Asian. THte AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Courtesy of George Washington Bicentennial Commission MOUNT VERNON, THE HOME OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON View of the East Portico APRIL, 1932 INSURANCE SERVICE ANNUITIES AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION The American Foreign Service Protective Association is a non - profit mutual association organized for the promotion of the welfare of foreign service officers and their families: WHICH has in force group insurance WHICH assists beneficiaries of deceased amounting to more than $1,700,000 with a members to defray immediate emergency consistent increase in membership ; expenses; WHICH has paid since its organization WHICH desires to increase its member¬ three years ago $43,000 in death claims; ship in order to spread more widely the benefits of its services and to offer the pos¬ WHICH offers a choice of several an¬ sibility of a substantial decrease in the nuity provisions affording an ideal medium present low group rates; for investment and savings and for an ad¬ WHICH invites every foreign service ditional income after retirement; officer under fifty-five years of age to be¬ come a member upon simple entrance re¬ WHICH offers the service of a qualified quirements, namely, application, certificate insurance adviser upon any phase of insur¬ in regard to health and check for first ance such as life insurance trusts, estate tax quarter’s premium ranging from $7.50 to insurance, educational policies, et cetera; $37.50, depending upon rank in the Foreign WHICH has its contracts underwritten Service and amount of insurance; by one of the largest and strongest Ameri¬ WHICH solicits the aid and co-operation can insurance companies with assets of of every foreign service officer in promot¬ nearly one and a half billion dollars; ing the objectives of the Association. All communications and applications should be addressed to the Secretary- Treasurer, American Foreign Service Protective Association, Room 113, Department of State, Washington, D. C. JAMES B. STEWART WALTER H. SCHOELLKOPF JOSEPH E. JACOBS President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer J. ALAN MAPHIS, Insurance Adviser HARRY A. HAVENS, Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer MEMBERSHIP ROLL American Foreign Service Association HONORARY PRESIDENT HENRY L. STIMSON Secretary of State HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS WILLIAM R. CASTLE, JR. Undersecretary of State WILBUR J. CARR Assistant Secretary of State FRANCIS WHITE Assistant Secretary of State JAMES GRAFTON ROGERS Assistant Secretary of State HARVEY H. BUNDY .... Assistant Secretary of State ARTHUR BLISS LANE President GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH Vice President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HOMER M. BYINGTON Chairman HERSHEL V. JOHNSON Vice Chairman PIERRE DE L. BOAL, ORME WILSON, and WALTER A. FOOTE ALTERNATES HORACE LEE WASHINGTON GEORGE TAIT MAXWELL M. HAMILTON Secretary-Treasurer of the Association ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE A. DANA HODGDON, Chairman; PETER H. A. FLOOD, and H. FREEMAN MATTHEWS JOURNAL STAFF AUGUSTUS E. INGRAM Editor JAMES B. STEWART ■Consulting Editor WALTER A. FOOTE Associate Editor MARSHALL M. VANCE Business Mamger CLAYSON W. ALDRIDGE Treasitrer of Journal Honorary members 10 Active members 817 Associate members 113 March 19, 