‘Ó\T>∑Tyê] ùde˝À ‘ê˝Ÿ TAL Serving Telugu Community TAL Action in the last 12 months Every Saturday Y ‘·÷s¡TŒ eT]j·TT |ü•ÃeT \+&ÉHé˝À ‘ê˝Ÿ ø£\Ãs¡˝Ÿ ôd+≥sY‡ ìs¡«Vü≤D Running TAL Cultural Centres in both East and West London March 2016 Y ñ>±~ dü+ãsê\T ` Ugadi Celebrations Y ≈£L∫|üP&ç •ø£åD •_s¡+`1 ` Kuchipudi workshop 1 May - August 2016 Y ‘ê˝Ÿ Á|”$Tj·TsY ©>¥ ÁøϬø{Ÿ {Às¡ïyÓT+{Ÿ ` TAL Premier League Cricket Tournament October 2016 Y \+&ÉHé Á{≤|òü\ZsY ùdÿ«sY˝À BbÕe[ dü+ãsê\T Diwali On Trafalgar Square, London Y ≈£L∫|üP&ç •ø£åD •_s¡+`2 ` Kuchipudi workshop 2 November 2016 Y u≤\\ ~H√‘·‡e+ dü+ãsê\T ` Children's Day Celebrations December 2016 Y ÁøÏdüàdt dü+ãsê\T ` Christmas Celebrations January 2017 Y dü+Áø±+‹ dü+ãsê\T ` Sankranthi Celebrations Y ‘ê´>∑sêj·T Äsê<ÛäH√‘·‡e+ ` Tyagaraya Aradhanosthav February 2017 Y yê©u≤˝Ÿ {Às¡ïyÓT+{Ÿ ` Volleyball Tournament March 2017 Y u≤&çà+≥Hé {Às¡ïyÓT+{Ÿ ` Badminton Tournament Telugu Association of London - TAL ‘Ó\T>∑T nk˛dæj˚TwüHé Ä|òt \+&ÉHé ` ‘ê˝Ÿ 2017 l ùV≤efi¯+_HêeT dü+e‘·‡s¡ ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£ dü+bÕ<ä≈£î\T ùV≤eT e÷#·s¡¢ düVü≤ø±s¡+ l<ÛäsY k˛$TXË{Ϻ REDBRIDGE TOWN HALL 128-142 High Road Ilford, Essex, IG1 1DD 8 @Á|æ˝Ÿ 2017, X¯ìyês¡+ 4 ` e÷ ‘Ó\T>∑T ` ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£, 2017 $wüj·Tdü÷∫ø£ 1. TAL Committee - Board of Trustees 5 2. #ÛÓ’s¡àHé dü+<˚X¯eTT 7 3. Messages 9`21 4. Editorial 23 5. Message from TAL Adivisory Board 25 6. ‘ê˝Ÿ kÕ+düÿè‹ø£ πø+Á<ä+ ` ‘ê˝Ÿ ø£\Ãs¡˝Ÿ ôd+≥sY ` ìs¡à\ <Ûäefi¯ 27 MAA TELUGU 7. TAL Cultural Centre - 2016 28 8. Guests - Actress Pranitha Subhash 29-33 8th April 2017 TAL AGM - 2016 TAL Ugadi Celebrations Souvenir 9. 35 10. ‘ê˝Ÿ ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\T ` 2016 37 Editor 11. TAL being part in Diwali in London at Trafalgar Square 38 HEMA MACHERLA 12. ÁøÏdüàdt y˚&ÉTø£\T ` 2016 40 Assistance 13. ‘ê˝Ÿ dü+Áø±+‹ dü+ãsê\T ` 2017 41 SRIDHAR SOMISETTY 14. kÕ«‘·+Á‘·´ ~H√‘·‡e dü+ãsê\˝À ‘ê˝Ÿ 42 15. ‘ê´>∑sê» Äsê<ÛäH√‘·‡yê\T ` 2017 43 Cover Design 16. TAL Volleyball Tournament - 2017 44 Sita Ponnapalli 17. TAL Premier League Cricket - 2016 46 Souvenir Layout 18. TAL Convener's Message 53 Sita Ponnapalli 19. ø=qkÕ>∑T‘·Tqï ‘ê˝Ÿ dü+düÿèr, yÓ’uÛÑe+ ` uÛ≤s¡‹ ø£+<äT≈£L] 54 Akshara Creators 20. X¯XÊ+ø£ j·TX¯X¯Ã+Á~ø£ ` &܈ˆ y√˝Ò{Ï bÕs¡«rX¯+ 57 AG-2, Hyderguda, Hyderabad-500 029 Remembering Saint Tyagaraja - Surya Kandukuri Telangana, India. Phone: 91-40-23244088 21. 62 Email: [email protected] 22. á ø£$‘·≈£î ù|s¡T ˝Ò<äT, ˇø£ J$‘·+ n+‘˚ ` e+o ø£\T>√≥¢ 64 Souvenir Printing 23. \+&ÉHé eTj·TdüuÛÑ, neTà` ø£$‘·\T ` sêCÒwt ‘√˝Ò{Ï 65 Arunodaya Printpack Pvt. Ltd. 24. H˚qT y˚s¡T ` &܈ˆ eT÷]Ô C§qï\>∑&ɶ 66 Plot No 48, Apparel Park, 25. <Ûäs¡àsêE eT∞¢ |ü⁄{≤º&ÉT ` ø£<∏ä ` &܈ˆ $y˚ø±q+<äeT÷]Ô 67 Gundla Pochampally Village, Medchal 26. ø±\>∑eTq+ ` ø£$‘· ` e+o ø£\T>√≥¢ 69 Hyderabad, Telangana-500014. www.arunodayaprintpack.com 27. <˚e‘·, Á|üj·÷D+, J$‘·|ü⁄ n+#·T\˝À`ø£$‘·` |æ.