Elptb SerIeI. Vol. L. No. 48 FrIda" May 12. 1'89 Valloba 22. I'll (Slta) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) ThirteeDth SessioD (Eightb Lok Sabba) (Vol. L contaiDS Nos. 41 to 49) LOE SABHA SECIlETAIlU'I NEW DELHI P,Ice I R.t.6.oo (oalODIAL BNGLWI Plloc.DlNGI INCLUDIIJ) IN BNOLISII VIUION AND OUGINAL HINDI PIDCBIDINGS INCLUDID IN HINDI VDIION WILL • TaBATED AS AUTBOIUTATI'VB AND NO)' TBI TLUilLAnOH TBIIJIO'.) CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XL IX- Thirtepnth Session, 198917 911 (Saka) No. 48, Friday, May 12, 1989/Valsakha 22, 1911 (Saka) COLUMNS Papers Laid on the Table 7-8 Message From Ralya Sabha 8 Assam University Bill As passed by RaJYa Sabha - Laid on the TDbie 8 Assent to Bill 8 Aill - Introducpd Wealth (Inhentance ) Duty Bill 9 ~1atters Under Rule 377 9--?1 (I) Need to cover cotton growprc, under 9-11' Crop Insurance Scheme Dr DlgvlJay Sinh (II) Need for a detailed survey for Irrrgation 12-14 projects In Gundlupet Taluk I)f Mysore dlstrrct to save It from continUing drought Shn V. Sreenlvasa Prasad (IIi) Need to Include scholars of P311 also for 14-16 annual awards/certificates Prof. NArarn Chand Parashar (IV) Need to direct DDA not to increase the announced 17-18 cost of flats under self-financing scheme and also to allot flats to the registrants of HUDeO Scheme of 1979 Shri Keshaorao Pardhi (ii) CoLUMNS (v) Need to provide intand water transport facility 17-18 between Ernakulam and Kanyakumari Shri N. Dennis (vi) Need to rehabilitate the Sir Silk ltd., 18 Kaganagar in Andhra Pradesh by handing it over to the workers cooperative. Shri C. Madhav Reddi (vii) Need to improve the telecommunication 19 system in Sunderbans (West Bengal) Shri Sanat Kumar Mandai (viii) Need to direct NAFED to purchase onions 19-20 in Gujarat to save the farmers from less. Shrimati Patel Ramaben Ramjibhai Mavan; (ix) Need to ensure regular water supply to villages of 20-21 outer Delhi. Shri Bharat Singh Discussion Under Rule 193 Uberalisation of Orders Improving Representation of 21-83 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Central Government Posts/Services. Shri Balkavi Bairagi 21-27 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 27-31 Shri Ram Ratan Ram 31--37 Shri o.B. Patil 37-40 Shri P.K. Thungon 40-43 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 43--45 Shri Harihar Soren 45-48 Shri Bopulal Malviya 48-50 (iii) ColUMNS Shr; V. Tutsjram 50-54 Shri Tafun Kanti Ghosh 54-66 Ch.Sunder Singh 56-58 Shri A.P. Suman 58-63 Shri Arvind Netam 63-65 Shri Pratap Bhanu Shacam 65-69 Shri Ramwarilal Bair.~a 69-72 Shri P. Chidambaram 72-83 Discussion Under Aule 193 83-131 Atrociti~s on Women Shri Batwant Singh Ramoowalia 84-91 Kumari Mamata Bnnerjee 91-99 Shrimati Bibha Ghosh Goswami 99-104 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 104-107 Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy 107-110 01 G.S. Rajhans 111-116 Shrimati Margaret Alva 116-127 Shri P. Kolandaivelu 128-131 Discussiun Under Rule 193 132-190 Acute Shortage of Drinking Water in Various Parts of the Country Si'ri Harish Rawat Shri Ram Singh Yadav 139-144 Shri Srikar'lth~ Datta 144-14' Narasimharaja Wadiyar (iv) COLUMNS Shri Gopala Krishna Thota 148-150 Shri Mohd. Ayub Khan (Jhunjhunu- Rajasthan) 150-153 Shri Saifuddin Chowdhary 153-159 Shri Chandulal Chandr:1kar 159-163 Shn Bharat Singh 163-165 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 165-168 Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 168-171 Shri Somnath Rath 171-174 Shri Piyus Tiraky 174-177 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 177-179 Shri Banwari Lal Purohit 179-181 Shri Aziz Qureshi 182-183 Prof. Saifuddln Soz 183-185 Shri Harihar Soren 185-188 Shri Kayur Bhushan 188-189 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA (English] Friday, May 12, 1989/Vaisakha 22, 1911 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji)~ (Saka) There is a saying in Hindi as 'Chor Macha; Shor',,. (Interruptions)... They have been doing all these things and now they are taking some excuses. rlls Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock MR. SPEAKER: If they have done [English] something good. why should you blame them? [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair} SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others. SHRt P. KOLANDAIVElU (Gobichetti­ palayam): Sir, I have given a privilege mo­ MR. SPEAKER: There is nothing. It tion against the Indian Express. Today, on does not matter. page number 9, under the heading 'The PAC's new Chairman", they have said 'The SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE man who makes wild charges'. Under this (Bolpur): What is the imputation of Mr. Naik? heading, there is character assassination He says 'Chor Machai Shor' (Interruptions) with a view to malign my pos~ion and image before the public and with this utterior mo­ SHAI SHANTARAM NAIK: It is a say­ tive, they have done this. ing. (Interruptions) [ Translation] [ Trans/ation] MR. SPEAKER: I will look into it. MR. SPEAKER: Why do you create disturbance. [English] [English] KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE (Jadavpur): Sir, in our ("'Ountry, there is a SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: I hope this saying as IChor Machai idiom has not been expunged. (Interrup- Shor'.... (Ints"uptions) •... You see the National tions) Herald. The Hegde Government seeks for customs duty exemption for fodder produc­ tion units. