Tuesday 26Th January 2021 at 2.30Pm

Tuesday 26Th January 2021 at 2.30Pm

Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 2.30pm 1.* Commandeur De***., Memoires pour servir a l-histoire de Malte - 1 Parte, 1742, leather €10 - 25 bound 2.* De Boyer d'Argens Luc, Reflexions Politiques sur l'Etat et les Devoirs des Chavaliers de €30 - 50 Malthe, 1739; 3.* Vassallo G.A., Storia ta Malta Mictuba ghal Poplu, 1862; €30 - 50 4.* Gurius Commandeur, Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Malthe, 1741 €50 - 80 5.* Vespoli Giuseppe Francioni, Itinerario per lo Regno delle due Sicilie, 1828 €20 - 45 6.* Thyrsklingurson Asmund, Romans Historiques de G.F. Van Der Velde: Paul de Lascaris ou €30 - 50 Le Chavalier de Malte, 1827; 7.* MacGhill Thomas, A Handbook or Guide for Strangers visiting Malta, 1839; €30 - 50 8.* Sutherland Alexander, The Achievements of the Knights of Malta (Vol. 2), 1830; €30 - 50 9.* Government of Malta, Proclami, Notificazioni, Ordinanze ed altri Atti: 1813-1859 (Part 1), €40 - 60 10.* Van1860; Der Velde, Paul de Lascaris ou le Chavalier de Malte 1827 €20 - 45 11.* Proclemation No1 10th March 1854 Criminal Laws for the Island of Malta and its €30 - 50 depencencies 12.* Zauli Sajani , Ifegiani, Gli Ultimi Giorni Dei Cavalieri Di Malta , 1841 ( 2 volumes bound in €70 - 140 13.* Histoireone volume) des Chevaliers de Malte, 1841; €10 - 40 14.* Raccolta di Proclami, Notificazioni, Ordinanze ed altri atti pubblicati dal Governo di Malta €30 - 50 1860 15.* M. l'Abbe de Vertot, Abrege de l'Histoire del Chevaliers de Malte, 1837; €80 - 120 16.* Dimech Emmanuel, Il Chelliem Ingils, 1901; €40 - 70 17.* Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte,1845; €40 - 70 18.* Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte d'apres l'Abre des Vertot, 1839; €40 - 70 19.* A Handbook for Travellers in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor and €50 - 90 Constantinople, 1840; 20.* Vignaud Jean, La Maison du Maltais, 1926; €40 - 80 21.* Calleja Giuseppe, The Works of Art in the Churches of Malta, 1881; €30 - 50 22.* Montgomery Martin, The British Colonial Library (Vol. 7), 1844; €20 - 50 23.* Busuttil V., A Summary of the History of Malta, 1890; €20 - 45 24.* Caruana A.E., Sull'Origine della Lingua Maltese, 1896; €50 - 90 25.* Le Voyageur Francois ou la Conoissance de l'Ancien (Vol. 28), 1782; €30 - 50 26.* De La Graviere Jurien, Les Chavaliers de Malte, 1887; €50 - 80 27.* De Lavigerie Olivier, L'Order de Malte, 1889; €40 - 70 28.* Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur Malte, n.d.; €40 - 80 29.* Cooper Fenimore J., Excursions in Italy, 1838; €30 - 50 30.* D'Avec M, Iles De L'Afrique , 1848 ( several views 40 of Malta) €60 - 90 31.* Naudi Enrico, Storia dei Primi Quattro Imperi del Mondo, 1869` €10 - 25 32.* Leggi Criminali per l'Isola di Malta e sue Dipendenze, 1854; €30 - 50 33.* Riflessioni Storico-Critiche sull'Isola di Malta (1st Edition), n.d.; €10 - 40 34.* Causa tra Giuseppe Frixione e Tagliaferro e Figli, 1852; €10 - 40 35.* Hughes Quentin J., The Building of Malta: 1530 - 1795, 1956; €50 - 80 www.belgraviaauctions.com 1 36.* Battista Falzon Giovanni, Dizionario Maltese-Italiano-Inglese (Vol.1), 1882; €40 - 80 37.* Ferres Achille, Descrizione Storica delle Chiese di Malta e Gozo, 1866; €100 - 150 38.* Bradley R.N., Malta and the Mediterranean Race, 1912; €30 - 50 39.* Chesney A.G., Historcial Records of the Maltese Corps of the British Army, 1897; €100 - 160 40.