Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66321-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes Edited by Anthony J . Cascardi Index More information INDEX Abraham (Bible), 95–96 Alonso Quijano (Don Quixote), 29, Abraham Adams (The History and 53, 60, 67, 72, 167, 170, 193, 195 Adventures of Joseph Andrews), 95 Alonso, Amado, 183 n.19 Abraham, Nicholas, 196 Alter, Robert, 78, 98 Achilles (Iliad), 38 Altisidora (Don Quixote), 178 Acis, 103 Amadıs´ (Amadıs´ of Gaul), 43–44, 72, Acosta, Jose´ de, 216–17, 224 n. 42 89, 93, 167, 170, 216–17 Acosta, Pedro, 223 n. 36 Amadıs´ of Gaul (Montalvo), 43, 58, Acquaviva, Cardinal Giulio, xii, 4, 64, 72, 167, 217 32, 39 Amadıs´ of Greece, 72 Acuna,˜ Hernando de, 32 Ambrosio (The Comedy of Adelaida (The Idiot), 89 Entertainment), 146 Adorno, Rolena, 223 n. 38, 224 n. 43 Amezua´ y Mayo, Agustin G. de, 126 Aeneas (Aeneid), 45, 51, 53, 121 n. 16 Aeneid (Virgil), 37–38, 44–47, 51, Anastasio (The Labyrinth of Love), 158 55 n. 11, 121 n. 16 Aeschylus, 38 Andalusia, xii, 113, 207 Aethiopica (Heliodorus), see Historia Anderson, Ellen, 223 n. 28 and n. 30 Aethiopica Andr ´es(Don Quixote), 86, 179 Africa (Petrarch), 38 Angelica (Mad Orlando), 50, 71 Agamemnon (Iliad), 95 Angelica (Orlando in Love), 44 Ajax (Sophocles), 71 Angelica (The Abode of Jealousy), 36, Alba, Duke of, 22 143–44 Alcal ´ade Henares, xi, 4, 106, 113, 227 Annari, Jeronimo, 218 Alc ´azarquivir, 122 Annotations to the Works of Garcilaso Aldana, Francisco de, 32 de la Vega (Herrera), 126 n. 7 Aldonza (The Divorce-Court Judge), Anselmo (“The Tale of Foolish 152 Curiosity”), 187 Aldonza Lorenzo (Don Quixote), 170, Antonio (The Comedy of 191; see also Dulcinea Entertainment), 146 Alem ´an,Mateo, xii Antonio (The Trials of Persiles and Alexander VI, Pope, 18 Sigismunda), 119 Algiers, xii, 5, 7, 30, 33, 62, 106, Apollo, 60 138–41, 202, 206, 213 Apollo (Voyage to Parnassus), 50 Allen, John Jay, xiv, 213, 223 n. 28 Apollonius of Tyre, 58 228 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66321-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes Edited by Anthony J . Cascardi Index More information index Apuleius, 34, 53 Balzac, Honor ´ede, 92 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 94 Bandello, 109 Arabella (The Female Quixote), 90 Bandera Gomez,´ Ces ´areo, 120–21, 126 Aragonese Federation, 13 n. 9, 128 n. 36, 190, 203 n. 9 Aranjuez, 119 Barataria island, 168, 177, 180 Araucana, La (Ercilla), 72, 212, 223 Barber, the (The Cave of Salamanca), n. 22 153 Arauco, 209 Barber, the (Don Quixote), 68, 72, 76 Arcadia, La (Sannazaro), 40, 58, 102 Barcelona, 14, 113, 119, 168, 226 Arciniegas, Germ ´an, 222 n. 6 Bardell, Mr. (The Posthumous Papers Ariosto, Ludovico, 34, 36–37, 43–44, of the Pickwick Club), 88 46, 50, 58, 71–72, 121, 145, 209 Barnard, Philip, 77 n. 1 Aristotle, 34, 67, 72 Bartolo (Farce of the Ballads), 60 Arlaxa (The Gallant Spaniard), 141, Basilio (Don Quixote), 65 143 