1 OFFICE OF THE PURSURAH PANCHAYAT SAMITY PURSURAH :: HOOGHLY e- NIT NO. 09/Dev/EO/PUR/2016-17 Date. 09/11/2016 Re- TENDER NOTICE Memo No.127/Dev/Pur/2016-17 Date:-23/11/2016 A. PREFACE: Notice inviting competitive e-tender in two cover system on percentage basis in the prescribed format are hereby invited from resourceful, experienced, bonafied, reputed Contractors for execution of the following work as briefed in ‘Table’ below. Participatio Time Total n Amount Earnest allotted Sl. Estimated Charge(No Name of Works Put to Money for Remarks No. Amount n Tender(Rs) (Rs) completio (Rs) Refundable n (Days) )(Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 CONTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY WALL OF GRAVEYARD AT SRIRAMPUR DHAPDHARA KABARSTHAN, MOUZA- SRIRAMPUR, J.L.NO.- 24, DAG NO.- 1069, WITHIN 8,74,620.00 8,74,620.00 17,492.00 2,000.00 60 Days. SRIRAMPUR GRAM PANCHAYET, P.S. - PURSURAH, DIST.- HOOGHLY. 2 ESTIMATE FOR BOUNDARY WALL OF GRAVEYARD AT SHYAMPUR KURBANIPARA MUSLIMPARA SADHARAN KABARSTHAN AT SHYAMPUR KURBANIPARA, MOUZA- SHYAMPUR, J.L.NO.- 47, DAG NO.- 739,740,741,742, 9,21,178.00 9,21,178.00 18,424.00 2,000.00 60 Days. WITHIN SHYAMPUR GRAM PANCHAYET, P.S. - PURSURAH, DIST.- HOOGHLY. 3 ESTIMATE FOR BOUNDARY WALL OF GRAVEYARD AT CHILLADANGI PASCHIMPARA MUSLIMPARA SADHARAN KABARSTHAN AT CHILLADANGI PASCHIMPARA, MOUZA- CHILLADANGI, J.L.NO.- 39, DAG NO.- 3186, 10,44,002.00 10,44,002.00 20,880.00 2,500.00 60 Days. WITHIN CHILLADANGI GRAM PANCHAYET, P.S. - PURSURAH, DIST.- HOOGHLY. 4 ESTIMATE FOR BOUNDARY WALL OF GRAVEYARD AT ANKRI UTTARPARA MUSLIMPARA SADHARAN KABARSTHAN AT ANKRI UTTARPARA, MOUZA- ANKRI- FATEHPUR, J.L.NO.- 38, DAG NO.- 135,136, WITHIN 18,62,828.00 18,62,828.00 37,257.00 5,000.00 90 Days. CHILLADANGI GRAM PANCHAYET, P.S. - PURSURAH, DIST.- HOOGHLY. 5 CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STORIED BUILDING OF AWC AT BAITHA PRY. SCHOOL UNDER PURSURAH 8,82,314.00 8,82,314.00 17,646.00 1800.00 90 Days DEVELOPMENT BLOCK 6 CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STORIED BUILDING OF AWC AT ALATI PRY. SCHOOL UNDER PURSURAH 8,82,314.00 8,82,314.00 17,646.00 1800.00 90 Days DEVELOPMENT BLOCK 7 CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STORIED BUILDING OF AWC AT BAIKUNTHAPUR PRY. SCHOOL UNDER PURSURAH 8,82,314.00 8,82,314.00 17,646.00 1800.00 90 Days DEVELOPMENT BLOCK 8 CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STORIED BUILDING OF AWC AT BAIKUNTHAPUR S.B. PRY. SCHOOL UNDER 8,82,314.00 8,82,314.00 17,646.00 1800.00 90 Days PURSURAH DEVELOPMENT BLOCK 9 CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STORIED BUILDING OF AWC AT ATI KELEPARA MANDAKINI PRY. SCHOOL UNDER 8,82,314.00 8,82,314.00 17,646.00 1800.00 90 Days PURSURAH DEVELOPMENT BLOCK 2 B. SCHEDULE: NOTE : Prescribed Formats for submission of E-Tender (on-line) and the Specified Schedule will available at “e- procurement “link under https://wbtenders.gov.in ” Website and the filled-in tender forms may be submitted on-line through the aforesaid e-portal with Earnest Money and participation charge (non refundable) as prescribed in Column No.- 5 and 6. The amount should be deposited IN FORM OF Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque of Nationalized Bank in favour of EXECUTIVE OFFICER, PURSURAH PANCHAYAT SAMITY in envelop mentioning the name of the agency and NIT with Sl. No. in the Box specified for tender which will be kept at the Chamber of the undersigned up to 1.00 pm. (IST ) on 30/11/2016. Here, bidder must upload the scanned copy of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque during the tender submission. The Office of the Pursurah Panchayat Samity does not take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non- availability of Internet connection or traffic jam etc. The Bid submitted by post/telex/telegrams/fax/e-mail will not be considered. 1. Date of Publication of NIT : - 23/11/2016 2. Date of Download of Tender Paper :-From 24/11/2016 to 30/11/2016 up to 14:00 pm 3. Date of Submission of Tender Paper: – From 24/11/2016 to 30/11/2016 up to 14:00 pm 4. Technical bid will be open on 30/11/2016 at 14:30 pm. and the opening date of Financial Bid will be informed latter. Tender Validity Days from the date of Dropping:- 180 Days C. