The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency http://www.zein.se/patrick/3000char.html • All characters are presented in falling statistical order with the most commonly used characters first (ie from 1 to 3000). • Alternative forms of characters are specified within parentheses – in which case "F" marks full (or traditional) forms, "S" marks simplified (or modern) forms and "A" marks alternative forms (mostly special numerals). • Pronunciation is specified according to Pinyin and written within brackets "[...]". After each given pronunciation, a number of possible translations are listed. If a character corresponds closely to a somewhat longer word (usually a word that contains the character in question), the longer word is given in the list of translations marked with parentheses and a "=". • After the translation of each character, example words containing the character are often listed – these words are separated by semi commas. No guarantee is given that all the most common words are listed or that the given examples are very common. • Some of the listed pronunciations are less used than others, and in those cases translations and examples may lack. • Grammatical particles, classifiers and other special translations are marked with hooks "<...>". • Curly brackets "{...}" are mostly used when giving references to characters that are similar to the listed ones either in shape. This is to help you avoid miswriting/misreading. The same marking is also used for references to characters with similar meaning but different pronunciation. • Additional information of other sorts is sometimes given. • If the characters are not displayed correctly, verify that the encoding is set to GB2312. Les 3000 caractères chinois les plus fréquents (S: Simplified (Simplifié), F: Full (Traditionnel), A: Alternative (Variante)) N° Caractère Prononciation et explications [de] <grammatical particle marking genitive as well as simple and composed adjectives>; 我的 wǒde my; 高的 gāode high, tall; 是的 shìde that's it, that's right; 是...的 shì...de one who...; 他是说汉语的. Tā shì shuō Hànyǔde. He is one who speaks Chinese. 1 的 [dì] 目的 mùdì goal [dí] true, real; 的确 díquè certainly [yī] one, a little; 第一 dì-yī first, primary; 看一看 kànyīkàn have a (quick) look at [yí] (used before tones #4 and #5); 一个人 yíge rén one person; 一定 yídìng certain; 一样 yíyàng same; 一月 yíyuè January 2 一(A 壹) [yì] (used before tones #1, #2 and #3); 一点儿 yìdiǎnr a little; 一些 yìxiē some {Compare with 幺(T 么) yāo, which also means "one"} 3 是 [shì] to be, 是不是? shìbushì? is (it) or is (it) not?; 是否 shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not? [bù] not 4 不 [bú] (used before tone #4); 不是 bú shì isn't 汉语语法 14.07.2019 http://www.mementoslangues.fr/ 1/125 汉字 [le] <verb particle marking a new situation or a completed action>; 你来了! Nǐ láile! You have come! 我累了! Wǒ lèile! I've gotten tired! 那好了! Nà hǎole! That's OK (now)! 