Schools Crisis: Looking Ahead

Schools Crisis: Looking Ahead

MONTliLY NEWSLETTER OF TliE INSTITUTe FOR A DEMOCRATIC ALTERNATIVE FOR SOUTH AFRICA JUNE 1'13"1 Oppo<'oniti... , till • •· «lox.oo...Iin""".,,,,,, ",., .Iop, ,,~ i" ..d lor • II ;, ' ....'.10'. "", "',­ cr••ti.. ''''PO''''' '" p,i,i" S ,b. , 'hr OET", ,.... "i'i' i","ion. 1(1-y••' pl."I", "'lu.1 IOAY<', "'lI""",1 <li,,,,,,­ Schools crisis: «Iuu'ion .....«l ,or i" N. ..1. M , ~.ol mi....,.~y . Gt .........told'....lN<h- OU" "S , b. b• • d y • ,,' f«IM.1 Coo ""il . , d . 1" ol 1\111s..1I6 1""' ~• •D<J,b''''''..'''" ........i"K i" looking ahead '" "I' ~ """ ,,, th• 8°'·'"'''''''' 'ppr'" fi<o",...>l'<l.-........ .<1 '0 .....b l. '0 1" <>­ ,""'." ..,"'.~ .id• • " " I,p,,,.ti... '" '0 ,b. 1', ", (t;';" . ... ,• • d o , .,io " , ,,,,, ,.OOJ ldonly 1'O' ~b... .. ' ." ,,, ...,.bli>h '"lib­ if ",hi'. I'""'pl. ",p,. , .,..d '0.....·· i" ,h. "" II I"K '0 ",or ~ "'ilh , ' c ho o l, ..h,.. c u ' , , ..hp, 'h,,, ' K. i" " , "'. " , o lom iMO"""'" ' ''''''' ~ . ",ho''''P" could br m.<tr ."d '.'P", ,h . b, o.d impl. ......,,'.-d df.rr<><,.' i< mo.""""" Th. N'''o " . 1 Ido_ 10"S" .,"'o o ld u'ion C,i";' Commit­ "."d ,••dy ,,, ."i" ' ~I N ( CCI ",..IOfm«l ",hi,. p<'O~. , ,, ".tt i" l \111S . nd ht-I<I two ''''' , on.......,...... ..i,h "R"ili,, ,,, coni....""... K' OOJ p••OO orK'"'''' ....10,. i1 ",n "u,h«l 'iQm ,...., ,"""........ ''''' by ,h. "" • •tt., ,h. d.",.odl. 00 ..pi... i",,,,,,itio" 01,h.".t. tion, 01 'ht- m' IO" ', ol.m.'8.t'I<\' ,,, 1966 01,h. I""Opl. i" ",",u,h lh. i"""oll"".Ii,.· Af,i,·•. ,ionol,hrM eC ....... ... Th. '.....h. "· h...d y th.. pP<Ipl p h. d I,,· h.d i",i,.d IO"S" , ,o...d 0" i"o., o, h., .i<:>nlI ..i,h ,l"l',.....",•. ,h." ,h",. 'P." .' 'i....ol ,,,,,0<-,,,,,,,..;'­ .do"lio".1 by ,h. P."Y" ..... N""""'I P,"y ,,,d''''' C"".......'i•• ~ '" M , ClO h. m , ' hp '0 , ubmt1 "'K' propI<-', P'''' P."" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~;; <"due"«,,,di".,,,,,, K ~ ...,io'" 0" ,h. pro. i,io" 01 .-d ",,""" ," K..m",. d lop.<t i~.",,hi,ho,"'....''',iod' CO " .... ",",o,h Af,iu. ' .K" d.-d ,h. c"""pti...llo" 01,h• • d LK •. M,C,.h.",', , . "'.".'0,10. HC "0 ., • ,,,,,,.1,'ht- I,...-dome h. " ., , ' i........h." ,h,· ('" ''..h ~ h h., 1>0..." ,,"' ,. d,. .." 01' by ..",1."" ," l\111S..