1932. Total membership 940 Honorary Members of the American Foreign Service Association Bundy, Harvey H. Ilengstler, Herbert C. Olds, Robert E. Stimson, Henry L. Carr, Wilbur J. Hughes, Charles Evans Rogers, James Grafton White, Francis Castle, William K., Jr. Kellogg, Frank B, Active Members of the American Foreign Service Association Bower, Roy E. B. Clubb, <). Edmund E Bowerman, Paul Clum, Harold I). Early, William W. Abbey, Glenn A. Bowman, Howard A. Cochran, II. Merle Eberhardt, Charles C, Abbott, George M. Bowman, Thomas I). Cochran, William 1\, Jr. Ebling, Samuel G. Abbott, Wainwright Boyce, Richard F. Coe, Robert D. Edgar, Donald D. Achilles, Theodore C. Boyle, Lewis V. Cole, Felix Edson, Andrew \V. Ackerson, Garret G., Jr. Boyle, Walter F. Colebrook. Mulford A. Edwards, Clement S. Acly, Robert A. Braddock, Daniel M. Coleman. Frederick W. B. Eells, Stillman W. Adams, Philip Bradford, Robert R. Collins, Harold M. Elbrick, C. Burke Adams, Walter A. Brady, Austin C. Connelly, Bernard C. Ellis, Leon II. Adams, William W. Bragonier, Reginald, Jr. Converse, Charles A. Filling, Howard, Jr. Ailshie, William K. Brand, Norton F. Cooke. Arthur B. Eitgdahl, F\ Russell Alden, Austin Craig Brandt, George L. Cooke, Hedley V. Engert, C. Van II. Aldridge, Clay son W. Brent, Joseph L. Cookingham. Harrison N. English, Robert Alexander, Knox Brett, Homer Corcoran, William W. Erhardt, John G. Allen, Charles E. Brener. Carl Corrigan, John Evans, Ernest E. Allen, George V. Briggs, Ellis O. Allen, Stuart Coulter, Eliot B. Everett, Curtis T. Briggs, Lawrence P. Cousins, Albert H., Jr. Ailing, Paul IF Brodie, Edward E. F Allison, John M. (loville, Cabot Farnsworth, Frederick E. Brooks, Russell M. Cox, Raymond E. Allman, Norwood F. Brown, James E., Jr. Farrell, William S. Altaffer, Maurice AV. Crocker, Edward S.. 2d Faust, John B. Brown, Philip M. Crosby, Sheldon L. Anderson, Daniel V. Brown, Robert V. Feely, Fid ward FY Anderson, Edward, Jr. Browne, Sidney II. Cross, Cecil M. P. Fernald, Robert FY Anderson, George E. Broy, Charles C. Cruger, Alexander P. Ferrin, Augustin W. Andrews, William W. Bruins, John II. Cunningham, Edwin S. Ferris, Cornelius Anslinger, Harry J. Brunswick. William W. Curtis, Charles B. Ferris, Walton C. Armour, Norman Bucklin, George A. Finley, Harold 1). Armstrong, George A. Bucknell, Howard, Jr. D FYslier, Carl A. Armstrong, Lawrence S. Fisher, Dorsey G. Buell, Robert L. Daniels, Paul C. Arnold, Frank I). Fisher, FTed I). Buffum, David II. Davies, John, Jr. Atcheson, George, Jr. Buhnnan. Parker W. Flack, Joseph Atherton, Ray Davis, John K. FYetcher, C. Paul Bcrdett. William C. Davis, Leslie A. Atwood, Franklin B. Burke. Gordon L. Fletcher, Samuel J. Davis, Monnett B. Flood, Douglas Burri, Alfred T. Davis, Nathaniel P. Bursley. Herbert S. Flood, Peter II. A. B Davis, Raymond Burt, Joseph F. Flournoy, William E. Buss, Claude A. Davis. Thomas I>. F'oote, Walter A. Bacon, J. Kenly Dawson, Allan Bader, Ralph 11. Busser, Ralph C. Forbes. W. Cameron Butler. George II. Dawson, Claude I. FY)rd, Richard Bailey, John W., Jr. Dawson, Leonard G. Butrick, Richard P. Fornes, Frederic C., Jr. Bailey, Waldo E. Dawson, William Baker, Henry I). Butterworth. William W.. Jr. Forsyth, TY Mnldrup Byington. Homer M. Day. Henry B. Baker, Roy W. Hearing, Fred Morris Foster, Carol II. Balch, Henry II. Byingt on. Homer M., Jr. Foster, Paul II. DeCourcy, William FI. FY)x, Hugh C. Baldwin, Frederick W. Deichman. Carl F. Baldwin, La