XIN TANG (New China)

XIN TANG (New China)

I N TTANG NW GH[NA Di-wu qi 1985 nion Siyue No.S Aprit, tgBS rssH o73l -0E97 Pinyia d Eerochuh: The Advrategcs of Alphebetizetioa: l. Bii fro;tueii zih rohg'yi ruol. Ersicr to lcrf! ttro chartctrf3. 2. Cuhiiia Eriayou yulyi! d toonlyi. Prorotor thc uailicrlioa of rpotcl Chiacra. 3. Icl'yi rhiiyohag d..zihii hal yuucil chshliiii, iinn:huo rhuriic d shiliira. Cu bc typcd oa word proc..corl ud ottcr rodcn olficc cqoigrrcrl. lcducc! lhc troult of Lirc tPclt il vritilg oot lctlor* rod o3!cr griltod rlodrl' {. (cl'yi bugzhuh ruol'rhu;, rccbicc, hcl zf,luiir gchag chchdii d zh..olvoh luttur.ii zih- Cra hcltl ttudcllr, rcholr:, ud rpccidirts lcrm chrf,ictGrs rore qoictly tad tborouSily. I. Yoouti! yul biuricc clitLo ziliroh, rul tgolyiir, cildiga, rnhluh dclaldccaS. Allovr for tic corpil*ioa of crsily rcccsiblc rcfcrcacc tooL, rrrc! rr ildiccr, diciioarricr, crlrlo;r' rtrd ro lorth. 6. tola3'yi drr dir"habmh. tolcg-rirrr rnd t lcltpcd -.t 8CcJ rrc ..ty to rad ud rccGiYG. 7. Eirnricc dirhanuo chclatrhih hocn frngbLhl. Colv.riclt for vrilil; cort)uttr 1r!otna:. t. toht'yi Dci.hh.l Suoliih Lcruol rihSchclg' rhohyuu hcl fu3chelntthii. Corgrtibtc vith iltanrtioad rcicatific tatriaology fnd fonllrs. 9. Til glo yi.hbu rcla duih Elhryuu yuofu d zhiiscl. hcro*c aY.Falc.a of Ghilcro tnrrar. 10. Jirnrhuo wril'3uo 1lch;'7ou roclril Xrf,ayuu d zuurii. lcdoccr tho obrtrctcr coafrontil; forciSl fricldr vio viti ro lcrrl tlc Chilorc lr!!Er!G. Pir Yin Shcagditoh Pinriee Fll Sinple Rules lor Tooel SPelling r. n.tg5)/hs(tt ) 2. melffi lttttn$(El 3. grn(fi)/tiiagttfr) 4. oeh(fi vrlnurr(fi I 5. ' ''bietorhih qintshelg, tee'thi' 'de- dou+idl ISSN 0731-0897 XIN TANG NEW CHINA DI-wu qi Yijiu bawu nlan Siyue No.5 April, 1985 Blanjl: Mel Welheng Zhang Llqlng Xle Tongguang Wang Ylmlng Chubanren: Mel Welheng Zhang lIqlng Cong dl-sl ql Qi, XIN TANG shi yi zhong bu chushou d zazhl. Ruguo ni yao kan, Qlng lalxln xlang womn suoQu. XIN TANG hen xuyao pengyoud zhlchl he bangzhu. Ruguo nl yuanyl, ye you nengl!, jlu Qing juanQlan gel XIN TANG. Shumu bu zal duo, san-wu kual dou shl hen da d gUll. Danshl Qlng buyao mlanQlang. Zhlplao kal gel XIN TANG. Dlzhi shl: XIN TANG P.O. Box 254 Swarthmore, Pa. 1908 I USA XIN TANG you banquan o 1985 by XIN TANG BEN QI NEIRONG Billnjid HUll YUYAN Zhou YC;uguiog Muqiao Zhoogguo dui Roma 1-(4 Pioyio Ge Faogmiao d Yaojiu Joho DeFrancis Yueoaod Weozi Gaige 15-25 X~ Chaog'io TOOKIio Xieli Yu Youmiao 26-30 Diao E W.{o Haozi Jiegou Zh~ci - 9'~ •~1. 31-35 ill!: - d Pioxiera , Ge" Suiyuao' / Lun Xio Tang Shiyong d 36-39 Pioyinzi SUI Yaog Jiio Dayou sbi 40 (Chunmel Mimi YouJI) TUHUAGUSHI, ,,- Kui Luobin Zai Hai DiIla 41-48 SHUPING W m. C. Hanoas ZhOOKKuod Yuvao 49-60 GUWEN XUANDU ZbuiogZbou Da Hu Zbi Zbong--Zhuaog Ii 61-67 DUZHE LAIXIN 68-71 WENZl QUTAN XUAN Liu LI -5: fi.!j-. - Xiansbeng 72 Bao HUB Tang Sbi Bian Ci Jiule Ta n FENGMIAN Cbuntian d Xiaobe H~idan FENGDI Lu Zbu80gzbiing wei Fujianbua sheji d pioyin BIANJld HUA Zhe yi qi, zhi you yi piun wenzhung yong zimu biuodiuo, yi piun jiu diuohuo; qiyud dou zui biyuo d shihou cui yong diuohuo biuodiuo. Womn shizhe yong ixie pinyinzi. Zhexie zi yongde buyi­ ding dUi; youshihou geng keneng qiunhou buyizhi (yinwei pinyin wenzi shi xin