8768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 12 were not complete and could not be com­ By Mr. TABER: NOTICE OF HEARING ON NOMINATION OF missioned. The copper was in stock­ H. R. 7777. A bill to allow payments 1n lieu LOUIS E. GOODMAN TO BE UNITED plenty of it. Applications for priority of taxes on property taken by the .United STATES DISTRICT JUDGE, NORTHERN States Government; to the Committee on DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA had been made weeks ago. Red tape in Public Buildings and Grounds. W. P. B. delayed or refused it. These Mr. MURDOCK. Mr. President, as boats should be out on our Pacific coast chairman of the subcommittee .of the so as to give space for new ones being Committee on the Judiciary, which has constructed. This is neither economy SENATE before it the nomination of Louis E. nor common sense. It is just plain bu­ Goodman, of California, to be United reaucratic dumbheadedness and ineffi­ THURSDAY, NovEMBER 12, 1942 States district judge for the northern ciency. The war cannot be won in this district of California, I give notice, under manner. Food from our farms and ma­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown the rule of the committee, that there terials for clothing are just as necessary Harris, D. D., offered the following will be a public hearing in the Senate as war implements. The people bacl{ prayer: Judiciary Committee room a week from home know this and insist on it-swivel­ Father of Mercies, in Thee we live; today, Thursday, November 19, 1942, at chair bureaucrats and brass hats back a way from Thee we perish. Thou only 10:30 a. m., at which time and place all here in Washington, D. C., to the con­ canst redeem our life from destruction. persons interested may be heard. trary notwithstanding. Not only are the people of this country awake to the seri­ As we witness man's inhumanity to CALL OF THE ROLL ous situation, but they are just as loyal man, we confess with Eorrow that human Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of a and patriotic-even more so-than those devices and designs have deceived and quorum. betrayed every fair hope and brought drawing down a fat salary. They have The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk been buying bones and stamps; they ashes for beauty; the arm of flesh has failed us. Man has forsaken Thy ways will call the roll. have been willing to pay heavy taxes; The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the they are willing to sacrifice. But they all holy and slighted Thy word. Thou hast given him the faculty of creating following . Senators answered to their insist that the funds appropriated and names: taxes levied be used in an Btll-out effort beauty, and he has used the gifts of Thy grace to destroy the works of his own Andrews Gillette O'Mahoney to win this war and not wasted as it Austin Green Overton is now too evidently done. The upsurge hands and the heritage of his children. Ball Guffey Pepper of the voters was a healthy sigH of live In these latter days Thou hast granted Barkley Gurney Radcliffe him the dominion of the air, and he uses Bilbo Hatch · Reynolds democracy. For my part I was glad to Bone Herring Rosier see it. This, too, notwithstanding my his wings to rain death and destruction Brewster Hill Russell personal defeat. Personalitjes, after all, upon the good earth, tearing to tatters Bridges Johnson, Calif. Schwartz the fair fabric of his own achievements. Brooks Johnson, Colo. Spencer are really secondary. Unless those in Brown Kilgore Taft authority heed tt.is warning and rectify By Thy mercy and by Thy judgments Bulow La Follette Thomas, Idaho these unsound and undemocratic prac­ hasten the day when the devotion, the Bunker Langer Thomas, Okla. skill, and the knowledge of men shall Burton Lee Thomas, Utah tices immediately there will be a more Byrd Lodge Tobey serious and decided revolt in 1944. The channel broad streams of living waters Capper Lucas Truman people of the United States are sound of good will through the arid wastes of Caraway McFarland Tunnell human need and in wildernesses blos­ Chavez McKellar Vandenberg at heart. Jefferson trusted them. Lin­ Clark, Idaho McNary VanNuys coln trusted them. Why should not we soming as rose gardens shall plant trees Conn·atly Maloney Wagner who proclaim these two as our heroes, of life abundant, whose leaves are for Danaher Maybank Wheeler the healing of the nations. So out of the Davis Millikin White also trust them? We can and will win Downey Murdock Wiley this war, but it will be won by the rank wrath of man may there come the reign Doxey Norris Willis and file in these United States and not of God, whose alone is the kingdom and George Nye by bureaucrats and visionaries here in the power and the glory. Amen. Gerry O'Daniel Vvashington, D. C. Again permit me to THE JOURNAL Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ say: Not only do I abide by the verdict On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by ator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] is absent of the voters back home, but I will con­ unanimous consent, the reading of the from the Senate because of illness. tinue to do my very best to help in cor­ Journal of the proceedings of Monday, The Senator from North Carc.