IICSA Inquiry-Westminster 14 March 2019 1 Thursday, 14 March 2019 1 and David, and, really, how the safeguarding policy 2 (10.00 am) 2 failed to work in relation to them. So I am going to 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Day 9 of 3 ask you about those two interlinked matters. 4 this public hearing. Mr Altman? 4 First of all, Ms Reason, tell us about yourself and 5 MR ALTMAN: Thank you, chair. 5 where you sit, as it were, within the Green Party? 6 MS ELIZABETH REASON (affirmed) 6 A. So I was elected as chair of the Green Party Executive 7 Examination by MR ALTMAN 7 in August 2018. So I've been in role for about six 8 MR ALTMAN: May we have your full name, please. 8 months. 9 A. Elizabeth Reason. 9 Q. How long have you been a member of the Green Party? 10 Q. Known as "Liz"? 10 A. Since 2013. 11 A. Known as "Liz". 11 Q. What does that role involve? 12 Q. Turn, if you would, across the hearing room, rather than 12 A. Well, it means that -- the chair has responsibility for 13 looking at me. Thank you for that, but there is no 13 overseeing the operational aspects of the organisation, 14 reason for it. Is it Miss or Mrs? 14 the party -- as opposed to the Green Party Regional 15 A. Ms. 15 Council, which looks after its well-being and political 16 Q. I will try to remember that, Ms Reason. You have made 16 strategy. 17 a statement to the inquiry dated 10 January 2019. We 17 Q. So can you speak to the safeguarding policy and the 18 will put it up on our screens. You have it in your 18 matters which I have already indicated I wish to ask you 19 tab 1. I also know you have your own file. It is 19 about? 20 GNP001004. You were asked, in effect, to consider two 20 A. Yes. 21 matters, which are linked. First of all, the 21 Q. Presumably, you have some personal knowledge of it, 22 safeguarding policy which the Green Party has, and 22 given the fact that you were in the hot seat at the 23 I think first adopted in 2016. Am I right about that? 23 relevant period? 24 A. Yes. 24 A. I was not in the hot seat when the first safeguarding 25 Q. And an affair in relation to the Challenor family, Aimee 25 policy was produced in 2016, but I have been responsible Page 1 Page 2 1 for overseeing the development of the revised policy. 1 Q. I'm looking at the wrong thing. It is a completely 2 Q. You were certainly in your position when the Challenor 2 different document. It is GNP001005. The second page 3 affair blew up, presumably? 3 of your statement is where you answer certain questions 4 A. I'm not sure that I was. It was August. 4 about it. But it is behind divider 4 in the bundle, and 5 Q. August last year? 5 it was attached to Matt Browne's statement, not yours, 6 A. August last year. I was just coming into post. 6 and copied and pasted into that? 7 Q. I see. 7 A. He offered the existing policy before it was updated. 8 A. The former chair was still in post when the story broke. 8 Q. What we are looking at here, and this comes with the 9 Q. Who was the former chair? 9 statement of Matt Browne in October 2018, so do we take 10 A. Emma Carter. 10 it that this is the policy as it was in 2016 or the 11 Q. Let's, please, have a look at the policy document. You 11 policy as it is today? 12 produce it in your statement beginning on the second 12 A. The policy as it was in 2016. 13 page. Is that correct? 13 Q. So before, I imagine, further revisions have been 14 A. Yes, I think so. 14 applied to it? 15 Q. Formally produced by another member of the Green Party, 15 A. Yes. Although it was, I think, in July 2018 that we had 16 I think, Matt Browne? 16 already decided that it would be appropriate to update 17 A. Yes, he's the governance officer. 17 it. 18 Q. He's the governance officer, but this is the document. 18 Q. That was before the -- 19 Therefore, the second page -- it has just been copied 19 A. Before the Aimee Challenor/David Challenor story broke. 