'od.toto1z7aiu;r-u et4 repuneJeq peqlDsep sI 'snue8 q3rq^\ ^{euB ot pe8uoleqII€ asaqll?\tPue Duaoplq lo sercadspepnlcxa eql ol sJel3?luqtlqlu4s 'ssxl peq(ereua8 orrrl esaql Jo sadfl aqt lou ln q) sor1cutrqloldaTur euopue dp16 wryol@arostrqCtJt peczldf,puaunc selcods ouo l?tllueJ€dde se,'rr 11 1sa:a1ut relnclu?dJo s?^t s?lesd,(c eq1;o ruqueurnpul 'Duaqotxl pue ,(luol?u€ erp pruaar slql ul so selcedspc1d,$-uou oql 3o lueureleld lJeJJoceql uugecseo1 papEpse^u ere.t (I66I) SteqJepuv/l,raas eEellqqduuo aql ul ?Joua8uz11u4sny aq; 'peuSlssearoq o1peau 'EreqropuY ed,(1aq1 ;oS ldacxa seycads ouao1o1x111v lsql luer€dd?sl ll pu€ Jopu€ 7, ,a uoqs WoqJo slueuruor eql urrJuoc ol elqlssodeuoceq s?qll ,pIIE.IlsnVJo urolg,,eql JoJ,ltaDplxl Io l]rnoJ)Ew Sqredard;osseco:deqlq'(pereJJlpllreuueut?q,,irulol€lslouplpoqqSnoqllu)snue8eqlulsolceds Jewo oql uro{ sJolcsJuqc.{uEur ul poJaJJIpselceds ed.{t eql lsqt pu? snoeusSolelaqs?^\ ,llrrlotfl 'equl '( l?ql pol?rlpul oloq^{eql pere^ocl€ql lueull?eJlcprouoxsl s uI 166I) EreqJapuy,{puonbasqnS 'qlueg 'snue8eqt u1 peculd ueeq psq l€ql selcadsraqlo;o selesdfcoql rnorJ lueJoJJIp (llEclpul s€,n ouaololqsoadtler4''t4!reg's.,s!^ouaqolrl;oulesdfc eqlleqlpelou (686I) l"iauoqs'(e?ersrolsv) eEolpqd?ugequ elf Jo sjaqtlletuuuWIsnV u1 selasdfc;o ,{uroluueeql EupsSpse^ulueqA uollrnpoJlul 'Duldns '7 'osowawot'7'Dlduoc!^alq 'ep?ru l p:uv'o^loclwas ? JoJuosoqc eje sod.{lolce'I 'uosIl[ 'C 'uollEulquoc sr lrud (ItesH) oaoou!^'dsqrlsD^lor'luas DdrDzoDZ clJlcodsqns^{au ouo puB'uosllld'CInEdorlofinuat'dsqnsoq'clwas'TipeqrJcsepslselcodsqns^{eueuo'uosll.lr\'glmd 'uoslr^|C 'd) 'uoslll[ 'C '7 (puos) osotuauot? puE ln€d (.llenl^ ,rtdrs 7 Insd(l]F'te^g) suadns 'uoslrl(\'g '7 'uoqr16'91nu6 '7'uosli[ 'D lrud ( llertlN'd) D^lozryas (rEae]H)Dtac.un\d InEdCCq) saptouaouod'7'uos|A'C ('J() 'rfla\otda|'7'tos\.114C Imd (,IIIld, g'H) l,'sarr3?'uoslld\.C Irud 'pessntslp InBd(llenf{ d),Jd orldarq ? :s,{\olloJsu a.re snuaE neu eqlu1pezpEocer selceds uel eql 'Duaololtq am wryoLqaJostttlJ puv 'sotpu&Uoda7 'Dd.toJolz7 qsFEuusp l8ql sleltsJuqc eqJ, 'd1z "sse1's 1ywn1oqdacosturypu1,(pua.unc selcods o^tt pus oqluttl todaT ur,Pereldselceds eq1;o olrl 'edfl eqlu?ql rorlo "WuegouaDlolqlJiperEld uooq e^?q lErI selsedsel{l epnlcq ol peqFcsurncrlcslll '(1902) :peqlrtseps[ (eEe*relsv :*eq?qd?uD) uoslrl'l^'DllzdDdrorolzT snueE,treuy S09-96S:(g)€I o1s1tn1'1eealpr4deuC aqFl e?ec?Jelsv eq13o snue8 uuSulsnv /t1leu'.'odtDJolv7'uosludO InEd pB4sqY 'e{uo) 'tol €869 snulsnv uretsa?t ,fta^tlec {alluag A?g pel.o'I 'urnlgql5H 'luoureS?uewpup"I pu€ uolt?^JesuoJJo luauu€daq u€ll€rlsnv ulslsai 'c uoslli& Insd (, aEellsqdBuc aqlrl aaaJeralsY eql Jo snuaS uBIIEJIsnY .',[eu€ ilncop'1 (rOOZ)909-96rr(e)€trjrr{'lN 596 Nrlffid Vol. 13. No. 3 (2001) Three independentlines of investigation suggestthat, taken together,Leiocarpa is generically distinctfrom all cunently recognizedgenera. Theseare thechromosome numbers (whereknown), the mycorrhizal associations(where known), and the morphology of the involucral bracts,carpels and other organs. Chromosome number Thc chromosomen unber of lxiolaena s.,lrr.has not beenrecorded. The fcw chromosomecounts that have been made in the othcr three generaunder considerationsuggest that the