Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 24 JULY 1918 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1190 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. conduct a game called 'House' at the coming Exhibition, when the National A.-sociation and the \Var Council have \VEDXESDAY, 24 JULY, 1918. both given their sanction thereto? "2. Is he aware that the male mem­ bers of this particular returned 8oldier's The SPEAKER (Hon. W. McCormack, Cairns) family, consisting of a father and four took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. sons have all enlisted and that two have retu~ned home permanently disabled? QUESTIO~S. "3. Is he aware that the object for raising money by the proposed game of PROGRESS OF NORTH COAST LIXE. skill is to build a home for those of the familv that return and the invalid ::\elr. SMITH (.'firtckay) asked the Secretary for Railways- rr.other? " 1. How many men are employed on "4. Will he state his method of r0ason­ the following sections of the North Coast ing in granting permits for gambling to line :-(a) Kelvin Grove· to St. Law· Labour organisations for party funds, rence; (b) Marlborough to St. Lawrence; and at the same time, refusing a re­ (c) Mackay to Midge Point? tur~ed soldier .a permit for the laudable object mentioned? " 2. How many sections of this line are now under construction? " 5. Will he under the circumstances " 3. Can he give the House any idea reconsider his decision?" whe'n railway corr,munication between :Vlackay and Rockhampton will be estab­ HoN. W. N. GILLIES replied- lished?" " 1. Permits of this nature are not The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS granted to an individual in cases where (Hon. J. A. Fihelly, Paddington) replied­ the proceeds are entirely for the perconal " 1. (a) 85; (b) 195; (c) 166 benefit of such individual. " 2. Three sections, and timber bemg "2. No. procured for a fourth. "3.. No. " 3. Two years-if full amount of mon<'Y required is made available" "4. Every application ,,, dealt with on its merits. NoTE.-Question 1 (c). Mackay to Midge Point. Midge Point is half-way "5. See ~o. 4." between Mackav and Bowen. The section-Proserpine to Midge Point­ has also been started, and twenty­ \YAR S.\nxas GRot:PS D< SrATE Scnoor.s. eight men employed. :V1r. ELPHIXS'l'ONE asked the Sc~retary CLAnrs FOR CmrPENSATION eNDER INDL:STRIAL for Public Instruction- DISEASES .\CT. " In C'onnoction with the disecn1tinu­ :VIr. SMITH asked the Assistant Minister ance of the svstern of '"ar f',J,ving ') group:; for Justice- in State sch~ols, will he state- " How many claims for compC>mation " 1. In what sense can the contribu­ have been lodge·d under the Industrial tions of the children, \' hich are 1 <deem­ Diseases Act since it came into operation, able with interest in three years, be con­ for-( a) :Viinero' phthisis; (b) !~ad poison­ sidered as gifts? ing; (c) other industrial diseases?" "2. The nature of the disunion C'mong Hox. W. N. GILLIES (Eacham.) replied­ the teachers at Rockhampton? "(a) Miner6' phthisis, 77; (b) lead " 3. \Yhether an allowance or some poisoning, 6; (c) other industrial dis­ other compensation could not be made eases, 2." to those teachers who have cause to com­ plain of the burden imposed upoL therr,, ADl.IITTAXCE OF PRESS TO RACIXG IXQLIRIES seeing that their efforts both encourage AND .\.PPEALS. the children to save and asSist the Com­ Mr. POLLOCK (G1·egory) asked the monwealth to meet its war obligatio11s? Assistant Minister for Justice- " 4. Does he consi,der there is anything " 1. Has the Government power to reprehensible in chi_Idre_n selli_ng. bottl<c>s withhold from the Queensland Turf Club in order to do therr httle b1t to help the power to race at Ascot Racecourse? win the war? " 2. If so, will he refuse to allow the Queensland Turf Club to hold any " 5. \Vhat reliable evidences of steal­ further race meetings until the Press are in"' have come under his notice, and tht' allowed to attend all racini>; inquiries nu"mber of such alleged offence0? and appeals?" · "6. Is he aware that State school children have for months past been Hox. W. N. GILLIES replied- adopting the means that he complain& " 1. Not under the existing law. of to raise money to spend at Lrberty "2. See No. 1." Fairs with their gambling attractions? REF1:SAL OF PER1fiSSIOX TO RETGRNED SOLDIER " 7. Seeing that war savings certifi­ TO CONDUCT GA11E. cates cannot under any circumstances be considered as ' gifts,' unless, of course, :Vlr. ELPHINSTONE (O:rley) asked the the Commonwealth repudiates its war Assistant Minister for Justice- financial obligations. will he reconsider· " 1. On what grounds has he refused his decision to discontinue the scheme permission to a returned soldier to in the State schools?" Questions. [24 JULY.] Papers. 