (blind), indicator lights, setterboard Swell to Great By drawknobs on stopjambs Choir to Great off 4th-floor organ hall Solo to Great Great 16 Blind combination release Swell to Great 16 Great 4 Pistons Off via intercancelling pistons in Swell keyslip - Swell to Great 4 engage/disengage blind combinations/drawknobs Choir to Great 16 Swell 16 Choir to Great 4 Swell 4 8 Thumb pistons to intermanual couplers Solo to Great 16 Swell 2 Great to Pedal coupler reversible toe stud Solo to Great 4 Solo to Pedal coupler reversible toe pedal Choir 16 Solo to Great coupler reversible toe pedal Swell to Choir Choir 4 Solo to Choir Crescendo pedal with 3 adjustable sequences and release Swell to Choir 16 Solo 16 Sforzando thumb piston and toe pedal with indicator light Swell to Choir 4 Solo4 Solo to Choir 16 General Cancel thumb piston Solo to Choir 4 OTHER CONTROLS INDEPENDENT COUPLERS PEDAL DIVIDE: Plays stops drawn on pedal below tenor C, coupled stops above: Harp couplers (affect Harp String Organ couplers (affect Solo to Pedal 4 via thumb piston only regardless of couplers String Organ only regardless Swell to Pedal 4 via thumb piston active on manual on which of couplers active on manual Choir to Pedal 4 via thumb piston Harp is drawn): on which Strings are drawn): Release via thumb piston 16 16 Great I Enclosed On/Off pistons in Great key cheek Unison off Unison off Chime Dampers On/Off pistons in Solo key cheek 4 4 Harp Dampers On/Off pistons in Choir key cheek VENTILS EXPRESSION All with indicator lights Pedal swell shoe: 8-stage Whiffletree swell engine 16 Manual Stops and 16 Couplers On & Off via toe pedal and Great swell shoe: 2 8-stage Whiffletree swell engines thumb piston Choir swell shoe: 8-stage Whiffletree swell engine 4 Manual Couplers On & Off via toe pedal and thumb piston Swell swell shoe: 16-stage Whiffletree swell engine All Pedal Couplers On & Off via toe pedal and thumb piston Great Mixture via toe stud (Double shades) Solo swell shoe: 8-stage Whiffletree swell engine 32 Bourdon via toe pedal String Expression: 8-stage Whiffletree swell engine 32 Bombarde via toe stud All Swells to Swell via thumb piston and toe pedal Expression assignments via stop tabs on nameboard: Tremulants On & Off via thumb piston String expression on: Choir, Swell, Release (defaults to Solo shoe) *This control operated only on straight (i.e. not unit) stops, and Pedal expression on Great, Choir, Swell, Solo, Release engaged Great and Choir unison off, Great to Choir, Choir to Rolling white and red cylinders indicate shoe positions Great. Neither couplers nor divisional pistons were affected booklet.pmd 29 10/10/2006, 11:30 AM ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS 30 EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC KILBOURN HALL Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company – Boston, Massachusetts Opus 325-B, 1951 PEDAL ORGAN GREAT ORGAN - II SWELL ORGAN - III 32´ Contra Bourdon 16´ Double Diapason 16´ Contra Viole 16´ First Diapason 16´ Quintaten 16´ Bourdon 16´ Second Diapason (Gt.) 8´ First Diapason 8´ Diapason 16´ First Bourdon (Ext.) 8´ Second Diapason 8´ Viole de Gamba 16´ Second Bourdon (Sw.) 8´ Harmonic Flute 8´ Salicional 16´ Violone 8´ Bourdon 8´ Voix Celeste 16´ Viole (Sw.) 8´ Erzähler 8´ Claribel Flute 16´ Quintaten (Gt.) 4´ Octave 8´ Gedeckt Flute 16´ Dulciana (Ch.) 4´ Harmonic Flute 8´ Spire Flute 2 2 10 3 ´ Quint (Ext.) 2 3 ´ Twelfth † 8´ Flute Celeste 8´ Octave Diapason (Ext.) 2´ Fifteenth † 8´ Ethereal Celeste (II) 3 8´ Principal 1 5 ´ Seventeenth 4´ Octave 1 8´ Octave Violone (Ext.) 1 3 ´ Larigot † 4´ Violina 1 8’ Soft Viole (Sw.) 1 7 ´ Septieme 4´ Traverse Flute 8’ Soft Flute (Sw.) IV Mixture ° 4´ Unda Maris (II) 2 8´ Octave Dulciana (Ch.) III Cymbal 2 3 ´ Harmonic Twelfth 1 5 3 (Ext.) 16´ Double Trumpet 2´ Harmonic Piccolo ´ Octave Quint 3 4´ Super Octave (Ext.) 8´ Harmonic Trumpet 1 5 ´ Seventeenth 4´ Principal 4´ Harmonic Clarion 1 1 3 ´ Nineteenth 2 2 3 ´ Twelfth (Ext.) Tremulant IV Plein Jeu 2´ Piccolo (Ext.) Orchestral Strings (IV) 16´ Contra Fagotto 32´ Contra Bombarde Chimes (So.) 8´ Trompette 16´ Trombone Harp (Ch.) 8´ Fagotto (Ext.) 16´ Contra Fagotto (Sw.) 8´ Corno d’Amour 16´ English Horn (Ch.) ° Draws † and independent 22ND 8´ Vox Humana 8´ Tromba (Ext.) 4´ Clarion 8´ Fagotto (Sw.) Tremulant 4´ Clarion (Ext.) Orchestral Strings (IV) Orchestral Strings (IV) Chimes (So.) Chimes (So.) Harp (Ch.) CHOIR ORGAN - I SOLO ORGAN - IV 16´ Contra Dulciana 2´ Flageolet 8´ Stentorphone 8´ Orchestral Flute 8´ Viole d’Amour 2´ Super Octave Dulciana (Ext) 3 8´ Cello 8´ Viole Celeste 1 5 ´ Tierce 8´ Concert Flute III Scharff 8´ Cello Celeste 8´ Chimney Flute 16´ English Horn 8´ Orchestral Strings (IV) 8´ Dulciana (Ext) 8´ Orchestral Oboe 4´ Forest Flute 8´ Unda Maris 8´ Clarinet 8´ French Horn 8´ Kleine Erzähler (II) 8´ Vox Humana 8´ Corno di Bassetto 4´ Principal Tremulant 8´ Hecklephone° 4´ Flute d’Amour Orchestral Strings (IV) 8´ English Horn (Ch.) 4´ Octave Dulciana (Ext) Harp 8´ Orchestral Oboe (Ch.) 2 2 3´ Nazard 8´ Clarinet (Ch.) 4´ Tuba Clarion Tremulant Manual compass: 61 notes 8´ Tuba Mirabilis Pedal compass: 32 notes STRING ORGAN (Floating) Chimes Consists of 4 ranks of strings, Electro-pneumatic action Harp (Ch.) 82 Stops two unison, two celestes. 95 Ranks Separately-enclosed and on high 6,103 Pipes wind pressure. °Removed booklet.pmd 30 10/10/2006, 11:30 AM 31 ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC KILBOURN HALL Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company – Boston, Massachusetts Opus 325-B, 1951 1951 Mechanical Appointments COMBINATION A CTION INTERMANUAL Solo to Swell COUPLERS Solo to Swell 16 Electro-pneumatic capture system entirely contained in Solo to Swell 4 console.
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