TEXAS 13 ERVER A Journal of Free Voices August 31, 1984 $1.00 The Doggett A Campaign (page 2) _. I:IT iitle7■—ffft,i 41.1 .t . 11111.4, 1 iliallgallit 111111111111111 If II Vilifignifill ;f1111'1111111111111.1111i ilia/ .Z..S 1141 011' : • .,.. .1., . - • ,:-... I "Ir • • ,...p '#11/ ' let i 0 . iglu/rim! 'I tffi 1 . i,1 I ■44.1446 ., .:: . a) --,,t- ci) 0 a_ • — , tiggEllr.":1:141 "..;:7—*" ... 0 —J r_ls.t.....iOis... L. .0 ti) 0 0 0 (0 CI— C Caring for 0 the Elderly 1984: Curiouser (page 5) and Curiouser (page 17) - == --7-------. -== --7'.--- - - • fs FOE ,,, PAGE TWO — 0 _ Trig PEOPz — tP c---. dir HI PR I El`IS' — _.=_. • la _ ,4J Doggett Campaign ••■■ . - --_,-,..- -..... --- , , , _ , io , ----- ,......_ __ it , 11,1.'11111mo' ,,1, 0 1, iiii ii,. I .. I II III 11E10 it 1 il _____ I! N111111101 10'1'111 ' 1 ' ,,........_ in High Gear Gm --z..-=--------- • TETXDB SERvER Austin ETWEEN NOW and November 6, the crucial equation „(,, The Texas Observer Publishing Co.. 1984 for state Senator Lloyd Doggett to solve involves the Ronnie Dugger, Publisher B amount of money that must be raised to add to his base of support from the Democratic primary in order to pull Vol. 76, No. 17 7 .1: , .' -7 August 31, 1984 enough votes from the yet uncommitted to defeat Phil Gramm Incorporating the State Observer and the East Texas Democrat, in the general election. In a state with wide expanses to traverse which in turn incorporated the Austin Forum-Advocate. and more than a dozen major television markets, television EDITOR Geoffrey Rips air-time becomes the determining factor in a close election. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dave Denison EDITOR AT LARGE Ronnie Dugger Doggett has devoted a good portion of his summer to raising SOCIAL CAUSE EDITOR Chula Sims the money necessary to provide television advertising during EDITORIAL INTERN: Teo Furtado September and October throughout the state. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Al Watkins LAYOUT AND DESIGN: Alicia Daniel In an interview conducted in his Austin campaign office EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Frances Barton, Austin,; Elroy Bode, Kerr- on August 1, Sen. Doggett discussed the campaign he is waging ville; Chandler Davidson, Houston; Bob Eckhardt, Washington, D.C.; Sissy against Phil Gramm for the U.S. Senate nomination. Following Farenthold, Houston; Ruperto Garcia, Austin; John Kenneth Galbraith, Cam- bridge, Mass.; Lawrence Goodwyn, Durham, N.C.; George Hendrick, Urbana, delays caused by his participation in the state legislature's Ill.; Molly Ivins, Dallas; Larry L. King, Washington, D.C.; Maury Maverick, special session in June and the Democratic National Jr., San Antonio; Willie Morris, Oxford, Miss.; Kaye Northcott, Austin; James Convention in July, Doggett pronounced his campaign "in Presley. Texarkana. Tx.; Susan Reid, Austin; A. R. (Babe) Schwartz, Galveston; Fred Schmidt, Tehachapi, Cal., Robert Sherrill, Tallahassee, Fla. high gear." He had just returned from a two-day campaign CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Warren Burnett, Nina Butts, Jo Clifton, Craig swing through Texas, hitting Vernon, Wichita Falls, Bowie, Clifford, John Henry Faulk, Ed Garcia. Bill Helmer, Jack Hopper, Amy Johnson. Sherman, Denison, Lufkin, Longview, and San Augustine. Laurence Jolidon, Mary Lenz, Matt Lyon, Rick Piltz, Susan Raleigh, Paul Sweeney, Michael Ventura, Lawrence Walsh. "Much of the attention has got to be focused on CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Alan Pogue, Russell Lee, Scott Van fundraising," Doggett said. "Gramm has got millions of Osdol, Alicia Daniel. dollars to spend, and we've got a smaller deficit than the CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS: Jeff Danziger, Beth Epstein, Dan Hubig, Pat other candidates from the spring, but a deficit nonetheless. Johnson. Kevin Kreneck, Carlos Lowry, Joe McDermott, Ben Sargent, Gail Raising money in smaller amounts, as we've been able to Woods. A journal of free voices do, is wonderful, but it takes longer to put together the lcind - We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find of resources that we need to have to respond to his [Gramm's] it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human media blitz that has been going on non-stop since the runoff, values above all interests, to the rights of humankind as the foundation of even to be able to respond by September. It's going to take democracy; we will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the power- a significant amount of our energy devoted toward fundrais- ful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. ing." Writers are responsible for their own work, but not for anything they have not themselves written, and in publishing them we do not necessarily imply Now Doggett is no slouch in the fundraising department, that we agree with them because this is a journal of free voices. though he trails Gramm in that regard. According to the national office of Common Cause, Doggett