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (Mahbubnagar): Sir, you were pleased to (Translation) dire(-1 the Government yesterday to see that the C&AG para on Bofo,. ... MR. SPEAKER: JtdQesn'tmatter, what's the harm in it~ MR. SPEAKER: I have done it atr.ady. l 3 MAV 12,1989 4 SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: It is true but MR. SPEAKER: What can I do? Also in what is the tim. frame? We want an assur­ the rules there is no such stipulation. I could ance from you and a direction from you that not have gone out of the rules. There is no it will be placed Oft the Table by Monday at such stipulation that by Ihis date this has to least be done. That is why I said--expeditiously. ( Translation] ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Whatever I said, I wlfl SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO stand by it. (Parvathipuram): The report has to be placed on the Table of the House. Constitutional (English] obligation is there ... ( Int9rruption~ SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): MR. SPEAKER: Might be. You have said categorically that ~ will be placed on the Table during this session itself. SHRI AMAL DATTA: What are they processing? Are they tampering with the MR. SPEAKER: What I have said, I report? .. ( Interruptions). It should ba placed have already said. I never go back on my on the Table of the House. There is nothing words. I have already done it. that the Government can do .... ( Interruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: On Mon­ MR. SPEAKER: Look here, gentlemen, day it should be placed on the Table as per we decided yesterday; there was a complete your directions. assurance on the floor of the House that I there cannot be and shall not be tampering ( Interruptions) or anything like that. It has to be done ac­ cording to the rules. MR. SPEAKER: We will see this. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: What about SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Sir, your delay? direction will go waste. SHRI AMAL DATTA: There is nothing [ Translation] to process. What is the justification for de· tay? Let them explain .... ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have already said that we will see it when it comes. How can I MR. SPEAKER: There is no such ruls. commit before that. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: It is mys­ [English] terious that the report has been sent to the Defence Ministry ... ( IntBrruptions). They can SHAI S. JAIPAL REDDY: There is only read the report after laying it on the TabJe of one day left. the House ... ( Interruptions) * MR. SPEAKER: No, there are stilt three MR. SPEAKER: We discussed every days. thing yesterday. Nothing goes on record. ( Intenvptions) ( Intenuptions)· SHRI AMAL DAlTA: Even if they place MR. SPEAKER: I have given my ruRng it on the Table of the House on Monday, yesterday. there woutd be no discussion in the House. -Not rea>rded. 5 VAtsAKHA22. 191' (SAKA) 8 MR. SPEAKER; They don't let me MR. SPEAKER: What we did y.sterd_ speak. was that we decided .. (/nte"uptions) SHRt AMAL DATTA: What did you decide? KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Sir, we want a discussion on the Atrocities on MR. SPEAKER: I told you yesterday. Women and aJso a discussion on the Scar­ c~y of Drinking Water. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: We shalt have the MR. SPEAKER: Now, Papers to be discussion on Atrocities on Women at 2.00 laid. Shri Arunachalam. 0' clock. ( Interruptions) KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: What about the discussion on the Scarcity of Drink­ SHRt AMAL DA ITA: The Report should rng Water. be laid today so that we can discuss it on Monday. MR. SPEAKER: That is after that. MR. SPEAKER: I cannot do that. I SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO: cannot assure you. Sir, has the Government indicated to you as to when the Report.. (Intenvptions) MR. SPEAKER: I can only say, Kishore SHRI SHANTARAM NArK: You cannot Chandra that we dlscuss9d it yesterday in dictate the Government. full detail. We have discussion on the floor of the House. Under the rules I did whatever I (Interruptions) could. I have told the Government and Ithink they have taken a note of it. MR. SPEAKER: No rules allow me to do that. ( Interruptions) SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DeO: MR. SPEAKER: Whatever I have to do, Sir. I have give a Privilege Motion againstthe I have done.
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