• H. ,.id i1 .... iml"" "'" ". " ..... th. , , h. onK '" b l.... ~ " hool, , i" , . ,10. b<o Kin" i" K01 '"I, i, com"",,, ' """, I..,IKP ,h., ,.10, "" "" NfCC oH.,.d '"<titiqu. "'" o"ly 01 '1>.0" ", 'hr , .... " "'. ' 0 . h• • d "'t1h ,h.. ,I",,,,p h' . ",1... h'M,i'''K h... Ix,."" ,h,. c.,,". "I ' i'il ...Iu' .,i",,' bu' .1", 01..hi,••du<.'i<J", Th. th.. 0.1'l""'''''' "I I<l u,," ,," ."d T..on,nK "" l.lntI.'" I" i'" t" ,h. ,i... 01commo"i" ..10"" hr i " ~ • •pou...d "'. '" bf'i"8 I'mmo'ro " I" hook i" k h. , . li"h• •l'ml.o, i.00 .,.,.,"'" b• ....J",,,,, ,,,,.,,,,,,, up ,,, 1\1111. <,po,.,It, . nd "", ... .....,·,io " . 1b ut ., ,""'. I", • o"iw~ . I •• "" "''''• •1", . u, pr" ,I..d . , ""'''y'" hool, c.,liul " hool bt,.. ,,,,, 't>lI.-d ",oo"d ,h. " ""·,,,,i.1 Soo,h "1,."0:' ,b'OUKb"", ,b.. ,ou" tt, . 1,., poli' p ".,, ~ "o untty i" 1~ 76 . 1 ~7'I, 1\Il10/8 1 . 00 "',,,_ " "hOUM h ,b.. co o " " , ,,, id . " ". 01 ....,in " . ~ . i " " P'''' P'''''M p"pih ",ho . ,,. " "u..d "" . t <~ u l ., b i, ,b..,• • 11 .. <....,gP,,<)' d....r.,..d i" 1\1l1li h.d d'</ ,1.",.,,<1,nM ,b. ,"" ..' .......n '" I SRC< ."" .. Tb. I." ,b., th S'i..." , ("" ,,"u. 'b" """,."",,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, P<'Opl.', .-d"to' io " , o bi"" ,,, 'ho- I"""'''''' ,,1 .....,,,,,'. 10'"'''' ,,, pl.~up ' '''' ...iu".,i<J" . 1,," . m, . " d ,h." 'hp id... i""",lu•..d i" ' hi' , iod h••• ",~ ,b.i, " hooh ,I p".. m."i,< . "' b~ ,h. " " . ' 0 d,...ppr.'.-d. .." .. ol,• .d~ 'h, y"'" , inc. Mt " ..b.", P'"",...i ' , 'h., ,h.. ,...",m "' " "y '" M' "i,.'io m ."KOK«l i" ,h• ..d LK ". 'h ,I.mi", 01 , h. Nr Ce "";0,,. 1 10',h.. d",optio" ,., bl ~ " bool.,...,. "0' !to". 1 h..ld. pr<'I ~" , lil l h.oo ' OMN h. , '" '.p"""''''oti"" Int'• . I" i"llup",. ,.m"i". "P... .,"n..".-d, ,~ ' o p , 'o n ,,, <I m, ppt"l" '" ' "'f'OO'" ' OK".""' ''' , hoold "'" .... u"""" h""'...., ,hrooKh ",octo,... .....bli,h.d in "on " I ,,1'''01 lo n<1•. in.dMjo ,. ,,000h, ..",,,,,,, .-d b~ ,h,· pl."...." 01 .-doc",o".'. h. ~"i • • ,,;li•• ond ,h'''UKh 0 " . , ,, o '~ 01 ''''1'''..1 puni, b"",,,,, " o"·'.C"K"ili" " " I ",.,,,...1, O' M. " i...tio".1 "'o<lo,... bri"S ""'.k>pNl SRC,. "''''''''n.K........''' " I . ..mi".,,,,,,. _ Su, h '1"'''''''.''0' ""0" h. , ",.d. i1 by P. " . _I"',li....."'." 