Bataillon, Marcel, 128 n. 30 Armida (Jerusalem Delivered), 44 Beckett, Samuel, 96 Armstrong, Nancy, 184 n. 29 Bella Saonese, La, 218 Armstrong-Roche, Michael, 121, 124, Beltenebros (Don Quixote), 167 129 n. 37 Bembo, Pietro, 120 Arnaldo (The Trials of Persiles and Bentivoglio family (“Lady Cornelia”), Sigismunda), 119 49 Arrabal, Fernando, 224 n. 53 Berganza (“The Colloquy of the Arsindo (Galatea), 103–04 Dogs”), 113, 115, 186 Arte nuevo de hacer comedias en este Bergel, L., 78 tiempo (Lope de Vega) see New Art Bernardete, M. J., 10 n. 9, 78 n. 4, of Writing Plays 78–79 Asher, Linda, 98, 182 n. 6 Bernat Vistarini, Antonio, 184 n. 24 Atkinson, William C., 126 n. 10, 129 Bjornson, Richard, 204 n. 14, 205 Auerbach, Erich, 56 n. 34, 92, 98 n. 8 Blanco Aguinaga, Carlos, 128 n. 29 Augustine, S., 123 Bleznick, Donald W., 205 Augustus Caesar, 45 Bloom, Harold, 160, 162, 182 n. 1 Aurelio (The Traffic of Algiers), 138 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 34, 48, 50, Auristela (The Trials of Persiles and 109 Sigismunda), 118–20, 123 Boiardo, 34, 36 Austen, Jane, 82, 90 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 92 Austerlitz, 92 Bonilla, Adolfo, xiv, 127 n. 17 Austria, 19 Borges, Jorge Luis, 1, 77, 84, 98 n. 4, Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista, 54 n. 3, 55 178, 209, 222 n. 14 n. 14, 125 n. 2, 126 n. 15, 222 n. 2 Borodino, 92 Avellaneda, Alonso Fern ´andezde, xiii, Bosc ´an,Juan, 39 5, 7, 50, 76, 84, 133, 166, 183 n. 12 Bostock, Anna, 10 n. 19, 78 n. 5, 78, Aylward, E. T., 157 n. 2, 158 98 n. 12 Bottarga, Stefanello, 47–48 Badajoz, 119 Botticelli, Sandro, 40, 52 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 59–60, 62, 67, 77 Bouvard and P ´ecuchet (Flaubert), 93 n. 2, 78 n. 3 and n. 6, 78, 168–69, Bowers, Fredson, 184 n. 24 183 n. 16, 213–14, 223 n. 29 Braudel, Ferdinand, 206, 208, 222 n. 3 Baldus (Teofilo Folengo), 47 and n. 13 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66321-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes Edited by Anthony J . Cascardi Index More information index Breen, Mrs. (Ulysses), 94 Castel von der Sohle, Pahsh, xv Brownlee, Marina S., 127 n. 20 Castiglione, Baldassare, 34, 39, 49, Bryce-Echenique, Alfredo, 163, 183 n. 8 120, 172 Bucolics (Virgil), 38 Castle, The (Kafka), 96 Buend´ıa,Felicidad, 127 n. 18 Castro, Am ´erico, 4, 9 n. 1, 10 n. 15, 35, Burdovsky (The Idiot), 89 55 n. 8, 56, 78, 127 n. 22 and n. Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 86 29, 188, 190, 203 n. 2 Byron, William, 102, 126 n. 4, 127 Castro del Rio, 208 n. 26, 202, 205 n. 31 Catalina de Oviedo (The Grand Sultana), 141–42 Cadi, the (The Grand Sultana), 142 Catalina Michaela, Princess, xi, 10 n. 4 Calderon´ de la Barca, Pedro, 65, 135 Catholic Monarchs, 26 Calıope´ (Galatea), 103, 105, 107 Cave of Montesinos, 52, 65, 192 Calliope (Aeneid), 40 Celestina, La (Fernando de Rojas), 181 Camacho (Don Quixote), 26, 108 