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: i) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of 40% of the estimated amount put to tender during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of this tender notice; or, iii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of one single running work of similar nature which has been completed to the extent of 80% or more and value of which is not less than the desired value at (i) above; Note:- i) Payment Certificate will not be treated as credential; ii) Credential Certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or equivalent or competent authority of a Sate / Central Government, State / Central Government undertaking, Statutory / Autonomous bodies constituted under the Central / State stature, on the executed value of completed / running work will be taken as credential. ii) Intending tenders should produce credentials of 2(two) similar nature of completed work, each of minimum value of 30% of the estimated amount put to tender during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of this tender notice; or, In case of running works, only those tenderers who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the tender. In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress satisfactorily and also that no penal action has been initiated against the executing agency, i.e., the tenderer, D. INSTRUCTION TO THE INTENDING TENDERERS : 1. Please Quote your Rate on percentage basis (Less/At Per/Above) at appropriate places in the prescribe format. 2. Please enclose the documents of valid up-to-date copies of requisite tax clearance certificates such as I.T./PAN, S.T./VAT. In case of non-inclusion of the same, please enclose the copies of relevant orders in that effect. All the documents in proof of their eligibility IN ORIGINAL need to be produced as and when asked and required. 3. Please enclose the copies of Credentials as per para C. 3 4. Please submit details of running and completed works under Pursurah Dev.Block executed in the same name during last (Five) years with the copy of the Work Order. The information should be as per the following Performa. Sl Description W/o No. Tender Time of Completion Actual If any Remarks works & Date Amt. completion dt. As per date of delay, tender completion reason 5. Bids from joint venture are not allowed. 6. Bid shall be digitally signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. 7. Tender will be of two separate parts. Part-I will be for “Technical Bid” containing mainly pre-qualification documents and Part-II“Financial Bid”. CHECK LIST FOR BIDDERS For the benefit of the bidders, we are giving below a summary of check list which are to be tick marked (√) before submiNng the documents in tender box by schedule date and time at the address mentioned in tender documentCnotice. 0l No. DOCU1ENT0 TO BE C3EC4EDC ATTAC3ED TIC4 1AR4 ( MA 1. E1D in favour of the undersigned to be submitted to the office of the office of the undersigned in due time as per NIT and photocopy of the same to be uploaded with tender. 2. Copies of 0imilar Nature Work Order(sA meeting Dualifying parameters and their Completion Certificates attached. 3. ,atest Income Tax Clearance CertificateCIncome tax assessment Order with 2AN No attached. 8. We have studied very carefully all the Tender Documents, 0chedule of Rates, 0pecifications, Drawings and all relevant documents The tender shall stand summarily rejected inter-alia on following grounds: aA Non-withdrawal of conditions K non-acceptance of offered rates during negotiations post 2rice Bid opening. bA Tenderer submitting fabricatedCforged documents along with tender documents. cA Non-submission of E1D within due date and time. dA Non-submission of following documentsO iA NIT iiA 0BD iiiA BOJ ivA Other Important Documents 8 Part-I “Technical Bid” will contain the following documents and should be. aA Authorised address and contact details of the bidder having the following informationO- Address of communicationO-.................................................................................. .................................................................................. Telephone No(sA OfficeO-.............................................. 1obile NoO- PPPPPPPP...Facsimile (FAFA NoO-PPPPPPPPPP... Electronic 1ail Identification (E-mail IDAO-PPPPPPPP................................ 0canned copies of Credentials as per para C. 8 Non-refundable (2articipation chargeA amount as on 2ara-D.5. 0canned copy of valid up-to-date copies of reDuisite tax clearance certificates such as I.T.C2AN, 0.T.C.AT. 0canned copies of Credentials as per para C. 0chedule of Juantities. (0.O.J.A and 0tandard Bidding Document (0.B.DA. 0canned copy of Bank Transactions receipts as reDuired in this tender. Other Drawing if issued. Other relevant documents in support of Technical and Financial Bid. 2art-II LFinancial BidB will contain the following documents and should be. 2roperly filled up Bill of Juantity (BOJA containing offer on the basis of percentage (,essCAt 2erCAboveA as space provided in the format. Each part shall be separately submitted. E. OPENING AND RECEIVING OF TENDER: aA The Tenders, so received on Dated as prescribed on 2ara B.3 "Technical Bid" will be opened at 3O30 2.1.
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