Notes Introduction 1. LA Conservancy, “Japanese-American Heritage,” https://www.laconser vancy.org/japanese-american-heritage. LA Conservancy, “The Maravilla Handball Court and El Centro Grocery Store,” https://www.laconser vancy.org/locations/maravilla-handball-court-and-el-centro-grocery. “Old Homies Pay Tribute to History, Handball, and a Woman Named Michi,” Eastsider LA, June 29, 2009, http://theeastsiderlahomehistory .blogspot.com/2009/06/old-hommies-play-tribute-to-history.html. Hec- tor Becerra, “Extending a Hand to a Faded East L.A. Handball Court,” Los Angeles Times, February 14, 2010, http://articles.latimes.com/2010 /feb/14/local/la-me-handball14-2010feb14. 2. LA Conservancy, “The Maravilla Handball Court.” Becerra, “Extending a Hand.” “Old Homies Pay Tribute.” 3. Becerra, “Extending a Hand.” “Old Homies Pay Tribute.” Newly Paul, “Group Works to Preserve East LA’s Maravilla Handball Court,” KPCC, February 23, 2010, http://www.scpr.org/news/2010/02/23/12216/group -works-preserve-east-las-maravilla-handball-c/. 4. Paul, “Group Works to Preserve East LA’s Maravilla Handball Court.” 5. Ibid. 6. Ibid. “East L.A. Handball Court Declared a State Historic Landmark,” Eastsider LA, August 7, 2012, http://www.theeastsiderla.com/2012/08 /east-l-a-handball-court-declared-a-state-historic-landmark/. 7. Maria Lewicka, “Place Attachment: How Far Have We Come in the Last 40 Years?,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 31 (2011): 211, 225; and Maria Lewicka, “Place Attachment, Place Identity, and Place Memory: Restoring the Forgotten City Past,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 28 (2008): 211. Quoted in Tom Mayes, “Why Old Places Matter: Con- 263 Stephanie Meeks with Kevin C. Murphy, The Past and Future City: How Historic Preservation is Reviving America’s Communities, DOI 10.5822/ 978-1-61091-709-4, © 2016 National Trust for Historic Preservation. 264 NOTES tinuity,” November 21, 2013, http://forum.savingplaces.org/blogs/forum -online/2013/11/21/why-do-old-places-matter-continuity 8. Dylan Trigg, The Memory of Place: A Phenomenology of the Uncanny (Ath- ens: Ohio University Press, 2013), 1; Introduction available at http:// www.academia.edu/355785/The_Memory_of_Place_a_Phenomenology _of_the_Uncanny. 9. Katherine Mansfield, “Letter to Ida Baker,” 1922, quoted at “Six Stories, Six Places,” https://www.behance.net/gallery/5125053/-SIX-STORIES -SIX-PLACES-Katherine-Mansfield. The Beatles, “In My Life,”Rubber Soul, EMI, 1965, compact disc. 10. Robert F. Kniesche, “Happy Birthday H. L. Mencken,” Baltimore Sun, February 15, 2012, http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/bal-hl -mencken-20120215-photo.html. 11. Jaime Lerner, Urban Acupuncture: Celebrating Pinpricks of Change That Enrich City Life (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2014), 98–99. 12. Trigg, Memory of Place, 1. Lily M. Cho, “The Turn to Diaspora,” Topia 17, special issue on “Diaspora” (2007): 11–30, https://lucian.uchicago .edu/blogs/politicalfeeling/files/2007/10/cho-topia11-30.pdf. John Stein- beck, The Grapes of Wrath (1939; repr., New York: Penguin, 2006), 88. 13. “The Wheel,” Mad Men, season 1, episode 13. Originally aired October 18, 2007. Pamela Petro, “Dreaming in Welsh,” Paris Review, September 8, 2012, http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2012/09/18/dreaming-in -welsh/. 14. Charles Montgomery, Happy City: Transforming Our Lives through Urban Design (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013), 130–33, 161. Alain de Botton, “The Architecture of Happiness,” http://alaindebotton.com/ architecture/; also cited in Kaid Benfield, “The Pursuit of Happiness: How Do Communities Make Us Happy?,” Atlantic, June 29, 2011, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/06/the-pursuit-of-hap piness-how-do-communities-make-us-happy/241201/. 15. Hippocrates, On Airs, Water, and Places, trans. Francis Adams, MIT Inter- net Classics Archive, http://classics.mit.edu/Hippocrates/airwatpl.html. Robert Ivy, “Healthy Living Choices—By Design,” Huffington Post, Feb- ruary 13, 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-ivy-faia/healthy -living-choices-by_1_b_4777121.html. 16. US Census, “Growth in Urban Population Outpaces Rest of Nation, Cen- sus Bureau Reports,” March 26, 2012, https://www.census.gov/newsroom NOTES 265 /releases/archives/2010_census/cb12-50.html. Leigh Gallagher, “The End of the Suburbs,” Time, July 31, 2014, http://ideas.time.com/2013 /07/31/the-end-of-the-suburbs/. Joe Cortright, “The Dow of Cities,” City Observatory, August 20, 2015, http://cityobservatory.org/dow-of -cities/. Sam Frizell, “The New American Dream Is Living in a City, Not Owning a House in the Suburbs,” Time, April 25, 2014, http://time .com/72281/american-housing/. 17. Quoted in James A. Clapp, The City: A Dictionary of Quotable Thoughts on Cities and Urban Life (New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1984). Anthony Flint, Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on New York’s Master Builder and Transformed the American City (New York: Random House, 2009), 139–40. 18. Kenneth T. Jackson, “The Rise and Fall of Main Street,” in American Places: Encounters with History, ed. William Leuchtenberg (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 182. Kenneth T. Jackson, Crabgrass Fron- tier: The Suburbanization of the United States (New York: Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1985), 4. 19. Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier, 4. 20. Richard Moe and Carter Wilkie, Changing Places: Rebuilding Community in the Age of Sprawl (New York: Henry Holt, 1997), ix–x. 21. James Howard Kunstler, The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man-Made Landscape (New York: Touchstone, 1993), 10. 22. Charles Montgomery, Happy City, 47. 23. Ibid., 47, 83, 95, 97. 24. Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier, 296. 25. Alan Ehrenhalt, The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City (New York: Knopf, 2012), 7, 12. 26. Frizell, “New American Dream.” Carol Coletta, “How We Build Our Cities, What’s at Stake,” City Observatory, December 24, 2014, http:// cityobservatory.org/coletta-guest-post/. 27. Claire Cain Miller, “Where Young Graduates Are Choosing to Live,” New York Times, October 20, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/20 /upshot/where-young-college-graduates-are-choosing-to-live.html. Stephanie Hanes, “The New ‘Cool’ Cities for Millennials,” Christian Sci- ence Monitor, February 1, 2015, http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Soci ety/2015/0201/The-new-cool-cities-for-Millennials. 28. Frizell, “New American Dream.” 266 NOTES 29. Hanes, “New ‘Cool’ Cities.” 30. Ibid. Christopher Corbett, “The Charm City of H. L. Mencken,” New York Times, September 4, 1988, http://www.nytimes.com/1988/09/04 /travel/the-charm-city-of-h-l-mencken.html. 31. Jordan Teicher, “Millennials Are Moving to Buffalo and Living Like Kings,” Gothamist, January 28, 2015, http://gothamist.com/2015/01/28 /millennials_buffalo.php. Hanes, “New ‘Cool’ Cities.” 32. Frizell, “New American Dream.” 33. Sasaki Associates, “The State of the City Experience,” http://www.sasaki .com/media/files/cities_survey_final-1.pdf. Sydney Brownstone, “4 Rea- sons Why People Love Cities and How We’re Working on Ruining Them,” Co Exist, August 6, 2014, http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033848/4-rea sons-why-people-love-living-in-cities-and-how-were-working-on-ruin ing-them. 34. Sasaki Associates, “The State of the City Experience.” 35. Sandra Shannon, “Why Old Places Matter: A Survey of the Public,” Preservation Leadership Forum, May 7, 2015, http://forum.savingplaces .org/blogs/forum-online/2015/05/07/why-old-places-matter-a-survey -of-the-public. Kaid Benfield, “Why the Places We Live Make Us Happy,” City Lab, February 2, 2012, http://www.citylab.com/design/2012/02 /why-places-we-live-make-us-happy/1122/. 36. Stewart Brand, How Buildings Learn: What Happens after They’re Built (New York: Penguin, 1994), 10–11. 37. Historic England, “The Value and Impact of Heritage,” http://hc .historicengland.org.uk/content/pub/2190644/value-impact-chapter .pdf. Katey Amie, “Visiting Heritage Sites Makes People Happier,” Daily Mail, November 13, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news /article-2832875/Visiting-historical-towns-cities-makes-happy.html. 38. Alan Davies, “Why Do We Love Old Buildings So Much?,” Crikey, May 11, 2011, http://blogs.crikey.com.au/theurbanist/2011/05/11/why-do -we-love-old-buildings-so-much/. Brand, How Buildings Learn, 90. 39. Ed McMahon, “Where Am I? The Power of Uniqueness,” TedX Jackson- ville, January 6, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB5tH4rt-x8. 40. Ibid. Coletta, “How We Build Our Cities.” Sam Brodey, “Forget Brooklyn: Could Columbus Be the Next ‘Hot’ Millennial Enclave?,” Mother Jones, June 1, 2015, http://www.motherjones.com/media/2015/05/columbus -ohio-millennials-brooklyn. NOTES 267 41. McMahon, “Where Am I?” 42. John Kenneth Galbraith, “The Economic and Social Returns of Preserva- tion,” in Preservation: Towards an Ethic in the 1980s (Washington, DC: Preservation Press, 1980), 57–58. Arthur Frommer, “Viewpoint: Historic Preservation and Tourism,” Preservation Forum, Fall 1988, http://forum .savingplaces.org/connect/community-home/librarydocuments/viewdoc ument?DocumentKey=97ff95cd-857c-4cef-ad21-61b8cb3682a9. 43. Roadside America, “Maps,” http://www.roadsideamerica.com/location/. McMahon, “Where Am I?” 44. Edge Research, “National Trust for Historic Preservation Brand Elements Research,” July 18, 2011. 45. Emily Potter, “Preservation-Themed Movies,” Preservation Nation, Feb- ruary 19, 2014, https://savingplaces.org/stories/10-tuesday-preservation -themed-movies/. 46. Priya Chhaya and Will O’Keefe, “Preservation in Pop Culture: How I Met Your Mother,” Preservation Nation, June 2, 2011, http://archive .mnpreservation.org/2011/06/02/preservation-in-pop-culture-how-i -met-your-mother/. 47. Cavan Wilk, “Has Preservation Become an Echo Chamber?,” Greater Greater Washington, December 16, 2008, http://greatergreaterwashington .org/post/1501/has-preservation-become-an-echo-chamber/. David Low- enthal, “The Heritage Crusade and Its Contradictions,” in Giving Pres- ervation a History: Histories of Historic Preservation, ed. Max Page and Randall Mason (New York: Routledge, 2004), 9. 48. Nic Musolino, “Whenever Anyone Says ‘Historic Preservation’ I Reach for My Hoary Clichés,” Miss Representation, May 23, 2007, http://www .missrepresentation.com/?p=440.
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