a THE Publication of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia ISSN 0047-7222 Vol. 25, No. 1 February1993 WHALEBONE SPINDLE WHORL T.HEMIDDEN A.S.B.C. Published five times a year by the The Archaeological Society of British Columbia Archaeological Society of British Columbia. is dedicated to the protection of archaeological resources The next issue will appear in April1993. and the spread of archaeological knowledge. EDITOR Meetings featuring illustrated lectures are held on the Joyce Johnson second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 8:00pm in the Vancouver Museum Auditorium. Visitors CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE and new members are welcome! Grant Keddie, Andrew Mason, Michael Blake, Gary Coupland, and Brian Thorn PRESIDENT Reet Kana (263-8987) CREW Andrew Barton. Vicki Feddema, Margaret Holm MEMBERSHIP Marie Michaud (222-4655) PRODUCTION THIS ISSUE Alison Biely Annual Membership Fees Single $25.00; Family $30.00; Seniors & Students $18.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS Helmi Braches Membership includes subscription to The Midden and the A.S.B.C. newsletter, SocNotes. Subscription is included with membership in the Archaeological Society of British Columbia. Non-member Make cheque or postal money order payable to the A.S.B.C. Send to: rates are $14.50 per year ($17.00 U.S.A. and overseas) payable ASBC Membership in Canadian funds to the A.S.B.C. Send to: P.O. Box 520, Station A Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2N3 Midden Subscriptions, A.S.B.C. P.O. Box 520, Station A AFFILIATED CHAPTERS Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6C 2N3 Fraser Valley Submissions and exchange publications should be directed to: Meetings featuring illustrated lectures are held on the third Tuesday of each month, September to May, at 7:30pm at Joyce Johnson, Editor, The Midden, 2615 Montrose Avenue, Abbottsford, B.C. c/o UBC Archaeology, 6303 N.W. Marine Dr. Vancouver, B.C. V6T lZl. President: Shirley Cooke (859-5757) Publicity: Thelma Mcintyre (853-1495) We welcome contributions on subjects germane to B.C. archaeology: maximum length 1500 words, no footnotes, Nanalmo and only a brief bibliography (if required at all). ASBC Nanaimo Branch, c/o Dept. of Social Sciences, Malaspina Guidelines are available. University College, 900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5S5 Copyright Acting President: Wendy Farmer-O'Neil Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the A.S.B.C. It is unlawful to reproduce all or any part, by any means Meetings every second Monday of the month at whatsoever, without permission of the Society, which is Malaspina University College. usually gladly given. Publication of The Middelf is fmancially assisted by the province of B.C. through the Heritage Trust. A.S.B.C. DIARY All meetings are held at 8:00pm in the auditori urn of the Vancouver Museum, unless indicated Olherwise. 1993 (joint meeting with A.I.A.) Mar.IO Sandy Sauer FRONT COVER: The O'Keefe Ranch Project Whalebone spindle whorl from Cadboro Bay near Victoria. "It Apr. 14 David Pokotylo is in the same layers [containing some of the earliest dog burials The Thunder River Quarry Site, Lower in the area] that we fmd the ftrst antler combs... spindle whorls Mackenzie Valley, NWT, summer 1990 and antler blanket pins. Might there be a correlation between the May 12 T.B.A. introduction of weaving industry and wool dogs?" (see article on June9 Roy Carlson p.3) Photo· courtesy RBCM. -more on the Pender Island project a THE The Library is Open! The ASBC Library is back in busi­ each of our monthly lectures at the Vancou­ ness. After a considerable period of dor­ ver Museum. Persons wishing their own mancy the holdings are again active. The copy will be able to purchase one at cost. need to retrieve, unpack, sort, repair, shelve and catalogue the surprisingly numerous What are the library loan rules? holdings has taken considerable time and To access the collection you must be effort to bring about As the process was an ASBC member in good standing, or underway, even more material was being make special arrangements (usually for in­ added from various sources. At last count stitutions/researchers only) which will likely more than 840 items had been catalogued. include paying a modest security deposit The biggest changes are that the books, for loan privileges. You can pick up books papers, periodicals and visual material are from the librarian by prior arrangement, or · now on shelves in appropriate containers; they can be delivered to the monthly meet­ and the entire collection is entered into a ing at the Museum for pick-up there. The computerized catalogue system. Locating of normal loan period will be one month-in the material is easier as a result of the other words, from pick-up at one meeting to shelving. Search and retrieval of specific return at the next