base number in Leiocarpa is dilferent ftom that of C&ry.tocephalumand of Leptorhyncho.s(Table l). Leiocarpa appears to have polyploid numbers on a base of x = 10, whereas both Chrysoceplulum ar'd Leptorhlnchos appearto have mostly diploid numberson the baseof x = 12. Table l. Summaryofchronosome numberrecordsin Chrysoceplnlum, LeiocarpaandLeptorhynchos. Taken from Watanabcet al. (1999) which includesthose published by Turner (1970). Currentname and recorded name Chromosomenumber ChrysocephalumaJf. adpressum (W. Fitzg.) Anderb. n=24 C. apiculatum(Labill.) Steetz n=12,c.38 C. semipapposum(Labill.) Steetz n= 12 Chrysocephalumsp. n=12 Leiocarpaleptolepis laslxiolaenachloroleucal n=20 Leioca rpa tonxento sa las I xiol aena tomentosaf n=20 Leiocarpa senicalva fas LePtorhynchosambiSuusl n=c.38,c.40 Leiocarpavtebsteri las lxioLaenaleptoLepisl n = 20,c.21,30 LeptorhynchzsbaiLeyi F. Muell. n= 12 Leptorhynchosscabcr (Benth.) Haegi [as L. medius\ Lepto rhynchos scluanalas(Labill.) Less. l= 12 Leptorhyncho s w4itzi.r Sond. Mycorrhizal associations Work by Warcup ( 1990)and McGee ( 1986)on mycorhizal associationsin the Australian Inuleae has shown that while those species of Chrysocephalum and Leptorhynchos that were studied (r.e. C. apiculatum (Labill.) Steetz,C, semipapposum(Labill.) Steetz C. pterochaetum F. Muell., HelichrysumramosissimumHook.l=Chrysocephalum sp.\,L. squamatus(Labill.)Less ' a\d'L' wqitzia Sond.) form both ectomycorrhizaland vesicular-arbuscularmyconhizal associations,those species that were examinedthat are hereplaced in Leiocarpa (i e. L. ambigua,L. breviconxpta,L. lePtolepis, and L supina) form only vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza. Warcup observed that mycorrhizal relationship in generalcorrelates with taxonomic relationship,which, if correct, suggeststhat those speciesstudied that are here placed in leiocarpa are geneti.callydistinct from those studiedthat ale placed in the other two genera. The mycorrhizal relationship of lxiolaena virrcosahas not been recorded. 'otsururncE-rceurl '3uolqo Jo leeull stJElq :elsulqJnl ol lertreqdstuoq alJnlo^ul o1 JBeLtrIsau)aZ ',{lloo,$ 'selcunpadaleelot:q f,lasreds:epuelsotut pacnpold ,(lq€IE^ seqxveJq..sqtz4lDluualad uosllld C Ined CJC) sdapldal DdtD)otal :sndKJ 'seluelsISJed 'eEtEIIeqJsq'etuJoJIIIJ 'sanuet 'eus.radstp Ie^ scrt?ourl eelastddr4 unsolnpuelS asruds1a,'r utn,leel 'runtEuls 'uneuISEJIlJuJ s?neurl eulnlleo .ralur suscnlsuBJtaeleulq oulnllec unldl€Juod il?]elsoc 'erJlsoJe'esseJduoJ t-Z Jolr,^slIeA uDa.Ialqns ulueuqcv IlEpunlol lo^ ll€Junlt arrde t1,{t5 :clcpner op1p,l alncsnlBuoleraqtuy otulnuudurt;cIe^ otsulqlnl etsnBuuotullduru oqurtl'eepl,nug enbrunrold 'slsollt?Js 'o€solnqnt '(srcurueJ snqlJou uI oPplJ-t-€) 3I]pIJ-9seJuln8aj eEIIoloJ snqDuelpe]uou 'sreunJq 'sr,lwd 'eracuur8ulnJBl 'sueJeqreq'oesouEJs 'eElEulttlncl?