}ina [Mr. recting the political, economic, and so­ BAILEY], the Senator from Alabama [Mr. cial evils too prevalent in our beloved November 9, 1942, was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. BANKHEAD], the Senator from Nevada America. This is the duty and privilege [Mr. McCARRAN], the Senator from Ken­ of a private citizen the same as of a MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT tucky [Mr. CHANDLER], the Senator from public servant. Messages in writing from the President Missouri [Mr. CLARK], the Senator from LEAVE OF ABSENCE of the United States were communicated Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER], the Senator to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN], the Senator By unanimous consent, leave of ab­ secretaries. from Delaware [Mr. HuGHES], the Sen­ sence was granted to Mr. VINSON of ator from New York [Mr. MEAD], the Georgia, for 10 days, on account of im­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Senator from Montana [Mr. MuRRAY], portant business. A message from the House of Repre­ the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. ADJOURNMENT sentatives, by Mr. Calloway, one of its SMATHERS], the Senator from South Car­ reading clerks, annmmced that the House olina [Mr. SMITH], the Senator from Mr. DOMENGEAUX. Mr. Speaker, I had agreed to the reports of the com­ Tennessee [Mr. STEWART], the Senator move that the House do now adjourn. mittees of conference on the disagreeing from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS], the Sen­ The motion was agreed to; accordingly votes of the two Houses on the amend­ ator from Washington [Mr. WALLGREN], (at 1 o'cl'ock and 44 minutes p. m.) the ment of the Senate to each of the follow­ and the Senator from Massachusetts House adjourned until tomorrow, Thurs­ ing bills of the House: [Mr. WALSH] are necessarily absent. day, November 12, 1942, at 12 o'clock Mr. McNARY. The Senator from Ver­ noon. H. R. 5458. ·An act to amend the Organic Act of Alaska; and mont I Mr. AIKEN], the Senator from New H. R. 7528. An act to amend the Selective Jersey [Mr. BARBOt.TR], the Senator from PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Training and Service Act of 1940 by provid­ Nebraska [Mr. BuTLER], the Senator from Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public ing for the extension .of liability. Oregon [Mr. HOLMAN], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. REED], the Senator from bills and resolutions were introduced and ENROLLED BILL SIGNED severally referred as follows: Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD J, and the Sen­ The message also announced that the ator from Idaho [Mr. THOMAS] are nec­ By Mr. GIFFORD: H. R. 7776. A bill relating to deferment of Speaker had affixed his signature to the essarily absent. registrants regularly engaged in fishing essen­ enrolled bill <H. R. 5458) to amend the The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy­ tial to the war effort; to the Committee on Organic Act of Alaska, and it was signed three Senators have answered to their Milltary Affairs. by the Vice President. names. A quorum is present. r 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8769 I REPORT OF UNITED STATES HIGH COM- "Whereas many thousands more of our at Thomaston, Conn., on October 25, 1\fLSS:!:ONER TO THE PHILIPPINE IS­ citizenship are engaged in defense employ­ 1942. LANDS ment; and There being no objection, the letter "Whereas the rest of the population of the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the State of Missouri are in full and complete and resolutions were referred to the Senate the following message from the unison, harmony, and accord with the Presi­ Committee on Finance and ordered to be President of the United States, which dent of the United States, Franklin D. Roose­ printed in the RECORD, as follows: was read and referred to the Committee velt, in the prosecution of the war effort VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS on Territories and Insular Affairs: and with his administration, and each and OF THE UNITED STATES, all things done by him in the furtherance D::;:PART:r,:IENT Or.' CONNECTICUT, !NC., To the Congress of the United States: thereof; a-nd Me1·iden, Conn., October 31, 1942. "Whereas in World War No. 1, the citizen­ Han. FRANCIS T. MALONEY, As required by section 7 (4) of the act · ship of Missouri distinguished themselves in United States Senate, of Congress approved March 24, 1934, the service of their country, and especially Senate Office Bu ildi ng, entit1ed "An act to provide for the com­ such men as Rear Admiral Coontz, of Hanni­ Washington, D.
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