dongxi, womn ziji ye hai zui xuexi). Xianzai bu zhexie pinyinzi he yuanlaid pinyin duizhao yixia: dengdeng ~ dd de (fuci) d (xingrongci) men (biaoshi fushu) mn haizi,- haiz h,.aizimen haizmn lizi liz suoyi" suoi I' , "- / yimian ~ imian yidu idu J' .. ,;I .. .. v ... ylqlan Iqlan yjhou ihou yishang ishang yijian ijian ') . v - nSI , isi fijing ijing xia ixia ikao yi. ". Ylk~o Ylwel, - iwei yilai ilai yiban iban yixie" - ixie , - ~ ... yibian ibiun Yl)'ung iyung ~ / ytc0!lg icong yjyoude iyoud yjd!an idian ylyi / iyi yiding iding yizhi izhi CURRENT RESEARCH IN CHINA ON ASPECTS OF ROMANIZATION ZHOU VOU6UAN6 ABSTRACT I. EVERY alphabet writing has to go through Its Journey of orthographic development. The Journey of Pinyin orthography has Just begun. In 1982 a WOrking committee for Pinyin orthography was formed to undertake deeper study on Its principles and practice. A draft of "BasiC Rules of Pinyin Orthogrphy" Is ready for trial, and a symposIum of essays on PinyIn orthography has been complied. Rules for spelling personal and place names have been formulated, and a new Rtml1D... Gazetteer of ChIna Is to be published. 2. "Characters plus Pinyin" makes Chinese a type of dlgraphla. It Is somewhat I1ke kanJ1 plus kana In Japanese. BegInnIng from 1983, a new experIment of teaching ChInese characters with the help of PInyin has been carried out In Heilongjiang province. and has proved that this new method can help children to read quicker and write earl1er, saving at least two years of study. 3. The "bottleneck problem" of Chinese computers Is Inputting. To Input with codes will I1mlt the use of Chinese computers to professional typists only. There are more than 450 code devices for Inputting Chinese characters, all requiring speCial trainIng. The Committee for Language Reform has promoted the Phonetic ConversIon Method whIch Inputs PInyin and lets the computer output characters automatically without Zhou Youguing shi Zhongguo Wenzi Gaige Weiyuanhuid guwen; Hanyu Pinyin Zhengcifa Weiyuanhuid fu-zhuren. 2 MUQIAN ZHONGGUO DUI ROMA PINYIN GE FANGMIAN d VANJIU Zhang Liqing fanyi ZHAIYAO 1. MEl YI GE zlmu wenzl dou del zou yl duan fazhan zhengclfa d lucheng. Pinyin zhengclfad lucheng ganggang kalshl. 1982 nlan [Zhongguo) zuchengle Hanyu PInyIn ZheflJJC!fa Welyuanhul, lal jlnylbu yanjlu zhengctfad yuanze he shlJlan. Hanyu Pinyin Zhengclra Jlben Gulze (Shlyong gao) IJlng zhunbel hao jleshou kaoyan; xuduo guanyu PInyIn zhengclfad wenzhang ye blanxle chengle lunwenJI. Plnxle renmlng dlmlng d gUlze dlngllle; xlnd Pinyin ZbooggUQ Feosbeng Il1lUJ.1 ye chubanle. 2. "Fangkualzl jlashang Pinyin" rang Zhongwen cheng Ie yl zhong shuang-wenzl. Zhe zhong wenzl youdlan xlang Rlwend Hanzl jlaShang kana. cong 1981 nlan kalshl, yl ge xlnd yong PinyIn bangzhu jlao Hanzi d shlyan zal HeilongjIang sheng zhankaII e; zhe ge xln banfa zhengmlng HP keyl bangzhu halzmn kaMe kual, xlede zao, shengle zhlshao liang nlan d xuexl shljlan. J. zhongwen dlannaod "plngbo U.s. PlngJlngJ wentl" shl shuru wentt. Blanmafa rang Zhongwen dlannaod shlyongzhe xlanzhl zal zhlye dazlyuan. Muqlan IJlng you 450 duo zhong shuru Hanzl d blanmafa; mel yl zhong dou xuyao tebled xunllan. [Zhongguo) Wenzl Gaige Welyuanhul tlchang Pinyin Zhuanxlefa. Zhe ge rangfa rang dlannao bubl shlyong blanma er keyl zldong shuchu fangkualZI. 