* John L. Stoddard's Lectures: Supplimentary Volume No. 2, 1904; €50 - 80 41.* Vassallo , Gio Antonio, Storia Di Malta Raccontata in Compendio , 1890 €100 - 200 42.* Balbi Di Correggio , Francesco, The Siege Of Malta 1565, Copenhagen , 1961 €35 - 50 43.* Mamo , S, English - Maltese Dictionary , 1885 €35 - 50 44.* Peretti Joseph, Les Aspects Linguistiques Litteraires Artistiques Et Folklorisques De L' €35 - 50 45.* SanminiatelliItalianite' De MalteZabarella , 1965 Carlo, Lo Assedio di Malta, n.d.; €50 - 80 46.* English and Maltese Dictionary (Vol.1), n.d.; €30 - 50 47.* Lectures of the British Constitution and on the Islands of Malta, 1883 €20 - 45 48.* Ferris Achille, Memorie dell' inclito Ordine Gerosolimitano esistenti nelle Isole di Malta, €60 - 100 49.* Azzopardi1881; Domenico, L'XXIV Congress Eucaristicu Internazionali f'Malta, 1913; €40 - 80 50.* De Hellwald Ferdinand, Bibliographie Methodique de l'Ordre Souv. De St. Jean de €10 - 40 Jerusalem, 1885; 51.* Joh L. Stoddard's Lectures Supplementary Volume, 1906 €10 - 40 52.* Raccolta di varie Cose Antiche e Moderne Utili ed Interessanti Riguardanti Malta e Gozo, €10 - 40 1843 53.* Cotonat Agustin Coy, Historia de la Inclita y Soberana Oren Militar de San Juan de €10 - 40 Jerusalen o de Malta, 1913; 54.* Marmocchi F.C., Raccolta di Viaggi dalla Scoperta del Nuovo Continente (Vol. 8), 1842; €40 - 60 55.* Wilstach Paul, Islands of the Mediterranean, n.d.; €30 - 50 56.* Friggieri Oliver, Fjuri li ma Jinxfux: Tifkiriet, 2008; €20 - 35 57.* Testa Carmel, The French in Malta, 1997; €30 - 50 58.* Bradford Ernle (Translator), Francisco Balbi di Corregio, The Siege of Malta 1565, 1965; €30 - 50 59.* Bartlett , William, Gleanings On The Overland Route , 1851 €200 - 350 60.* Castagna , P.P., Malta Bil Gzejjer Tahha u li Ghadda Min Ghaliha , 1865 (first edition) €100 - 200 61.* Baron Vittorio & Ryan Fredrick, Malta €30 - 50 62.* Feiran Wady, Gleanings, Pictoral and Antiquarian on the Overland Route, 1851; €40 - 60 63.* Feiran Wady, Gleanings, Pictoral and Antiquarian on the Overland Route, 1851; €40 - 60 64.* Bartlett W.H., Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem, n.d.; Feiran Wady, Forty €40 - 70 Days in the Desert on the Crack of the Israelites, n.d.; (2) 65.* Castagna, Storja ta' Malta Parti 2-3 €20 - 45 66.* Wright Rev G.N., The Shores and Island of The Mediterranean €20 - 45 67.* Wright G.N., The Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, n.d.; €10 - 40 68.* Ciantar Giovannantonio, Malta Illustrata (Vol. 1-2), 1772; (2) €10 - 40 69.* Louis de Boisgelin, Ancient and Modern Malta, 1805, leather bound, Vol 1 €100 - 200 70.* Walsh Thomas, Journal of the Late Campaign in Egypt 1803 €30 - 60 71.* Various papers and reports 1835 - 1854 €20 - 45 www.belgraviaauctions.com 2 72.* Copies or Extracts of Reports of the Commissioners regarding Affairs of the Island of €10 - 40 Malta, 1838; 73.* Prokopowski Rudolf, Ordre Souverain et Militaire Jerosolymitain de Malte, 1950; €40 - 70 74.* Siege de Malte (Pg101-200) €20 - 45 75.* Proceedings of the Council of government of Malta, 1806; €10 - 40 76.* Privileggi della Sagra Religione di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano con Un Indice volgare. In €40 - 80 Malta, nella stamperia del Palazzo di S.A.S. presso Fra Giovanni Mallia suo stampatore. 1777 77.* The Malta Defence Regulations of 1916, 1918; €20 - 45 78.* Zammit Antonii, In Ritum Magnae Regiae Curiae regni Siciliae Repetitiones ad Usum, 1818; €100 - 140 79.