我只请了一位客人. Wǒ zhǐ qǐngle yí wèi kèren. I invited only one guest. [liǎo] end, finish, settle, dispose of, know clearly, to be able, (=了解 liǎojiě) understand, comprehend; 了了 liǎoliaǒ clearly 5 了 understand, settle (a debt/etc.), to be intelligent; 了了 liǎole to be over/ended/finnish/settled; 你卖不了! Nǐ mài bùliǎo! You will not be able to sell (it)! [liào] (=瞭 liaò) to survey/watch {Compare with 子 zǐ child} [rén] person; 人类 rénlèi humankind; 有人吗? yǒu rén ma? Is there anybody here? 6 人 {Compare with 入 rù enter} [wǒ] I, me, my; 我们 wǒmen we, us 7 我 {Compare with 找 zhǎo seek} 8 在 [zài] at; 现在 xiànzài now; 存在 cúnzài exist [yǒu] have, there is; 没有 méiyǒu haven't, there isn't; 有没有? Yǒuméiyǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?; 9 有 有的 yǒude some [yòu] (=又 yòu) again, both... and... [tā] he, him, his, (she, her, it, its), (=其他 qítā) other 10 他 [tuō] (in classical texts) someone else, something else [zhè] this; 这儿 zhèr here 11 这(F 這) [zhèi] this (before classifier) [zhōng] middle, in; 中国 Zhōngguó China 12 中 [zhòng] hit (a target) [dà] big; 多大? duōdà? how large?; 大小 dàxiǎo size; 大家 dàjiā everybody 13 大 [dài] 大夫 dàifu doctor {Compare with 太 tài very and 木 mù tree} [lái] come; 原来 yuánlái originally, as a matter of fact; 来年 láinián coming/next year(s) 14 来(F 來) [lai] (when used as a verb complement); 起来 qǐlai get up [shàng] above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous [shǎng] 上声 shǎngshēng 3rd tone in Mandarin 15 上 [shang] (when used as a verb complement) {Compare with 下 xià under} 16 国(F 國) [guó] (=国家 guójiā) country, state, nation, <family name>; 中国 Zhōngguó China; 美国 Měiguó USA 汉语语法 2/125 汉字 [gè] <general and non-specific classifier>; 个人 gèrén personal; 个人主页 gèrénzhùyè personal homepage 17 个(F 個,箇) [gě] 自个 zìgě oneself 18 到 [dào] to, towards, until, arrive, reach [shuō] explain, scold, refer to, (=说话 shuōhuà) speak, say; 游说 yóushuō persuade 19 说(F 說) [shuì] try to persuade; 游说 yóushuì lobbying 20 们(F 們) [men] (pluralizing suffix for pronouns and human nouns); 我们 wǒmen we; 人们 rénmen people [wèi] for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection 21 为(F 為) [wéi] do, act, act as, be, become; 认为 rènwéi think or believe that...; 以为 yǐwéi think or believe erroneously that... {Compare with 办 bàn do} [zǐ] child, son; 子女 zǐnǚ sons and daughters; 儿子 érzi son 22 子 [zi] (noun suffix); 桌子 zhuōzi table {Compare with 了 le <particle>} [hé] together, with, (F 龢) harmony, gentle, mild, kind, <family name>; 和平 hépíng peace [Hé] Japan [huo] 暖和 nuǎnhuo nice and warm 23 和 [hè] join in singing, compose a poem in reply [huó] mix with water [huò] mix, blend [hú] complete a set in Mahjong 24 你 [nǐ] (Alternative feminine form: 妳 nǐ) you, your; 你们 nǐmen you (plural) [dì] earth, ground, soil, place, position, distance; 地支 dìzhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches 25 地 [de] <adverbial particle: descripion + 地 + verb>, ~ly; 快地走 kuàide zǒu walk quickly [chū] go out, come out, in direction out from something, emit, issue, prouce; 出现 chūxiàn appear, emerge, (F 齣) <classifier for 26 出 operas and plays> [dào] way, path, channel, way, say, a streak (of light), doctrine, <classifier for rivers, topics, etc.