1984 nlan Uuyue shlsl hao, wenZl 6alge Zhang Liqing shi Xin Tangd yi ge bianji. 3 KIN TANG: NEW CHINA code. A contest held on June 14, 1984, utilizing such a system, achieved a record output of 116.7 characters per minute automatically. 4. How to arrange Chinese characters In serial order has always posed a difficult problem. The new, efficient, and convenient way Is to arrange the characters according to their sound In Pinyin alphabet order. This new serial order has recently been applied to the Greater Encvclopaedla il1 Cb1na (80 volumes) and other Important publications. 5. Pinyin Is now not only the national standard of China, but also the International standard adopted by ISO and UN for transcribing Chinese. But Pinyin Is stili not considered a second legal written language, only an· auxiliary to Chinese characters. Beginning from the late Qing dynasty the language Refonn Movement started in China, with the aim of modernizing Chinese language, both spoken and written. After the revolution of 1911. the early Beijing Government of the Republic of China promoted the National Language (6uoyu). changed the style of writing from classical to vernacular, and in 1918 adopted the Sound-Notating Symbols in character fonn (Zhuyin Fuhao). In 1928 the Nationalist Govemment in Nanking adopted the National language Romanization (Guoyu Romazi).ln 1958 the govemment of the People's Republic of China summarized the Language Refonn Movement as consisting of three main tasks: 1. the simplification of the Chinese characters, 2. the popularization of the Common Speech (Putonghua), and 3. the promotion of the revised Chinese romanization caned Pinyin (Hanyu Pinyin Fang·an). Of these three, romanization is the most crucial task. After the interruption caused by the so-caned ·ten years' calamity· (Cultural Revolution. 1966- 1916). the Committee for Language Refonn was restored and reorganized. A new Research Institute of ZHANG lIOiNG 4 Welyuanhul jubanle yl ge yong Pinyin zhuanxlefa shuru Hanzl d blsal; chuangxlale mel fenzhong zldong shuchu 116.7 ge Hanzl d jllu. 4. Zenme paille fangkualzl Izhl shl ge hen jlshoud wentt. Youxlao er fangblan d xln banfa shl an fangkualzl pinyin zlmu d clxu lj.s. cld ylnxu] lal paille. Zuljln ZhoDglJUo DLBaIU. Quansbu (80 ce) he Ixle bled zhongyao chubanwu dou Ijlng kalshl calyong zhe tao xlnd paille dxu. S. HP xlanzal budan shl Zhongguod guojla blaozhun, ye shl 6uojl Blaozhunhua Zuzhl he Uanheguo calyongled, zhuanxle Zhongwen d guojl blaozhun. 8uguo HP hal buneng suan shl Zhongguo fading wenzl d dl-er shl; ta zhl shl fangkualzld yl ge fuzOO. Cong Qingchaov monian qi. Zhongguo jiu kaishile Wenzi Gaige Vundong. yi cujin wenzi he shumillllYu liang fangmian d xiandaihua wei mubiao. Minhai Geming (1911 nian) ihou. Zhonghul Hinguo Zloqi Beijing zhengfu tichang Guoyu. ye tichang yong baihuawen daiti wenyllllwen. bingqie zai 1918 nian caiyongle jiejin fangkuaizi xingshi d Zhuyin Fuhao [ye jiao Zhuyln Zimu). 1928 nian. Nanjing Guomindang zhengfu caiyongle Guoyu Romazi. 1958 nian. Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo zhengfu zongjie chu wenzi gaige d Sllll jillll zhuyao gongzuo: 1.

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