ally Confusion, Back Page The ather Today: unny, Windy, 30°F (-1°C) 0 Tonight: lear, old OaF (_17 ) Tomorrow: loudy 20°F (-7°C) Details Page 2 02139 AS to dis ibu Part of Techs om or oa By Jennifer Krishnan Board had decided to revoke The EWSEDITOR Tech's space at today's Activities The Executive Board of the Midway. After a hearing yesterday, ssociation of tudent ctivities held at the reque t of The Tech, subtracted about one-fourth of The however the board amended the Tech's office pace as a sanction for anction. violating ASA ru h rule . The deci ion is not appealable to This is the first time the A A has the SA Executive Board, but The revoked office space for ru h rules Tech may choose to appeal to A sis- violation, said A Pre ident tant Dean for Student Activitie lvar aenz-Otero G. Tracy F. Purinton or Dean for tu- Tech Chairman Jordan Rubin 02 dent Life Larry G. Benedict aenz- called the ruling "inappropriate ... I Otero aid. don't think what they've accused us Rubin said The Tech plans to of doing is even a crime at all.' he make uch an appeal. said. KAlLAS NARE DRAN-TJlE TECH "The A A ruling is based on Hou d Jeffrey C. Barrett '02 tests the Bucking Bronco of Death during East Campus rush on Monday. several recruitment adverti ements Among the offenses The Tech i place both in the general section of being sanctioned for are several The Tech as well as in the Daily "house ad " - advertisements Confu ion," aenz-Otero said. placed by The Tech to fill space - TwoThirds of Freshmen Pass FEE "Most groups follow the ru h that encouraged students to join the rules, but not The Tech," he said. organization aenz-Otero said. By Eric J. Cholankeril are not accepted as a substitute for "completely proficient [in expo ito- Group are not allowed to actively Club are not allowed to actively MANAGING ED/TOR the FEE. ry writing] , but thi year it mean recruit new members until after the seek out new members between Almost two-third of the Cl 59 freshmen received a grade that th student i "competent tivities idway. of 2005 passed this year' Freshman of "Writing Subject Required." enough in expository writing" to Originally, the AS Executive SA, Page 13 Essay Evaluation (FEE), the first to Those students must take a subject take. a CI subject. "We're a king be graded under MIT's new Com- designated as HASS-CI- Writing different questions," he said. munication Requirement. (CI-HW) as their first CI class. "Before, a student who pa sed Under the new requirement, Another 32 freshmen may take an didn t have to do anything until which applies to students entering ESL ubject as their CI-HW class. senior year," Perelman said. Under MIT in 2001 and beyond, all stu- o students failed to take the FEE the new requirement, he said, dents must take one communica- altogether, although orne of tho e "Good writer can become better tion-intensive (CI) subject per year. students may actually have pa sed writers." The CI classes taken freshman and through the AP exam. sophomore year are generally More students take online er ion HASS subjects CI-H), whereas the Changes in grading Fre hmen were strongly encour- junior and senior year CI c1as e Under the old Writing Require- aged to take the FEE online this tend to be taken in the student's ment, which has now been replaced year, and only 95 ended up taking major (CI-M). by the Communication Require- the make-up exam. In the online According to administrators of ment, the student taking the FEE ver ion, offered once in June and the FEE, 567 of 1,059 freshmen received a score of either "Pa s," once in July, student have seventy- received a core of "Pass." Another "Intermediate," or "Fail." La t year, two hour to an wer one narrative 133 students passed with a core of only 19 percent of the Class of 2004 and one argumentative e ay. "5" on either the dvanced Place- pa sed the FEE. By contra t tudents taking the ment (AP) test in English Literature According to Leslie C. Perel- written ver ion had only three hours and Composition or the P test in man, Director of Writing AcI"O the to complete the test. English Language and Composition. Curriculum a "Pa s" in previous Scores on the SAT II Writing test years meant that a student wa FEE, Page 13 Frats Hopeful As Rush Wmds Down By Rima Amaout C. Ruder '02. While it doesn't keep accidental, such as a fraternity's NEWS AND