* Galea Filippo, Duetto in Idioma Maltese, n.d.; €30 - 50 80.* Serie dei Granmaestri Litographs, n.d.; €100 - 160 81.* Bailey E.A.S., Malta: Defiant and Triumphant, 1992; €40 - 60 82.* Harrison Austen St B & Hubbard R Pearce., Valletta, Outline plan for the Region of Valletta €30 - 50 and the Three Cities, 1945 83.* Scicluna Hannibal P., The Church of St. John in Valletta, 1955; €150 - 300 84.* A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan (Vol.2), 1778; €40 - 60 85.* Malta: Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta, 1993; €20 - 45 86.* Reports on the Working of Government Departments during the Financial Year 1904-5, €20 - 45 1906; 87.* Castagna P.P., LisStoria ta Malta, 1890 €50 - 80 88.* Wilson S.S., The Greek Mission 16 Years in Malta and Greece, 1839 €30 - 50 89.* Compendio di Diritto Commerciale, 1841; Leggi di Organizzazione e Procedura Civile per €10 - 40 l'Isola di Malta e sue Dipendenze, 1855; 90.* Tallack William, Malta Under the Phoenicians, Knights and English, 1861 €30 - 50 91.* Scicluna Hannibal P., The Order of St John of Jerusalem, Places of interest in Malta and €30 - 50 92.* ZauliGozo, Sajani 1969 Ifigenia, Gli Ultimi Giorni dei Cavalieri di Malta, 1841 €30 - 50 93.* Punch Periodical (Vol. 142), 1912; €20 - 45 94.* Laking Francis G., A Catalogue of the Armour and Arms in the Armoury of the Knights of St. €60 - 90 95.* SerieJohn ofdi Jerusalem,Ritratti dei n.d.;Gran Maestri del Inclito e Crociato Ordine Gerosolmitano, n.d.; €100 - 140 96.* Faure Giovanni, Li Storja ta Malta u Ghaudex (Vol. 4, 7), 1916; (2) €10 - 40 97.* Crilanovich Leopoldo, Scene di Venezia: Municipali suoi Costumi Opera (Vol. 1-2), 1841; (2) €40 - 60 98.* De Vertot, Historie des Chevalliers Hospitaliers de Jerusalem, Chevaliers de Rhodes , €80 - 100 Chevaliers de Malthe 4 Vols (1, 2, 4 & 5) 99.* Faure Giovanni, Li Storia ta Malta u Ghaudex, 3 volumes, 1914 €80 - 120 100.* Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem (Vol. 2, 4-5), 1726; (3) €10 - 40 101.* Byron, Landscapes (19th C. Prints Europe, including Malta) €40 - 60 www.belgraviaauctions.com 3 102.* Beacom Jonathan, The Maltese Islands from the Air, 1994; Von Mackensen Hubertus, €20 - 45 Golden Malta, n.d.; Priuli and Verlucca (Editors), Malta 360, 1989; (3) 103.* Gerada, E.; Zuber C.; Malta: Un'Isola, Una Repubblica; Cini Charles Editor, Urso Maurizio €10 - 40 photography: Gozo The Roots of an Island, 1990; 104.* Azzopardi John Canon, St. Paul's Grotto, Church and Museum at Rabat Malta; De Lucca €10 - 25 Denis, Mdina; Media Centre Publication, Pietru fil-Gzira ta' Pawlu (3) 105.* Aquilina Ross Geoffrey, Attimi di Malta, 1990; Journal des Voyages, Malte, n.d.; Tanner €20 - 45 106.* MontebelloLinda M., Love Mark, Letters Pieta-Guardamangia: from Malta, 1989; Il-Bahar, (3) il-Hniena, is-Sliem, 2008; Kummerly €20 - 45 107.* BeacomWalter, Malta: Jonathan, Isles Malta: of the TheMiddle Hidden Sea, Charms, 1965; Gerada 1990; Eric,Tanner Zuber Linda Chris, M., Malta:Love Letters An Island from €20 - 45 Malta, 1989; (2) 108.* Kummerly Walter, Malta: Isle of the Middle Sea, 1965; Beacom Jonathan, Malta: The €20 - 45 Hidden Charms, 1990; (2) 109.* BryansRobin, Malta & Gozo; Gerada Eric, Malta Revisted; Kummerly Walter; Isle of the €20 - 35 Middle Sea (3) 110.* Kummerly Walter; Isle of the Middle Sea; and 4 other Malta guside books €20 - 35 111.* Grech Paul, Exploring the Chapels of Gozo, 1999; Bonnici Alexander, In-Nadur (Vol.

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