meeting. Defaulters will items of interest is extended through the be burned at the stake following summary computerized catalogue. hearing and conviction. The editor of The Our library contains an eclectic mix Midden may be prevailed upon to publish of items related to archaeology around the names of offenders. world. Understandably there is consider­ The ASBC library has an impressive able emphasis placed on British Columbia variety of material. In the future, short and the Northwest Coast, nevertheless, there articles will be regularly provided to The is much material from North America and Midden describing a particular item, or the Old World. The holdings should be of subject holdings of interest (e.g., rock art). TABLE OF CONTENTS interest to avocational and professional re­ The ASBC library has benefitted from searchers alike. I have already taken advan­ donationsofbooksandpapersinthepast.We tage of the body of works to meet a number encourage members with items of archaeo­ ASBC Library p. 1 of my needs. Perhaps this is the librarian's logical interest, and researchers producing reward? papers to continue to contribute copies of Debitage p. 2 The computer catalogue can be searched their work to the library in the future. Prehistoric Dogs p.3 using either the title, author, subject or index­ Watch "SocNotes" for future an­ number entries. Index numbers and subject nouncements about the ASBC library, and Book Review p. 6 headings are based on an arbitrarily organ­ the phone number of the librarian, who will ised index structured to fit the rather special­ answer any questions you might have. Please Dating Scowlitz p. 7 ized topic of the ASBC library. Combined phone only in the by evenings. entry searches are also possible. The listings New Publications p. 9 can then be printed out The programme is capable of the pro­ Terry Spurgeon Annual· Index p.lO duction of a complete listing which will be made up into a package including index Terry Spurgeon Is a Past-President of Permits p.12 structure information, and the rules for us­ the ASBC, and for the past few years has ing the library. This listing package will be been Involved In setting up Its library. Lectures p.12 provided to SFU, UBC and the Archaeol­ Terry works In the aviation Industry as a ogy Branch in Victoria. In addition, one pilot and aviation safety Inspector. Conferences p.13 cotJy will be on hand for reference use at .. DEBITAGE Dr Michael Blake of UBC has left for together. At an applied research meeting of some ceramics from Jordan which are Mexico this month on the frrst part of a CANQUA 1993 at the RBCM in April, housed at Seaton Hall in Newark, N J .... three-year project supported by SSHRC to Andrew Mason and Dave Schneider will Dr Jack Nance will be stepping down as explore further his excavations at Paso de Ia present a paper on public interpretation at Chair of the Department of Archaeology at Amada in Chiapas. Vicki Feddema and Montague Harbour. Norm Easton will SFU after four years in the position. He Warren Hill, two grad students from UBC, speak on his underwater excavations at plans, with some relief, to return to teach­ have accompanied him. They all return in another session. Morley Eldridge of Mil­ ing and research in the department The April•••• Replacing Blake, Dr R.G. Matson lennia Research will be involved too. Dur­ department will appoint a new Head some­ will conduct another UBC archaeological ing the conference he will conduct tours of time in the spring•••• A couple of recent field school at the Scowlitz site this summer. archaeological features and prehistoric de­ graduates from Archaeology at SFU: In ••• As a result of the relationship established fensive sites in the area. ... This year the December, Catherine Purss defended her during the past two years between the field Department of Archaeology at SFU will be Master's thesis, "Continuity of Replace­ schools and band members, the Sto:lo Tribal sponsoring the B.C. Archaeology Forum ment The Origin of Modem Humans in Council has invited the anthropology de­ sometime in November of 1993. Mike Southeast Asia and Australia." Catherine is paronentatUBC to conduct an ethnographic Rousseau (Antiquus Archaeology Consult­ currently teaching in the Department of field school at Scowlitz to complement the ants) and Geordie Howe (Areas Consult­ Archaeology at SFU as a sessional instruc­ archaeology field school this summer. This ing Archaeologists) will work together to tor•••• And Yvonne's gone. In December field school will be supervised by Dr Julie organize the Forum•••• The second award Yvonne Marshall successfully defended Cruikshank and Dr Bruce Miller. The from the Moira Irvine Archaeological Re­ her PhD thesis, "A Political History of the 1993 field school at SFU will be held at search Fund for UBC undergraduate ar­ Nuu-chah-nulth People," in December.
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