FEATURES DIRECTOR statistics on how overnights corre- forgetting to change the databa e As freshmen begin to accept bids late with acceptance of bids, ADP is right away when a freshman comes to join fraternities and independent pleased with the turnout thu far. to visit Pheiffer aid. living groups today, fraternities and Fraternities and independent liv- dherence to rush rules is independent living groups seem ing groups started extending bids to important ' 0 that the freshmen confident that this year' rush will prospective members yesterday have a chance for a Ie el playing be a strong one. morning. field' on which to make their hous- "I think it ha gone pretty well," ing decision Pheiffer aid. said Interfraternity Council Presi- Violations down to a minimum In addition, all fraternities have dent Rory P. Pheiffer. "Overnight o far the Interfraternity Coun- been left free to conduct ru h this have been anywhere from 15-21 cil Executive Board has yet to deal year, Pheiffer said. In pa t year, kids [per fraternity], and that' usu- with any notable rush violations. "I the ambridge Licen ing ommis- ally a pretty good ign that they're know a lot of people have been wor- ion ( L ) and Bo ton Licen ing MATTHEW M1SHRlKEY-THE TeCH baving a trong rush," Pheiffer said. ried about rush being a bit dirty thi Board (BLB) have imposed ru h Vanessa Selbst '05 (front) picks up a few sushi rolling point- "Just like any year overnighting year, , Pheiffer said. re trictions a a mean of censur- ers from Margaret H. Shyr '03 (back) at the WILG Sushi Lunch people i a key part of ru h," said "Every year people tart bending on Monday. lpha Delta Phi rush chair Warren [rush] rule .. , a lot of the time it's Rush, Page 1 MTG City Comic of An gels World ation 2 i olid and Opinion 4 entertaining. Feature 7 Art 9 Page 9 Page 6 Page 2001 WORLD & NATION Budget Office Predicts Slow OPJE Growth, Dwindling Surplus The orth tlanti Treaty Organization ollected it weapons from ethni lbani n guerrilla on day, e pp ar to ha e irtu By no urplu ad. it mi ion' fir t fatality hen Briti h soldier out id ocial e urity in 002 Democrat are eeking to tar attac by ac donian youth . th n i projected to u e 1 billion Bu h' tax ut a irre pon ible and The oldier, Ian ollins, 22, died early onday after being hit by The federal government i on in 2003, even before additional force the White House to acknowl- a heavy object - po ibly a block of concrete. ollins, w 0 died on target to pend billions of dollar in pending for education or defen e edge it mu t cale back its defense the fir t day of the alliance' e pons- olle tion operation in e- payroll ta e collected or 0 ial ought by both partie i onsidered reque t or ut other politically popu- donia, became one of the few TO oldier to di in th Balkan in ecurity on other go ernment pro- the CB aid. lar program . a ho tile a t. grams during the re t of George Taken together the two report We' e got a problem now, and The fatal atta occurred again t an incr a ingly antagoni tic Bu h' term ac ording to a pe - how the budget urplu i dwin- for the re t of the Bu h administra- backdrop for the TO op ration, hich gathered roughly 00 imi tic congre ional report that dling much fa ter than analy thad tion year' aid John pratt ( .Ci) weapon onday from the guerrill who ay they are fighting for ore h dow fier e battl over ho e pect d ju t four month ago enior Democrat on the Hou e Bud- more rights for the country's izable ethnic Ibanian minority. to alloc t the nation' dwindling when e timate were la t released. get Committee. With the tax cut the Instead of the ce e-fire and diminution of ho tilitie that interna- budget urplus. That calls into que tion whether Bu h administration 'cut them- tional officials had predicted would accompany the TO deploy- Politici n in both partie ha e ongre ill find the money to elve to the margin and left no ment, th en e of ten ion and danger eemed to be on the ri e. Three repe tedly pledged to devote the enact uch big-ticket item a a pre- room for error." bomb ha e gone off in till capital city in the pa t 2 hour and ov r urplu e g n rated by 0 ial ecu- cription-drug benefit, a mi ile But the White House is betting the eekend two acedonians ere killed in the bombing of a popu- rity to pay down the national debt.
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