20 and pasted, as it were, into your statement, by the look 20 Q. We will come back to that. I don't want to read through 21 of it? 21 every word of it, because we have it and it is adduced 22 A. Yes. 22 as evidence for the purposes of the inquiry, but tell 23 Q. I don't want to run through every aspect of it -- in 23 us, please, what its purpose is? What was the policy 24 fact, it is not the second page. 24 aiming to protect? You can look, please, at the policy 25 A. I can see it. 25 itself, if that helps you, in giving us a sketch of what Page 3 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) Epiq Europe Ltd www.epiqglobal.com Lower Ground, 20 Furnival Street (+44)207 4041400 [email protected] London EC4A 1JS IICSA Inquiry-Westminster 14 March 2019 1 it does? 1 "The welfare of children, young people and adults at 2 A. So it's designed to protect children, young people and 2 risk is paramount. 3 adults at risk who attend Green Party meetings and 3 "All people, regardless of age, disability, gender, 4 events and to provide members, volunteers and staff with 4 racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or 5 the overarching principles that guide our approach to 5 identity, or any other undue social separation, have 6 safeguarding. 6 a right to equal protection from all forms of harm or 7 Q. It applies to children and young people who, for the 7 abuse. 8 purposes of the policy, is anyone under 18? 8 "Some people are additionally vulnerable because of 9 A. Correct. 9 the impact of previous experiences, their level of 10 Q. You define at the top of the next page -- I say "you"; 10 dependency, communication needs or other issues. 11 the policy does -- page 3 of GNP001005: 11 "Our underlying safeguarding principle is that all 12 "Safeguarding is a broadly preventative and 12 children, young people and adults at risk will be 13 precautionary organisational approach to planning and 13 protected at all times from behaviour and attitudes they 14 procedures required to protect children, young people 14 find uncomfortable and upsetting. To achieve this aim, 15 and adults at risk from any actual or potential harm 15 GPEW ..." 16 resulting from their contact with any part of 16 That's the Green Party -- 17 the organisation. Safeguarding involves recognising 17 A. Green Party of England and Wales. 18 signs of physical or emotional abuse, and acting on that 18 Q. "... will ensure that: 19 recognition appropriately." 19 "The needs of the children, young people and adults 20 A. Yes. 20 at risk are central to the planning of all activity in 21 Q. Then, in the last third of the page, you set out 21 which they are involved. 22 safeguarding principles? 22 "Open communication with members of all ages and 23 A. Yes. 23 effective planning will support the safeguarding of 24 Q. The membership of the Green Party individually and 24 vulnerable people at risk. 25 corporately recognise: 25 "All have the right to speak out about behaviour and Page 5 Page 6 1 attitudes they find uncomfortable, that they know to 1 affected. 2 whom they should speak, and be confident their concerns 2 "2. Act to report the abuse." 3 will be listened to. 3 Then you have over the page a diagram, a flow 4 "Any physical contact should be instigated by the 4 diagram, about what to do, and then headings, "Stopping 5 vulnerable person, and should be appropriate and 5 it and reassuring"; second, "Reporting the abuse", on 6 relevant to their needs or ensure their safety. 6 page 6; is that right? 7 "Any members organising an activity must ensure they 7 A. Yes. 8 understand their responsibilities in the safeguarding of 8 Q. On the next page, page 7: 9 vulnerable people, especially those not accompanied by 9 "Do you need a Disclosure and Barring Service check 10 a parent, guardian or carer -- these are set out in the 10 when working with vulnerable people?" 11 'Procedure for delivering the safeguarding policy'." 11 Then if we turn to page 9 of the document, there is 12 Skating over whose responsibility it is, although, 12 a form for reporting abuse? 13 in general terms, all staff, Green Party staff, 13 A. Yes. 14 volunteers and members working at national, regional and 14 Q. Do you happen to know, this was adopted in 2016. Was 15 local party level are included, but procedures for 15 this the first time the Green Party had any policy of 16 delivering the safeguarding policy are to be found, are 16 this nature? 17 they not, on the fifth page? 17 A. I believe it was, though I can check with the office as 18 A.
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