National Park Service Park News U.S. Department of the Interior The official newspaper of Channel Islands National Park Island Views Volume 4, 2007 — 2008 Tim Hauf, www.timhaufphotography.com Falcon Chicks Hatch Bald Eagles Return THE U.S. CHANNEL ISLANDS, WHICH ARE IN APRIL 2007 BIOLogists DiscovERED home to Channel Islands National Park, are peregrine falcon chicks on Santa Barbara often called the Galapagos of North America. Island for the first time in over 50 years. Isolated from the mainland, the islands are Although successful nests have been recently home to many species of animals and plants recorded on other Channel Islands, this was found nowhere else on Earth. However, this the first documented successful breeding on amazing oasis of biodiversity was irrevocably Santa Barbara Island since about 1940. altered beginning in the mid-1800s when Due to pesticide poisoning, peregrine settlers introduced nonnative livestock. Feral falcons disappeared from the islands in the pigs, sheep, rats, and pesticides devastated mid-1950s. Peregrine falcons, bald eagles Brian Latta native plant and animal populations, push- and many seabirds in the southern Califor- Peregrine chicks in Santa Barbara Island nest. ing some species to extinction. Working in nia marine environment have had problems Peter Sharpe cooperation with numerous partners, the breeding in recent decades due to DDT and shelled eggs that dehydrate or break during National Park Service (NPS) has undertaken a In April 2006, the first chick in more than 50 years PCBs that contaminate the local food web. incubation. hatched on the Channel Islands. Now known as wide range of efforts in recent years to protect The chemicals can cause birds to lay thin- please see FALCON, 23 “A-49,” its radio and satellite transmitters have al- and restore the biodiversity of the Channel lowed biologists to track this bird moving among the islands, visiting the mainland of California for Islands. In 2006, a program to restore bald a couple of months, and returning to the islands. eagles—once an important part of the ecosys- Fox Recovery Continues tem—paid off. For the first time in more than total of 61 bald eagle chicks raised in Alaska 50 years, a bald eagle chick hatched on the and at the San Francisco Zoo to Santa Cruz ONE OF AMERICa’S RAREST MAMMALS, Channel Islands unaided by humans. Island, one of five islands that make up Chan- the endangered island fox, was released from The bald eagle restoration program was nel Islands National Park. Only four years after captivity to the wild on San Miguel, Santa made possible through a partnership among starting the restoration program, biologists Rosa, and Santa Cruz Islands during the state and federal agencies, including the NPS were surprised in 2006 by two successful bald fall of 2007, marking yet another milestone and the Montrose Settlement Restoration eagle nests on Santa Cruz Island, each fledging in the recovery of balance to the islands Program. The partnership was assisted by non- one chick. In 2007 one nest with one chick has ecosystem. governmental partners such as the Institute for been documented; the chick fledged in late In 1999, at the depth of the catastrophic Wildlife Studies (IWS), a nonprofit working June. island fox decline, 14 foxes were brought for more than 25 years to restore wildlife on Thrilled with the public interest in the first Tim Hauf into captivity on San Miguel, with only one the Channel Islands, which carries out the chick, now known as A-49 (see accompany- The endangered Channel Islands fox field work for the eagle restoration program. ing picture), Channel Islands National Park, please see FOX, 17 From 2002 to 2006 biologists imported a please see EAGLE, 15 Island Information Things to Do Focus on Resources 6 Anacapa Island 2 Visitor Centers, Programs, Transportation 4 General Management Plan 3 When To Visit, Where to Stay 5 National Park Service Centennial Initiative 12 Santa Cruz Island 4 Hiking, Fishing, Watersports 7 Restoring Anacapa Island 7 Channel Islands Live 8 Partners in Preservation 10 Camping, Backcountry Camping 9 Marine Protetected Areas 16 Santa Rosa Island 19 Whale, Seal, and Sea Lion Watching 11 Help Stop the Spread of Non-Native Species 20 Boating and Kayaking 13 Restoring Santa Cruz Island 18 San Miguel Island 23 Tidepooling 14 The Island Chumash Tim Hauf 24 Volunteering 15 History and Culture of the Channel Islands Aerial view of Channel Islands National Park 24 Parks as Classrooms, Jr. Ranger Program 17 Stream Recovery on Santa Rosa Island 22 Santa Barbara Island and National Marine Sanctuary 20 Limiting Your Impact Los Alamos S A N R A Lompoc F 