Verne C Fox, Ray De Lambert, Richard M. Franklin, Harry L. Ballantine, Joseph W. Den by, James O. Cabot. John M. Franklin, Lynn AV. Barbour, Walworth Dennis. Lawrence Caffery, Edward Frazer, Robert Barnes, Maynaid B. de Olivares. Jose Caffery. Jefferson Frost, Arthur C. Bay, Charles A. Caldwell, John K. Derry, Charles H. Beach, William II. Frost, Wesley Callanan. T.,eo J. I)eVault, Charles 1J. Fuller, George G. Beam, Jacob I>. Calvert. John S. Dick. Ilasell H. Beaulac, Willard L. Fuller, Stuart J. Cameron. Alfred D. Dickinson, Horace J. Fullerton, Hugh S. Beck, Henry A. W. Cameron, Charles R. Dicko'ver, Erie R. Beck, William II. Funk, Ilo C. Campbell, Harry Dickson, Samuel S. Belin, F. Lammot : ,, G Cannon. Cavend '- « W. I >illingham. Sherburne Benedict, James S. Carey, Reginald S. Dodge. II. Fereival Gade, Gerhard Benningboff. II. Merrell Dominian. T^eon Galbraith, Willard Benton, J. Webb Carleton, Algar E. Carlson. Harry E. Donald. George K. Gale, William II. Berger, 1 )avid C. Donegan, Alfred W. Gallman, Waldemar J. Bernstein, Herman Carter, James G. Donovan, Howard Gamon, John A. Bevan, Thomas II. Castleman. Reginald S. Doolittle, Hooker A. Gannett, Taylor AV. Biar, Herbert C. Ca vena ugh. William F. Doornail. Eugene II. Gantenbein, James ANY Bigelow, Donald F. Chamberlain. Culver B. Chamberlin. George FI. Dorr, Julian C. Garrels, Arthur Bingham, Hiram, Jr. Garrett, Alonzo B. Black, J. Ernest Cbapin, Selden Dorsey, W. Roderick Chapin. Vinton Dors/., Edmund J. Garrett, John AV. Blake, Gilson G. Garrety, AVilliam P. Blake, Maxwell Chapman, J. Holbrook Doty, William F. Gaudin, Daniel Blake, Ralph J. Chapman. William FI. Dow, Edward A. Bliss, Robert Woods Chase, Augustus S. Doyle, Albert M. Gauss, Clarence E. Blocker, William P. Chesbrough. Raloh F. Drew, Gerald A. Geist, Raymond H. Blobm, Lee R. Childs, J. Rives Dreyfus, Louis G.. Jr. George, AVilliam 1*. Boal, Pierre de L. Childs. Prescott Drumright. Everett F\ Gest, Sydney G. Boernstein, Ralph A. Chiperfield. Claude B. dll Bois. Coert Gibson, Hugh S. Bohr, Frank Chipman. Norris B. Dulles, Allen W. Gibson, Raleigh A. Bonbright. Janies C. Clark. J. Reuben, Jr. Dumont, Frederick T. F. Gilbert, Prentiss B. Bonnet, Ellis A. Clark. Tiewis Dunlap, Maurice P. Gilman, J. Thayer Dunn. James C. Gittings, John S. Borden, Edward P. Clark. Reed Paige T Dwvre. Dudley G. Goding. Frederic AA . Bouehal, John L. Clattenburg. Albert E.. Jr. T Bouclier, Hiram A. Cleveland. Theodore S. Dye, John W. Goforth, Herndon AA . Goodier, Harvey T. Flulley, Benjamin M. Loren, Odin G. Aluse, Benjamin Gould, Herbert S. Hunt, William II. Lowrie, Will L. Alyers, David J. D. Gordon, George A. Hurley, John P. Lynch, Andrew G. Alyers, Alyrl S. (iotlieb, Bernard Hurst, Carlton Lyon, Cecil B. N Gourley, Louis H. Hurst, Carlton Bailey M Nasmith, Charles R. Gowen, Franklin C. Huston, Cloyce K. (Jrant-Sinilb, F. Macatee, Robert B. Nason, William F''. Huston, Jay C. Nathan, Edward I. Gray, Archibald E- Hutchinson, Charles A. MacDonald, John J. N ester, Alfred T. Gray, Cecil AY. Hutton, Paul ('., Jr. MacEachran, Clinton E. Neville, Edwin L. Gray, Paul J. I Macgowan, David IF MacMurray, John V. A. Newbegin, Robert, 2d Green, Leonard N. Ingram, Augustus E. Greene, Elbridge G. MacNider, Hanford Newton, Joseph E. Ives, Ernest L. Mac Yea gli. John II. Nielsen, Orsen N. Greene, AVinthrop S. J Grew, Joseph C. MacVitty, Karl deG. Norton, Edward J.
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