![16 July 1912](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[16 Juby, 1912.])4. 443 Nore. Kirwan 'on- S. Cornell iHon. j. W,. Hon. S. Dod Hun. F. Davls Tumesday, 16th -July,:1912. Hon, J, AT. Drew(Tlr) Papers presentedi....................443 Qusin;naeptens plctoso releatse 443 Ampendjment thus passed. Add01S.i!1Tn-reply, seventh da~y................444 Amendiment (that the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted) put and a The SPEAKER took the Chair at 4.30 division taken, with time following re- p.m., and rend prayers. si t:- Ayes 10 PAPERS PRESENTED. Noes 5 Br the Minister for Works: 1, Papers - re petition of John Maher for compen- Majority for 3-1 cation (order onl motion by Mr. Dwyer). - 2, Amendment of by-laws (schedule 1) of Avs. the Grold Melds Water Supply Administra- Hon. F. Connor rIOlio .M. cIaflY tion. .Non. J. F. Cullen Hon. M1. L. Moss3 Hion. D. C, Qawier lHon. C. A. Plesse Hon. V. Hamnersisy Mon. A. Sanderson QUESTION - INSANE PATIENTS, lion. C. Sommers Hon. ft, G. Jenkins PP UEWAT IONS FORt RELEASE. Ron. W. King-mill Hon, T. H, Wilding Hon, R, J. Lynn Hon. H. P. Colebatch Mr. E. B. JOHNSTON asked the Hon- Hon. C. McKenzie (Totter). orary Minister: 1, Has a petition been Ron. ft. D. McKenzie received from a inunber of patients at the DE9S. hospital for the insane, Claremont, asking- Hon. LT.Cornell Rion, a. Wv.Kirwan that anly inma01te who considers himself Hn. J. E. Dodd Hon. F. Davis (or herself) unlawfully detained in the Hun. J. M. Drew I(Teller)_ institution should he enabled on applica- Amendment thus passed. tion to have his (or her) ease publicl 'y investig-ated byv a judge of the Supreme The PRESIDENT: The question now Court, provided tie applicant shows is, that thme Address-in-reply as amended cause to the Satisfaction of the judge that be agreed to. such inveetigation should be held? 2, Us On motion by Hon. F. Connor, debate it true that patient s in similiar ilnstituitionis adjourned. ini the State of Victoria have (Ile privilege niitionedl 2, In view of the immense House adjourned at 10.28 p.m. importance or this privilege to the on- fortunate persons concerned, is it the iii- PALOS. tention of the Government to grant thme Non. J. D. Connolty Hion. H. G. Ardagh mwLaest of the petitioners? lion. B. C. O'Brien 1 Hon. Wv.Patrick The HONORARY MINISTER (Hon. WV.C. Angivin) replied:. 1, A petitiou has been signed hi' three or fouir patients onl this matter, and several patients hare written to the judges of the Supremte Couti asking for release. The letters have been sent onl in each case. and I le Judges, after making full inquiry.. considered it Uunecessary to w0 any fuzr- ther in) thle matter. N~o attempt has been made by the Luace author01ities to preveut any ease lbeinig fully investigated by the judges. 2. Yes. .3, ProvisionI al1ready exists under Setion 107 of The Lunacy Act. 1903. 444 444[ ASSEMBLY.) Al t) RESS-1 N-liI11 P stuntt ioiil'auaLthIority t hatl neiiibers, onl Seventh D)ay. thle opposite side cover themselves, xvith. inl a feigned patriotic aip- Debate resumed from tile 110t duly. peal to (lie people of kWestern Mr. TURVEY (Swan): Since thle ad- Australia. And when that clauk is re- vent of the Labour Governmenit some re- moved whiat have we? Nothing, but cant. forms have been effected in this Chamber hamnbug, anid insincerity. Elsctvliere the which 1 v'enture to say mneet with tke ;up- opening of the session wans signialised by jiroval, not only'% of hou. inuher, onl this acrimonious hostility to thie Labour party, s ide of' the IHouse. ad. olso ioail mew- no doubt :1 further part of a tiian of hers sitting- onl thle Oppositioii benchies, n ucioulined to themi by their Iord bunt wijtli thle aIpIrov-al (if (lie peoiple of High Commissioner, Sir- Johnt Forrest. Western Aust ralia. who are advaneinir If so e arly in the session wej find( suceh tvith modern timnes. lThouglh reforms partisanship and such hostility tlispdayed have beent effected, anid 'I cong-ratulate towards thle demcratic measures otlinled youn, iAir, Speaker, onl Your efforts iin his Excellency's, Speechi. we can realise tnhis particulair direct ion, I be- what. hope the Government have duriit- lieve that further retormas still can be thle coming session of having piieil onl effected, and( there is one that I person- thie statute-hook of Western AntiAraliai thle olly, as one who is certainl'Y youngl tin dleinocratice measures whrich theyv have political life, would like Io see effected, been auithorised to pin-e t here by' tile Mnd that is the ciithilinct of