and Gramm are Managing Publisher Cliff Olofson among the top ten Senate fundraisers — and spenders — in Advertising & Development Director Dana Loy the country. Gramm ranks fifth, and Doggett is sixth. Through Subscription Manager Alicia Daniel the June 30 federal reporting period, Gramm had raised $3.7 Circulation Assistant Stefan Wanstrom million and Doggett had raised $3.1 million. While Gramm Consultant Frances Barton and Doggett both spent significant amounts on their primary Editorial and Business Office campaigns, Gramm faced little real opposition in the 600 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Republican primary and was free virtually to ignore his (512) 477-0746 Republican opponents and begin campaigning for the The Texas Observer (ISSN 0040-4519) is published biweekly except for a three-week inter- val between issues in January and July (25 issues per year) by the Texas Observer Publishing November election as soon as he announced his candidacy Co., 600 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 477-0746. Second class postage paid at Austin, Texas. in 1983. Doggett, on the other hand, had to fight his way Single copy (current or back issue) $1.00 prepaid. One year, $20; two years, $38; three through a grueling primary and runoff before setting his sights years. S56. One year rate for full-time students. $13. Airmail, foreign, group, and bulk rates and his advertising on a Republican opponent. on request. Microfilm editions available from University Microfilms Intl.. 300 N. Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106. Doggett and Gramm are also among the top ten senatorial Copyright 1984 by Texas Observer Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced without permission. recipients of political action committee contributions. Accord- POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to: 600 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701. ing to federal reports filed for the period January 1, 1984 through June 30, Doggett has received $267,876.74 in PAC 2 AUGUST 31, 1984 money compared to $301,856.19 for Gramm. The big presidential campaign. These constituencies are crucial to any difference, however, lies in the nature of the PACs contributing Doggett campaign and were largely responsible for his success to each candidate. Doggett's major PAC contributors include: in urban areas in the runoff. Doggett received 68 % of the Friends of the Earth; the American Federation of State, vote in San Antonio, 70% in Dallas, 65 % in Houston, and County, and Municipal Employees; the Communications 71 % in McAllen. Doggett can depend upon a large Mexican Workers of America; the League of Conservation Voters; the American turnout in the Rio Grande Valley, organized largely Fund for a Democratic Majority; the AFL-CIO COPE fund; by the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, the the National Committee for an Effective Congress; the National Industrial Areas Foundation, and the United Farm Workers. Organization of Women; SANE; and the Sierra Club. The turnout will be fueled by the failure of the Reagan Gramm's campaign has received major contributions from the administration to provide adequate relief for the economic Auto and Truck dealers PAC; American Bank FEDPAC; disaster in the Valley brought on by last winter's freeze. Coca-Cola Nonpartisan Committee for Good Government; Unless Jesse Jackson or his organizers campaign vigorously Texas Instruments; Republic Bank; Gulf States Utilities; the on behalf of the Democratic ticket, Doggett will have a more Fund for a Conservative Majority; Hunt Oil; Central Power difficult time turning out the black urban vote. He believes, and Light; Houston Industries; the National Rifle Association; however, that the difference between his record and that of Texas Commerce Bancshares; EXPAC; Amoco; Celanese; Phil Gramm will generate a good deal of black voter support. Litton; Campaign America; General Mills; E-Systems; and "If there was ever an area where there was a clear contrast, Dresser Industries. down the line, of not only his [Gramm's] being callous in his disregard of the needs of blacks and Hispanics but downright mean-spiritedness, it would be in the whole area of civil rights, jobs, economic opportunity, and equal Bentsen has a score to opportunity in education. My record as an author and worker settle with Gramm, who on the Human Rights Commission here in Texas, working on equal education opportunity and educational equalization opposed him in 1976. assistance in funding, is in clear contrast to Phil. I expect we'll see the kind of response from the black community and Hispanic community this fall that we saw in the spring, which Since his emergence as the Democratic nominee, Doggett was very helpful for me, and that we saw in 1982, which has received fundraising assistance from Congressman Jim was so helpful to all the Democrats who were running at Wright (See "Political Intelligence") and from Sen.
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