154 A P IN E M 246 E O U N L T A IN M R eyes Peak O 7510ft U 33 2290m N T S olvang 246 A I N Tranquillon S POINT Mountain S A 2159ft N 101 L O S P A D R E S N A T I O N A L F O R E S T AR GUELLO T 658m A N S Y N T A I N 1 154 M O U E S A N P A Z T A T O When to Visit—Through the Year Welcome from the Superintendent A National Park Service Y P S anta Ynez Peak N E Z T O M 4298ft M 6704ft O O U 2044m U N 1310m N T T A I N Gaviota Pass A I U.S. Department of the Interior S N S THE PARK STAFF AND I WISH to WELCOME VisitoRS OFTEN ASK WHAT TIME OF YEAR you to Channel Islands National Park, one of they should visit Channel Islands National North America’s magnificent treasures. Close Park. Since the park is located in “sunny” Channel Islands National Park to the California mainland, yet worlds apart, southern California, it may seem that the obvi- Named for the deep trough that the park encompasses five of the eight Cali- ous answer is “any time of year.” And, true, separates them from the mainland, the fornia Channel Islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz, you Tocan visit throughout the entire year. But, Los Angeles 48mi 77km Newbury islands off the California coast and their Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa Barbara) believePark it or not, we do have seasons here in encircling waters are home to plants and and their ocean environment, preserving and southern California. While the seasonal chang- animals found nowhere else on Earth. protecting a wealth of natural and cultural es are nothing like one would find in Minne- Isolation over thousands of years and the resources. The park bridges two biogeographi- sota, there are differences that visitors should mingling of warm and cold ocean cur- cal provinces and in a remarkably small place, take into consideration when visiting the park. rents give rise to the rich biodiversity of harbors the biologic diversity of nearly 2,500 Each season has its own character and casts a these islands. Today, five of the islands, miles of the North American coast. The Chan- unique mood over the islands. their submerged lands, and the waters nel Islands are home to over 2,000 terrestrial In addition, visitors also should be aware -3109ft within one nautical mile of each island plants and animals, of which 145 are found that-948m ocean and weather conditions vary are protected as Channel Islands nowhere else in the world. considerably from day-to-day and island-to- National Park. Like the Galapagos Islands of South island. Although this makes planning your America, isolation has allowed evolution to visit a little difficult, we must remember that Mailing Address proceed independently on the islands. Marine this unpredictable and, at times, unforgiving Park Superintendent life ranges from microscopic plankton to the weather is one of the main reasons that the Channel Islands National Park blue whale, the largest animal to live on Earth. islands have been afforded so much isolation 1901 Spinnaker Dr. Archeological and cultural resources span a and protection from the rapid changes seen Ventura,CA 93001 period of more than 13,000 years of human on the mainland. It is, in part, what makes the habitation. provide for your enjoyment. If you visit the tion. So a visit to this national park will always Channel Islands such a unique and wonderful Phone The protection of these fragile island park, you will be one of a very select group. provide a marked contrast to the bustle of place. 805-658-5730 resources was ensured when Congress, in the Few people actually see this park because it southern California most people experience. We encourage you to take the opportunity act that created Channel Islands National Park is not easy to get to—you can’t drive to the It will always be a place where you can step to fully enjoy the islands throughout the entire Park Website in 1980, established a long-term ecological islands. A short but exciting ocean voyage back in time and experience coastal southern year. Channel Islands National Park is truly a www.nps.gov/chis/ monitoring program to gather information on or a commercial flight in a small airplane is California the way it once was. place for all seasons. the current health of resources and predict required. The park is one of the least visited We are delighted you are interested in this Climate E-mail future conditions. This information provides of all of America’s national parks, with less marvelous place. Thanks for making the effort! [email protected] park and natural resource managers with use- than 250,000 annual visitors to the islands.
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