-u[eull oprllEd srulrue1 lo^ lo,\ 'eutpcuqrur'oelsuaslllnul seJ€oull eE313eJq:lunl1?uIqJnl I3^ ulncuenqdsuteqrunrcnlo^uI sol€nxeslq 'ulelncunped oJsrp ur snrlJes-l roulural nllque ut snquog rultSoreleq Ie^'eeptocslp le eureSoutoq 'e8uolqo uruolnurursoJrdu pu €lnlldeJ er8elut Ia^ cI.IEeuIIBIIod sll€ucIslureJ stuuared eqrc11 'doa r./23'uoslrlyD Intrd €dreJola'I ^luouoxel IBrxJoJ 'ZI = x Joqunu -olca auosorlro:q3 luzrq:roc,{ur.mlncsnqrl:-JelnJIse^pue arc stuuldaql lualsts:adere sepst rq snddcd eq; roddn eqt sdol-ro^ollat ro,tolaql qcrqr,rur eullrdedpelleJ-o,lrrl sutl puc aullEfq sl drrruad aql pus 'olullIc po{eoq Jo lunlq olu salesd,{ceqtr poqJurtq pue etuctlopoJP sllul laqluu eqJ setunautospue 'soqJu(4rold:"1 curlufq'cgdryloo1 3uo1qo o.ru pur eutooJolsot[Jlsoual n o^eqslce]q luranlo^u aql '01 = x laqunu otllosoulolqJ ',{1uo 1ezrq.r.ror,{ur:rlncsnqru-Jl]lncrse^e:es1ueldeql Juelstsrede:u sellsuq snddtd eq1 ^\oI^oJP,Jlns 't1esd,(c ur uaeseJe tsql s,^\opur,trcelc Jlrcurloq1 o1 puodser:oc ,{1qnqo:d s11er ctueSox,(ru asaql oqt Jo uonaososro^su[Jl ur 1ue:cddue:e 1rq1s11cr ctuaSoxfru perted;o acueserd aql pelou(686I) 1r l, uoqs sllor ^\cJ ol auo lo sluour8e.grneurl olut seyerBclutstpd:ecued eqt ctnlrur ueq,t :punolS{auq 'qloours luecnlsuer1cql olur las s,ropur,r\t€elo Jneutl,{uutu 3o aruc.madde3q1 scq pun pue sno:qe18 'snourBulruncsr d:ecuedeql puupelreq tou aruselesd,(c eql 3uo1pue u:t3 eresltel JoqluD oqI eleITIJ 'o}eluep -,{lloo,$lo elclecEl ol atllue elEpuE otuoetels eleJlsoucJ treA€q slcclq IEJJnlo,tu aql ndtocotaT 'peproceJ tou aru requrnu auosotuorqJ aql pue uorlDtcossf,Iezrqroafru Jo urJoJeqJ aloq,{\e se snonpltap sr snddudeql s.rrEqur,{\] Jepuels qll\\ pldi-lq erP sulesd,{ccqtr s[l?l pepl^Ip o]Ball€pe^cq sjeqlue 'ulql oql snoacEq.rcqpuD ll?3ull oJepuE euroelels popl^Ipun uDa^Eq slJE.Iq lejtnlo1'ut eql DuaDlotrl 'zl - x lequnu -olce 'snonplJep eulosouroJqJ IEZrr{uoafu lDInrsnqlE-lelnstsc^pus sre s1uu1deq1 ,{lFnpI^IpuI el€ sopsrrqsndded eq1 reddn eql sdol-re,rollet Je,lloleql qJIq,^ ut aulltdudpalac-o,r,r; q1t,t eul1e,{qst drecr:edeqtpuv paleaqtou e.rc selosd{req1 Suolpue uugerc slrclleqlueJql rrltrgtls snonrtdsuo: 'dreded 'umpqdacostLtlS qtr,nr puelueutruord eru pue euroeJsls J)trJlseueJt enEq s]cuJq leJtnlo^ul e'q1 elep a,l1lurudruo3 'uosll/\A 169 snua3 usrl?tsnv Meu E'DdrDrolal c lnEd Nu)tsi., Vol. 13, No. 3 (2001) scarious,herbaceous or cartilaginous,with anarrow scariousmargin; stereomefenestratel lamina pale brown, scarious,not radiating. Receptaclenaked, convex or conical. ,Florcls bisexual or the outer female; corolla tube slenderbelow, narrowly turbinateto campanulateabove, shortly exceedingthe bracts,usually yellow; lobes5 (3 or 4 in female),smooth withifl. Anther tails lorgandfirm. Styleapex truncate to rounded. Cypselasterete or somewhatcompressed, 2-4-ribbed, not beaked; pericarp cartilaginous, striatc, with scatteredpaired linear transparentcells among linear translucentcells, smoothor sparselyglandular and with a fcw minuteunicellula rhalrs. Pctppus bri,stleslinear to liliform, barbellate,persistent. An Australianendemic genus of ten species. Etytnology. The genericname is derived from the Greek words - leior smooth and co4pos- fruit; it refers to the smooth cypselasthat are typical of this genus. Nole.r, The pericarphas the appearanceofcontaining many linear clearwindows setinto a translucent background. When mature, the pericarp disintegratesinto linear (and presumably one-celled) fiagments. Details of thesecclls in transverscsection are given by Short et al. (1989). Unlike
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