10«.'i" ''''PO<>''' ' 0 ,h...... .. " 1t,,1. Itom tlo.. It" of K';.... "'... • • " .. "",1, d""' ol, ,,, p ,,,<1LK P • I ~ '" I", , b. " . ,. 01 ."""K ""'~ Nu....'''''' . "pmp" To P_II". '\ Namibia comes Boereblues A force for inside j'> to Pretoria oor apartheid lasting peace _ PAGE5_ - PAGE8 - _PAGEt2 _ DEMOCRACY EDITORIAL IN ACTION Clash ofWhitefear, IOASA', So.oh : • To eftl:_ South AI... u," of II r ;oo;PI 10 . ..joKt black aspirations ..~ .and diK_ ... ..htTfWtho.. lIwl IlI'lOfH'KW ,nod 6u_"tk Iol rt..- __ ,.. ' '', poOI";"""",",,,,,of!he _ M_ M10COM............... , ...., ponoowI ..ffly if ......,;0". _ .. I "'''''l' : , of whi'" , ~ oftouId t..__;" ~ AInco _of~-otd. __ .lflil ~.. _ .... et>d d _ it ._~, ~toI. In ~ __...... • r 0 ~ 10 '"'""PI: to.. d....I, u k... ...........pooH...,tt.k! ..for of """""" bI' _ _ io ..- M10 _ 10 """"'" .ft<! IlOddy .... .or of ,by\nf; ~.n_""..- ~ nHly _pI>' · _ r oblooo thrif I..,,,,, of !he """" _.tod -.... (Ill to .... on ...- ,.. • I ...1>0 _pnori.....' "", "'i1"'_b<'~ ................,-_ ""-joW". • To~lK"""'''­ 100 ...... ,r .. _ m.... be cto.ll' ... d .. _Ii"""' __ "'coNloe""" ...... "mnsfy-poowblo. ~ ..... ol_be<_" ..... lly""'_ ""'sO' ..ncI"'p<l '''''" of d 110.",,,, ,he<. <:..In _ oho' thowwhoc....-..iIt....e­ -, ",.1 ' ''' ... Pf"Ol'Ir <OfICOf...... w. ....n' ..h .,;_ ' e. .. wIIo;ctl ...."""' '_Ioo.......-oIy_.". .... munitift In 1M crish ..._ <:..In""" _ 1Id 'M -... ... ~. _ ....' h ......... of~h AlricL ~ <:..I cA'- d..p ,",«I ffl" .", loo1iotl. "'"" iN;l~ it_.nce 01 tlooi, . 10 p,owld..• .lind If .... 0<n'pI ,h., _ <:..In_ ill""'",_ blorl «>oo",,.,..-..nd hr' e . ponh<o;d .... - opportunltl"" Oft .. ....Iio.... ~O'din." " . Id policy 01 ",po,. ,;o.,. IN","","co n .... odd...... 'hif. een". 1pool>­ "'mr II if, • ",obl.m .._ ;, WlO<l ....11> ....bHk10 find dtmoc:r.tio:: WII..... nd blotk. to< ,fir moo' PO" ~"" in d iffe,. n, _tid. ' M ...".."'" btNdo ill_ u'l e ney b"<luor unlr.o .... do ,hi, . ,he lolulion. 10 Soulh Alrk." m.;orily of ..hit... ..ill c ~n l to 'hei' po• . '.""