1191 The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC IN­ " 2 to 4. Produce generally is pur­ STRCCTION (Hon. H. F. Hardacre, chase-d by each room locally. ·c p to the Lcichhar<lt) replied- present there has been no need to pur­ " 1. The hon. member's reference to chase through State Produce Agency, ' gifts ' i' not understood. but where found necessary, purchases will be made from State Agency in " 2. The hon. member is referred to future. correspondence which has recently been published in the public Press. " 5. The charge of 6d. is made for a tin box of wax vestas." " 3. This is a matter for the Corr,mon­ wealth Government. PROCEEDINGS REGARDING MR. JcS'fiCE " 4. The selling of bottles by school McCAWLEY'S APPOINTi\IEN'f. children is objectionable for many Mr. FRY (Kur1:lpa) asked the Attorney­ reasons. General- " 5. Cases have been orally reported " 1. ·what stage has been reached in to me by trustworthy persons. the quo warranto proceedings in connec­ "6. No. tian with the appointment of Mr. Justice McCawley to the Supreme Court bench? ''7. No." " 2. Is it intended to carry these pro­ ceedings further so as to secure a final EXPE)!DI'fl:RE ON CECIL PLAINS ESTATE. decision in regar-d to them?" Mr. BEBBINGTON (Drayton) asked the The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon. T. J. Treasurer- Ryan, Barcoo) replied- " 1. The amount of interest payable " 1. The next move lies with the re­ annual! v to the late owners of the Cecil lators, who are challenging the Yaliclity Plains "Estate? of the appointment. They have not "2. The total amount paid or due to Pxhibitec! the information of quo war­ 30th June, 1918! ranto, although the Full Court gave them leave as far back as 26th April. 1918. " 3. The total amount paid to 30th " 2. See answer to No. 1." June, 1918, for all labour, including burr­ cutting and all noxious weeds? ANNUAL REPORT OF AGRICUL'ft:RAL DEPART­ MENT. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS, on behalf of the Treasurer, replied- :M:r. BEBBINGTOX asked th~ Scrretarv for Agriculture and Stock, without notice- · " 1. £9,672. " \Yhen the annual report of the De­ "2. £17,290 12s. 6d. partment of Agriculture will be ready, " 3. £599 3s. 8d." and if it will be readv before the Estimates arc reached?'' - f'HARGES _\T RAILWAY REFRE~'H'\IEXT·R001IS. The SECRETARY FOR AGRIC"CLTURE (Hon. \Y. Lennon, Herb,rt) replied- Mr. BEBBINGTON asked the Secretarv " It all depends on when the Estimates for Railways- - are reached." (Laughter.) " 1. Is the statement that the Railway Refreshment Rooms Department pur­ ANNUAL REPORT OF RAILWAY DEPARDIENT. chase buJ?-S at 7~d. per dozen, and charge the pubhc 3s. per dozen, correct ; if so, :\Ir. CORRER (Burnctt) asked the Secre­ is not over 300 per cent. profit too much tary for Railways. without notice- and profiteering? " When might we expect to see the report of his department?" " 2. Does the Refreshment Rooms De­ partment purchase their produce require­ The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS ments through the State Produce replied- Agency ; if so, do they make as much " The hon. member should know that profit on produce and fowls as on buns? it is not compiled until the end of Octo­ " 3. If the requirements are purchase-d ber, I think." through the State Produce Agency, are Mr. CORSER: You think? they purchased at auction or sent to private orders? The SECRETARY FOR RAILW.\YS: "4. Is not the principle of the State I am almost sure. vVhat do you think? Produce Agency supplying Governrr.ent (Laughter.) departments the same as produce agents PAPERS. purchasing farmers' produce for their own homes or stores? The following papers, laid on the table, " 5. Is he aware 6d. per box is charged were ordered to be printed:- for matches at these rooms?" Annual report of the Benevolent "Asylum, Dunwich, for thc year 1917. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS Return to an Order relative to soldier replied- -·cttlcment, made by the House, on " 1. No; that is not the purchasing motion of Mr. ::\1acartney. on 2nd price. Threepence is the .t.,ariff charge July. for buns, but the department adds butter. Return to an Order relative to cattle sold There is no profiteering, and the hon. and transferred from State stations, member should know that rent. staff, North Queensland, rr.ade by the and other charges must be a part of House. on motion of Mr. ]\:!organ, on f!Yery busine:;s. lOth July_ 1192 Land Act [ASSEMBLY.] Amendment Bill (Ko. 3). PATRIOTIC FUNDS ADMINISTRATIO~ intr~ucti~n of legislation for the purpose of ACT AMEND::VIENT BILL. d.ealmg wtth nending cases has never been regarded as strictly honest legislation, nor INITIATION IN COMMITTEE.
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