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Camamis, George, 55 n. 16 works: “Adjunta al Parnaso” Camoes,˜ Luis de, 107 (“Postscript to Parnassus”), 35 , 157 Camus, Albert, 97, 189 n. 5; “El amante liberal” (“The Canavaggio, Jean, 134, 157 n. 7, 158, Generous Lover”), xvii, 29, 111, 215, 222 n. 5, 223 n. 33 114, 127 n. 23; Los banos˜ de Argel Canizares˜ (The Jealous Old Man), 154 (The Bagnios of Algiers), xvi, Canizares,˜ witch (“The Colloquy of the 139–40, 158; La casa de los celos y Dogs”), 115, 195 selvas de Ardenia (The House of Canon of Toledo (Don Quixote), Jealousy and Woods of Ardenia), 42–44, 60, 68, 121, 209 xvi, 36–37, 44, 143; “El casamiento Caporali, Cesare (C ´esarCaporal de enganoso”˜ (“The Deceitful Perugia), 3, 34, 50 Marriage”), xvii, 111–14, 127 Captive (Captain), the (Don Quixote, n. 23, 155, 195, 204 n. 17; “El “Captive’s Tale”), xii, 67, 75, 192, celoso extremeno”˜ (“The Jealous 196, 209 Man from Extremadura”), xii, 25, Carballo Picazo, Alfredo, 183 n. 18 49, 111–12, 114, 126 n. 15, 127 Cardenio (Don Quixote), 75, 165, 187 n. 23, 128 n. 31, 187, 208, 222 Carpentier, Alejo, 208, 222 n. 9 n. 11; El cerco de Numancia (The Carpio, Bernardo del, 36 Siege of Numantia), xii, xvi, 6, Carrizales (“The Jealous Man from 37–38, 125 n. 1, 136, 138; “El Extremadura”), 26 coloquio de los perros” (“The Casalduero, Joaquın,´ 78, 112, 127 n. 23 Colloquy of the Dogs”), xvii, 7, Casas, Bartolom ´ede las, 124 111–16, 127 n. 13, 186–87, 195; La Casasayas, Jos ´eMarıa,´ 184 n. 24 cueva de Salamanca (The Cave of Casaubon, Mr. (Middlemarch), 90 Salamanca) xvii, 153; “El curioso Cascardi, Anthony J., 10 n. 19, 37, impertinente” (“The Tale of 45–46, 55 n. 6, 56, 98, 128 n. 32, Foolish Curiosity,” in Don 184 n. 31, 205 Quixote de la Mancha), 53, 65, 75, Casella, M., 78 108, 187, 226; Don Quixote de la Casey, James, 30 Mancha, xii–xv, xvii, 1–9, 10 n. 7 Cassou, Jean, 78 and n. 12, 11, 14, 23, 26, 28, Castaneda˜ de N ´ajera,Pedro de, 216, 33–37, 40, 42–44, 46–47, 50–53, 223 n. 40 58–60, 62–77, 80–82, 84–87, 94, 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66321-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes Edited by Anthony J . Cascardi Index More information index 97, 100–02, 107–10, 114–15, 117, 125 n. 2, 126 n. 15, 127 n. 19 and 121, 124–25, 131–35, 137, 139, n. 20, 128 n. 30, 135, 144, 148, 141–44, 148–49, 157 n. 5, 160–69, 222 n. 11,n.12 and n. 18; Ocho 171–75, 177–79, 181–82, 182 n. 2, comedias y entremeses (Eight Plays n. 3 and n. 6, 183 n. 11,n.15 and and Eight Interludes), xiii–xvi, 34, n. 17, 184 n. 23,n.24 and n. 26, 127 n. 17, 132–33, 157 n. 1 and n. 186, 188–91, 193, 197–98, 201, 5, 201; El retablo de las maravillas 203 n. 5, 208–11, 213, 215–16, (The Miracle Show), xvii, 6, 219–21, 221 n. 1, 222 n. 1 and 154–55, 190; “Rinconete y n. 15, 226–27; “Las dos doncellas” Cortadillo”, xii, xvii, 14, 25, 109, (“The Two Damsels”), xvii, 111, 111–12, 114–15, 126 n.
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