>, (=道教 Dàojiào) Taoism; 知道 27 道 zhīdao know [dǎo] (=导 dǎo) lead; 领道 = 领导 lǐngdǎo leader 28 也 [yě] also, as well; 也许 yěxǔ perhaps 29 时(F 時) [shí] period, season, (=时间 shíjiān, =时候 shíhou) time, (=小时 xiǎoshí) hour 30 年 [nián] year, <family name>; 今年 jīnnián this year; 明年 míngnián next year; 去年 qùnián last year; 中年 zhōngnián middle age 汉语语法 3/125 汉字 [de] <adverbial particle: verb + 得 + descripion>; 走得快 zǒude kuài walk quickly 31 得 [dé] get, reach, achieve [děi] should [jiù] just, simply, right away; 就要 jiùyào about to (do something); 这就是我! Zhè jiùshì wǒ! This is simply me!; 他就要去. Tā jiùyào 32 就 qù. He is about to leave. [nà] that [nèi] that (before classifier) [nuó] 禅那 chánnuó deep meditation 33 那 [nuò] 无那 wúnuò helpless, unfortunately [nǎ] (=哪 nǎ) what? [něi] (=哪 něi before classifier) which? [yào] want, will, shall, need, important, essential; 主要 zhǔyào main, fundamental 34 要 [yāo] 要求 yāoqiú demand [xià] below, under, (go) down, next (as opposed to previous/last) 35 下 {Compare with 上 shàng above} [yǐ] use, take, according to, because of, in order to; 可以 kěyǐ OK, may; 所以 suǒyǐ so, therefore, as a result; 以外 yǐwài beyond, 36 以 except 37 生 [shēng] give birth, life; 先生 xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir [huì] can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party 38 会(F 會) [kuài] 会计 kuàijì accounting [huǐ] 会儿 huìr moment [zì] from, since, (=自己 zìjǐ) self; 自然 zìrán nature 39 自 {Compare with 目 mù eye and 白 bái white} [zhe] <verb particle marking a continuing progress/state> 着(F 著) [zháo] touch 40 [zhuó] wear clothes, dress, touch [zhāo] put in, add, (F 招) make move in chess, trick, decieve 41 去 [qù] go, leave, depart (opposite of 来 lái) 42 之 [zhī] <subordinator similar to 的 de>, it (in classical texts) [guò] pass, cross, go by, exceed, <verb particle marking that someone has had the experience of doing something, that it has 43 过(F 過) happened at least once>; 过马路 guò mǎlù cross the street; 我去过中国两次. wǒ qùguo Zhōngguó liǎng cì. I have gone to China twice. 汉语语法 4/125 汉字 [jiā] home, house, family; 国家 guójiā nation; 大家 dàjiā everybody 44 家 [jie] 整天家 zhěngtiānjie all day long; 家里 jiālǐ (at) home, (in the) family [xué] study, learn; 学校 xuéxiào school; 学生 xuésheng student 45 学(F 學) {Compare with 字 zì written character} 46 对(F 對) [duì] correct, answer, treat, agree, mutual, pair; 对不起 duìbuqǐ excuse me [kě] ~able, (=可以 kěyǐ) may, can, (=可是 kěshì) but, however; 可爱 kě'ài loveable, cute; 可能 kě'néng possible, probable, maybe; 47 可 可口可乐 kěkǒukělè Coca Cola [kè] 可汗 kèhán khan 48 她 [tā] she, her 49 里 [lǐ] neighbourhood, half kilometer, <family name>, (F 裏,裡) in, inside, lining; 哪里? nǎli? where?; 那里 nàli there; 这里 zhèli here 50 后 [hòu] queen, (F 後) after, behind, <family name>; 后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow 51 小 [xiǎo] small; 大小 dàxiǎo size [me/mo] (F 麼,末) (interrogative suffix) 什么? shénme? what?; 为什么? wèishénme? why? 没什么! méi shénme! It doesn't 52 么 matter!, Never mind!; 怎么? zěnme? how? [yāo] (S 幺) youngest, one (e.g. in bus/house/phone numbers) 53 心 [xīn] heart; 小心 xiǎoxīn be careful; 心理 xīnlǐ psychology, mentality; 中心 zhōngxīn center 54 多 [duō] many, much, more; 多大 duōdà how large?; 多少 duōshǎo how many/much? [tiān] sky, heaven, god, day, (=天空 tiānkōng) sky; 天气 tiānqì weather {天干 tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng-wù-jǐ-gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are 55 天 sometimes used as ordinal numbers} {Compare with 夫 fū man and 无 wú without} 56 而 [ér] (=而且 érqiě) and, furthermore, (=然而 rán'ér) yet, even so 57 能 [néng] can, be able; 能够 nénggòu be capable of; 可能 kě'néng maybe [hǎo] good, good to..., easy to...;
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