ÄsY. ne<Ûëì 70 28. dü÷Œ¤]Ô<ëj·Tø£ eTVæ≤fi¯ leT‹ ne<Ûëì $»j·T\øÏÎ 71 29. Warning - Loneliness can kill you! - Gouri Srinivasan 72 30. British Indian Clinical and Academic Partnership - A Real Opportunity to Give Back to the Society - Venu Kavarthapu 73 31. ◊ ùV≤{Ÿ yÓTÆ ˝…’|òt ` ø£<∏ä ` kÕsTTÁãVü‰àq+<ä+ >=]Ô 75 32. A New Year's Eve Story - Constance J. Brown 79 33. ÄÁø£+<äq, r|æ C≤„|üø£+ ` ø£$‘·\T ` eTDÏ<ÛäsY ø£q\ 80 34. dæìe÷ ø£cÕº\T ` ø£<∏ä ` |üeHé ≈£îe÷sY 81 35. On Eating - Dr. M. Vani Manohar 84 36. Mr. Balaraj and his charity work - Mrs. Dayamani Balraj 85 37. Au BarFrancias - Frances Gordon 86 38. Á|üe*¢ø£ ìs¡íj·T+ ` ø£<∏ä ` •e k˛eTj·÷E\ 87 39. ìØø£åD ` ø£$‘· ` e÷~q sêeTø£èwüí 91 40. A versatile violinist - Dr. Jyotsna Srikanth An outstanding Kuchipudi Artist - Arunima Kumar 92 41. z ø£*øÏ yÓ‘· ` ø£$‘· ` ñcÕ øÏs¡DY 93 42. ˇø£ ‘êsêÿD+ ` ø£$‘· ` e+o eTTì>∑+{Ï 93 43. eT+∫ |ü⁄düÔø£+ ` |ü]#·j·T+ ` _. sêe÷Hêj·TT&ÉT 94 44. $+<äT uÛÀ»q+ ‘êj·÷sY ` øö+&çq´ (s¡y˚Twt ø£\e\) 95 45. ìyê[ ` >±q >∑+<Ûäs¡T«&ÉT u≤\eTTs¡[ ` kÕsTTÁãVü‰àq+<ä+ >=]Ô 97 46. ìyê[ ` |ü+&ç‘·T&ÉT &܈ˆ >∑÷{≤\ ø£èwüíeT÷]Ô` _. sêe÷Hêj·TT&ÉT 101 47. ø±\#·Áø£+ ` ø£<∏ä ` \ø£åàDY ø£ìø£s¡+ 103 48. Youth Section 108`112 ‘Ó\T>∑Tyê] ùde˝À ‘ê˝Ÿ e÷ ‘Ó\T>∑T ` ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£, 2017 ` 5 TAL Committee - Board of Trustees Mr. Satyendra Kumar Pagadala Mr. Sridhar Medichetty Mr. Mallesh Kota Mrs. Bharathi Kandukuri Chairman Vice Chairman Trustee Cultural Mr. Sridhar Somisetty Mrs. Nirmala Dhavala Mr. Kiran Reddy Kappeta Mr. Srinivasa Rao Kornepati Treasurer Membership & TCC IT & Communications Sports ADVISORS Dr. Ramulu DasojuMr. Ramanaidu Boyalla Dr. Venu Kavartapu Mr. Sanjay Bhiraju Mrs. Dharmavati Nistala Dr. Bapuji Rao Velagapudi Dr. SYPC Prasad Rao TAL Serving Telugu Community e÷ ‘Ó\T>∑T ` ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£, 2017 ` 7 #ÛÓ’sYyÓTHé dü+<˚X¯eTT ùV≤fi¯e+_HêeT dü+e‘·‡s¡ X¯óuÛ≤ø±+ø£å\T. uÛ≤$ ‘·sê\yê]øÏ ‘Ó\T>∑T dü+düÿè‹ dü+Á|ü<ëj·÷\qT |ü]#·j·T+ #˚dü÷Ô, <ëìøÏ ‘√&ÉŒ&˚ |ü\T ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\qT s¡÷bı+~dü÷Ô ‘Ó\T>∑T l dü‘˚´+Á<ä≈£îe÷sY |ü>∑&Ü\ nk˛dæj˚TwüHé Ä|òt \+&ÉHé (\+&ÉHé ‘Ó\T>∑T dü+|òüT+) á s√E j·÷e‘Y ◊s√bÕ K+&É+˝ÀH˚ ˇø£ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ kÕúHêìï n~Ûs√Væ≤+∫ nH˚ø±H˚ø£eT+~øÏ Ä<äs¡ÙÁbÕj·T+>± e÷]q+<äT≈£î $TøÏÿ* dü+‘√wæ+#·T#·THêïqT. ø=+‘·eT+~ e´≈£îÔ\T ‘ê‘êÿ*ø£+>± ø=ìï ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\T ìs¡«Væ≤+#·{≤ìø° eT]j·TT ˇø£ e´edüú>± e÷] |ü\T ø±s¡´ Áø£e÷\qT <äXÊu≤›\T>± ìs¡«Væ≤+#·{≤ìøÏ eTÚ*ø£+>± ø=ìï y…’$<Ûë´\T ñ+{≤sTT. ‘ê˝Ÿ˝À ≈£L&Ü _ÛHêï_ÛÁbÕj·÷\T ñqï |üŒ{Ïø° n$ mqï&É÷ $uÛÒ<ë\≈£î <ë] rj·T˝Ò<äT. dü$Twæº ø±sê´#·s¡D, Á|üC≤kÕ«eT´ |ü<ä∆‹˝À ø±s¡´ø£˝≤bÕ\ ìs¡«Vü≤D nH˚~ ‘ê˝Ÿ øÏ ã\yÓTÆq kÕ+düÿè‹ø£ \ø£åD+>± e÷]+<äq≥+˝À m˝≤+{Ï dü+<˚Vü≤+ ˝Ò<äT. e´øÏÔ>∑‘· Á|üjÓ÷»Hê\ ø√dü+ dü+kÕú>∑‘· $∫ÃHêï\T ‘·s¡#·÷ »]π> $cÕ<ä |ü]dæú‘·T˝À¢ ˇø£ÿ ‘ê˝Ÿ e÷Á‘·y˚T $<ÛäT\ $wüj·T+˝À eT]j·TT ì<ÛäT\ $wüj·T+˝À bÕs¡<äs¡Ùø£‘· bÕ{Ïdü÷Ô $»j·T e+‘·+>± eT]j·TT Ä<äs¡Ùe+‘·+>± ì\ã&É>∑*–+~. dü+øÏ¢wüºeTsTTq ø±s¡´ ìs¡«Vü≤D˝À $uÛÒ<ë\≈£î ‘êe⁄ ˝Ò≈£î+&Ü düVü≤ø£]düTÔqï Hê ‘√{Ï <Ûäs¡à ø£s¡Ô\+<ä]ø° eTq'|üPs¡«ø£ <Ûäq´yê<ë\T. eT]j·TT á ãèVü≤‘·Ôs¡ ø±s¡´ø£˝≤bÕ\≈£î #˚j·T÷‘· ìdüTÔqï <ë‘·\T, düVü≤è<äj·TT\+<ä]ø° eTqkÕ yê#ê ø£s¡àD≤ <Ûäq´yê<äeTT\T. n_Ûq+<äq\‘√ dü‘˚´+Á<ä≈£îe÷sY |ü>∑&Ü\ TAL Serving Telugu Community e÷ ‘Ó\T>∑T ` ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£, 2017 ` 9 Hon'ble Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu Chief Minister Amaravathi Andhra Pradesh 24th March 2017 MESSAGE "I extend by hearty congratulations to the members of the Telugu Association of London, who are celebrating the 12th anniversary of their noteworthy services for the Telugu speaking community in London. I am thankful to you for inviting me to be the chief guest at the eventful 'Ugadi 2017 and anniversary celebrations'. TAL, which is among the prime Telugu Associations in the world, has been working towards preserving and promoting Telugu culture, literature and fine arts among the new generations of Telugus through weekend schools. Friends, as you are aware, Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated in an unseemly haste to the detriment of the parent State. While we continue to be plagued by the consequent hardships, we are moving forward by converting every challenge into an opportunity, and have achieved remarkable progress on all fronts during the last two and half years. With 'Prosperity with Happiness' as our sole motto, we have evolved a Vision Framework for a total transformation of our State in near future. At this juncture, I want to impress upon you that various Telugu diasporas can contribute in rebuilding their parent State for mutual benefit. I strongly believe that people like you can share unique ideas, insights and perspectives for the benefit of the State. I promise that you will receive the necessary support in this regard and you too will experience a satisfying partnership with our State. I welcome all the Telugu entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from London and from other parts of the world to come forward and take part in the development of the 'Sunrise State of Andhra Pradesh'. (Nara Chandrababu Naidu) TAL Serving Telugu Community e÷ ‘Ó\T>∑T ` ñ>±~ y˚&ÉTø£\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£ dü+∫ø£, 2017 ` 11 >öˆˆ l ¬ø.
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