the peol ile oif t his State. Is it miuy wonder sp~eeches onl the Address-ini-rell'Y. It may that we find. under suetp ci rc,sa nies. be said, perhaps. that 1 amn somewhat in- lie people of Western Austr-alia tiningi- consistent in advocating thle curitailment to seek justice from thle Federal Legisla- of these speehes, and at thle same time hure, when they find that their efforts in nishig to speak inl connection therewith, this, State are thwarted 1y t he Tory ele- but l would point out that while thle ens- meni that is domn inting elsewhere. andl torn prevails 1 have just as much righIt to is also represented to) a1 onsiderable de- a~vail myself of the opportunity' as any ,,ree 1)y some mneinhbeis sittitigo Opposite? member. Further., I believe there arc In Nect. it hlas beenl said that the receiit miany members sitting Onl (ile Opposition Upper House elections gave the lates.t benches who still intend to speak oni the man11date froml tile people of this State. Address-in-reply; therefore, it is neces- Well, it was the latest mandate certainly; sary for Lmmbers onl this side of the aMandate from- the Liberal League. House also to rise and take ipl thle cud- and it has been used by others. gels onl behalf of the Government. T but I can 011vont Say that the desire to congratulate the leader (if Lte brazeni effrontery of individuals who Opposition onl Ihe commion sense lie wrould make such a statement is exceeded showed ini vithdratving- the second amend- Only by their asinine siti pidity and their int to the Addi-ess-in-reply after lie had emlaqtion of Ananias. The member for s;een thle hopeless bungle into which he Beverley, in the course of his remarks. had led] his party.v But it certainty seemns waxed warmi at thle very fact that the to nie tHint there is a concerted plan of work~ers in the rural industries had de- act ion here mid elsewhere in connection cided to organise and form a uinion. He with the aiidmneun moved to the Ad- fell into the trap into whichi T think mainy dres-i-el ty eertai iilv a mlost puerile of the farmers of Western Australia also MA futtile attack, buit neverthe-less it have fallen. He evidently assumed that s7eems as thonugh it was a premeditatfed thle logr preparedI by the rural wvorkers' tdal (IF action. not to defeat the Got-eril- union was already an award of thle court. ,ine)i hutt eertainly to harass them in I maintain that thle wvorkers in a itt branchl evr 'iv possible manner. Therefore, it is neeessaryv that members onl this side of of industry have a right to prepare a Ion' the House shouild take thle fullest OPPiol- and cite a case before the Arbitration tiinitv inl tearing aside the cloak of eon- Court. and then to produce evidence to [16 Jim;, 1912.] 4454 show that our demands are just and department is established, keep a ruase~nabic. The farmers and producers a Watchful eye over the export of fruit have just the same opportunity to bring from this State, so tlhat the high reputa- evidence to prove that the demands are tion that Western A ustralian fruit has exorbitant andl unreasonable, and the Su- already obtained in the London and Con- preme Court judge has to decide. Surely tinontal markers may be maintained, I that is only just, and yet we find some imar he miet with the reply that private prodeiccrs saying that the workers in that enterprise has been able to do this. I particular branch of industry hare no ag-rea that that is so, but the method's righIt to organise. If I remember rightly, which have suffeed in the past will not the member for Bleverley was recently be adequate when we consider the expan- taking- a very active part in the formation sion of the horticultural industry which is of a, union in the Beverley district, and I taking place. We must rem-ember also believe hie had associated with him in his that a very small quantity of fruit has attempt to form that association or union, been exported in past years compared a lpromlinent official of the Liberal League, With whaIt is likely to take place in the and T many say lie was an individual whose near future, especially when we take into sgnatuire appeared at the end. of many considecration the irapid increase that is cheqncs circulated in my electorate during taking place in the industry, and I yen- the campaign which I fought. I repeat tulre to say that Western Australia will that there can be no sound argument before long outstrip all other States of advanced as to why the workers in the the Commonwealth in horticulture.
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