• • n<! i. not, .... btin.. ....h .. Ie.,. prOOI...... s..:""dly. it oIIo" ld br o<!",," O'd 0 l"'nly ,h. , i ud..,..., '0 '''''i, 1<o.".M '0 ,h• • " . bli.1>rd • To illill in cr....Unl .. ,...., ind.""nde.... in Ah ie. h•• oI' en ot<lo' ..n ~h ,he y .... .. un..",k. b le .00 ".iI .,.n und...i,.bir. bu' ..hie ~ I i"". ,h.m . dlm..t.. fo,senuoin.. ne, oli. · ""e n ,cromponiO'd b ~ «anomie eh.",. n<! inl,.,,,"ct",. b, • • kdo ..n. Whil" Ih. ",.,e m. ".,.0 1p'o' lion , 'h. loud b• • 'inl 01 lion low,",,,,, nonofKI&I.nd ,~ . d,"m 01 1 nd otdo' h. ...hile. in ito ~ mocr.t l c m. ny ,•••on. lot ,h i., it i. po«. i.-l by the Soulh AI,k a. ,i'yol' ... in South Air",. In" ..flrn ~" bloch." "","r co"i<!o.. 01 p""'. ', " b'i"8' ..i,h i' d i,. co_"" .... 0- ..., 01 "yinl '" de.1 _,Iy . tId '0"'" om... ...tiouoly ..i,h ,h;.p/'tenome""" if, '0 e._ ..OOOfItCt, . T tM , d ~ . ~h 'he INIic '1""'''''_ ..n'eh _ ' e.'. We ny .. <.............:1 .. .._ .._ _ .c.- . .... h" M. ......, Ofi<d '" do ,hif, by _ne""" I 'n, . nIl T_.,.Pol ....4fl»1, .,.,..... .u;lI _ brl.... , ;1bloch oil.", _ . _ 10 ....... ;"'0 bIoo< k lO..n • . .......c....,•• _ they .... I1 ..... ' hio _,. ... IO _Nk,~ ..-c_' __rrolIl2W:mtt< T...... ","po h• • t""" <In e._OO'fKe lot ,he.... ''''PI" ;njotol"'.... ' ''r",_"""moe""'" ........ _10;,. 01 m. <ondo _ _ - , 01 ,he be<_ Iy ,.,p.,-..tod ................ """;,y d """h Ahi..... nIl th..,..h ..,.,io< _ I <I!o ----_"" __ • : .--... .. 0 ..• 1 _. W. ~ " ",bf""' _ ...-.-t_ van. ' " ........ .... ...."...., 01 ' 'fa _ h ;, ...-..:l 'ho' . ny _ hOfW tfooo "I"'"'.""""""' IO~ . e. ....led .................. ,...... '-o,_'MfJ _ ,..... _ ,_ "'_V_1Nn._ block.. GO" di>cu<o ---_ ...__, , m __ _-...... -..,. .......... _ won)' _ ~ tIdotdo 00..- _ cA ... - ~ In.n"",_~ __ _ pMb<vIM"' _ 01 _ ,-- --- ""'...._-- ___. "'"',..,. _ bloch_hod in --..""" . ...~ 1"""..-:I ........ _ "" . ft<! po_",1Id...,.- u""".'",,,propIoo __ 1<> __ _----' , .__ .. _...- _.~ ioo"I __ol .... _ _"' ........ ... ..... In _ ....... ........_ ..... ,_~ . nIl _ up d. - ,-- ....ny _ doo«otoI . ft<! f.., _ <IotI-... e_.-_' _-" h<lt ~ I . .. n ",'_"y on blorl it""""" ................ G.-..ho ' W .... 1lI«l••'. """ _......,j _ . pott!><;d;, e:-..... _rd__fiB e f, .... Ja-Nee no< ..... P' loooo'h Afnc., If>< drf-ie 'ionn.nIl ~ _ 1<>'''' , ,;0., N.o __' _ ool .....~ d.d.'1Id ,n """"",or to ....... "'o<Ion. "",",' d ...... _ r n in L.<>dr<o ,.. _ ." kJoo;" '........ Th<o ."""",,'otlooi, ",,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 - W " h;l, _ I.....

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